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Na Zakręcie. Kryzys Niemieckiej Branży Motoryzacyjnej
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Year: 2020 Publisher: Warszawa [Poland] : OSW Ośrodek Studiów Wschodnich im. Marka Karpia

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The automotive industry has been the driving force behind the growth of the German economy in the last two decades. In the years 1999–2017, German companies, thanks to their foreign expansion, became leading producers, and their share in the world market increased from 15.1% to 18.5%. Automotive companies and their subcontractors employ 1.8 million people, and the industry is one of the most profitable industrial sectors in Germany (80% of premium cars sold in the world come from factories of German manufacturers) and generate a significant part of the demand for products and services of other important sectors of the national economy, including electromechanical, chemical and logistic. This is especially true of the huge automotive cluster in southern Germany (Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg), where orders from car companies are the only source of income for many companies.


Economy --- National Economy

Uwarunkowania i sposoby wdrażania orientacji marketingowej w klubach sportowych
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Year: 2007 Publisher: Poznań [Poland] : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Poznaniu

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Scharakteryzowano klub sportowy jako przykład szerzej rozumianej organizacji sportowej. Zaprezentowano naukowe podstawy, na bazie których powstał dotychczasowy dorobek z zakresu marketingu sportowego. Zanalizowano problematykę orientacji marketingowej w odniesieniu do klubów sportowych. Przedstawiono retrospektywną analizę warunków funkcjonowania klubów sportowych w Polsce. Omówiono wyniki badań, które zostały zaprezentowane w przekroju wcześniej zidentyfikowanych obszarów orientacji marketingowej (orientacja na nabywców, orientacja na konkurencję i wewnętrzna koordynacja działań). Na podstawie oceny aktywności marketingowej klubów sportowych oraz wniosków płynących z przeprowadzonych badań określono sposoby implementacji i stosowania orientacji marketingowej, jakie są wykorzystywane w tych podmiotach.

Współpraca rozwojowa made in Germany
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Year: 2015 Publisher: Warszawa [Poland] : OSW Ośrodek Studiów Wschodnich im. Marka Karpia

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W RFN od wielu lat polityka rozwojowa przykuwa uwagę opinii publicznej oraz cieszy się dużym poparciem społecznym. Jednocześnie dla Niemców współpraca rozwojowa nie jest rodzajem pomocy humanitarnej. Jest formą umowy pomiędzy równorzędnymi partnerami, którzy z tej współpracy wyciągają obopólne korzyści. Niemiecka polityka rozwojowa stanowi wsparcie dla gospodarki RFN. Dzięki niej i znacznemu udziałowi państwa w projektach rozwojowych zmniejsza się ryzyko inwestycyjne dla niemieckich przedsiębiorców angażujących się w państwach rozwijających się. Dodatkowo współpraca bilateralna skutecznie buduje markę made in Germany zarówno w odniesieniu do polityki rozwojowej, jak i dalszej kooperacji gospodarczej, uzależniając pośrednio odbiorców współpracy rozwojowej od niemieckich towarów i usług. // Polityka rozwojowa jest również obok niemieckiej dyplomacji oraz polityki obronnej trzecim elementem polityki zagranicznej Niemiec. Pełni ona w tym ujęciu przede wszystkim funkcję prewencyjną wobec konfliktów międzynarodowych. Inwestowanie środków w ramach projektów rozwojowych w obszarach, gdzie toczą się konflikty zbrojne lub gdzie występuje znaczne ryzyko ich wybuchu, jest przez RFN postrzegane jako wkład w przezwyciężanie kryzysów lub usuwanie ich przyczyn. Towarzyszy też temu przekonanie, że konflikty międzynarodowe, gdziekolwiek się pojawiają, szkodzą niemieckiej gospodarce opartej na eksporcie.

Niemcy wobec Rosji. Powiązania - tak, zbliżenie - nie
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Year: 2014 Publisher: Warszawa [Poland] : OSW Ośrodek Studiów Wschodnich im. Marka Karpia

