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Which difficulties will multinational companies face regarding intre-group financing transactions at the time of the implementation of the OECD action plan against base erosion and profite shifting ?
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Multinational groups resort more and more to cross-border intra-group financing transactions. These transactions may be used to shift profits from high- to low-tax jurisdictions to decrease the tax burden of the entire group. Multinational corporations have two possibilities to reach this objective. They can either use excessive internal debts (adjusting the capital structure of the subsidiaries) or manipulate the transfer price on the intra-group financing operations. The arm’s length principle and the thin capitalisation rules have already been introduced in order to fight against tax optimisation. However, this standard and these rules seem not effective enough to prevent multinational companies from using intra-group financing transactions like tax planning strategies. Therefore, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (“OECD”) suggested an action plan against Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (“BEPS”) in 2015, including new recommendations. Along with the OECD, the European Commission also committed to implement new restrictions. Interest deduction limitation rules and reporting requirements belong to actions recommended by the OECD and the European Commission. Furthermore, the OECD also revised the guidelines on transfer pricing. This revision aims to ensure that a transfer price is determined by considering both the contractual terms of the transaction and the real conduct of the parties. Based on these new rules and recommendations, the profits would be taxed in the jurisdiction where the economic activity generating these profits takes place. Consequently, these actions will impact multinational groups on their financial situation and could also affect their reputation.

L'accueil des entreprises dans les institutions culturelles à Liège.
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Ce travail de fin d’études porte sur l’accueil des entreprises dans les institutions culturelles à Liège. En d’autres mots, il s’intéresse à l’offre proposée par les musées et les salles de spectacle, de théâtre ou de concert aux entreprises sur le territoire de la ville de Liège.&#13;L’intérêt de ce travail réside dans la mise en lumière des produits destinés aux entreprises dans les institutions culturelles (location d’espaces, activités liées à la mission première et sponsoring). Il s’agissait aussi de documenter les motivations des institutions, les modes organisationnels (communication, procédure de réservation...), les difficultés rencontrées et le développement souhaité pour ces activités. En parallèle, le but était de joindre des entreprises pour comparer les prestations fournies avec leurs attentes et de prendre connaissance de leur satisfaction. L’enjeu ultime était de proposer quelques pistes pour améliorer les pratiques managériales. &#13;Pour débuter, différents livres ont été consultés. Ils ont permis de poser le cadre de l’étude. Deux thèmes y ont été abordés : les institutions culturelles et la communication évènementielle. La liaison entre les deux thèmes a été réalisée en prenant connaissance de la littérature abordant l’offre à destination des entreprises dans les institutions culturelles. &#13;Au vu du peu de documentation disponible à ce sujet de manière générale et pour Liège en particulier, une enquête qualitative a été menée. Celle-ci a pris la forme d’une trentaine d’entretiens basés sur des questionnaires semi-directifs. À Liège, les responsables, les chargés en communication, les guides, les secrétaires du Grand Curtius, de l’Archéoforum, du Trésor de Liège, du Musée de la Vie wallonne, de la Maison de l’Industrie et de la Métallurgie, du Musée des Transports en commun, de La Boverie, du MADmusée, des Brasseurs art contemporain, de la Cité Miroir, de l’Aquarium-Muséum de Liège, du Théâtre de Liège, de l’Opéra Royal de Wallonie-Liège, de l’Orchestre Philharmonique Royal de Liège et du Forum de Liège ont été rencontrés. Quinze entreprises et intermédiaires ont aussi été visités. &#13;Ce travail rend compte des résultats de cette étude.

L'impact de la définition de la tendance, la durée de maintien de position et de la stratégie de clôture sur la profitabilité des chandeliers japonais.
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Depuis les années 1990, l’utilisation des chandeliers japonais en tant qu’outil de prédiction des renversements des cours boursiers connait de plus en plus de succès, les plaçant parmi les outils d’analyse technique les plus prisés. Toutefois, peu d’articles académiques traitent le sujet de leur profitabilité, poussant le courant fondamentaliste de la finance a contesté l’intérêt de cet outil.&#13;Cependant, plusieurs partisans des chandeliers japonais tels que Morris G. (Morris, 1995), Lu T. (Lu, Chen, & Hsu, 2015) ou Nison S. (Nison, 1991) s’accordent sur deux éléments : le premier est que cet outil ne peut être utilisé que pour du court terme (<10 jours), le second est que le cadre d’applicabilité est un point clé qui contribue à son succès. &#13;Ainsi, l’objectif de ce mémoire est d’étudier l’impact de trois facteurs sur la profitabilité de huit figures de renversement des chandeliers japonais appliquée à l’indice SENSEX du marché indien, et cela pendant la période de1997 à 2015. Ces facteurs sont : la définition de la tendance des cours, la durée de maintien de position, et la stratégie de clôture ou de vente. &#13;Cette étude aboutie à deux conclusions importantes, la première est que la profitabilité d’une stratégie basée sur ces chandeliers est impactée par le choix que l’investisseur effectue pour ces trois facteurs. Par exemple l’utilisation de la moyenne exponentielle mobile de 10 jours (EMA10) comme courbe de tendance génère jusqu’à 60% plus de figures que la moyenne simple mobile de 3 jours (MA3), en revanche elle dégrade le profit médian.&#13;La seconde conclusion est que la profitabilité des figures est également impactée par la condition du marché. En effet, la profitabilité moyenne augmente dans deux cas : le premier cas est lors de l’utilisation des figures haussières pendant la phase haussière du marché, les profits peuvent augmenter de +300%. Le second cas est lors de l’utilisation de la stratégie de clôture Caginalp-Laurent pendant la phase oscillatoire, le profit moyen peut croitre de 250%. Toutefois, lors de ces phases, la fréquences d’occurrence des figures reste relativement faible.

