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This book stresses learning and teaching, rather than teaching and learning. The contention of the contributors is that the focus in all educational endeavours should not be primarily on teachers and teaching, but on learners; how to best facilitate learning, in the most effective, enjoyable, relevant and cost-effective ways for learners, whether they be children, youth or adults. The focus is therefore on how learning can be enhanced, through effective teaching; and how individuals can be best prepared to be excellent teachers. This ground-breaking book examines the personal dimensions of learning and teaching, and various aspects of education reform. It particularly focuses on the situation in the Asia-Pacific region, yet draws on best and innovative practices from the international arena. The book brings together the thoughts and insights offered by international leaders in the fields of teaching and learning. It seeks to build a bridge between researchers, policy makers and practitioners.
Teacher education. Teacher's profession --- Didactics --- Teaching --- didactiek --- onderwijs --- lerarenopleiding --- anno 2000-2099
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This book discusses key aspects of life in schools and classrooms, and surveys the changes that have occurred over the years in educational research, policy making and practice in these school and classroom settings. It not only examines cutting-edge research in these areas, but also showcases good practices in the field. Among the topics reviewed are recent developments in assessment, methods for collecting and analysing data on classroom practice, school leadership and the pros and cons of class size and small-class teaching; topics which are currently hotly debated in education systems around the globe. As such, the book objectively examines the various debates, and surveys the full range of evidence available. Education researchers, policy makers and practitioners often hold differing views about the reasons for teacher and student behaviour in classrooms and, for example, its relevance to class size. Many of these views are based on ‘gut feelings’ rather than hard evidence. Unfortunately, these three groups, with differing perspectives, often ‘talk past each other’ rather than engage in a productive, mutually beneficial dialogue. The book builds an effective bridge between researchers, policy makers and practitioners regarding the impact of these various aspects of classroom life, so that the viewpoints of each can be carefully considered and evaluated.
Teacher education. Teacher's profession --- Curriculum development --- Didactic evaluation --- Educational systems. Teaching systems --- Teaching --- Kindergarten --- Educational sciences --- onderwijspolitiek --- evaluatie (onderwijs) --- onderwijs --- curriculumontwikkeling --- kleuterdidactiek --- lerarenopleiding --- peuters --- onderwijsonderzoek --- lesgeven
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The world-wide reform movement has now been in process for thirty years and it is therefore perhaps an appropriate point to consider its implications for the work of teachers thus far and to ponder on the future. It would be widely agreed that the reform movement in general, and in relation to teachers' work in particular, has brought advantages and disadvantages. It has stimulated teacher development and increased the accountability of teachers to clients - including the state as client. On the other hand, it has led to the intensification of teachers' work and to the deprofessionalisation as well as professionalisation of teachers. Moreover, it has increased the power of managerialism over the influence of professionalism. This book addresses these issues from different perspectives and in relation to different contexts. It also considers possible solutions to two problems in particular: how to achieve accountability without intensification, and how to ensure that school management and leadership functions to support and enhance teachers as professionals.
Teacher education. Teacher's profession --- Didactics --- Business management --- didactiek --- leidinggeven --- administratie --- lerarenopleiding
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Curriculum development --- Didactics --- Technical, artistic and vocational education --- Educational sciences --- onderwijspolitiek --- didactiek --- beroepsopleiding --- curriculumontwikkeling
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The ways education for sustainable development can be addressed in teaching and learning are among the most urgent challenges for modern educational theory and practice. This book explores the unique contribution technology and vocational education can provide to meet these urgent needs. Part 1 examines various concepts from different areas of knowledge that are used to develop a comprehensive understanding of the ways sustainable development, education for sustainable development and empowerment are related and can be conceptualised. Practical strategies are suggested and a model for pre-service teacher training programs is developed. Part 2 explores how general issues are reflected in local norms, values and behaviours within the Russian context. The case study illustrates the importance of understanding the political and sociocultural context of a country in order to develop empowerment strategies that work for that particular society as they reflect specific local histories, values and traditions.