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Obecnie klimat relacji Urząd Kanclerski–Kreml trafnie określany jest przez niemieckie media jako najchłodniejszy od lat. Zarówno niemiecko-rosyjskie konsultacje międzyrządowe jesienią 2012 roku oraz spotkanie kanclerz Angeli Merkel z prezydentem Władimirem Putinem podczas targów w Hanowerze wiosną 2013 roku, jak i sposób rozwiązania przez UE problemu zadłużenia Cypru czy też w końcu poparcie przez Niemcy antyprezydenckich protestów na Ukrainie wyraźnie pokazują, że w najlepszym razie możemy mówić o „przerwie technicznej” w partnerstwie strategicznym Niemiec i Rosji. Jednocześnie widać daleko idące zmiany w priorytetach niemieckiej polityki zagranicznej i gospodarczej, spowodowane nie tylko kryzysem w strefie euro, ale przede wszystkim przesuwaniem uwagi niemieckiego biznesu i polityki na tak zwane neue Gestaltungsmächte (nowe potęgi regionalne). Niemieccy politycy coraz częściej uznają, że nie należy proponować Rosji nowych metod i instrumentów współpracy. Po pierwsze dlatego, że dotychczasowe nie zostały jeszcze skonsumowane, po drugie ze względu na brak pomysłu w RFN na nową długofalową strategię współpracy z Federacją Rosyjską pod rządami Putina.

A Country with non-Existent Unemployment. The Special Characteristics of the Czech Labour Market
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Warszawa [Poland] : OSW Ośrodek Studiów Wschodnich im. Marka Karpia

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Since 2016, the Czech Republic has had the lowest unemployment rate among all EU member states (cf. Chart 1). In mid-2017, it overtook Japan to reach the top position in the ranking of OECD member states. This situation adversely affects companies which are looking for ways to cope with workforce shortages. One solution is the automation of production processes, but employers are also appealing for the country to become more open to receiving immigrant workers, above all from Ukraine. The trade unions are opposed to this, fearing that an influx of workers from other countries will slow down the rate of increase of wages. At the same time, there is a debate in the Czech Republic about the degree to which the present economic model contributes to the country catching up with the Western economies and what should be done to speed up the convergence.

CSD-Report 05 - Bulgaria’s Capital Markets in the Context of EU Accession, A Status Report
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Year: 1999 Publisher: Sofia [Bulgaria] : Centăr za izsledvane na demokracijata

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The objective of this report is to contribute to the discussion on the capital market reform in Bulgaria in preparation for eventual integration into the European Union. The report views the accession issue on two levels. The first one is whether the necessary capital market institutions and legislation are in place, while the second one is whether capital markets function in a manner that supports economic growth and development. The impetus for the development of the capital markets in Bulgaria was the first wave of the mass privatization program. This program was similar to the program implemented earlier in the Czech Republic. At the same time the Czech Republic is among the first countries in transition that has been invited to negotiate accession with the European Union. For these reasons it is useful to compare the process of capital market developments in both countries. However, it should be taken into consideration that because of the problems that have surfaced recently in the Czech capital markets, the Czech example does not necessarily furnish solutions to the problems that are likely to arise. A large number of the companies are listed on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange-Sofia, but in practice the majority of the smaller ones have not been traded at all. While the unadjusted market capitalization figure amounts to roughly 0 million, this includes all investment funds, holding companies and all shares in partially privatized state owned companies. The actual figure for shares not held by the Government and available for trading on the BSE-Sofia is probably closer to 5 million. This works out to 1 per participant in the mass privatization program, which is a little above one-month’s salary. The market also has very low levels of turnover. Turnover figures at the individual company level are available only for trades on the BSE-Sofia. Most company shares have been traded very few times since the stock market opened. Only eight companies have traded shares in more than half of the sessions for which they were registered.

Anticorruption Reforms in Bulgaria
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Year: 2005 Publisher: Sofia [Bulgaria] : Centăr za izsledvane na demokracijata

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The report makes an overview of the conducted anticorruption reforms in Bulgaria since 1997 and analyses the spheres of penetration, as well as the levels and dynamics of corruption in the Bulgarian society and presents the major achievements and problems of anticorruption reforms. It also defines the challenges for the conducting of anticorruption reforms, which ensue from the pending accession of Bulgaria to the European Union: i.e. overcoming of structural and institutional barriers in counteracting corruption; effective functioning of judiciary and law enforcement systems; restriction of corruption-generating practices of the organized crime and grey economy. // Coalition 2000 is an initiative of Bulgarian non-governmental organizations launched in the spring of 1997, which aims at counteracting corruption in th Bulgarian society through a partnership between state institutions, non-governmental organizations and individuals, who developed and have been implementing an Anti-Corruption Action Plan, a Corruption Monitoring System, and an anti-corruption public awareness campaign.

