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Master thesis : Energy-based Multi-Modal Attention
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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A multi-modal neural network exploits information from different channels and in different terms (e.g., images, text, sounds, sensor measures) in the hope that the information carried by each mode is complementary, in order to improve the predictions the neural network. Nevertheless, in realistic situations, varying levels of perturbations can occur on the data of the modes, which may decrease the quality of the inference process. An additional difficulty is that these perturbations vary between the modes and on a per-sample basis. This work presents a solution to this problem. The three main contributions are described below. 
First, a novel attention module is designed, analysed and implemented. This attention module is constructed to help multi-modal networks handle modes with perturbations.

Secondly, two new regularizers are developed to improve the generalization of the robustness gain on more intensive failing modes (relative to the training set).

Lastly, a unified multi-modal attention module is presented, combining the main types of attention mechanisms in the deep learning literature with our module. We suggest that this unified module could be coupled with a prediction model to enable the latter face unexpected situations, and improve the extraction of the relevant information in the data.

Travail de Fin d'Etudes : Contribution to the implementation of robustness in European design recommendations for steel and composite structures
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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At present, Eurocode 1 Part 1-7 presents different strategies to deal with the problem of robustness. However, for each of these strategies, the content is limited to the statement of general principles. Consequently, in recent years, several researches have been carried out to develop calculation and design tools for robustness. Thanks to these researches, many new tools and works are available to practitioners, but the lack of comprehensive approaches limits their scope and use.

In this work, approaches for handling the robustness problem in steel and composite structures are developed for the strategies presented in the Eurocode, and based on the tools currently available. For each of the approaches developed, the tools it requires to use, the limitations it presents and the analysis and verification steps to be followed are presented in detail. In addition, all this information is summarized in a global flowchart proposed to deal with the robustness problem.

This first task highlights several inconsistencies concerning the prescriptive tying method currently proposed by the Eurocode. Proposals for improvements have actually already been made recently.

Therefore, in a second step, this thesis focuses more specifically on this tying method. To assess the relevance of the rules currently proposed by the Eurocode regarding the tying method and the degree of robustness which these rules allow to reach, a study of a braced structure undergoing the loss of a column is carried out. In the context of this study, the beam-column joints of the structure first have the resistance specified by the tying method. Subsequently, different joint configurations are studied. By comparing the results obtained, several conclusions are drawn about the tying method. Also, this study shows that simple joints such as header plate connections have a too low degree of robustness, and that it is more advantageous to use semi-rigid/rigid joints such as flush end-plate connections.

Energy efficiency in the industry : Robustness Improvement of a Dynamic Model of Two-Phase Flow
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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The topic of this thesis is related to the robustness of finite-volume flow models involving two-phase flows. These models are especially used in the modelisation of evaporators (and condensers), which can be part of the modelisation of complex thermodynamic systems such as ORC systems. Finite-volume flow models are subject to numerical issues like slow simulations or even simulation failures, which constitute a lack of robustness that affects all the models which the finite-volume flow model is part of. In this paper more robust finite-volume flow models will be presented : a p-x formulation and a bidirectional p-h formulation. First they will be compared to the initial model, a standard p-h formulation, to gauge the gain of robustness they represent. And then these improved finite-volume flow models will be integrated in discretized models of evaporator, and a flooded evaporator model will also be conceived. These new evaporator models will be compared with existing evaporator models in order to determine which of them makes the ORC model the most efficient, and if the improved evaporator models significantly enhance the robustness of these ORC models. Results show that, without increasing the errors in the energy and mass balances, p-x formulation represents a significant gain of robustness, while the bidirectional p-h formulation still experciences lack of robustness. For a complete ORC model, in steady-state conditions, the flooded evaporator is the most suitable evaporator model for an efficient ORC model, while improved discretized evaporators do not improve the simulation quality of these ORC models compared to the initial one.

Master thesis : Sensitivity and robustness analysis of thalamic neuron models at the cellular and network levels
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
Year: 2018 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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In the early fties, Hodgkin and Huxley developed a model of the electrical activity of the neuron. Based on a simple RC circuit with non-linear conductances, they reproduced very well the electrical behavior of a squid neuron. Over the last fty years, thanks to the increase of experimental data and knowledge in neuroscience, scientists have extended the Hodgkin and Huxley's model to more complex neurons. But they have often increased the complexity which makes their models less robust. 
This thesis focuses on thalamic neurons. The thalamus is the relay-station for the sensory inputs travelling to the cortex. Depending on the state, the thalamic neurons exhibit two di erent ring patterns. During sleep, the neurons are bursting, which stops the information processing. During wakefulness, the neurons are spiking and the thalamus processes the inputs. In order to study diseases such as absence seizures in children, or to describe more precisely the thalamic behavior, a robust model of neuron activity switch is necessary. This robustness has to be maintained when the study is performed at the network level.

