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‘The West Wing': comparing cultural and political references
Authors: ---
Year: 2007 Publisher: Gent : s.n.,

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Doelstelling: De doelstelling van de scriptie was om na te gaan in hoeverre de schrijvers van de serie de feiten waarheidsgetrouw hebben weergegeven. Door naar de serie te kijken, krijgen de kijkers een bepaald beeld van hoe het er in het Witte Huis aan toe gaat. De bedoeling was om na te gaan of dit beeld strookt met de werkelijkheid. Middelen of methode: Ik selecteerde een aantal culturele en politieke referenties uit vier episodes van het tweede seizoen. Van die vier episodes kon ik de officiële scripts bemachtigen. Het aantal culturele en politieke referenties moest wel gereduceerd worden omdat de serie er vol van zit. Ik heb diegene geselecteerd die het interessants waren.Van die referenties zocht ik eerst algemene informatie om de referentie in te leiden en de lezer van de scriptie vertrouwd te maken met het onderwerp. Daarna volgt het resultaat van mijn onderzoek waarin staat hoe het er in de werkelijkheid aan toe gaat en wordt er een vergelijking gemaakt tussen fictie en werkelijkheid. Resultaten: De schrijvers zijn heel gedetailleerd te werk gegaan bij het schrijven van de dialogen. Vrijwel alle referenties zijn volledig waarheidsgetrouw weergegeven. Er zijn soms een paar elementen aangepast maar dit is nu eenmaal nodig om de serie aantrekkelijk te houden voor de kijkers. De namen van de personages en van personen uit de vriendenkring van die personages zijn wel fictief maar het is vrijwel onmogelijk hiervoor echte namen te gebruiken. Op die manier zou de serie ook te veel politiek gekleurd zijn en er is nu al kritiek van bepaalde Republikeinen dat de serie niet meer is dan liberale propaganda.

References to American Politics and Culture in the Television Series "The West Wing" Season One, Part One
Authors: ---
Year: 2007 Publisher: Gent : s.n.,

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Doelstelling: Het uitleggen van verwijzingen naar de Amerikaanse politiek en cultuur in de tv-serie "The West Wing. Aan de hand van deze uitleg krijgt de lezer een beter zicht op de Amerikaanse politiek en kan de lezer de humor in de serie en ook in andere Amerikaanse series beter begrijpen. Middelen of methode: boeken, electronische publicaties, Engelse verklarende woordenboeken Resultaten: Een analyse van politieke instellingen in de Verenigde Staten aan de hand van de tv-serie "The West Wing"

Improvement of the aerodynamic behaviour of a blended wing body unmanned aerial vehicle: numerical and experimental investigations
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
Year: 2016 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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In this thesis, a review of the history of blended wing bodies has been done and the various advantages that blended wing bodies offer has been exposed. The increased aerodynamic per- formance as well as noise reduction assures blended wing bodies a bright future.
The goal of the thesis was to aerodynamically study a blended wing body UAV and propose a new enhance geometry.
To do that, two different methods of analysis were first validated through comparison with expe- rimental results of simple geometries (NACA wings). Those two methods included a low-fidelity one, PanAir and a higher fidelity one, SU2. PanAir results turned out to be quite accurate pro- vided that the drag coefficient was corrected. Some limitations of PanAir have, however, been highlighted namely when it was applied to configurations comprising flaps. SU2 showed better results but its computation time was much more important.
A detailed analysis of the baseline design of the UAV was then performed. Different aerody- namic coefficients were investigated as well as the influence of parameters of the flow. The influence of sideslip angle, control surfaces and propulsion has been studied.
Once the baseline geometry had been analysed, a parametric model of the geometry has been built. The idea was to change the geometry in order to improve the lift to drag ratio. First, the different parameters susceptible of being changed were studied separately to define the final set of varying parameters and their range of values.
A combination of the different parameters led to the study of 1024 different cases that were all compared to one another in order to find the one that maximized the lift to drag ratio while maintaining the required lift. A new geometry has thus been proposed.
The new geometry has been studied and compared to the old one to assess if it improved the aerodynamic performance. It turned out the new geometry induced an increase of 7% of the lift to drag ratio. The behaviour of the UAV when facing crosswind appeared to also be improved.
Finally, a sensitivity analysis on the Reynolds was performed to see if a future wind tunnel test campaign on a reduced size model could be possible. Trends showed that it was safe to analyse the UAV at different Reynolds number when the presence of thrust was ignored. The introduction of thrust led to some dependencies on the Reynolds pointing to the fact that a wind tunnel test should be performed cautiously.

