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Het beheer van onze zeeën : rijkdom, bedreiging, bescherming.
ISBN: 9028906673 Year: 1981 Volume: vol 17 Publisher: Antwerpen Nederlandsche boekhandel

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We hopen dat de zeeën ons voedselprobleem zullen oplossen en we verwachten er dus erg veel van. Ze moeten ook de energietekorten aanvullen, minerale grondstoffen blijven leveren en dat terwijl wij ons afval erin blijven storten. Is onze hoop dan nog wel gegrond? Volgens de auteur gaat dat helemaal van onszelf afhangen. De zee is weliswaar niet de oplossing van alle grondstoffentekorten, maar ze kan er wel een flinke bijdrage toe leveren. Voorwaarde daartoe is wel dat we onze houding tov de zee veranderen, dat we er meer respect voor tonen, dat we ze verstandig gebruiken, kortom dat we ze leren beheren. Om duidelijk te maken wat er nu juist met dat beheer bedoeld wordt, worden de juiste gebruiken van de zee zoals de visserij, de ontginning van mineralen, de afvalverwijdering en de scheepvaart beschreven. Voor elk worden de omvang, de problemen en de gevolgen uitgelegd, zo wordt het duidelijk dat het steeds intensievere gebruik van de zee inderdaad leidt tot misbruik en conflicten. We moeten dringend de zee op een verstandige manier leren aanwenden! Geschreven voor zowel de leek als de specialist terzake, behandelt dit boek een uiterst boeiende en actualiteit.


seas --- natuurbehoud --- ecologie --- Shipping law --- ecology --- zeeën --- Hydrobiology --- toegepast wetenschappelijk onderzoek --- Oceanografie --- Océanographie --- 628.394 --- 341.225 --- 502.5 --- 504.4 --- Marine resources --- -Marine pollution --- -C8 --- #ECO:01.13:economie sociaal duurzaam milieu ethiek --- $?$88/11 --- 504.42 --- 614.7 --- 656.61 --- P26 --- #A9110A --- milieubeheer --- waterbehandeling --- waterverontreiniging --- zeevervuiling --- 614.6 --- Oceaanbeheer --- Verontreiniging --- Marine environment pollution --- Marine water pollution --- Ocean pollution --- Offshore water pollution --- Sea pollution --- Seawater --- Coastal zone management --- Oceanography --- Pollution --- Water --- Marine resources conservation --- Ocean --- Ocean resources --- Resources, Marine --- Sea resources --- Aquatic resources --- Commercial products --- Marine biology --- Natural resources --- Disposal of wastes into natural waters, seas, rivers, lakes. Water pollution --- Internationaal zeerecht. Mare liberum. Vrije zee. Zeeengten --- The nature complex as a whole. Balance. Danger. Damage. Threat of destruction --- Hydrospheric environment --- Ideologie en politiek --- milieu - leefmilieu - milieubeleid (zie ook 712) - duurzame ontwikkeling --- zeevaart --- oceanen - zeeën --- Milieubeheer --- Economic aspects --- Marine pollution --- ECO Ecology --- marine water --- Oceaanbeheer. --- 504.4 Hydrospheric environment --- 502.5 The nature complex as a whole. Balance. Danger. Damage. Threat of destruction --- 341.225 Internationaal zeerecht. Mare liberum. Vrije zee. Zeeengten --- 628.394 Disposal of wastes into natural waters, seas, rivers, lakes. Water pollution --- C8

Mens en milieu : onze gezondheid bedreigd ?
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9028924817 Year: 1997 Volume: 36 Publisher: Kapellen Pelckmans

