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Forest management --- Citizen participation --- Community involvement --- forests --- Madagascar
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Research questions the social springs of militant indignation and socialization in that it mobilize individuals in a humanitarian cause.
hébergement --- citoyen --- migrant --- indignation --- citizen --- host --- indignation --- migrant --- Sciences sociales & comportementales, psychologie > Sociologie & sciences sociales
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This study is an analysis cost-benefit about the Citizen Service (Service Citoyen) organized by the Platform for Citizen Service in Belgium. We estimate that 1 € invested in the Belgian Youth Service has a return of 1.37 € to the community. We identified three stakeholders (young volunteers, host organizations, State) and we estimated measured benefits and non measured benefits for each of them.
youth service --- citizen service --- civic service --- civil service --- cost-benefit analysis --- SROI --- social impact --- Sciences économiques & de gestion > Economie sociale
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Wallonia is the region of southern Belgium, divided into five provinces comprising 262 municipalities of varying sizes for a total of more than 3.6 million inhabitants (Walstat, 2018) and spread over an area of 16,901 km² (Iweps, 2020). By way of comparison, Berlin has almost as many inhabitants as Wallonia for an area 17 times smaller. So, when we talk about "Smart City" approaches in this type of large metropolis like Berlin, it is legitimate to wonder about their applicability in Wallonia. Indeed, given the particularity of the Walloon territory and its administrative structure, the "Smart City" solutions of large metropolises are not immediately applicable to Wallonia. Moreover, the disparity between municipalities is another factor to be taken into account. Although some larger Walloon municipalities such as Liège or Charleroi can more easily undertake popular "Smart" initiatives, adapting them to the small municipalities of the territory, with less than 10,000 inhabitants and living in a rural context is not as straightforward. In this paper, you will first find a comparative analysis of recommendations in the context of a company and a government. This analysis was conducted to establish if these recommendations are in place in the digital strategy of Wallonia: “Digital Wallonia”. An analysis of trending technologies was also conducted based on Gartner’s Hype Cycle, to identify the ones to prioritize in the near future. Based on these technologies, an inventory of the supply and demand in Wallonia was put together. The supply represents the different companies active in Wallonia in the digital sector. For the demand, it is based on the winning projects of the call for projects “Smart Region Territoire intelligent” of Digital Wallonia. The projects are run by the municipalities within the Walloon territory. All these different parts are put together to shed some insight on the situation in Wallonia.
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Citizenship --- Social participation --- Urban policy --- Urban renewal --- Citoyenneté --- Participation sociale --- Politique urbaine --- Rénovation urbaine --- Citizen participation --- Participation des citoyens --- PTHESIS TSPE EPUB-ETHESIS TSSOC
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RESUME. La diminution de la fréquentation des églises dans le monde Occidental conduit à leur redondance. Ce patrimoine est donc en danger et la réaffectation apparaît comme une solution privilégiée permettant sa conservation intégrée. Le présent travail de fin d’études propose de développer un outil d’aide à la décision sous forme de procédure permettant de mener à bien un projet de réaffectation, faisant intervenir la participation citoyenne et s’inscrivant dans une démarche de développement durable. Cet outil vise les communes et fabriques d’églises, qui ont la responsabilité des églises paroissiales, en Wallonie. Son objectif est de donner toutes les clés en main aux décideurs afin qu’ils prennent une décision informée sur leurs églises. Cela consiste à identifier toutes les parties-prenantes, y compris les citoyens, et leur permettre de recueillir et synthétiser toute l’information permettant de justifier : la conservation de l’église et le choix de la réaffectation comme solution à sa conservation ; le choix d’une ou plusieurs fonctions alternatives à intégrer à l’église, en parallèle ou non de l’activité du culte catholique ; et enfin, les choix de conception inhérents à la mise en oeuvre du projet de réaffectation. L’objectif de ce travail de fin d’études est donc de parcourir tous les facteurs de décision qui peuvent influencer ces choix, sélectionner les plus pertinents et proposer des outils pratiques et des méthodologies pour leur évaluation.
