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Hand rehabilitation : a quick reference guide and review
Year: 2005 Publisher: St.Louis (Miss.) Elsevier Mosby

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Risk assessment and management of repetitive movements and exertions of upper limbs : job analysis, Ocra risk indices, prevention strategies, and design principles
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9780080540603 0080540600 9780080440804 0080440800 1281072303 9786611072308 Year: 2002 Publisher: Amsterdam ; Boston : Elsevier,

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Risk Assessment and Management of Repetitive Movements and Exertions of Upper Limbs

Handbook of Upper Extremity Examination
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783030860950 9783030860943 9783030860967 Year: 2022 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing :Imprint: Springer

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In addition to complementary radiographic imaging, the physical exam is an essential diagnostic element for the orthopedic surgeon. As such, learning to perform this exam thoroughly is of utmost importance to medical students, residents and interns on an orthopedic rotation and in later practice. This practical text succinctly presents all of the necessary information regarding the physical examination of the upper extremity. The hand, wrist, elbow and shoulder are discussed in dedicated thematic sections, with each section comprised of three main chapters. The initial chapter describes the musculoskeletal anatomy and function of the joint, presenting the tests themselves along with the rationale for performing them. The second chapter presents the systematic examinations carried out in every case, and the third chapter describes examinations for specific conditions relating to the joint, including tendinopathies, osteoarthritis, neurological conditions, deformities, and more. Plentiful bullet points and color images throughout the text describe and illustrate each test and physical sign. Convenient and user-friendly, Handbook of Upper Extremity Examination is a valuable, portable guide to this all-important diagnostic tool for students and practitioners alike.

RP2040 Assembly Language Programming
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781484277539 9781484277522 9781484277546 1484277538 Year: 2022 Publisher: Berkeley, CA Apress :Imprint: Apress

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"Learn to program the Raspberry Pi Pico's dual ARM Cortex M0+ CPUs in Assembly Language. The Pico contains a customer System on a Chip (SoC) called the RP2040, making it the Foundation's first entry into the low-cost microcontroller market. The RP2040 contains a wealth of coprocessors for performing arithmetic as well as performing specialized I/O functionality. This book will show you how these CPUs work from a low level, easy-to-learn perspective. There are eight new Programmable I/O (PIO) coprocessors that have their own specialized Assembly Language supporting a wide variety of interface protocols. You'll explore these protocols and write programs or functions in Assembly Language and interface to all the various bundled hardware interfaces. Then go beyond working on your own board and projects to contribute to the official RP2040 SDK. Finally, you'll take your DIY hardware projects to the next level of performance and functionality with more advanced programming skills. What You'll LearnRead and understand the Assembly Language code that is part of the Pico's SDKIntegrate Assembly Language and C code together into one programInterface to available options for DIY electronics and IoT projectsWho This Book Is ForMakers who have already worked with microcontrollers, such as the Arduino or Pico, programming in C or Python. Those interested in going deeper and learning how these devices work at a lower level, by learning Assembly Language."--

The end of development : a global history of poverty and prosperity
ISBN: 9781786990204 9781786990211 9781786990235 9781786990228 9781786990242 1786990237 1350225460 Year: 2017 Publisher: London Zed Books

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Across the world, millions remain trapped in debilitating poverty, while international aid and development projects have seemingly done little to close the gap between developed and developing nations. Why have some countries grown so rich while others remain so poor? And, how can we account for the persistence of global poverty? In The End of Development, Andrew Brooks answers these questions with a provocative argument that inequality is rooted in the very nature of our approach to development itself. Tracing the long arc of human history, Brooks rejects popular environmental explanations for the divergence of nations, showing that the prosperity of the West and poverty of "the rest" stems not from environmental factors but from the dynamics of capitalism and colonialism, which enriched the powers of the global North at the expense of the South. Rather than address the root causes of this inequality, international development strategies have so far only served to exacerbate them, by imposing crippling debts and destructive policies on developing nations. But, Brooks suggests that this disastrous form of development is now coming to an end, as the emerging economies of Asia and Africa begin to assert themselves on the world stage. In The End of Development he urges that we must seize this opportunity to transform attitudes towards inequality and to develop radical new approaches to addressing global poverty. -- Provided by publisher.


