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Le chômage persistant en Europe
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ISBN: 2724606515 Year: 1994 Volume: 38 Publisher: Paris Presses de la fondation nationale des sciences politiques

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Bibliotheek François Vercammen

Europe's unemployment problem
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 0262041111 9780262041119 Year: 1990 Publisher: Cambridge (Mass.) : MIT press,

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Labour market --- Europe --- Unemployment --- Labor market --- 331.56 <4> --- -331.66 --- P4 --- P493 --- -marche du travail --- chomage --- europe --- AA / International- internationaal --- AT / Austria - Oostenrijk - Autriche --- 305.94 --- 332.630 --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- 332.632.0 --- 331.32 --- DK / Denmark - Denemarken - Danemark --- FR / France - Frankrijk --- DE / Germany - Duitsland - Allemagne --- IT / Italy - Italië - Italie --- NL / Netherlands - Nederland - Pays Bas --- ES / Spain - Spanje - Espagne --- GB / United Kingdom - Verenigd Koninkrijk - Royaume Uni --- EEC / European Union - EU -Europese Unie - Union Européenne - UE --- NBB congres --- Joblessness --- Employment (Economic theory) --- Full employment policies --- Labor supply --- Manpower policy --- Right to labor --- Underemployment --- Employees --- Market, Labor --- Supply and demand for labor --- Markets --- Werkloosheid. Arbeidsreserve--Europa --- werkloosheid - volledige werkloosheid (zie ook 368.44) --- Europa --- België --- arbeidsmarkt --- werkloosheid --- europa --- Econometrie van de arbeidsmarkt, de werkgelegenheid en de werkloosheid. --- Strijd tegen de werkloosheid: algemeen. Theorie en beleid van de werkgelegenheid. Volledige werkgelegenheid. --- Ondersteuning door het werk (algemeenheden). --- Structuur van de economie. --- Supply and demand --- Geografie --- Europa. --- 331.56 <4> Werkloosheid. Arbeidsreserve--Europa --- 331.66 --- marche du travail --- Econometrie van de arbeidsmarkt, de werkgelegenheid en de werkloosheid --- Structuur van de economie --- Strijd tegen de werkloosheid: algemeen. Theorie en beleid van de werkgelegenheid. Volledige werkgelegenheid --- Ondersteuning door het werk (algemeenheden) --- Unemployment - Europe. --- Labor market - Europe. --- Labor economics. --- Labor market. --- Macroeconomics. --- Unemployment - Europe --- Labor market - Europe

Cahiers économiques de Bruxelles = Brussels economic review
ISSN: 00080195 13799932 Year: 1959 Publisher: Bruxelles: DULBEA,

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Economics --- #ETEW:TSCAT --- #BA02448 --- 05 --- 330 <493> --- Revue périodique --- Économétrie --- Économie --- Belgique --- Closed periodicals --- 460 Economie --- 33 --- Tijdschrift --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- 33 <05> --- perioodiline väljaanne --- periodická publikácia --- сериски публикации --- tidskrift --- периодично издание --- periodinis leidinys --- periodikum --- rivista periodica --- kausijulkaisu --- serial publication --- periodische Veröffentlichung --- publicații periodice --- περιοδική επιθεώρηση --- publicação periódica --- publicación seriada --- periodična publikacija --- periodika --- folyóirat --- publikim periodik --- periodisks izdevums --- wydawnictwo periodyczne --- tidsskrift --- периодично издање --- tijdschrift --- pubblikazzjoni perjodika --- periodicum --- periodiek --- revue périodique --- publicación periódica --- επιθεώρηση --- издание во продолженија --- периодична објава --- periodical publication --- serijska publikacija --- botim periodik --- сериско издание --- seriāls izdevums --- périodique --- periodico --- publikim në seri --- rivista mensile --- serijinis leidinys --- mensile --- pubblicazione periodica --- publicații seriale --- периодично списание --- periodisk tidskrift --- měsíčník --- perioodikaväljaanne --- revista --- series --- časopis --- periódico --- publicación en serie --- serie --- periodice --- periodical --- týdeník --- nepravé periodikum --- jadaväljaanne --- občasník --- Periodikum --- aikakauslehti --- serials --- периодична публикација --- фељтон --- περιοδικό --- Belgium --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- België --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- hospodářství --- икономика --- talous --- gospodarka --- economia --- majandus --- hospodárstvo --- ekonomika --- economy --- economie --- Wirtschaft --- gazdaság --- økonomi --- οικονομία --- привреда --- gospodarstvo --- економија --- ekonomija --- ekonomi --- economía --- ekonomikos mokslas --- gazdálkodás --- стопанство --- ekonometrie --- економетрија --- econometría --- ökonomeetria --- econometrie --- økonometri --- econometrics --- οικονομετρία --- економетрия --- econometria --- ekonometri --- ekonometria --- ökonometria --- ekonometrija --- Ökonometrie --- економетричар --- 33 <05> Economie. Economische wetenschappen. Staatshuishoudkunde --(algemeen)--Tijdschriften --- Economie. Economische wetenschappen. Staatshuishoudkunde --(algemeen)--Tijdschriften --- periodieken - tijdschriften --- Economie --- Periodicals --- Economic conditions --- Periodicals. --- Conditions économiques --- Périodiques --- EBSCOBSP-E EPUB-ALPHA-B EPUB-PER-FT --- sraitheachán --- geilleagar --- eacnaiméadracht --- ūkis --- Revue périodique --- Économétrie --- Économie --- Tijdschriften

