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Cavitation detection by enhancing envelope spectrum estimation through signal processing

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Cavitation is a hydrodynamic phenomenon occurring in hydraulic turbomachinery. It is undesirable, since it results in wear and material damage, and consequently affects machine performance. However, tracking the development of cavitation in a non-intrusive or non-destructive manner is challenging. Majority of methods applied in practice rely on vibration- and sound-based measurements to estimate the state of cavitation. This thesis utilizes vibration measurements of a centrifugal pump in a laboratory setting, which eliminates the complexity associated with dealing other sources of noise and vibration. The final domain of analysis is the (squared-) envelope spectrum (SES). Analysis using SES for signals of mechanical systems is conventional due to the repetitive operating nature of their internal mechanisms. In this work, difference in characteristics associated with three states of cavitation - onset, intermediate, and full cavitation - with respect to the pump's healthy state have been investigated. Two key methodologies have been studied and adapted to enhance the detection of cavitation with respect to a given healthy state as reference. Moreover, a criterion has been proposed to quantify the certainty of detection, and its performance has been tested using given data.


Condition Monitoring of Rolling Element Bearings Based on Smartphone Standalone Data

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In this master thesis project the applicability of using only smartphone standalone data to monitor the condition of rolling element bearings is investigated. Using a smartphone instead of expensive measurement equipment and data acquisition systems can result in a fast and cost-effective methodology to monitor the health status of rolling element bearings. The shaft speed extraction is based on video images acquired by the smartphone camera. This methodology exploits the deformation of the video image due to the rolling shutter effect of the smartphone camera. The bearing damage detection is based on the audio of the smartphone video. The audio is captured in stereo by a dual plug-in microphone. The acoustic data is processed by three different signal processing methodologies and subsequently the resulting envelope spectra are analysed to check for bearing fault signatures. The methodologies used are: Firstly, a demodulation of the raw acoustic data by applying a Hilbert transform. Secondly, a demodulation of the acoustic data after filtering the raw acoustic data with an ideal bandpass filter based on the characteristics of the Kurtogram. Thirdly, transforming the acoustic data to the bi-frequency domain by calculating the spectral coherence. The different methodologies are validated by performing experiments with a Mild Inner Race, Small Outer Race and Large Outer Race damaged bearing running at shaft speeds in the range from 5 to 40 revolutions per second. The acoustic data resulting from a reference microphone resulted in promising results in order to detect bearing damages when using the kurtogram-based bandpass filter or the spectral coherence. Unfortunately, the acoustic data resulting from the smartphone audio has a cut-off frequency at 14.5 kHz, due to data compression. This lead to the non-detection of small bearing damages, because the signal-to-noise ratio was too low in the available frequency bands.


Acoustics based gear diagnostics based on smartphones' microphones
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen

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This manuscript provides insight into the ability of smartphones to detect gear faults using their built-in microphone. First of all, experiments were performed in a semi-anechoic room, focussing on obtaining the acoustic characteristics which were considered important for gear diagnostics. Also, an experiment was performed in which it was shown that a smartphone could detect a broken tooth fault on a helical gear at relatively low load.


Machine learning based gear quality prediction within grinding process

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The manufacturing accuracy of gears is directly related to their reliability, operational noise and vibrations. Ever increasing quality demands have forced gear manufacturers to adopt advanced manufacturing processes to assure that the required quality is met. Current theoretical models are not capable of predicting gear quality in realistic industrial settings. As a result, manufacturers often rely on costly geometric measurements on a limited amount of samples per batch. Recently, the fields of machine learning and data analysis have been rapidly expanding. Their application in manufacturing is a common topic of research, supported by the frameworks of Industry 4.0. The use of these technologies facilitates new approaches for the modelling and monitoring of complex manufacturing procedures. At present, only a limited amount of research has been published related to monitoring and modelling of gear grinding processes. This thesis explores novel methodologies for real-time prediction of gear quality during the gear grinding process. Firstly, the important aspects of gear engineering are discussed. The current state of research is explored by reviewing the available literature. Insights gathered from this literature study are then used to develop novel methodologies for the prediction of gear quality in gears finished by grinding. Based on a production experiment, vibrations at the tool spindle have been recorded with a triaxial accelerometer. The information captured during grinding forms the basis for quality prediction. In total, three distinct methodologies are developed for the prediction of gear quality. The performance of each methodology is verified on test data and discussed in detail. This research serves as a validation of machine learning based methodologies for gear quality prediction. It serves as a basis for further work towards a final industrial application.