Le financement des PME : les marchés boursiers constituent-ils une piste sérieuse ?
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Executive summary&#13;The first goal of the financial markets is the financing of the economy, so could they satisfy this need of the SMEs to enable them to lead their projects and continue their development? This research includes the analysis of this financing concept and the objective is to answer to the question of the adequacy of the financing through the capital markets for the SMEs and to define the specific pros and cons of a listing. This work will also attempt to draw the profile of SMEs which have more chance to succeed on the stock exchange.&#13;This research will firstly present the theoretical concepts of the stock exchange and IPOs with the consequences of a listing from a SME point-of-view. The theoretical part will also briefly address the alternative ways of equity finance in order to establish a comparison with the stock exchange in terms of the particular advantages of this technique. Secondly, after the descriptive approach, the dynamic research will be made up of the experience of different SMEs listed on the stock exchange, through interviews with leaders within the companies. Moreover, an analysis of the experience of companies and actors of alternative capital financing means is operated, notwithstanding the difficulties to execute a census through leaders of enterprises.&#13;After having conducted the analysis, we found out that a specific category of SMEs benefits from an interesting opportunity for a financing through a listing on the stock exchange, namely a company with a strategy of growth, with projects which will create value and with profitability. The firm has also to have the ability to take advantages coming from the listing. However, if the shareholders of a company prefer the retention of a family shareholding in order to sustain their enterprise or if the values shared by the company differ with those of a financial investor, another way of financing should probably be more suitable.&#13;The present research shows that the listing offers a leverage on the financing of a company and consequently increases the means of actions of the SME. The company gets a considerable amount of financial resources without creating a risk of bankruptcy which could happen in the case of a too high amount of debts compared to the total balance sheet. Furthermore, the additional financial means available in the future and the notoriety got on the stock exchange contribute to the growth of the SME. Notwithstanding affordable costs of this financing according to the experiences analysed, the necessity to take into account the time devoted to the communication of information to the numerous shareholders and to the introduction process is really important. Moreover, the costs of the preparation of the listing are, for the majority, fixed costs and therefore the relative cost is higher in function of the company size and the floating.&#13;However, this report presents a similarity in terms of financial contribution, stage in a company lifecycle and the impact on the cost of capital, between the venture capitalists and the stock exchange. The capital markets stand out by offering a liquidity, even if it is relatively low on the Belgian markets, as well as the increase of the notoriety. Indeed, Business Angels and equity crowdfunding are considered as early stages ventures financing. In the case of a planned disposal of the company within a middle term or long term period, the stock exchange offers a valuation based on the judgments of a high number of investors taking into account additional factors compared to an accounting valuation. All the financing methods based on a stake on the capital decrease inevitably the independence of the entrepreneur.&#13;This work also highlights the short term constraint consequent to the listing, but nevertheless, this also impacts the life of the company when a stake is taken by venture capitalists. The only way, at later stages of an enterprise lifecycle, to benefit from a financing of the equity without pressure on short term yield is a financial support from public investment funds.

Les acteurs du financement des PME innovantes en Belgique : le secteur de la biotechnologie
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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The access to bank credit for new companies and SMEs is difficult. Indeed, their lack of collateral does not allow them to fill the conditions requested by the banks to obtain a loan. Therefore, these companies must turn themselves towards other sources and actors to finance their creation and development. However, these actors are very diverse, have different expectations and have their own ways to intervene. Therefore, these entrepreneurs encounter difficulties to choose the funding source most suited to their needs.&#13;The aim of this thesis is to study these different actors in order to understand which ones are the most appropriate to use according to the situation faced by the company and its stage of development. Moreover, we will focus on the biotechnology sector for two reasons. First, we want to conduct a relevant study on a specific group of companies only. Second, this industry plays a non-negligible role in the Belgian economy.&#13;First, we reviewed the literature on this subject and have defined the concepts of innovation and innovative company. We also took some time to describe what is biotechnology and the importance of this sector in the world, Europe and Belgium. Finally, we came up with a list of fifteen actors active in the financing of the innovative companies that we found in this literature.&#13;Two kinds of interviews were conducted in order to understand how these actors intervene in Belgian innovative SMEs active in the biotechnology field. On the one hand, fourteen of these companies explained us whether each actor contributed to their funding process, for which reasons and what these actors actually brought to the company. On the other hand, sixteen organizations which play a role in the financing of innovative companies explained what they think or have experienced with the actors we have listed.&#13;Thanks to this research and answers, we were able to establish a recommended planning regarding the intervention of these actors. Indeed, we selected the ones that we believe are best suited to the type of companies we focused on, and the moment at which they should intervene. Lastly, we also pointed out some variations of this recommended planning relative to several characteristics of the companies we have interviewed, such as the type of biotechnology they are active in or the type of innovative company they are.