Croissance et convergence économiques des régions : théorie, faits et déterminants
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2804133435 9782804133436 Year: 2000 Volume: *2 Publisher: Bruxelles: De Boeck,

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Belgique ; économie --- België ; economie --- Communautés et Régions --- Croissance économique --- Economie régionale et locale --- Economische groei --- Gemeenschappen en Gewesten --- Regionale en lokale economie --- Regional economics. --- Economie régionale --- European Union countries --- Belgium --- Pays de l'Union européenne --- Belgique --- Economic conditions --- Regional disparities. --- Conditions économiques --- Disparités régionales --- 332.1 <493> --- 336.12 <4-15> --- 311:33 --- Regional economics --- 336.12 EUR --- 33 --- 323.172 --- convergence --- croissance economique --- region --- statistique --- econometrie --- modeles economiques --- belgique --- europe --- BX / Brussels - Brussel - Bruxelles --- EEC / European Union - EU -Europese Unie - Union Européenne - UE --- VL / Flanders - Vlaams Gewest - Région Flamande --- WA / Wallonia - Région Wallonne - Waals Gewest --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- 334.151.4 --- 338.8 --- 338.43 --- Economics --- Regional planning --- Regionalism --- Space in economics --- Regionale economie. Territoriale economie. Territoriale structuur van de economie. Economische gebieden en zones. Regionale spreiding van de produktiefactoren. Standplaatsspreiding--België --- Staatsfinancien. Staatshuishouding--West-Europa --- Economische statistieken --- economie --- regionalisering - gewestvorming - regionale autonomie (zie ook 328.132 --- convergentie --- economische groei --- gewest --- statistiek --- economische modellen --- belgie --- europa --- EG : regionaal beleid. Europees Fonds voor Regionale Ontwikkeling. --- Economische groei. --- Regionaal beleid. Industriële ontwikkeling en omschakeling van bepaalde regio's. Nieuwe industrieën. --- -EU countries --- Euroland --- Europe --- -Regional disparities. --- -Congresses --- -Economic conditions --- 311:33 Economische statistieken --- 336.12 <4-15> Staatsfinancien. Staatshuishouding--West-Europa --- 332.1 <493> Regionale economie. Territoriale economie. Territoriale structuur van de economie. Economische gebieden en zones. Regionale spreiding van de produktiefactoren. Standplaatsspreiding--België --- Economie régionale --- Pays de l'Union européenne --- Conditions économiques --- Disparités régionales --- EG : regionaal beleid. Europees Fonds voor Regionale Ontwikkeling --- Regionaal beleid. Industriële ontwikkeling en omschakeling van bepaalde regio's. Nieuwe industrieën --- België --- Bélgica --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgii︠a︡ --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Koninkrijk van België --- Königreich Belgien --- Bèlgia --- Koninkryk van België --- Königriich Belgie --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgice --- Belgice Cynerīce --- بلجيكا --- Baljīkā --- مملكة بلجيكا --- Mamlakat Baljīkā --- Belchica --- Reino de Belchica --- Belghia --- Vãsilia di Belghia --- Royômo de Bèlg·ique --- Bélxica --- Reinu de Bélxica --- Bilkiya --- Bilgasuyu --- Bilhika Qhapaqsuyu --- Belçika --- Belçika Krallığı --- Бельгия --- Бельгия Короллеге --- Belʹgii︠a︡ Korollege --- Бельгія --- Belʹhii︠a︡ --- Каралеўства Бельгія --- Karaleŭstva Belʹhii︠a︡ --- Belhika --- Bäigien --- Kinigraich Bäigien --- Belgija --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Белгия --- Regne de Bèlgica --- Бельги --- Belʹgi --- Belgické království --- Gwlad Belg --- Teyrnas Gwlad Belg --- Belgien --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Bélgii Bikéyah --- Belgiska --- Kralojstwo Belgiskej --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Βέλγιο --- Velgio --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Vasileio tou Velgiou --- Reino de Bélgica --- Belgio --- Reĝlando Belgio --- Belgujo --- Belgika --- Belgje --- Belgjo --- Belgjiche --- Bheilg --- Ríocht na Beilge --- Velg --- Reeriaght ny Belg --- Belgiya --- Rìoghachd na Beilge --- Pí-li-sṳ̀ --- Belʹjmudin Nutg --- Pelekiuma --- Regno del Belgio --- בלגיה --- Belgiyah --- ממלכת בלגיה --- Mamlekhet Belgiyah --- Belgijskô --- Pow Belg --- Ruwvaneth Belgek --- Ububiligi --- Ububirigi --- Igihugu cyʼUbubirigi --- Ubelgiji --- Ufalme wa Ubelgiji --- Belezi --- Nsi ya ntotila ya Belezi --- Bèljik --- Beljika --- Beļgeja --- Beļg̓ijas Karaliste --- Belsch --- Kinnekräich Belsch --- Belgijos Karalystė --- Belsj --- Keuninkriek Belsj --- Beldjym --- Belga Királyság --- Белгија --- ベルギー --- Berugī

