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Droit --- Recht --- Sport --- Sports --- 351.855 --- -Academic collection --- #A9806A --- 351.83 --- 796 --- 796-05 --- 09.01.a --- 13.20 --- Field sports --- Pastimes --- Recreations --- Recreation --- Athletics --- Games --- Outdoor life --- Physical education and training --- Sportrecht. Overheidstaken, administratieve maatregelen i.v.m. feesten, sport, spel, recreatie, ontspanning --- Law and legislation --- -arbeidswetgeving - arbeidsrecht - sociaal recht (zie ook 331.16) --- sport en spel --- sportbeoefenaars --- Sociale verzekering ; België ; Algemeen --- Wettelijke en contractuele aansprakelijkheid ; Jacht ; Sport --- 351.855 Sportrecht. Overheidstaken, administratieve maatregelen i.v.m. feesten, sport, spel, recreatie, ontspanning --- Academic collection --- arbeidswetgeving - arbeidsrecht - sociaal recht (zie ook 331.16)
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In de negentiende eeuw stond de Kerk eerder afwijzend tegenover alles wat met lichaamscultuur te maken had. Onder maatschappelijke druk kwam geleidelijk aan een meer positieve houding tot stand ten opzicht van lichamelijke opvoeding en sport. In 1892 werd de Belgische Katholieke Turnbond gesticht als overkoepelend orgaan van vele lokale turnkringen. Het schoolvak lichamelijke opvoeding werd jarenlang gekenmerkt door een strijd tussen het Duitse turnen en de Zweedse gymnastiek. Het duurde tot 1993 vooraleer twee lesuren lichamelijke opvoeding veralgemeend werden ingevoerd in het Katholiek onderwijs. (Bron: covertekst)
Secondary education --- History of education and educational sciences --- Sociology of sport --- History of Belgium and Luxembourg --- anno 1900-1999 --- anno 1800-1899 --- Education physique --- Eglise catholique --- Jeux --- Katholieke Kerk --- Lichamelijke opvoeding --- Spelen --- Sport --- Sports --- Physical education and training --- Religious aspects --- Christianity. --- History. --- Aspect religieux --- Christianisme --- Histoire --- Catholic Church. --- #SMV:België --- 796 <09> --- 378.479.6 --- -Physical education and training --- -Sports --- -Academic collection --- #gsdb8 --- #GGSB: Geschiedenis --- #GGSB: Sociale bewegingen --- KADOC (x) --- #VCV monografie 2000 --- 19de eeuw --- 20ste eeuw --- 617.11 --- Katholiek onderwijs --- 282.05 --- 371.73 --- 796 --- P091 --- Bewegingsopvoeding: België: geschiedenis --- D071243.jpg --- Sport ; België ; geschiedenis --- Field sports --- Pastimes --- Recreations --- Recreation --- Athletics --- Games --- Outdoor life --- Athletic training --- Education, Physical --- P.E. (Physical education) --- PE (Physical education) --- Phy ed --- Phys ed --- Physical culture --- Physical training --- Sports training --- Training, Physical --- Education --- Exercise --- Gymnastics --- Lichamelijke opvoeding. Sport en spel--Geschiedenis van ... --- Faculteiten lichamelijke opleiding en sport --- History --- -Christianity --- -Catholic Church --- katholieken --- lichamelijke opvoeding --- sport en spel --- geschiedenis --- Training --- Historische en vergelijkende pedagogiek --- 378.479.6 Faculteiten lichamelijke opleiding en sport --- 796 <09> Lichamelijke opvoeding. Sport en spel--Geschiedenis van ... --- Historische en vergelijkende pedagogiek. --- Christianity --- Catholic Church --- Academic collection --- Religious aspects&delete& --- Lichamelijke opvoeding. Sport en spel--Geschiedenis van .. --- Church and education --- Belgium --- 20th century --- 19th century --- Bewegingsopvoeding: België: geschiedenis --- Sport ; België ; geschiedenis --- #SMV:België --- Lichamelijke opvoeding. Sport en spel--Geschiedenis van . --- Lichamelijke opvoeding. Sport en spel--Geschiedenis van --- Geschiedenis --- Sociale bewegingen --- Physical education and training - Belgium - Religious aspects - Christianity. --- Physical education and training - Belgium - History. --- Sports - Belgium - Religious aspects - Catholic Church. --- Sports - Belgium - History. --- Mouvements de jeunesse --- Etude et enseignement --- 19e-20e siecles --- Belgique --- Aspect moral