Using transfer learning for dry-wet classification of insulated piping systems

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This thesis aims to use the measurements provided by a novel sensor developed by iSensPro, to combat the problem of corrosion under insulation. More specifically, the problem of dry-wet classification is tackled using data driven machine learning models. The cost of gathering data samples is in practice very dependent on the parameters of the tests like the scale of the setup and the type of wetting, such as leakages or rain intrusion. Therefore, this study aims to train a classifier using only labeled samples of relatively cheap to perform tests while still achieving high performance on situations for which it is relatively expensive to gather labeled data. In this thesis, the situation where it is relatively cheap to gather labeled data is chosen to be the situation with moisture intrusion due to rain. The situation where it is relatively expensive to gather labeled data is chosen to be the situation with moisture intrusion due to a leakage. To perform this information transfer from one situation to another, transfer learning techniques are used. More specifically, several models using adversarial domain adaptation are implemented and tested. These models are trained on the labeled data from the situation with moisture intrusion due to rain while using unlabeled samples from the situation with a leakage. For the experimental design the reverse validation method is used to select the models' hyperparameters. The reliability of the reverse validation method is also examined. It is shown that the final selected transfer learning model is able to correctly classify all the dry samples of the leakage tests and in most of the tests the classifier is also able to detect all the wet samples due to leakage. However, in some of the performed experimental tests the model is not able to recognize any wet sample with moisture intrusion due to leakage.


Investigation of the dynamic response of turbine blades

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Gedwongen trillingen van turbineschoepen in vliegtuigmotoren en industriële gasturbines, blijven een van de meest voorkomende oorzaken van hoge-cyclus-vermoeiingsbreuk. Deze constructies moeten zorgvuldig worden ontworpen om weerstand te bieden tegen de dynamische spanningen veroorzaakt door resonantietrillingen, die kunnen optreden binnen een breed werkingsgebied en bij verschillende motor orden. Verder wordt het ontwerp bemoeilijkt door de afwezigheid van significante materiaaldemping en de moeilijke omstandigheden waarin de turbineschoepen moeten werken. Wrijvingsdemping die plaatsvind bij de mechanische verbindingen van turbineschoepen, is een van de meest efficiënte en praktische oplossingen om resonantietrillingen te verminderen. De verbindingen waar wrijving plaatsvind kunnen eigen aan het ontwerp van turbineschoepen zijn, zoals hun bevestiging aan de voet, of kunnen worden geïntroduceerd met het doel extra wrijvingsdemping te verwezenlijken, zoals underplatform dempers. Het nauwkeurig voorspellen van de invloed van wrijvingsdemping op de dynamica van turbineschoepen blijft echter een uitdaging vanwege de niet-lineaire aard van wrijving. Deze thesis onderzoekt het dynamisch gedrag van turbineschoepen met aandacht voor underplatform dempers. Verschillende modellen van de structuur met een toenemende graad van complexiteit en veralgemening worden geconstrueerd. Een uitgebreide numerieke methodiek op basis van de harmonische balans methode wordt gepresenteerd en geïmplementeerd in Matlab. Verschillende contact -en wrijvingsmodellen worden gebruikt en hun prestaties vergeleken. Invloed van belangrijke parameters voor wrijvingsdemping wordt onderzocht, met als doel de identificatie van de optimale ontwerpwaarden van de wrijvingsdemper.


Characterization of SiN-based MZI optical microphone

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In the recent decades, the market for MEMS devices has been rapidly growing. Among various devices, significant market growth is observed for MEMS microphone, having a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.9% from 2020 to 2025. IMEC has developed a pressure sensor using MOMS technology (Micro-opto-mechanical systems) that converts mechanical movement of its membrane into a change in the output optical signal. In this thesis, the feasibility of using the MOMS pressure sensor as a microphone is validated by performing characterization of the sensor in comparison with a reference microphone. The working principle of the MOMS is based on the Mach-Zehnder interferometer. The silicon nitride waveguides of the MOMS are embedded within its flexible silicon oxide membrane. The membrane deforms when perturbed by a pressure difference, thereby, producing a change in the optical output. Prior to characterization, the optimal MOMS device is selected. The selection is done based on microscopic inspection of MOMS membrane and the optical performance of the embedded waveguides. The characterization of the MOMS is done within an acoustic chamber using a piezo buzzer and loudspeaker as acoustic sources. Additionally, a pre-calibrated capacitive microphone is placed in vicinity of the MOMS to serve as a reference. The results obtained from the different experiments confirm that MOMPS as microphone have satisfactory voltage response, frequency response and linearity in the acoustic range, thus proving their potential application


Design and Analysis of a Test Rig for Rotor Stator Interaction and Blade Tip Timing