Etude de l'impact de Solvabilité II sur l'efficience opérationnelle d'Intégrale, c'est-à-dire quantifier le coût de cette réglementation, supporté par Intégrale
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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From 1 January 2016, Europe’s insurers sector is governed by a new set of rules called Solvency II Directive. Solvency II is a revision of the European Union insurance and reinsurance framework designed to improve consumer’s protection, standardize supervision and increase the competitiveness of European insurers. According to this new framework, European insurers are required to assess all the types of risks to which they are exposed and to manage those risks more effectively and with greater transparency. &#13;Entitled « study of the impact of Solvency II on the Integrale’s operational efficiency: to quantify the cost of this new regulation supported by Integrale », this thesis tends to clear the main costs of Solvency II for the 2015 accounting exercise and the major issues for Integrale.&#13;The lack of bibliography dedicated to the subject directed the methodology to the exploitation of direct sources such as field surveys, polls and interviews. The exploitation of these data had to allow to answer a series of practical matters: what are the different types of costs that Integrale has to bear? Which members of staff are involved in Solvency II? &#13;One scope of this thesis is to prove to Integrale’s administraters that the increase of overhead costs comes from Solvency II and not from a mismanagement.&#13;In addition, a principle of proportionality is mentioned in the Solvency II Directive. Based on this principle, Solvency II should not constitute a too heavy burden for insurance undertaking, but it should be proportional to the size of the company. In this way, being a small insurance undertaking can allow Integrale to lobby the supervisor using the results of this thesis.

Comment optimiser fiscalement une succession entre conjoints mariés et cohabitants ?
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Ce travail aborde les règles de dévolution légale, comme notamment les héritiers légaux, la composition de la succession ou encore l'option héréditaire, les régimes matrimoniaux et la cohabitation. Sont ensuite repris différents instruments de planification, à savoir les testaments et le legs en duo, les donations assorties de différentes charges, les contrats de mariage et différentes clauses possibles pour ceux-ci, les contrats de vie commune, et enfin, la convention d'accroissement. Deux applications avec un calcul des droits dus dans les trois Régions sont ensuite reprises dans ce travail. Le dernier point abordé est le rôle des banques, et plus précisément des planificateurs, dans la transmission du patrimoine de leurs clients.

Social network analysis : detection of influencers in fashion topics on Twitter
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Online social networks have facilitated the interaction and topic discussion. Some of&#13;this content became a rich and important source of information and also strategical for&#13;companies. One of the most popular of such websites is Twitter.&#13;Nowadays, the use of digital influencers became a new strategy in the development and&#13;in the management of marketing campaigns for leading brands and companies. Fashion&#13;industry usually targets them to market products or to diffuse messages. In consequence,&#13;the identification of these persons became a central issue for marketers.&#13;In this dissertation, I propose a state of research in centrality measures, developed in&#13;social network analysis, in order to identify those influencers. Interpretability, robustness&#13;and accuracy, current applications and related work on Twitter will be discussed in order&#13;to select and understand these concepts. Moreover, I propose a new technique to collect&#13;Twitter data with a friendship graph and with a given topic. I perform this research on&#13;fashion industry which has not been treated yet in the literature, and then, I use centrality&#13;measures to identify the most influential users. The experimental evaluation shows that&#13;the presence of reciprocity can be explained by phenomenon of homophily. This finding&#13;valids the extraction process to create a sample composed of users interested and influent&#13;in fashion topics. The application of centrality measures on the sample provides a relevant&#13;ranking of influencers that can be used in a marketing campaign.&#13;Keywords: Twitter, Centrality measures, Social network analysis, Degree centrality,&#13;Closeness centrality, Betweenness centrality, Eigenvector centrality, Influencer, Network&#13;typology, Digital influencer marketing

An analysis of the low-volatility anomaly
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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The low-volatility anomaly can be described as the fact that low-volatility stocks tend to outperform high-volatility stocks. This finding is not consistent with the CAPM, that quotes that higher returns should come with higher risk. This dissertation aims at describing possible explanations of the low-volatility anomaly.

Is crowdfunding appropriate for small projects ? A business case approach of crowdfunding initiatives
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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A study of the influence of the quality and the scale of the crowdfunding projects on the odds to success.

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