World economic outlook
ISSN: 02566877 ISBN: 9781616355555 9781616353896 9781616352462 9781616351199 1557759758 1557759367 1557758395 1557758093 1557757402 1557756104 1557756481 1557757143 1557755671 1557754675 1557754683 1557753814 1557753857 1557752788 1557752869 1557753407 1557752680 155775313X 1557751862 1557752109 1557751382 1557751501 1557751129 1557751315 1557750114 1557750335 093993485X 0939934663 0939934787 0939934450 093993454X 9781484308349 9781498331555 1462331971 145525164X 1462319866 1455290998 1462317847 1455212296 1462374344 1455211281 1462365264 145529604X 146236022X 1455210277 147551395X 1299395473 1475535430 1462313809 1455276863 1462307752 1455286958 1462367283 1455292001 1463951973 1463927703 1462385443 1455239534 1462330959 1455236519 9781557752109 Year: 1980 Publisher: Washington (D.C.): International monetary fund,

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The World Economic Outlook, published twice a year in English, French, Spanish, and Arabic, presents IMF staff economists analyses of global economic developments during the near and medium term. Chapters give an overview of the world economy; consider issues affecting industrial countries, and economics in transition to market; and address topics of pressing current interest. Annexes, boxes, charts, and an extensive statistical appendix augment the text.