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Increasing the safety and efficiency of turbomachinery is an ongoing quest for engineers. By reducing the clearance gap between rotor and stator, the efficiency is increased. However, small perturbances in running conditions can cause the blades of the rotor to hit the stator. This phenomenon, called rotor stator interaction, can cause severe damage to the machine. Abradable liners are commonly used to diminish the effects of the contact. Additionally, new ways of monitoring blade damage while in operation are of great importance. One of these methods is blade tip timing, where probes positioned in the casing measure blade tip deflection, leading to possible damage detection. Therefore, a test rig is devised for experiments on rotor stator interaction and testing of blade tip timing methods. To achieve both at the same time, a casing segment rather than a cylindrical casing is used. The casing segment is compliantly mounted on three support bars, allowing the operator to adapt the casing segment stiffness. For the blade tip timing, an aluminium plate with circular cut-outs allows for nearly continuous probe positioning. As such, the operator is able to test multiple probe configurations, mimicking real life turbine geometric constraints. Finally, the model is analysed using the Simcenter 3D rotor dynamics solver. A complex modal analysis shows no natural frequencies occur within the operating range (0-3000rpm) of the test rig. However, as the rotor has eight blades, the eighth engine order is of interest and is excited for each rotor mode. Since this is a relatively high harmonic, the amplitude is significantly smaller than that of the first harmonic, and, thus, no cause for concern. Basement excitation analysis proves that, for excitation frequencies below 30Hz (first stator natural frequency), the blade tip timing measurements would not be excessively polluted. However, a shock response analysis, with a force of 1.5kN and a period of 1ms applied at both the blade tip and the casing segment, resulted in extremely high stress in the blade dovetail. These stress concentrations are possibly due to gluing being used instead of contact parameters, which are not supported by the rotor dynamics solver.


Data-driven condition monitoring of gear grinding processes

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The monitoring of processes and quality of products is of vital importance in manufacturing industry, especially in times where machines are pushed to their limits. This is because an early detection of malfunctions results in lower costs and an increase in safety and product quality. The main goal of this thesis was hence to investigate which techniques could be employed to monitor the gear grinding process departing from an available vibrational data set. As a first step, a set of features has been determined by which the baseline signals should be distinguishable from the faulty signals. These traditional features were r.m.s., Kurtosis, Shannon entropy and Permutation entropy in time domain as well as angular domain and finally after Cepstrum editing. Secondly, a static PCA-based process monitoring methodology was implemented. Up until then, the considered statistics did not prove to be excellent indicators for health assessment, although minor classification power was observed. Lastly, a self-learning convolutional neural network (CNN) was designed and trained with the use of STFT representations of the raw acceleration signals. In the two-label classification case, the network achieved a validation accuracy of 83 percent. This is a satisfying result and opens opportunities for future work with the current data set from a machine learning perspective. Additionally, a MATLAB function has been developed in order to detect the grinding passes in an automated way based on a robust and universal feature with physical relevance.


Output-Only Modal Analysis Using IFESIS
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen

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This thesis presents a numerical and experimental validation of a novel output-only modal analysis technique, which is an extension of a recently introduced wavelet based algorithm, called IFESIS (Instantaneous Frequency Estimation via Subspace Invariance properties of wavelet Structures). In the proposed methodology, a set of specific wavelet structures - Complex Shifted Morlet Wavelets (CSMW), firstly acts upon a time-domain output signal. A transformed set of complex signals, called wavelet transforms, is obtained as a result. Subsequently, the system modal parameters (eigenfrequencies and damping ratios) are estimated by applying an appropriate subspace algorithm to the entire array of resulting wavelet transforms. In this way, the procedure combines the advantages of the CSMWs with the advantages of the subspace methods. The investigated algorithm is implemented for different time-invariant and time-varying scenarios, in order to evaluate and illustrate its performance. Firstly, linear time-invariant (LTI) and time-varying (LTV) dynamic systems are simulated and the obtained time-domain responses are afterwards analyzed using IFESIS. The results demonstrate that the algorithm is able to estimate very accurately the modal parameters of the simulated systems. The numerical study further suggests that with the proposed methodology one can identify the system's vibration characteristics not only based on the standard Dirac impulse as an external force, but also using repetitive aperiodic impacts or burst noise excitation. An experimental validation of the method is demonstrated with the help of relevant time-invariant and time-varying test set-ups. The modal parameters of the test structures, estimated with IFESIS, are compared with the corresponding results obtained from a dedicated experimental modal analysis software. The two sets of results are found to be in agreement with each other. In addition, the modal shapes of the static test structure are extracted and qualitatively compared with the relevant software estimates. The implementation of IFESIS requires appropriate selection of certain internal parameters of the algorithm. Their influence on the performance is also studied, in order to arrive at optimal implementation strategies.


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