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Effect of rearing environment and environmental enrichment on the behavior of neural development of young pigs
Year: 1989

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The development and significance of abnormal stereotyped behaviours in tethered sows
Year: 1985 Publisher: [S.l. : s.n.],

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De ontwikkeling en het vertonen van abnormale stereotype gedragingen (stereotypieen) werden bij aangebonden zeugen onderzocht met de bedoeling inzicht te verkrijgen in de betekenis van deze gedragingen voor het welzijn en de produktiviteit van deze zeugen The development and performance of abnormal stereotyped behaviours (stereotypies) by tethered sows were studied in order to investigate the consequences of the behaviours for animal welfare and sow productivity. In Chapter 2, the behaviour of 36 tethered sows in a commercial herd was analysed to determine the characteristics of stereotypies, and to enable their definition. The proportion of observation time that sows performed stereotypies was related to the stage of pregnancy, i.e. the time spent tethered in the current parity. Sows increased the proportion of time spent stereotyping between 10.00-14.00 h up to day 80 of pregnancy, after which stereotyping decreased. Chapter 3 describes the process of development of stereotypies in sows after tethering. Sows were initially very vigorous and aggressive in their response to tethering. Stereotypies eventually developed after the sows had passed through a number of distinct stages, termed 1) escape attempt, 2) inactivity, 3) outwarddirected activity and 4) basic stereotypy stages. The median durations (and ranges) of the first 3 stages were 45 min (10 to 180 min), 1 day (140 min to 16 days) and 15.7 days (7.8 to 55 days), respectively. Once a basic stereotypy was developed, random aggressive-like acts were rarely observed. The stereotypies that developed in response to tethering contained components that were directed at features in the sows' external environment (e.g. chains, drinker, bars, etc.), and were in part derived from redirected aggressive acts. Over time, the level of aggression declined and the actions were "rounded off". In stage 4, sows built larger stereotypies through the addition of new elements, although they could always revert to the performance of just the basic components. It was concluded that environment-directed stereotypies develop as a result of frustration/conflict at being restrained, and the consequent loss of controllability over the environment. An hypothesis was proposed which implicated endorphins (endogenous opiates) in the development and performance of stereotypies by tethered sows. Evidence to support this hypothesis is presented in Chapter 4. Eight tethered and 3 loose-housed sows were treated with saline and the specific opioid antagonist naloxone on consecutive days. The tethered and loose sows were treated while they performed stereotypies and exploratory behaviours, respectively.Stereotypy performance levels were reduced in the 2 h following naloxone (median = 33% of the time) compared with saline (86%), but there was no effect on the performance of exploratory behaviour by loose sows. Many of the behaviours performed by the tethered sows after naloxone treatment were similar to behaviours performed by sows in response to initial tethering. Seven of the 8 tethered sows ceased the performance of their stereotypies in the short-term following naloxone. The latency to cease performance was positively related to the "age" of the particular stereotypy. The results strongly suggest that endorphins may be the factor underlying the development and performance of stereotypies. Endorphins are released in response to stress, and in time, sows may learn to self-stimulate the release through the performance of stereotypies. Stereotypies probably function to reduce the perception of the negative aspects of the real environment, over which tethered sows have no control, and "rebuild" a new and possibly much reduced environment that they control through the performance of stereotypies. The results suggest that sows perceive tethering in a very negative way. In Chapters 2, 3 and 4, it is reported that the stereotypies of tethered sows contain a certain amount of variability. For example, sows could vary the duration of stereotyped components between cycles of the stereotypy, or even omit components, and so on. Thus stereotypies were found to be considerably more variable than indicated by the classic definition of these behaviours. It is suggested in Chapter 7 that this variability may be an indication that the sow had not adapted to the stress of tethering. The continued perception of negative aspects in the environment may stimulate the release of endorphins, but also introduces variability into the performance of stereotypies. Stereotypies are behavioural indicators of past or current poor welfare status, a phenomenon which may be quantifiable via measurement of the degree of variability in stereotypy performance. Since stereotypies develop out of chronic stress situations, and since it has been reported that chronic stress influences the productivity of pigs, it was expected then that the performance of stereotypies may have consequences for sow productivity. In Chapter 5, tethered sows in a commercial herd were categorized according to the proportion of observation time between 10.00 and 14.00 h that they performed stereotypies. Within parity x pregnancy stage classes, non-lactating sows were classed as either HIGH or LOW stereotypers if they performed more or less than the mean level. At the farrowing prior to observation, HIGH stereotypers produced larger litters in parities 2 and 3, but smaller litters in parities 5 and 6, than LOW stereotypers. At the farrowing after observation, HIGH stereotypers tended to produce smaller litters in parities 5 and 6 than LOW stereotypers. Low parity number sows were less stable than older sows, in that more than half of the younger sows observed in successive parities changed stereotypy performance class between observations. Hence, the effects of stereotypy performance level on litter size of low parity number sows at the farrowing after observation were not consistent with those from the farrowing before observation. Contrary to expectation, the LOW stereotypers also tended to be less reactive to novel stimuli than HIGH stereotypers, suggesting that the former sows were "less normal" than the latter. The results further suggest that sows may be subject to chronic stress for at least 2 to 3 parities before adapting to tether housing. Young sows that were able to develop a stereotypy more rapidly (i.e. HIGH stereotypers), coped better in the short-term than LOW (non-coping) stereotypers. In Chapter 6, the metabolic rate and behaviour of sows were measured. The 2 treatments of sows had different degrees of adaptation to tethering. The experienced tethered sows were active stereotypers (HIGH sows) and the inexperienced tethered sows (T/LOW) were relatively inactive at the time of the experiment. The latter sows were released into a group (G/LOW) half-way through the experiment, for a comparison of tethered versus loose-housed sows. HIGH sows were about 3 times more active than T/LOW sows, due mostly to high stereotypy performance levels amongst the former sows. HIGH sows produced 35.7% more heat than the T/LOW sows during the 12 h light period of the day. During this period, 40.2% and 20.1% of heat production from HIGH and T/LOW sows was associated with activity. In comparison, G/LOW sows were slightly more active than T/LOW sows, with 23.5% of heat production being associated with activity. Stereotypy behaviour and excessive drinker manipulation by the HIGH, T/LOW and G/LOW sows accounted for 86, 52 and 24% of activity. The proportion of metabolizable energy intake required for these activities were 23, 7 and 4%, respectively, for sows in the 3 treatments. The results of the experiment indicate that tethering is stressful because of the need for sows to develop and perform large quantities of "coping behaviours% and the association with increased metabolic rate. It was also suggested that during the experiment, the T/LOW sows were following a path of adaptation to tether housing similar to that experienced earlier by the HIGH sows. Thus it is apparent that there is a positive association between welfare status and productivity of sows. Improvements in the welfare status of non-lactating sows will result in improved sow productivity. In the situation of the commercial environment, improvements to welfare status can only occur through improvements in the quality of the environment, for example by the removal of chronic stressors such as restraint.