Recent evidences have highlighted the critical role of the slow dynamics of neuronal calcium currents in the switch from spiking to bursting. Inspired by this line of work, this thesis gathers conductance-based models of thalamic neuron in the literature. The major di erence between them is the presence of the slow kinetics of the calcium current. The rst contribution is their robustness comparison at the cellular level. Models which lack this slow dynamic are fragile when they are subjected to perturbation.
The second contribution is to show that this slow dynamic is necessary to reproduce the correct rhythmicity of the thalamus at the network level.

The conductance-based models are powerful tools to simulate a neuron with a great biophysical realism. However, they consist in high-dimensional non-linear di erential equations that lead to time-consuming simulations. Therefore, the second part of this thesis investigates simple, qualitative modeling of neuron and network activity. This type of model, called hybrid model, is more mathematical; it captures the subthreshold dynamics of the neuron through di erential equations and adds a reset rule to mimic the all-or-none nature of the spike. A hybrid model of a thalamic neuron has to be able to switch from spiking to bursting. Its robustness at the cellular level relies on its ability to mimic the slow dynamics of the calcium current without mathematical manipulation.
The third contribution of the thesis is to con rm this discussion with a network level analysis. It shows that previously available simple models of thalamocortical neurons such as the well-known Izhikevich models lack the slow dynamics, hence they generate pathological behaviors while connected within a circuit.

The key message is the comparison between two classes of thalamic neuron models. The rst class integrates the slow dynamics of the calcium current while the second class assumes that this dynamics is fast. This work shows that the rst class provides better results in terms of robustness. This demonstration is led at the cellular and network levels, for conductance-based models or reduced models. Therefore, the models belonging to this class are suitable for studies concerning the neuromodulation or the synaptic plasticity. Au début des ann ées cinquante, Hodgkin et Huxley ont développé un modèle de l'activité électrique neuronale. Bas é sur un simple circuit RC caract eris é par des conductances non-linéaires, ils ont réussi à reproduire de manière précise le comportement électrique d'un neurone de calamar. Durant ces dernières années, l'augmentation du nombre de données expérimentales disponibles, ainsi qu'une amélioration des connaissances dans le domaine de la neuroscience, ont permis aux scienti ques d' étendre le mod èle de Hodgkin et Huxley au cas de neurones plus complexes. Cependant, ces modèles augmentent également en complexité mathématique, ce qui les rend moins robustes.
Cette thèse se concentre uniquement sur les neurones du thalamus. Cette partie du cerveau est le
centre-relais des informations sensorielles voyageant vers le cortex. En fonction de leur état, les neurones du thalamus sont caractérisés par deux motifs de décharge. Durant le sommeil, les neurones "burstent", ce qui bloque le traitement de l'information. Durant la phase d'éveil, les neurones présentent un enchaînement régulier de pics qui permettent au thalamus de traiter l'information et de l'envoyer au cortex. Un model robuste décrivant ce changement d'activité est primordial afin de mieux comprendre certaines maladies telles que l'absence d'épilepsie ou de d'écrire plus précisément le comportement du thalamus.

De récentes études ont mis en évidence le rôle critique de la dynamique lente des courants calciques présents dans les neurones dans la transition entre les deux modes de décharge. Inspirée par ces recherches, cette thèse rassemble des modèles à conductances des neurones du thalamus présents dans la littérature. La différence majeure entre ces modèles réside dans l'intégration ou non de la cinétique lente des courants calciques. La première contribution de ce travail est la comparaison de leur robustesse à l'échelle cellulaire. Les modèles qui omettent cette dynamique lente sont fragiles lorsqu'ils sont soumis à des perturbations.
La deuxième contribution consiste à montrer que cette caractéristique des courants calciques est nécessaire pour reproduire le rythme d'une population de neurones du thalamus.

Les modèles à conductances sont des outils puissants pour simuler un neurone avec une bonne interpretation biophysique. Cependant, ils sont formés d'un grand nombre d'équations différentielles non-linéaires menant à des simulations couteuses en temps. Par cons équent, la deuxi ème partie de cette thèse s'oriente vers une modélisation plus simple et plus qualitative des neurones et de leur activit é en r éseau. Ce type de modèle, appelé modèle hybride, est plus mathématique ; il capture la dynamique du signal neuronal au travers une équation différentielle. Ensuite, une équation de remise à zéro, appel ée la r ègle du "reset", tient compte de la nature "tout ou rien" des pics présents dans le signal électrique. Un modèle hybride d'un neurone du thalamus doit être capable de reproduire la transition entre les deux modes de décharges. Sa robustesse à l'échelle cellulaire repose sur son aptitude à imiter la dynamique lente des courants calciques sans manipulation mathématique.
La troisième contribution de cette thèse est de confirmer cette hypothèse avec une analyse à l'échelle d'un r éseau de neurones. Cette étude prouve que les modèles plus simples des neurones du thalamus présents dans la litt érature, tels que les modèles d'Izhikevich, n'intègrent pas cette cin étique lente. Par conséquent, ils ne sont pas capables de reproduire l'activité rythmique du thalamus.