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Environmental health. --- Environmental toxicology. --- Health risk assessment. --- epidemiologie --- klimaat --- Toxicology --- verkeer --- afval --- afvalverwerking --- milieuverontreiniging --- ziekenhuisafval --- milieuhygiëne --- milieubeleid --- geluidshinder --- luchtverontreiniging --- waterverontreiniging --- toxicologie --- bodemverontreiniging --- Hygiene. Public health. Protection --- Environmental protection. Environmental technology --- Environmental health --- Environmental toxicology --- Health risk assessment --- 613 --- 614.7.01 --- 614.74 --- 614.75 --- 614.7 --- 628.1 --- 656 --- milieuproblematiek --- 12.01 --- 614.62 --- Afval --- Bodemverontreiniging --- Bodemverzuring --- Gezondheidszorg (gezondheidsbeleid) --- Luchtverontreiniging --- Meteorologie (klimaat) --- Milieuhygiëne --- Ozon --- Toxicologie (vergiftiging, intoxicatie) --- Verkeer --- Waterverontreiniging --- Woninghygiëne --- 504.05 milieuverontreiniging --- 504 milieu --- 613 gezondheid --- 614 volksgezondheid --- gezondheid --- lucht --- milieugezondheidskunde --- milieuvervuiling --- ozonlaag --- verzuring --- water --- Gezondheid: milieu --- Milieu en gezondheid --- milieu: gezondheid --- 377.9 --- 556 --- 605.91 --- 614.52 --- 614.621 --- 614.622 --- 614.623 --- 614.65 --- afvalbeheer --- luchtvervuiling --- milieu --- 351.77 --- 504 --- #A9802A --- 504 Environment. Environmental science --- Environment. Environmental science --- Assessment, Health risk --- Health hazard appraisal --- Health hazard assessment --- Health risk appraisal --- HRA (Public health) --- Human risk assessment --- Medicine, Preventive --- Public health --- Risk assessment --- Ecotoxicology --- Pollutants --- Pollution --- Environmental quality --- Health --- Health ecology --- Environmental engineering --- 351.77 Openbare gezondheidszorg.--zie ook {?614.1/7} en {628}. --- Openbare gezondheidszorg.--zie ook {?614.1/7} en {628}. --- hygiëne - gezondheid --- huisvuilverwijdering - huisvuilverwerking --- milieu - leefmilieu - milieubeleid (zie ook 712) - duurzame ontwikkeling --- water - waterbeleid - waterdistributie - watervoorziening --- vervoer - transport --- Preventie ; Algemeen --- Milieuverontreiniging; algemeen --- Klimatologie --- Oncologie --- Epidemieën - Quarantaine --- Milieuverontreiniging --- Afvalproblematiek - Vuilverwijdering --- Openbare gezondheidszorg.--zie ook {?614.1/7} en {628} --- Hygiène de l'environnement --- Health aspects --- Environmental aspects --- Milieu --- Gezondheid --- Gezondheidszorg --- Klimaatveranderingen --- Ozonlaag --- Verzuring --- Afvalbeleid --- Afvalverwerking --- Afvalverbranding --- Immissions --- AIR --- WASTES --- ECOTOXICOLOGY --- Ozone depletion --- WATER POLLUTION --- SOIL POLLUTION --- MANAGEMENT --- AIR POLLUTION --- GLOBAL CHANGE --- Psycholocial effects --- TRANSPORT --- Indoor health --- ENVIRONMENT --- STANDARDS --- SOILS --- HEALTH --- Outdoor health --- EMISSION --- SAFETY --- Traffic --- HUMANS --- POLLUTION --- ACIDIFICATION --- RISKS --- Monograph --- Air. --- Water --- Soil pollution. --- Management. --- Air --- Transportation. --- Standards. --- Soils. --- Health. --- Communication and traffic. --- Human beings. --- Pollution. --- Acidification. --- Chemical reactions --- Chemical pollution --- Chemicals --- Contamination of environment --- Environmental pollution --- Contamination (Technology) --- Asbestos abatement --- Bioremediation --- Factory and trade waste --- Hazardous waste site remediation --- Hazardous wastes --- In situ remediation --- Lead abatement --- Refuse and refuse disposal --- Homo sapiens --- Human race --- Humanity (Human beings) --- Humankind --- Humans --- Man --- Mankind --- People --- Hominids --- Persons --- Communications industries --- Mass communication --- Communication --- Transportation --- Personal health --- Wellness --- Medicine --- Physiology --- Diseases --- Holistic medicine --- Hygiene --- Well-being --- Earth (Soils) --- Mold, Vegetable --- Mould, Vegetable --- Soil --- Vegetable mold --- Agricultural resources --- Plant growing media --- Regolith --- Land capability for agriculture --- Public transportation --- Transport --- Transportation, Primitive --- Transportation companies --- Transportation industry --- Locomotion --- Commerce --- Communication and traffic --- Storage and moving trade --- Air contaminants --- Air pollutants --- Air pollution --- Air pollution control --- Air toxics --- Airborne pollutants --- Atmosphere --- Contaminants, Air --- Control of air pollution --- Pollutants, Air --- Toxics, Air --- Air quality --- Atmospheric deposition --- Administration --- Industrial relations --- Organization --- Contamination of soil --- Soil contamination --- Soils --- Soil remediation --- Soil salinization --- Aquatic pollution --- Fresh water --- Fresh water pollution --- Freshwater pollution --- Inland water pollution --- Lake pollution --- Lakes --- Reservoirs --- River pollution --- Rivers --- Stream pollution --- Water contamination --- Water pollutants --- Water pollution --- Waste disposal in rivers, lakes, etc. --- Economic aspects --- Control --- Klimaatverandering --- Luchtvervuiling --- Watervervuiling --- Recyclage --- Voeding --- Gedrag --- Drank --- klimaatverandering