Structural analysis of a blended wing body composite aircraft
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
Year: 2016 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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This Master's thesis consists in the structural analysis of a fixed-wing composite unmanned aerial vehicle. The analysis of the aircraft is done in a few steps. The carbon fiber composite used for the skin of the plane is studied thanks to a three point bending test and a finite element model. Then a finite element model of the whole aircraft is developed and is verified thanks to an experimental test. The behavior of the drone performing a resource is studied to ensure that it resists to the load. In order to do that, an estimation of the aerodynamic loads is performed and a panel method software is used to find the distribution of the pressure all over the aircraft. The results show that the skin of the wing is undergoing small stresses compared to its resistance and a new thickness of the skin is proposed.
This paper describes all of the methodology used as well as the material and the tools used and an interpretation of the results.

Master thesis : Experimental and numerical characterisation of the flutter speed of wings
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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The flutter, is one of the most complex and dangerous aeroelastic phenomena. Nowadays, the certification authorities have to guarantee the non-appearance of this phenomenon, in such a way that the safety of the aircrafts is not compromised. The preliminary design of any aircraft includes an estimate of the flutter speed.
This thesis focuses on studying the estimation of the flutter speed through several methods, including numerical and experimental approaches. The main target is the discussion of the results and the possibility to develop an accurate method to properly predict the flutter speed and its characteristics in the near future. Three different methods are used in this thesis; empirical formula, numerical and experimental methods, where the differences between the experimentation and theory will be commented. 
The combination of different numerical methods as Finite Elements Method and Vortex Lattice Method is used simultaneity alongside wind tunnel tests. Moreover, an empirical formula based on the geometrical parameters is analysed and commented in an attempt to discover and prove new ways to develop this concept of flutter acquisition. Finally, some range conditions for the validity of this empirical formula are defined in base of a comparison to the other methods.

Master thesis : Unsteady pressure measurement around aerodynamic bodies: Development of a calibration apparatus and wind tunnel testing
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Separated flows are complex but interesting to study because they are variable and unsteady. They are present for every bluff bodies and stalled streamlined bodies (at high angle of attack). Experimental aerodynamics is able to study these types of flow, using pressure sensors. Due to sensor size, pressure tubes are used to connect the pressure scanner to the tap (where the pressure is effectively measured). When an unsteady flow is studied, the signal measured by the sensor is perturbed by the tube. The Transfer Function of the tube has to be computed, to correct for the pressure measure using an inverse Fourier Transform and to obtain the pressure effectively present at the tap. The correction is made on the fluctuation amplitudes (around the mean) and the phase of the signal. The synchronization is important when vortex shedding is studied. This Transfer Function is computed by comparing the pressure measured at the begin and at the end of the tube. For that purpose, pressure with a frequency content has been applied on the tube entry (periodic for KTH calibrator and aperiodic for ULg calibrator). The ratio between these pressures gave the desired correction, showing resonance peaks for some frequencies. When a simple tube is used, theoretical models from fluid equations give very similar results to experimental ones. A parallel with electricity has also been made, replacing the pressure tube by an RLC circuit or a transmission line. The longer and the narrower the tube, the higher the signal distortion.