338.340 --- 339.21 --- Algemene ontwikkeling in de Derde Wereld. --- Ongelijkheid en herverdeling van vermogens en inkomens. Inkomensbeleid. --- Developing countries: economic development problems --- Algemene ontwikkeling in de Derde Wereld --- Ongelijkheid en herverdeling van vermogens en inkomens. Inkomensbeleid --- Globalization. --- globalisation --- poverty --- developing countries --- economic development --- taloudellinen kehitys --- wirtschaftliche Entwicklung --- majandusareng --- sviluppo economico --- economische ontwikkeling --- développement économique --- икономическо развитие --- ekonomski razvoj --- økonomisk udvikling --- hospodársky rozvoj --- żvilupp ekonomiku --- desarrollo económico --- dezvoltare economică --- zhvillim ekonomik --- rozwój gospodarczy --- gospodarski razvoj --- hospodářský rozvoj --- привредни развој --- desenvolvimento económico --- ūkio plėtra --- економски развој --- οικονομική ανάπτυξη --- ekonomikas attīstība --- gazdasági fejlődés --- ekonomisk utveckling --- οικονομική άνθηση --- auge económico --- wirtschaftliche Erholung --- hospodářský rozmach --- Verbesserung der Wirtschaftslage --- noususuhdanne --- hospodářský vzestup --- zlepšení hospodářské situace --- economic upswing --- Wirtschaftsaufschwung --- risanamento dell'economia --- milagre económico --- ekonomiskt uppsving --- ekonomikos pakilimas --- slancio economico --- ekonomický rozvoj --- vlucht van de economie --- раст на економијата --- majanduse kasv --- економски пораст --- økonomisk fremgang --- progres economic --- hospodársky rozmach --- tautsaimniecības attīstība --- ρυθμός οικονομικής ανάπτυξης --- tautsaimniecības uzplaukums --- sviluppo del mercato --- consolidamento dell'economia --- alza económica --- ekonomikos plėtra --- a gazdasági helyzet javulása --- ngritje ekonomike --- økonomisk opgang --- раст на економската активност --- hospodářská konjunktura --- ekonomiskais uzplaukums --- essor économique --- pajjiżi fil-fażi tal-iżvilupp --- αναπτυσσόμενες χώρες --- zemlje u razvoju --- развиващи се държави --- kraje rozwijające się --- arengumaad --- земји во развој --- fejlődő országok --- attīstības valstis --- țări în curs de dezvoltare --- rozvojové země --- države v razvoju --- país en desarrollo --- kehitysmaat --- utvecklingsland --- vende në zhvillim --- Entwicklungsland --- paese in via di sviluppo --- besivystančios šalys --- pays en développement --- земље у развоју --- país em desenvolvimento --- rozvojové krajiny --- udviklingsland --- ontwikkelingsland --- Tredje Verden --- země s nízkou životní úrovní --- Lumea a Treia --- jaunattīstības valstis --- paese arretrato --- Α.Χ. --- Derde-Wereldland --- Трет свет --- país do Terceiro Mundo --- szegény országok --- Third World --- harmadik világ országai --- zemlje Trećega svijeta --- tredje världen --- vendet e Botës së Tretë --- tiers monde --- tretí svet --- armes Land --- Τρίτος Κόσμος --- PVD --- pays du tiers monde --- Terceiro Mundo --- trešās pasaules valstis --- land i tredje världen --- Land der Dritten Welt --- kolmannen maailman maat --- kolmas maailma --- Treći svijet --- PVS --- harmadik világ --- país em vias de desenvolvimento --- terzo mondo-paesi --- país en vías de desarrollo --- kolmas maailm --- krajiny tretieho sveta --- земји со низок животен стандард --- pays en voie de développement --- země třetího světa --- chudé země --- kolmanda maailma riigid --- trečiasis pasaulis --- paese sottosviluppato --- terzo mondo --- Bota e Tretë --- χώρες του τρίτου κόσμου --- χώρες υπό ανάπτυξη --- país del Tercer Mundo --- třetí svět --- Derde Wereld --- trešā pasaule --- uland --- Third World countries --- земји од Третиот свет --- trečiojo pasaulio šalys --- u-land --- țările Lumii a Treia --- dritte Welt --- povertà --- chudoba --- faqar --- siromaštvo --- ένδεια --- pobreza --- revščina --- vaesus --- fattigdom --- köyhyys --- Armut --- pauvreté --- бедност --- armoede --- nabadzība --- сиромаштија --- ubóstwo --- skurdas --- сиромаштво --- szegénység --- varfëri --- sărăcie --- fattig --- nouze --- ενδεής --- ekonomiskt svag --- i dobët ekonomikisht --- economie slabă --- indigente --- lufta kundër varfërisë --- szegény --- ekonomicky slabé obyvatelstvo --- uusköyhät --- lidé s nízkými příjmy --- беда --- Einkommensschwacher --- немаштија --- szegénység elleni küzdelem --- săraci --- cīņa ar nabadzību --- nuevo pobre --- καταπολέμηση της φτώχειας --- οικονομικά ασθενής --- ekonomska slabost --- økonomisk svagt stillet --- ekonomiski vājš --- boj proti chudobe --- i varfër --- pauvre --- schudobnelý --- pauperism --- nouveau pauvre --- lucha contra la pobreza --- mendigo --- debilidade económica --- sociálně slabí občané --- fight against poverty --- poor --- лица со ниски примања --- menesteroso --- new poor --- neopovero --- bekæmpelse af fattigdom --- борба против сиромаштија --- wirtschaftlich Schwacher --- pauperismo --- võitlus vaesusega --- neue Armut --- povero --- majanduslikult nõrk --- економска слабост --- i varfër i ri --- oskudica --- neturtingieji --- ekonomiškai silpnas --- boj proti bídě --- nieuwe arme --- fattigdomsbekämpning --- nyfattig --- medellös --- economically weak --- lupta împotriva sărăciei --- vähävarainen --- πενία --- chudobný --- uusvaene --- Bekämpfung der Armut --- νεόπτωχος --- zproletarizované skupiny --- ubemidlet --- pobre --- bijeda --- zchudnutí --- lutte contre la pauvreté --- naujieji skurdžiai --- luta contra a pobreza --- neimaština --- φτώχεια --- bída --- köyhyyden torjuminen --- ekonomicky slabý --- meno abbiente --- borba protiv siromaštva --- économiquement faible --- φτωχός --- bestrijding van de armoede --- novo pobre --- lotta all'indigenza --- Armer --- köyhä --- economisch zwak --- kova su skurdu --- άπορος --- gazdaságilag gyenge --- vaene --- arm --- indigent --- globalizace --- παγκοσμιοποίηση --- globalizáció --- globalizacija --- globalisering --- globalizacja --- mondialisation --- глобализација --- globalizare --- globalizácia --- globalizzazzjoni --- globalizzazione --- globalizim --- globalização --- globaliseerumine --- globalizācija --- globalización --- globalisaatio --- глобализация --- Globalisierung --- globalisering van de economie --- talouden globalisoituminen --- Globalisierung der Wirtschaft --- gazdasági globalizáció --- altermondialisme --- altermundialismo --- alterglobalização --- ekonomiskās darbības internacionalizācija --- alterglobalizm --- altermundialización --- economic globalisation --- globalizim ekonomik --- globalizácia ekonomiky --- globalizarea economiei --- οικονομική παγκοσμιοποίηση --- mondializzazione --- altermondialism --- globalizzazzjoni tal-ekonomija --- altermundialização --- alterglobalizacja --- алтерглобализация --- erilainen globalisaatio --- antiglobalizmus --- internaționalizarea activității economice --- majandustegevuse globaliseerumine --- mundialización de la economía --- globalizacija ekonomskih aktivnosti --- internacionalizacija ekonomskih aktivnosti --- globalisering av ekonomin --- alternativ globalisering --- alterglobalizacija --- интернационализиране на икономиката --- ekonomikos globalizacija --- globalizzazione dell'economia --- globalization --- economic globalization --- talouden kansainvälistyminen --- Internationalisierung der Wirtschaft --- globalisering af økonomien --- altermondialista mozgalom --- εναλλακτική παγκοσμιοποίηση --- talouden maailmanlaajuistuminen --- internacionalizacija gospodarstva --- ekonomiskās darbības globalizācija --- globalizacija gospodarstva --- ekonomikos internacionalizacija --- internationalisering af økonomien --- mondialisering af økonomien --- internacionalizace ekonomiky --- globalisation of economic activity --- globalisation de l'économie --- internazzjonalizzazzjoni tal-ekonomija --- gazdasági tevékenység globalizációja --- majanduse globaliseerumine --- alterglobalizmas --- ndërkombëtarizim i veprimtarisë ekonomike --- internationalisering van de economie --- παγκοσμιοποίηση της οικονομίας --- internationalisering av ekonomin --- globalizációellenesség --- ekonomická globalizace --- protiglobalizacija --- alterglobalizace --- globalisation of the economy --- ekonominės veiklos internacionalizacija --- globalizacja gospodarki --- internacionalização da economia --- економска глобализација --- internationalisation de l'économie --- alternative Globalisierung --- vaihtoehtoinen globalisaatio --- икономическа глобализация --- altermondialisation --- internacionalizácia ekonomiky --- ekonominės veiklos globalizacija --- globalizace světové ekonomiky --- глобализација привреде --- alterglobalizácia --- интернационализација привредне делатности --- internationalisation of economic activity --- διαφορετική παγκασμιοποίηση --- глобализација економије --- altermundismo --- internationalization of economic activity --- globalizim i ekonomisë --- altermondialismo --- antiglobalisering --- globalizzazione economica --- internacionalización de la economía --- алтерглобализъм --- majandustegevuse rahvusvahelistumine --- ekonomická globalizácia --- alterglobalismus --- globalizim i veprimtarisë ekonomike --- globalizace ekonomiky --- globalizzazzjoni ekonomika --- Altermondialisation --- mondialisation économique --- διεθνοποίηση της οικονομίας --- internazionalizzazione dell'economia --- gospodarska globalizacija --- globalización de la economía --- mondialisering van de economie --- globalización económica --- geglobaliseerde economie --- globalizarea activității economice --- mundialização da economia --- üleilmastumine --- mondialisering --- alternatiivne globaliseerumine --- interdipendenza a livello mondiale dell'economia --- globalizacja gospodarcza --- alternatīva globalizācijas kustība --- глобализиране на икономиката --- ekonomikas globalizācija --- altermondializare --- привредна глобализација --- altermondializmus --- Global cities --- Globalisation --- Internationalization --- International relations --- Anti-globalization movement --- forbairt eacnamaíoch --- tíortha i mbéal forbartha --- bochtaineacht --- domhandú --- Poverty --- Economic development --- Economic geography. --- Development studies --- Geography, Economic --- World economics --- Geography --- Commercial geography --- Prevention. --- History.

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