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This 6-volume Handbook covers in detail all of the latest practice in technical and vocational education and training (TVET). Edited by two world-leading authorities on the subject, contributions have come from more than 200 international authors, making this a totally comprehensive text on the subject. The Handbook's aim is to review the developments that have occurred in TVET and provide pointers to improvements in the field. In this Handbook readers will find information on TVET models from all over the world, reflections on the best and most innovative practice, and dozens of telling case studies. The Handbook presents the work both of established as well as the most promising young researchers, giving it a real cutting edge and features unrivalled coverage of developments in research, policy and practice in TVET. It will assist those involved in TVET at any level in making informed decisions and further advance and improve the field and to bridge the gap between vocational and academic education in the 21st century. This Springer work is particularly relevant today as TVET faces major challenges posed by the move in many countries towards the knowledge-based economy ushered in by new information and communication technologies. Traditional occupations and apprenticeships are affected as the boundaries between manual and mental work fade. National economies are evolving rapidly as market forces take full advantage of the opportunities offered by globalization. Work, of course, has always been a major feature in people's lives. Not only does it provide them with the means of survival food, clothing and shelter but it also has a major impact on their self-identity, social status, standard of living and quality of life. In this respect, the shift from the Industrial Age to the Information Age has considerable implications for education and training. Numerous questions arise from the shift in the global labour marketplace, questions that this volume provides answers to. How do we anticipate change in the labour market? How respond to the dilemma of providing appropriate educational and training courses in a fluid world economy? Governments need reliable mechanisms to predict economic trends and the demand for manpower. Governments, enterprises and trade unions alike must focus on the methodologies of teacher training, curriculum development, the school-to-work transition, gender, and equality and equity. They will need to offer flexible pathways to training, find new ways of moulding human capital, and work out how they cope with unemployment and an ageing workforce to name only a few. These are just some of the topics addressed in this Handbook. It draws on international experience to identify the best answers and the best procedures to improve TVET, and provides comprehensive coverage of cutting-edge practices in research and policy as we face the vicissitudes of the twenty-first century.
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School management --- Teaching --- Technical, artistic and vocational education --- Business management --- onderwijspolitiek --- onderwijs --- beroepsopleiding --- leidinggeven --- administratie
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This book is the first that provides a comprehensive overview of the way countries, education systems and institutions have responded to the call for an integration of learning for work, citizenship and sustainability at the Second International Conference on Technical and Vocational Education which was held in Seoul in 1999. Discussions on the central theme of the Seoul Conference - lifelong learning and training for all, a bridge to the future - led to the conclusion that a new paradigm of both development and Technical and Vocational Education (TVET) was needed. This book showcases the wide range of international initiatives that have sought to put such exhortations into practice. It includes: case studies of national TVET policy reforms, reoriented curricula, sustainable campus management programs, and examples of innovative approaches to integrating learning in TVET with on-the-job training and in community service. It also focuses on the issues and challenges being faced and ways of moving forward. Case studies feature initiatives in a wide range of world regions and countries, and include authors from: UK, Germany, Finland, Canada, USA, Australia, South Africa, China, Republic of Korea, India, Pakistan and the Philippines.
Sociology of education --- Teaching --- Technical, artistic and vocational education --- onderwijs --- beroepsopleiding --- onderwijssociologie --- duurzame ontwikkeling
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Focusing on the Asia-Pacific region, which in recent years has been the engine of global economic growth , this volume surveys trends and prospects in technical and vocational education and training (TVET) with particular reference to achieving inclusive growth and the greening of economies. Underlying the increasing pressure for new models of TVET provision is the rapid pace of technological change, demand for a work force which is highly responsive to evolving needs and a transforming market place that calls for higher order skills and lifelong learning. The book proposes a re-engineered, modernized TVET system that fosters an innovative approach which enhances the employability of workers as well as the sustainability of their livelihoods. The book includes contributions from leading policy makers, researchers, and practitioners, including those in the private sector in analyzing and forecasting the most urgent priorities in skills development. The book argues for creative approaches to TVET design and delivery particularly with a view to improving job prospects , and meeting the goals of inclusion, sustainable development and social cohesion. Addressing issues such as the chronic mismatches between skills acquired and actual skills required in the work place, the volume proposes diversified approaches towards workforce development and partnerships with the private sector to improve the quality and relevance of skills development . The new imperatives created by ‘greening’ economies and responses required in skills development and training are addressed. Developing TVET is a high priority for governments in the Asia Pacific region as they seek to achieve long-term sustainable growth since the .continued success of their economic destinies depend on it. The volume also includes an emerging framework for skills development for inclusive and sustainable growth in the Asia and Pacific region.
Teaching --- Technical, artistic and vocational education --- duurzaamheid --- onderwijs --- beroepsopleiding --- duurzame ontwikkeling
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This open access book analyzes the main drivers that are influencing the dramatic evolution of work in Asia and the Pacific and identifies the implications for education and training in the region. It also assesses how education and training philosophies, curricula, and pedagogy can be reshaped to produce workers with the skills required to meet the emerging demands of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The book’s 40 articles cover a wide range of topics and reflect the diverse perspectives of the eminent policy makers, practitioners, and researchers who authored them. To maximize its potential impact, this Springer-Asian Development Bank co-publication has been made available as open access.
Teaching --- Didactics of economy --- Technical, artistic and vocational education --- Higher education --- Personnel management --- aansluiting onderwijs-arbeidsmarkt --- bedrijfsopleidingen --- management --- beroepsopleiding --- HRM (human resource management) --- professionaliteit --- levenslang leren --- hoger beroepsonderwijs
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