Deposit insurance --- Banks and banking --- Financial institutions --- Associations, institutions, etc. --- Financial intermediaries --- Lending institutions --- Finance --- Money --- Agricultural banks --- Banking --- Banking industry --- Commercial banks --- Depository institutions --- Insurance --- Bank deposit insurance --- Insurance, Deposit --- Savings insurance --- Evaluation --- State supervision --- Government guaranty of deposits --- International Monetary Fund --- Internationaal monetair fonds --- International monetary fund --- Business, Economy and Management. --- Economics --- General and Others. --- 330.342.36 --- 341.125 --- #ETEW:TSCAT --- #BS497 --- #ABIB:aleo --- #TS:ABIB --- (06) --- $?$97/04 --- 813 Methodologie --- 822.4 Internationale financiële instellingen --- 825 Ontwikkelingssamenwerking --- 830 Economie --- 837 Financiën en Bankwezen --- economie --- international --- AA / International- internationaal --- AA* / International - Internationaal --- LDC / Developping Countries - Pays En Développement --- 331.31 --- 331.30 --- 338.340 --- 339.115 --- 331.061 --- 304.5 --- 334.151.20 --- 333.481 --- 341.125 Gespecialiseerde organisaties van de v.n. --- 341.125 UNICED. United Nations Conference on Environment and Development --- 341.125 WORLD BANK. Wereldbank --- Gespecialiseerde organisaties van de v.n. --- UNICED. United Nations Conference on Environment and Development --- WORLD BANK. Wereldbank --- 330.342.36 Wereldeconomie --- Wereldeconomie --- internationaal --- Economisch beleid --- Economische toestand --- Algemene ontwikkeling in de Derde Wereld --- Buitenlandse schuld. Debt Equity Swap in LDC --- Economische vooruitzichten --- Techniek van de statistische-econometrische voorspellingen. Prognose in de econometrie --- Economische en monetaire unie van de Europese Gemeenschappen: algemeenheden --- Monetaire crisissen, hervormingen, saneringen en stabilisering --- Economic conditions. Economic development --- International finance --- International economic relations --- Business, Economy and Management --- Social Sciences --- General and Others --- Developmental Issues & Socioeconomic Studies --- Economic history --- Histoire économique --- Periodicals --- Périodiques --- Evaluation. --- Economic forecasting --- Economic conditions --- History, Economic --- Economic development --- Economic development. --- Development, Economic --- Economic growth --- Growth, Economic --- Economic policy --- Statics and dynamics (Social sciences) --- Development economics --- Resource curse --- Banks and Banking --- Exports and Imports --- Inflation --- Labor --- Macroeconomics --- Public Finance --- Interest Rates: Determination, Term Structure, and Effects --- Trade: General --- Price Level --- Deflation --- Unemployment: Models, Duration, Incidence, and Job Search --- Current Account Adjustment --- Short-term Capital Movements --- Employment --- Unemployment --- Wages --- Intergenerational Income Distribution --- Aggregate Human Capital --- Aggregate Labor Productivity --- Wages, Compensation, and Labor Costs: General --- Debt --- Debt Management --- Sovereign Debt --- International economics --- Labour --- income economics --- Public finance & taxation --- Exports --- Yield curve --- Long term interest rates --- Short term interest rates --- Prices --- International trade --- Financial services --- Government debt management --- Public financial management (PFM) --- Interest rates --- Balance of payments --- Economic theory --- Debts, Public --- United States --- Foreign Exchange --- Fiscal Policy --- International Investment --- Long-term Capital Movements --- Monetary Systems --- Standards --- Regimes --- Government and the Monetary System --- Payment Systems --- Currency --- Foreign exchange --- Monetary economics --- Exchange rates --- Currencies --- Fiscal consolidation --- Fiscal policy --- Finance: General --- Production and Operations Management --- General Financial Markets: General (includes Measurement and Data) --- Energy: Demand and Supply --- Institutions and the Macroeconomy --- HIV/AIDS --- Privatization --- Investment & securities --- Emerging and frontier financial markets --- Oil prices --- Structural reforms --- Productivity --- Asset prices --- Financial markets --- Macrostructural analysis --- Production --- Financial services industry --- Industrial productivity --- Financial Risk Management --- Industries: Financial Services --- Financial Institutions and Services: Government Policy and Regulation --- Banks --- Depository Institutions --- Micro Finance Institutions --- Mortgages --- Pension Funds --- Non-bank Financial Institutions --- Financial Instruments --- Institutional Investors --- Economic & financial crises & disasters --- Insurance companies --- Bank deposits --- Bank resolution framework --- Financial crises --- Financial safety nets --- Crisis management --- Malaysia --- Demand and Supply of Labor: General --- Labor Economics: General --- Labor markets --- Unemployment rate --- Labor market --- Labor economics --- Budgeting --- National Budget --- Budget Systems --- Budgeting & financial management --- Public debt --- Budget planning and preparation --- Budget --- Russian Federation --- National Government Expenditures and Related Policies: General --- Taxation, Subsidies, and Revenue: General --- Public Enterprises --- Public-Private Enterprises --- Civil service & public sector --- Pensions --- Expenditure --- Expenditures, Public --- Revenue --- Finance, Public --- Money and Monetary Policy --- Trade Policy --- International Trade Organizations --- Trade barriers --- Price stabilization --- Commercial policy --- Government policy --- Financial Crises --- Prices, Business Fluctuations, and Cycles: General (includes Measurement and Data) --- Business cycles --- Currency crises --- Investments: Energy --- Energy: General --- International Lending and Debt Problems --- Imports --- Oil --- Interest payments --- Current account balance --- Commodities --- External debt --- Petroleum industry and trade --- Debt service --- Social Services and Welfare --- Poverty and Homelessness --- Real Estate --- Government Policy --- Provision and Effects of Welfare Program --- Commodity Markets --- Aggregate Factor Income Distribution --- Social welfare & social services --- Poverty & precarity --- Property & real estate --- Poverty reduction strategy --- Poverty reduction --- Poverty reduction and development --- Poverty --- Commodity prices --- Income --- National accounts --- Housing --- Empirical Studies of Trade --- Debt burden --- Trade balance --- Debt reduction --- Asset and liability management --- Debts, External --- Balance of trade --- Macroeconomics: Production --- Capital inflows --- Potential output --- Capital flows --- Foreign direct investment --- Capital movements --- Investments, Foreign --- Comoros, Union of the --- International Economics --- Diseases: Contagious --- Monetary Policy --- International Agreements and Observance --- International Organizations --- Health Behavior --- International institutions --- Infectious & contagious diseases --- Monetary policy --- International organization --- Revenue administration --- COVID-19 --- Health --- International agencies --- Communicable diseases --- Income economics --- Covid-19 --- Hiv/AIDS

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