State of the world 2013 : Is sustainability still possible?
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781610914581 1610914589 9781610914499 161091449X 9781597264150 1597264156 Year: 2013 Publisher: Washington, DC : Island Press/Center for Resource Economics : Imprint: Island Press,

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Every day, we are presented with a range of “sustainable” products and activities—from “green” cleaning supplies to carbon offsets—but with so much labeled as “sustainable,” the term has become essentially sustainababble, at best indicating a practice or product slightly less damaging than the conventional alternative. Is it time to abandon the concept altogether, or can we find an accurate way to measure sustainability? If so, how can we achieve it? And if not, how can we best prepare for the coming ecological decline? In the latest edition of Worldwatch Institute’s State of the World series, scientists, policy experts, and thought leaders tackle these questions, attempting to restore meaning to sustainability as more than just a marketing tool. In State of the World 2013: Is Sustainability Still Possible?, experts define clear sustainability metrics and examine various policies and perspectives, including geoengineering, corporate transformation, and changes in agricultural policy, that could put us on the path to prosperity without diminishing the well-being of future generations. If these approaches fall short, the final chapters explore ways to prepare for drastic environmental change and resource depletion, such as strengthening democracy and societal resilience, protecting cultural heritage, and dealing with increased conflict and migration flows. State of the World 2013 cuts through the rhetoric surrounding sustainability, offering a broad and realistic look at how close we are to fulfilling it today and which practices and policies will steer us in the right direction. This book will be especially useful for policymakers, environmental nonprofits, and students of environmental studies, sustainability, or economics.


Geophysics --- Meteorology. Climatology --- Geology. Earth sciences --- Water supply. Water treatment. Water pollution --- Environmental protection. Environmental technology --- Production management --- milieukunde --- duurzaamheid --- time series analysis --- milieu --- waterverontreiniging --- duurzame ontwikkeling --- geologie --- natuurrampen --- waterbeheer --- klimaatverandering --- Sustainable development --- Development, Sustainable --- Ecologically sustainable development --- Economic development, Sustainable --- Economic sustainability --- ESD (Ecologically sustainable development) --- Smart growth --- Sustainable economic development --- Economic development --- Environmental aspects --- E-books --- Climatic changes. --- Sustainable development. --- Geology. --- Climate Change. --- Sustainable Development. --- Water Policy/Water Governance/Water Management. --- Natural Hazards. --- Geognosy --- Geoscience --- Earth sciences --- Natural history --- Changes, Climatic --- Changes in climate --- Climate change --- Climate change science --- Climate changes --- Climate variations --- Climatic change --- Climatic changes --- Climatic fluctuations --- Climatic variations --- Global climate changes --- Global climatic changes --- Climatology --- Climate change mitigation --- Teleconnections (Climatology) --- Climate change. --- Environmental management. --- Natural disasters. --- Natural calamities --- Disasters --- Environmental stewardship --- Stewardship, Environmental --- Environmental sciences --- Management --- 614.7 --- P100 --- milieu - leefmilieu - milieubeleid (zie ook 712) - duurzame ontwikkeling --- internationaal --- 520 Milieubeleid --- Duurzame ontwikkeling --- Global environmental change

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