Réaffectation --- Reconversion --- Aide à la décision --- Participation citoyenne --- Eglises --- patrimoine religieux --- Re-use --- Conversion --- Decision making support --- Guidelines --- Citizen Participation --- Churches --- Religious Heritage --- Ingénierie, informatique & technologie > Architecture
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Depuis peu, notre région voit éclore des projets entrepreneuriaux sous forme de coopératives citoyennes. Ces initiatives sont soutenues par les pouvoirs publics et suscitent l’engouement des médias. Ces projets remportent un certain succès auprès du grand public qui y voit une opportunité d’investir dans des projets porteurs de sens dans le cadre d’appels publics à l’épargne. Les sociétés coopératives visées par cette étude ont la particularité d’être agréée par le CNC et certaines ont une finalité sociale. Ces nouvelles sociétés suscitent l’intérêt des financeurs publics et privés. Mais, certains projets sont freinés à cause de la méconnaissance de cette forme d’entreprise atypique. Il semble que les dossiers de ces projets manquent d’une formalisation adaptée. En effet, les sociétés coopératives « citoyennes », de par leur nature, ont des pratiques et font des choix de gestion qui leur sont spécifiques. Certains de ces choix ont un impact visible, ou non, sur les états financiers. Actuellement, le schéma des comptes annuels d’une coopérative ne permet pas une compréhension aisée de leur modèle économique et compromet la qualité de l’évaluation du dossier par des financeurs potentiels. L’étude vise à définir le concept de coopérative citoyenne, relever les pratiques et les choix de gestion spécifiques aux coopératives citoyennes et déterminer l’impact réel ou potentiel de ces choix sur les états financiers et leur analyse, concevoir un canevas reprenant les pratiques associées à des indicateurs et enfin valider l’intérêt de ce canevas auprès des acteurs de terrain et présenter leur feedback.
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Road infrastructures impact wildlife species in several ways. In particular, animals could suffer from habitat loss, traffic mortality, barrier to movements and populations subdivision. Despite the importance of those issues and the large amount of available data, only few published papers investigated road-wildlife interactions in Wallonia, Belgium so far. Road-kills observations recorded between 2006 and 2016 in three different databases have therefore been analysed, focusing on the Eurasian badger (Meles meles), the European polecat (Mustela putorius) and the raccoon (Procyon lotor). Those data have been harvested voluntarily, without any sampling program. In this master thesis, an original methodology has first been designed to sort out and select relevant data. To do so, distances to roads have been used and double-counts have been removed. Then, the goal was to test whether roadkill observations could serve as an indicator of wildlife populations’ status and trends. Results showed poor to medium similarity between collision data and data that were considered as the reference. Finally, impacts of roads on these mammals have been investigated. Hotspots maps have been drawn, and it has been calculated that at least 7,42% to 13,69% of badgers’ populations are killed on roads each year. However, all those results are only partially reliable as they depend on search effort, which was unknown. For further research, it is recommended to improve data encoding and to investigate deeper the issue of sampling effort.
Road-kills --- Roads --- Badger --- Polecat --- Raccoon --- Wallonia --- voluntary data --- citizen science --- indicator --- hotspots --- Meles meles --- Mustela putorius --- Procyon lotor --- Sciences du vivant > Agriculture & agronomie
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The world is constantly adapting and our way of consuming is changing. Our environment has become globalized over the last two centuries. Food production is mainly carried out using techniques that do not respect biodiversity and the health of the population, all managed by multinational companies. Indeed, we know less and less about the components of our plates. This leads to a loss of quality and confidence when buying food. Faced with these observations, some actors are becoming more and more aware that we must change our way of consuming and farming. Therefore, in recent years, some have decided to create alternative production methods and sell their products through a more direct marketing channel. By reducing intermediaries, these initiatives allow for greater transparency in both food and economic terms. Social and territorial ties are thus reconsidered. And above all, the added value goes directly to producers or farmers and no longer to large companies. It is in this context that this research is part of. It aims to understand why the current food market is not optimal and whether the theory of Market Failure can be fully validated by showing the interest of these short food supply chains initiatives. After further defining the concept of short food supply chains, we will show that they are the obstacles that exist for the population to embark on this food transition. We will discover what key factors need to be strengthened to encourage consumers to use these initiatives. Then, through a survey and observations over a month, this study aims to understand by which factors to engage the consumer in these short foods supply chains initiatives? What is their current purchasing behavior? What are their obstacles and motivations to consume locally? What would increase confidence in the purchase transaction? What effort should be made by these alternatives to encourage the citizen? Are they legitimate and sustainable concerning marketing?