Mesure du Vertebral Heart Size chez 3 cochons d'Inde (Cavia porcellus) et évaluation de la variabilité inter-observateur
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Notre échantillon est constitué de 5 cochons d’Inde adultes (de 8 mois à 4 ans) sans pathologie cardio-vasculaire détectée. Trois d’entre eux sont venus à la Clinique Vétérinaire Universitaire de Liège pour d’autres pathologies au cours des deux dernières années, les deux autres cobayes sont venus expressément pour cette étude. Ils ont subi un examen général, une auscultation cardio-respiratoire, et une échocardiographie pour 2 d’entre eux. Le Vertebral Heart Size a été mesuré à partir d’une radiographie du thorax en vue latéro-latérale droite, en conservant le procédé établi chez les autres animaux de compagnie : le grand axe est mesuré de l’apex cardiaque jusqu’au bord ventral de la carina, le petit axe est perpendiculaire au grand axe et est mesuré à l’endroit le plus large de la silhouette cardiaque. Ces deux longueurs sont reportées le long de la colonne vertébrale à partir du bord crânial du corps de la 4ème vertèbre thoracique, les nombres de vertèbres correspondant sont comptés au ¼ de vertèbre près et additionnés pour donner le Vertebral Heart Size.
Pour chaque sujet, la meilleure radiographie a été sélectionnée, et 5 lecteurs différents ont mesuré les Vertebral Heart Size de chaque cobaye avec les mêmes consignes. Les valeurs moyennes de chaque cobaye sont homogènes, mais nous avons calculé une différence significative (niveau de confiance de 95%) entre les moyennes des mesures de deux lecteurs, et elle ne semble pas liée à l’expérience de ceux-ci en radiologie. De plus, nous observons qu’une valeur s’écarte fortement des autres, ce qui peut être expliqué par une moindre qualité de la radiographie de ce cobaye.
Cet échantillon est trop petit que pour pouvoir estimer la moyenne du Vertebral Heart Size des cobayes adultes de compagnie, mais il présente des informations intéressantes sur la variabilité inter-observateur et l’importance de la qualité de la radiographie, qui seront à prendre en compte lors d’une étude souhaitant mesurer une norme pour le Vertebral Heart Size du cochon d’Inde.