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Environmental health. --- Environmental toxicology. --- Health risk assessment. --- epidemiologie --- klimaat --- Toxicology --- verkeer --- afval --- afvalverwerking --- milieuverontreiniging --- ziekenhuisafval --- milieuhygiëne --- milieubeleid --- geluidshinder --- luchtverontreiniging --- waterverontreiniging --- toxicologie --- bodemverontreiniging --- Hygiene. Public health. Protection --- Environmental protection. Environmental technology --- Environmental health --- Environmental toxicology --- Health risk assessment --- 613 --- 614.7.01 --- 614.74 --- 614.75 --- 614.7 --- 628.1 --- 656 --- milieuproblematiek --- 12.01 --- 614.62 --- Afval --- Bodemverontreiniging --- Bodemverzuring --- Gezondheidszorg (gezondheidsbeleid) --- Luchtverontreiniging --- Meteorologie (klimaat) --- Milieuhygiëne --- Ozon --- Toxicologie (vergiftiging, intoxicatie) --- Verkeer --- Waterverontreiniging --- Woninghygiëne --- 504.05 milieuverontreiniging --- 504 milieu --- 613 gezondheid --- 614 volksgezondheid --- gezondheid --- lucht --- milieugezondheidskunde --- milieuvervuiling --- ozonlaag --- verzuring --- water --- Gezondheid: milieu --- Milieu en gezondheid --- milieu: gezondheid --- 377.9 --- 556 --- 605.91 --- 614.52 --- 614.621 --- 614.622 --- 614.623 --- 614.65 --- afvalbeheer --- luchtvervuiling --- milieu --- 351.77 --- 504 --- #A9802A --- 504 Environment. Environmental science --- Environment. Environmental science --- Assessment, Health risk --- Health hazard appraisal --- Health hazard assessment --- Health risk appraisal --- HRA (Public health) --- Human risk assessment --- Medicine, Preventive --- Public health --- Risk assessment --- Ecotoxicology --- Pollutants --- Pollution --- Environmental quality --- Health --- Health ecology --- Environmental engineering --- 351.77 Openbare gezondheidszorg.--zie ook {?614.1/7} en {628}. --- Openbare gezondheidszorg.--zie ook {?614.1/7} en {628}. --- hygiëne - gezondheid --- huisvuilverwijdering - huisvuilverwerking --- milieu - leefmilieu - milieubeleid (zie ook 712) - duurzame ontwikkeling --- water - waterbeleid - waterdistributie - watervoorziening --- vervoer - transport --- Preventie ; Algemeen --- Milieuverontreiniging; algemeen --- Klimatologie --- Oncologie --- Epidemieën - Quarantaine --- Milieuverontreiniging --- Afvalproblematiek - Vuilverwijdering --- Openbare gezondheidszorg.--zie ook {?614.1/7} en {628} --- Hygiène de l'environnement --- Health aspects --- Environmental aspects --- Milieu --- Gezondheid --- Gezondheidszorg --- Klimaatveranderingen --- Ozonlaag --- Verzuring --- Afvalbeleid --- Afvalverwerking --- Afvalverbranding --- Immissions --- AIR --- WASTES --- ECOTOXICOLOGY --- Ozone depletion --- WATER POLLUTION --- SOIL POLLUTION --- MANAGEMENT --- AIR POLLUTION --- GLOBAL CHANGE --- Psycholocial effects --- TRANSPORT --- Indoor health --- ENVIRONMENT --- STANDARDS --- SOILS --- HEALTH --- Outdoor health --- EMISSION --- SAFETY --- Traffic --- HUMANS --- POLLUTION --- ACIDIFICATION --- RISKS --- Monograph --- Air. --- Water --- Soil pollution. --- Management. --- Air --- Transportation. --- Standards. --- Soils. --- Health. --- Communication and traffic. --- Human beings. --- Pollution. --- Acidification. --- Chemical reactions --- Chemical pollution --- Chemicals --- Contamination of environment --- Environmental pollution --- Contamination (Technology) --- Asbestos abatement --- Bioremediation --- Factory and trade waste --- Hazardous waste site remediation --- Hazardous wastes --- In situ remediation --- Lead abatement --- Refuse and refuse disposal --- Homo sapiens --- Human race --- Humanity (Human beings) --- Humankind --- Humans --- Man --- Mankind --- People --- Hominids --- Persons --- Communications industries --- Mass communication --- Communication --- Transportation --- Personal health --- Wellness --- Medicine --- Physiology --- Diseases --- Holistic medicine --- Hygiene --- Well-being --- Earth (Soils) --- Mold, Vegetable --- Mould, Vegetable --- Soil --- Vegetable mold --- Agricultural resources --- Plant growing media --- Regolith --- Land capability for agriculture --- Public transportation --- Transport --- Transportation, Primitive --- Transportation companies --- Transportation industry --- Locomotion --- Commerce --- Communication and traffic --- Storage and moving trade --- Air contaminants --- Air pollutants --- Air pollution --- Air pollution control --- Air toxics --- Airborne pollutants --- Atmosphere --- Contaminants, Air --- Control of air pollution --- Pollutants, Air --- Toxics, Air --- Air quality --- Atmospheric deposition --- Administration --- Industrial relations --- Organization --- Contamination of soil --- Soil contamination --- Soils --- Soil remediation --- Soil salinization --- Aquatic pollution --- Fresh water --- Fresh water pollution --- Freshwater pollution --- Inland water pollution --- Lake pollution --- Lakes --- Reservoirs --- River pollution --- Rivers --- Stream pollution --- Water contamination --- Water pollutants --- Water pollution --- Waste disposal in rivers, lakes, etc. --- Economic aspects --- Control --- Klimaatverandering --- Luchtvervuiling --- Watervervuiling --- Recyclage --- Voeding --- Gedrag --- Drank --- klimaatverandering
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