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Le territoire wallon compte énormément de châteaux. Cependant, un grand nombre de châteaux médiévaux sont en ruines et, bien souvent, les asbl qui en deviennent les gestionnaires, accompagnées de quelques bénévoles, sont les seules à prendre en main leur sauvegarde. Disposant de peu de moyens financiers, techniques et humains, et manquant souvent de renseignements quant aux procédures administratives propres à la demande de projets, la conservation de ces édifices s’exerce péniblement. Face à ces défaillances, le présent travail de fin d’études a pour objectif de mettre en place un dispositif qui puisse venir en aide à la gestion participative de ces monuments. En effet, nombreuses sont les chartes et conventions qui prônent une telle gestion du patrimoine. L’enjeu est donc maintenant d’enfin répondre à cette demande et de fournir un cadre nécessaire, mais pourtant encore manquant actuellement. A cet effet, différents acteurs gravitant autour de la sauvegarde des châteaux médiévaux ont été rencontrés lors d’entretiens semi-dirigés (différents services de la Région wallonne et asbl) dans le but de récolter la matière première nécessaire à l’établissement de l’outil collaboratif dont il est question. Ces entretiens, complétés par des recherches personnelles, ont permis de discerner les principaux points qui faisaient défaut. Ainsi, dans le but de fournir un outil pratique, collaboratif, dynamique et moderne, c’est vers une application mobile que s’est tournée cette étude. Cette application s’adresse à l’ensemble des protagonistes, que ce soient les asbl, les bénévoles et les professionnels du métier de la restauration ou les pouvoirs publics. Cet outil, nous l’espérons, contribuera à faciliter la réalisation de projets de restauration et de conservation intégrée, en favorisant le partage et les échanges parmi les différents sites et en proposant un cadre commun concernant les procédures à suivre. Wallonia has a lot of castles. However, a large number of medieval castles are in ruins and, very often, the non-profit organizations which become their managers, accompanied by a few volunteers, are the only ones to take charge of their safeguard. Having few financial, technical and human resources, and often lacking information as to the administrative procedures specific to the request for projects, the conservation of these edifices is painfully exercised. Faced with these shortcomings, the aim of this end-of-study work is to set up a system that can help the participative management of these monuments. Indeed, there are many charters and conventions which advocate such heritage management. The challenge now is to finally respond to this request and provide a necessary framework, but which is still missing today. To this end, various actors gravitating around the safeguarding of medieval castles were met during semi-directed interviews (different departments of Wallonia and asbl) in order to collect the raw material necessary for the establishment of the collaborative tool in question. These interviews, supplemented by personal research, made it possible to discern the main points that were missing. So, in order to provide a practical, collaborative, dynamic and modern tool, this study turned to a mobile application. This application is intended for all stakeholders, whether non-profit organizations, volunteers and professionals in the catering trade or public authorities. This tool, we hope, will help facilitate the implementation of restoration and integrated conservation projects, by promoting sharing and exchanges among the various sites and by proposing a common framework concerning the procedures to be followed.
Patrimoine --- Châteaux médiévaux --- Outil collaboratif --- Participation citoyenne --- Restauration --- Conservation intégrée --- Gestion participative --- Patrimony --- Medieval castles --- Collaborative tool --- Citizen participation --- Restoration --- Integrated conservation --- Participative management --- Ingénierie, informatique & technologie > Architecture
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