Studies on breeding schemes in a closed pig population
Year: 1988 Publisher: Wageningen : Agricultural University, Department of Animal Breeding,

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Résistance génétique du porc aux colibacilloses
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Les colibacilloses du porc sont des pathologies aiguës caractéristiques de la période néonatale au post-sevrage, provoquant un important taux de mortalité en élevage mais aussi et surtout d’importantes pertes économiques. Le présent travail mettra ici l’emphase sur les affections suivantes: la diarrhée néonatale, la diarrhée de post-sevrage et la maladie de l'œdème, chacune d'elles ayant leurs particularités en terme de moment d’apparition, de symptomatologie, de pathogénie mais aussi de prévention et de gestion. 
Ce travail de fin d’études s’articulera en plusieurs parties, en commençant tout d’abord par une description des différentes maladies de façon la plus exhaustive possible, suivie d’une deuxième partie concernant les différents mécanismes de résistance mis en évidence à ce jour chez le porc. Celui-ci s’inscrit dans le contexte actuel d’antibiorésistance, un challenge pour cette nouvelle génération de vétérinaires et vient questionner de l’intérêt d’une possible sélection de porcs résistants en complément à une utilisation raisonnée des antibiotiques et à la vaccination préventive.

Le cahier des charges de l'Indication Géographique Protégée "Porc de Vendée" : un modèle d'élevage d'avenir ?
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Agri-food products within the European Community benefit from the possibilities of quality certification via labels. These labels attest, according to their nature, either to a particular artisanal transformation process (Traditional Specialty Guaranteed), to a particular method of breeding/farming or agriculture (Organic agriculture, Label Rouge) or attest to a product historically linked to a given region (Controlled Designation of Origin, Protected Designation of Origin, Protected geographical indication). In the case of « Porc de Vendée », the label is a Protected Geographical Indication (PGI). It comes under a regulated specification comprising a series of directives related to the breeding of farm pigs from Vendée raised in the free range farming way both in terms of the choice of genetic lines and on aspects ranging from reproduction, birth, conditions of breeding, transportation and slaughter methods. These specific characteristic, in particular the nutritional aspect of pigs during the finishing phase of fattening, help to obtain meat considered as top-of-the-range taste and of nutritional quality. In addition, the characteristics of free-range farming on an extensive basis help to maintain a traditional folklore landscape known as the « bocage vendéen » . This farming method has a significant beneficial ecological impact and allows a more ethical approach to animal husbandry compared to the intensive conventional pig farming industry. Today's consumers are aware of the importance of changing their current food consumption patterns. The limits to the expansion of the free-range pig farming model are mostly economic. However, the methods of outdoor rearing help to respond to the current environmental challenge and to the considerations of the today’s consumer who wants to consume more "ethical" meat products. The modalities of the free-range rearing system anchor the practice of this PGI as a breeding model for the future of the western animal production. Les produits agroalimentaires au sein de la communauté européenne bénéficient de possibilités de certification de qualité via des labels. Ces derniers attestent en fonction de leur nature d’un procédé de transformation artisanal particulier (Spécialité Traditionnelle Garantie), d’un mode de production particulier (Agriculture Biologique), d’un produit historiquement lié à une région donnée (Indication géographique protégée, Appellation d’Origine Controlée et Appellation d’Origine Protégée) ou garantissent la qualité (Label Rouge). Dans le cas du porc de Vendée, c’est une indication géographique protégée (IGP). Il relève d’un cahier des charges réglementé comprenant une série de directives liées à l’élevage du porc fermier de Vendée élevé en plein air tant sur le plan de choix de lignée génétique que sur les aspects allant des conditions d’élevages, de transport et d’abattage. Ces spécificités de détention et d’élevage, en particulier l’aspect nutritionnel des porcs lors de la phase de finition de l’engraissement, participent à l’obtention d’une viande de qualité gustative et nutritionnelle reconnue comme haut de gamme. De plus, les caractéristiques d’élevage en plein air sur un mode extensif, participent au maintien d’un paysage folklorique traditionnel que l’on appelle le « bocage vendéen ». Ce mode d’élevage a un impact écologique bénéfique conséquent et permet une approche de l’élevage animal plus éthique comparativement à la filière d’élevage porcin conventionnel intensif. Le consommateur d’aujourd’hui est conscient de l’importance de changer ses modes de consommation alimentaire. Les limites à l’expansion du modèle d’élevage porcin en plein air sont majoritairement économiques. L’élevage en plein air permet de répondre aux enjeux environnementaux actuel et ainsi qu’à la demande du consommateur d’aujourd'hui à vouloir consommer des produits carnés plus « éthiques ». Les modalités de l’élevage en plein air de cette IGP ancrent cette pratique en tant que modèle durable et éthique pour le futur de la production animale occidentale.