The drifting of China’s reforms. Economic policy during Xi Jinping’s first term
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Year: 2017 Publisher: Warszawa [Poland] : OSW Ośrodek Studiów Wschodnich im. Marka Karpia

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The slackening pace of important economic reforms, as well as the stimulus measures taken in response to the 2008 crisis to boost investments, have all led to a huge build-up of debt and created imbalances in the Chinese economy, including in the financial markets and the industrial sector. The new generation of Chinese leadership has previously shown a strong ambition to overcome the status quo and resume reforms, setting out a new economic reform agenda in 2013. // Vested interests, which grew out of state owned enterprises and the bureaucracy, have been regarded as the main line of resistance to further reforms. President Xi Jinping has centralised the decision-making over economic reform by expanding the structures of the Communist Party of China. The new tools for implementing reform turned out to be marred by several defects, which contributed to further stagnation of key reforms. Moreover, the slowing down of China’s economic growth has sparked a debate among the country’s top decision makers on the ultimate shape of economic policy, and the pace of subsequent reforms.

Skritata ikonomika v Bălgarija
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
Year: 2004 Publisher: Sofia [Bulgaria] : Centăr za izsledvane na demokracijata

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According to international estimates the share of the hidden economy worldwide accounts for 10-12% of global GDP. In the transition economies however hidden economy reaches one fourth of GDP. Economic analyses show that if the share of the hidden sector exceeds a critical level (around 50% of GDP) it changes the ‘rules of the game’ in the whole economy. In Bulgaria the tax and tax enforcement burden, ineffective enforcement of laws and administrative barriers for businesses are the main factors stimulating informal economic activities. The publication presents the latest trends and challenges of the hidden economy to the private and public sector. It describes the various manifestations of the hidden economy and assesses its size, scope and characteristics in Bulgaria through six different methods. The publication underscores the necessity of international cooperation in the area of hidden economy. The authors conclude with recommendations for improvement of the legislative and regulatory framework for the business and its implementation. The publication includes contributions from experts of the National Social Security Institute, the Bulgarian National Bank, the National Statistical Institute, the Agency for Economic Analysis and Forecasting and the Center for Study of Democracy.

2000 Yili Öncesi̇ Türki̇ye’deki̇. Diş Ti̇caret İşletmeleri̇ni̇n Fi̇nansal ve Muhasebe Sorunlarina Genel bi̇r Bakiş
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Year: 2022 Publisher: Gaziantep [Turkey] : Özgür Yayın Dağıtım Ltd. Şti.

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Teorik kısmı, Türkiye’deki üniversite kütüphanelerinden, Yüksek Öğretim Kurulu Dokümantasyon Merkezinden, İhracatı Geliştirme Merkezi ve Eximbank gibi kuruluşların kütüphanelerinden ayrıca literatürdeki diğer bilgilerden faydalanılarak oluşturulmuştur. Teorik kısmından sonra, çalışmayla ilgili olarak, dış ticaret işletmelerinin uluslararası pazarlara açılmada karşılaştıkları finansal sorunlar ve muhasebe problemlerinin tespitine yönelik yapılan kapsamlı bir anket çalışması araştırma bölümünü oluşturmuştur. iv Üç bölümden oluşan bu çalışmanın birinci bölümünde, dış ticaret işletmeleri ve finansmanına ilişkin bazı temel kavramlar ve bilgilere yer verilmiştir. İkinci bölümde öncelikle, Türkiye’deki dış ticaret işletmelerinin genel sorunları üzerinde durularak bu sorunlardan finansman sorunu ve muhasebe problemleri üzerinde durulmuştur. Yapılan anket çalışması neticeleri tablolar haline dönüştürülüp toplanan bilgilerle ilgili analizler yapılmıştır. Bu çerçevede, finansal sorunların giderilmesinde uygulanan teknikler ele alınarak, dünya ekonomisinde gittikçe artan belirsizlikler ve fiyat dalgalanmaları günümüzde daha dikkatli bir malî yönetimi zorunlu hâle getirdiğinden, finansal sistemin gelişmesiyle ortaya çıkan malî risk yönetim tekniklerinden futures işlemleri ele alınarak, yeni finansal teknikler olarak isimlendirilen factoring, leasing, forfaiting, franchising, risk sermayesi, opsiyon ve swap işlemlerine ilişkin teknikler incelenmiştir. Daha sonra, işletmelerin finansman ihtiyacını gidermede devlet destekli teşvikler, Eximbank’ın destekleme programları, katma değer vergisi istinası ve ihracatın finansmanında kurumlar vergisi ile gelir vergisi kanununda tanınan imkânlar ayrıntılı olarak incelenmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde, Türkiye’de uygulanan Tekdüzen Muhasebe Sistemi ile ilgili çalışmalar ele alındıktan sonra Uluslararası Muhasebe Standardı ile Türkiye’deki Tekdüzen Muhasebe Sistemi karşılaştırılarak, muhasebeleştirmede anket yardımıyla da mevcut sorunlar tespit edilmiş, sorunların çözümü için önerilere yer verilmiştir.

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