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Bible --- christendom --- bijbel
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Bible --- christendom --- bijbel
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De katholieke theoloog (en mysticus) kraakt harde noten inzake de alsmaar door christenen gesaboteerde interreligieuze dialoog. Het christendom is vrijwel dood zegt hij. Daarom schreef hij onder andere een alternatieve bergrede `voor hen die oren hebben om te horen en ogen om te zien'. Panikkar wordt ook wel de theoloog van het Nieuwe Millennium genoemd. Voor hem is de kern van de religie de mystiek en is de vindplaats daarvan het menselijk hart. Daarom ook verwerpt hij dogma's
Theologie --- Godsdienst --- Christendom --- Mystiek
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Reportagereeks met Annemie StruyfBevat:1. Boeddhisme2. Hindoeïsme3. Christendom 14. Christendom 2
Wereldgodsdienst --- Boeddhisme --- Zenboeddhisme --- Christendom
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Financial law --- Canon law --- christendom
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Based on the acclaimed 'Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church', this is a guide for both students and the general reader. It contains over 5,000 entries, and is suitable for those with an interest in Christianity.
Church government --- Christian religion --- christelijke kerk --- christendom
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Algerije --- Islam --- Christendom --- Moslimfundamentalisme --- Kloosterorde --- Speelfilms
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The Palgrave Handbook of Radical Theology is the definitive guide to radical theology and the commencement for new directions in that field. For the first time, radical theology is addressed and assessed in a single, comprehensive volume, including introductory and historical essays for the beginner, essays on major figures and their thought, and shorter articles on various themes, concepts, and related topics. This book is a seminal work for the radical theology movement. It clarifies origins and demonstrates the exigency and utility of current figures and issues. A useful and essential guide for newcomers and veterans in the field, this volume serves as both a reference work and an introduction to omitted or forgotten topics within contemporary discussions.
Philosophy --- Religious studies --- Christian theology --- theologie --- christendom --- filosofie --- godsdienstfilosofie
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In this small book, theoretical physicist Gerard 't Hooft (Nobel prize 1999), philosopher Emanuele Severino (Lincei Academician), and theologian Piero Coda (Pontifical Lateran University) confront one another on a topic that lies at the roots of quantum mechanics and at the origin of Western thought: Determinism and Free Will. "God does not play dice" said Einstein, a tenacious determinist. Quantum Mechanics and its clash with General Relativity have reanimated ancient dilemmas about chance and necessity: Is Nature deterministic? Is Man free? The “free-will theorem” by Conway and Kochen, and the deterministic interpretation of quantum mechanics proposed by 't Hooft, revive such philosophical questions in modern Physics. Is Becoming real? Is the Elementary Event a product of the Case? The cyclopean clash between Heraclitus and Parmenides has entered a new episode, as evidenced by the essays in this volume.
Metaphysics --- Christian theology --- History of physics --- theologie --- christendom --- metafysica --- fysica
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This book focuses on how employees should work and follow in contemporary organizations. It begins with the call from Col 3:22-24 for employees to treat work as worship to God and to conduct their work to the best of their ability (Prov 22:29). It then explains how employees should help each other but not to the point of self-defeat (Galatians 6). Employees are then cautioned for the need to be true followers but to know the extent to which being a follower might call them to be committed to both the organization and the leader/manager. This is the concept of Akoloutheo. The rewards of being diligent and faithful employees are conveyed through an examination of the Parable of the Talents. The book concludes with an admonishment to everyone to prepare versus plan for one’s personal life. Managers plan for projects but should prepare for what God asks each of us to do and then to accept the opportunities that God presents to us. .
Christian theology --- Sociology --- Business management --- theologie --- christendom --- bedrijfskunde
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