Pour résumer, cette thèse à pour but de comparer deux classes de modèles de neurones du thalamus. Une classe intègre la dynamique lente des courants calciques en opposition à l'autre classe qui assume que cette dynamique est rapide. Ce travail montre que la classe faisant l'hypothèse d'une dynamique lente donne des résultats favorables en terme de robustesse. Cette d émonstration est menée au niveau cellulaire et à l'échelle d'un réseau de neurones, tant pour des modèles a conductances que des modèles r éduits.

Modal properties of partially damaged buildings
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
Year: 2019 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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During the lifespan of a structure many unpredictable events, that can endanger the life-safety of the inhabitants can occur. Such events are really hard to be predictd, during in the inital design phase due to their uncertain character. However in many cases during the history, the inadequate load transfer capacity of the bulidings, during an accidental action lead to catastrophic outcomes. 
The thesis focuses on the modal response of a 2D frame subjected to severall scenarios of column loss, having it`s body divided into five main chapters.
The aim of the first chapter is to offer the general knowledge necessary to understand the importance of robustness in engineering. While the first part of the chapter focuses on offering the reader some of the major historical events that happened and highlights the importance of taking into consideration the occurrence of uncertainties during the service life of a building, it also presents the recommendations of nowadays building codes. Another subchapter focuses on presenting the available modal based damage identification methods. Ultimately by the end of the chapter, the general behaviour of a 2D structural frame during the loss of a column is described, such that a good foundation of informations is provided to the reader, in order to fully interpret the next chapters.
In the second chapter the analyzed reference structure in terms of geometrical and mechanical properties, altogether with the applied modelling techniques and strategies to simulate the column loss during the eigenvalue analysis is described.
In Chapter 3 the performed analysis results, considering three main column loss scenarios and two general situations are developed. Firstly the removal of the central column is done, while the IAP is kept in the elastic range. As it will follow the same column removal will be done also by considering the non linear behaviour of the IAP. In the next parts of the chapter, the same procedures will be applied in order to obtain the structural response in the case of the losses of intermediary and corner columns, respectively.
In the body of the fourth chapter a parametric study, by increasing the number of spans from 4 to 6 and from 6 to 8, while keeping all the other geometrical and material parameters in the same range as in the case of the original reference frame is offered. Having the ultimate goal to find correspondence between the modal response of the aforementioned three frames.
Lastly, in the fifth chapter the obtained results will be summarized, altogether with the general informations, that are concluded after the analyses.

Robustness of steel structures - study of the applicability of innovative methods on real structures
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
Year: 2021 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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The request for robustness of structures is a recent topic aiming at ensuring the structural integrity of a structure in case of exceptional events. General design recommendations are provided in modern codes and standards but they are far from being satisfactory as it has been demonstrated that the respect of these recommendations do not necessarily allow to guarantee a sufficient robustness to a structure. It is the reason why research activities are still ongoing in this field in view of (i) mastering the response of structures when subjected to exceptional events and, on this basis, (ii) to derive rules for practitioners. This master thesis takes place in this context.

The objective of this master thesis is to study and apply methods for steel building structures allowing to reach an appropriate level of robustness. These research will be performed in the framework of an ongoing European RFCS project entitled "FailNoMore". 

In particular, a 3D steel structures, initially designed by a German design office for “classical” loading conditions, will be studied in view of (i) characterising its behaviour when subjected to a specific exceptional event, i.e. the loss of a supporting member, and of (ii) investigating the efficiency of existing design methods for robustness. At the end of the work, a critical analysis of the results obtained with the different methods will be provided in view of making recommendations for practice. 

These objectives will be achieved using numerical and analytical approaches. The numerical investigations will be realised using the FINELG software. 

This master thesis will show that the tying method, such as it is present in the Eurocode, does not make it possible to ensure a sufficient robustness in the case of the scenario considered of the loss of a column.
It is also shown that, following a numerical study, the weakness of the structure is in the connections. A structure with hinged connections is not robust when column loss is considered.
By using partially resistant connections, and by means of an innovative analytical approach, it is shown that the considered structure can be robust under the exceptional scenario of column loss by slightly modifying the properties of the structure.

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