3D printed models are nowadays commonly used in experimental aerodynamics, allowing not only to build complex shaped models easily, but also pressure taps directly on the model and pressure channels into the structure. These more complex measurement systems have also to be experimentally calibrated. Indeed, diameter restriction on tap or shrinks in tube channels highly distorts the signal. We used this calibration to correct the pressure on a stalled wind turbine wing (at high incidence). The stall is linked to viscous effects, the flow becoming separated and turbulent. The fluctuations and phase of pressure taps signal have been studied to understand the Reynolds effect on a stalled wind turbine wing. Experiments were compared with CFD and theoretical models to validate the results.

Another application of unsteady pressure that we have studied the vortex shedding process, occurring around bluff bodies (in particular for rectangular cylinders). The synchronization and amplitude fluctuations of these vortices have been corrected using the dynamic calibration device. Fluid-structure interaction (vortex induced vibration) has then been studied: when vortices were ejected at the resonance frequency of the cylinder, the structure entered auto-excitation and vibrated a lot. When the cylinders were closely spaced in the flow (assembled into a grid), they interfered with each other and the vortex shedding process was changed compared to a single cylinder. To understand deeply this grid, theoretical and numerical models have been used (FEM and CFD) in parallel with experimental sensors: accelerometers (for vibration), pressure sensors connected on taps by tubes, Cobra Probe (velocity in the wake of cylinders), Hot Wire (free stream velocity). The study of this process in function of the incidence and the cylinder spacing allowed us to predict airspeed that induces instability. This is crucial in order to find parameters that minimize vibrations occurring on a real grid, with undesirable noise. In conclusion, this work can be used to take into account unsteady effects when pressure is measured around streamlined and bluff bodies.

Master thesis : Aerodynamic Modelling for the Flutter Analysis of the Sonaca 200 Aircraft
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Certification of an aircraft is a long and demanding process required by airworthiness requirements of international organisms such as the European Aviation Safety Agency. Being intended to flight schools market, the general aviation Sonaca 200 aircraft has to fulfil huge amount of prerequisites defined by the Certification Specification for Very Light Aeroplane. Among the standards, free-flutter conditions have to be respected and demonstrated by the manufacturer, Sonaca Aircraft. This work concerns the aerodynamic and flutter analyses of a simplified wing model of the Sonaca 200 aircraft. The former study in performed thanks to a
time-stepping implementation, developed by KATZ J., of the unsteady Vortex Lattice method. The algorithm is adjusted in order to provide a minimum convergence time to reach a well-defined results accuracy. The method based on the incompressible potential flow theory is adapted to the S200 wing and validated through a comparison with the Sonaca Aircraft aerodynamic results for a flight situation encountered at dive speed and limit load factor. The parallel is carried out in terms of total and spanwise aerodynamic coefficients induced by the lifting surface. The validation of the first method leads to the consideration of the flutter analysis.
The second implementation of the unsteady Vortex Lattice method is developed by DIMITRIADIS G. in the frequency domain. This development, combined with a condensate finite element model of the wing, allows to compute the unsteady aerodynamic loads through a Generalised Force Matrix. The modal equations of motion are then solved with the help of a Newton-Raphson scheme and a p-k method. The second wing mode caused the instability leading to the flutter phenomenon caused by a lack of damping at high speed. The flight envelop of the wing is free from flutter in control surfaces blocked and empty fuel tanks setup. Altitude has an influence on the flutter speed and frequency. The critical case appears for a service ceiling altitude on a wing
with its implemented wing-tips. Static wing deflections are derived from the method. Further improvements of the aeroelastic model can be performed in order to verify the free-flutter behaviour of the whole Sonaca 200 aircraft in all possible flight conditions.

Unter Antisemitismus-Verdacht : die österreichische Linke und Israel nach der Shoah
ISBN: 3706514451 Year: 2001 Publisher: Innsbruck : Studien Verlag,

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