Effect of different synbiotics on sows and piglets : Field studies
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
Year: 2021 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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The public interest and the pressure from authorities to reduce the use of antibiotics in pig production is pushing producers to look for other alternatives. One alternative proposed and studied in this thesis is the use of synbiotics. This mixture of probiotics and prebiotics has many advantages and could play an essential role in pig farming, especially after weaning. The main objective of synbiotics is to influence the gut microbiota to take advantage of its positive influence on the overall health of the animal.
This thesis, divided into three experiments, aims to test and compare the direct (supplementation to piglets) and indirect (supplementation to sows) effects of five different synbiotics on piglet 
performances, behaviour, and the potential presence of diarrhoea over two periods: the lactation 
period (three weeks) and the post-weaning period (two weeks). The synbiotics tested are mixtures of a single probiotic and a single prebiotic in order to compare the individual effects of these components. For this purpose, synbiotics were continuously distributed to sows from day 80 of gestation until piglets weaning. The piglets received the treatment from birth until weaning, three weeks later. 
The observed results showed the significant impact of the synbiotics Syn1, Syn3 and Syn4 on the increase of the average daily gain in post-weaning, the significant increase of the average daily gain with Syn2 in the lactation period, and the positive impact of Syn5 on the average weight of piglets two weeks after weaning. The impact of symbiotics on piglets’ behaviour was also observed.
In conclusion, this study demonstrated the positive effects of synbiotics on the performance of piglets at several stages of their development in early life (five weeks) and proves the interest of synbiotics as an alternative to the use of antibiotics. This work can be used as a basis for future experiments and research on synbiotics regarding the individual effects of probiotics and prebiotics. L’intérêt général ainsi que la pression des autorités pour diminuer l’usage d’antibiotiques dans la production porcine pousse les producteurs à se tourner vers d’autres alternatives. Une alternative proposée et étudiée dans cette thèse est l’usage de symbiotiques. Ce mélange de probiotiques et prébiotiques présente de nombreux intérêts et pourrait jouer un rôle essentiel dans l’élevage porcin, en particulier au moment du sevrage. L’objectif principal des symbiotiques est d’influencer le microbiote intestinal pour profiter de son influence positive sur la santé générale de l’animal.
Cette thèse, divisée en trois expérimentations, a pour objectif de tester et comparer les effets directs (compléments donnés aux porcelets) et indirects (compléments donnés aux truies) de cinq symbiotiques sur les performances des porcelets, sur leur comportement et sur la présence potentielle de diarrhée sur deux périodes : la période de lactation (trois semaines) et la période post-sevrage (deux semaines). Les symbiotiques testés sont des mélanges d’un probiotique et d’un prébiotique dans le but de comparer les effets individuels de ces composants. Pour ce faire, les symbiotiques ont été distribué en continu aux truies à partir du jour 80 de la gestation jusqu’au sevrage des porcelets. Les porcelets, quant à eux, ont reçu le traitement à partir de leur naissance et ce, jusqu’au sevrage trois semaines plus tard. 
Les résultats observés ont permis de montrer l’impact significatif des symbiotiques Syn1, Syn 3 et Syn4 sur l’augmentation du gain quotidien moyen en post-sevrage, l’augmentation significative du gain quotidien moyen avec Syn2 en période de lactation, et l’impact positif de Syn5 sur le poids moyen des porcelets deux semaines après le sevrage. L’impact des symbiotiques sur le comportement des porcelets a également été observé. 
Pour conclure, cette étude a permis de démontrer les effets positifs de symbiotiques sur les performances des porcelets à plusieurs étapes de leur développement en début de vie (cinq semaines), et prouve ainsi l’intérêt des symbiotiques en tant qu’alternative à l’utilisation d’antibiotiques. Ce travail pourra servir de base à de futures expérimentations et recherches sur les symbiotiques visant les effets individuels de probiotiques et prébiotiques.

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