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Ebermast im Biobetrieb : tiergerechte Alternative zur Kastration
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9783037362457 Year: 2013 Publisher: Frick Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau

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Agriculture in conflict : the Shambaa case
Authors: ---
ISBN: 392146109X 9783921461099 Year: 1977 Publisher: Bensheim : Kübel Foundation,

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Vom „Kohlrabi-Apostel“ zum „Bionade-Biedermeier“ : Zur kulturellen Dynamik alternativer Ernährung in Deutschland
Year: 2022 Publisher: Baden-Baden

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For Jörg Albrecht, the increasing problematisation of meat consumption and the revaluation of sustainable nutritional styles is the starting point for a reconstruction of the history of alternative nutrition in Germany from the perspective of religious studies. From organised vegetarianism in the 19th century to wholefoods and natural foods in the 20th century to the "organic boom" of the recent past, he traces and analyses the transformations of non-conformist innovations into supposed mainstream phenomena: What exactly was adapted and made compatible and how? What factors influenced the processes? With his synthesis, Albrecht makes a sound theoretical contribution to modelling cultural dynamics. Die zunehmende Problematisierung von Fleischkonsum und die Aufwertung nachhaltiger Ernährungsstile sind für Jörg Albrecht Ausgangspunkt für eine Rekonstruktion der Geschichte alternativer Ernährung in Deutschland aus religionswissenschaftlicher Perspektive. Vom organisierten Vegetarismus im 19. Jahrhundert über Vollwert- und Naturkost im 20. Jahrhundert bis zum „Bio-Boom“ der jüngsten Vergangenheit zeichnet er die Transformationen von nonkonformistischen Innovationen zu vermeintlichen Mainstreamphänomenen nach und analysiert: Was genau wurde wie adaptiert und kompatibel gemacht? Welche Faktoren haben die Prozesse beeinflusst? Mit seiner Synthese leistet Albrecht einen fundierten theoretischen Beitrag zur Modellierung kultureller Dynamiken

Vom „Kohlrabi-Apostel“ zum „Bionade-Biedermeier“ : Zur kulturellen Dynamik alternativer Ernährung in Deutschland
Year: 2022 Publisher: Baden-Baden

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For Jörg Albrecht, the increasing problematisation of meat consumption and the revaluation of sustainable nutritional styles is the starting point for a reconstruction of the history of alternative nutrition in Germany from the perspective of religious studies. From organised vegetarianism in the 19th century to wholefoods and natural foods in the 20th century to the "organic boom" of the recent past, he traces and analyses the transformations of non-conformist innovations into supposed mainstream phenomena: What exactly was adapted and made compatible and how? What factors influenced the processes? With his synthesis, Albrecht makes a sound theoretical contribution to modelling cultural dynamics. Die zunehmende Problematisierung von Fleischkonsum und die Aufwertung nachhaltiger Ernährungsstile sind für Jörg Albrecht Ausgangspunkt für eine Rekonstruktion der Geschichte alternativer Ernährung in Deutschland aus religionswissenschaftlicher Perspektive. Vom organisierten Vegetarismus im 19. Jahrhundert über Vollwert- und Naturkost im 20. Jahrhundert bis zum „Bio-Boom“ der jüngsten Vergangenheit zeichnet er die Transformationen von nonkonformistischen Innovationen zu vermeintlichen Mainstreamphänomenen nach und analysiert: Was genau wurde wie adaptiert und kompatibel gemacht? Welche Faktoren haben die Prozesse beeinflusst? Mit seiner Synthese leistet Albrecht einen fundierten theoretischen Beitrag zur Modellierung kultureller Dynamiken

Vom „Kohlrabi-Apostel“ zum „Bionade-Biedermeier“ : Zur kulturellen Dynamik alternativer Ernährung in Deutschland
Year: 2022 Publisher: Baden-Baden

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For Jörg Albrecht, the increasing problematisation of meat consumption and the revaluation of sustainable nutritional styles is the starting point for a reconstruction of the history of alternative nutrition in Germany from the perspective of religious studies. From organised vegetarianism in the 19th century to wholefoods and natural foods in the 20th century to the "organic boom" of the recent past, he traces and analyses the transformations of non-conformist innovations into supposed mainstream phenomena: What exactly was adapted and made compatible and how? What factors influenced the processes? With his synthesis, Albrecht makes a sound theoretical contribution to modelling cultural dynamics. Die zunehmende Problematisierung von Fleischkonsum und die Aufwertung nachhaltiger Ernährungsstile sind für Jörg Albrecht Ausgangspunkt für eine Rekonstruktion der Geschichte alternativer Ernährung in Deutschland aus religionswissenschaftlicher Perspektive. Vom organisierten Vegetarismus im 19. Jahrhundert über Vollwert- und Naturkost im 20. Jahrhundert bis zum „Bio-Boom“ der jüngsten Vergangenheit zeichnet er die Transformationen von nonkonformistischen Innovationen zu vermeintlichen Mainstreamphänomenen nach und analysiert: Was genau wurde wie adaptiert und kompatibel gemacht? Welche Faktoren haben die Prozesse beeinflusst? Mit seiner Synthese leistet Albrecht einen fundierten theoretischen Beitrag zur Modellierung kultureller Dynamiken

The peasants of Ottobeuren, 1487-1726: a rural society in early modern Europe
ISBN: 0521834708 0521044588 0511214820 0511216610 0511315392 051149694X 1280540214 0511211244 0511213018 1107149584 9780511211249 9780521834704 9780511216619 9780511213014 9780511214820 9780511496943 9786610540211 6610540217 9781107149588 9781280540219 9780511315398 9780521044585 Year: 2004 Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press

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The Peasants of Ottobeuren offers an interesting perspective on one of the enduring problems of early modern European history: the possibilities for economic growth and social change in rural society. Based on the voluminous records of the Swabian Benedictine monastery of Ottobeuren, this study underscores the limitations of the traditional narrative of a sixteenth-century boom which foundered on the productive rigidities of the peasant economy and then degenerated into social crisis in the seventeenth century. Population growth did strain resources at Ottobeuren, but the peasantry continued to produce substantial agricultural surplus. More importantly, peasants reacted to demographic pressure by deepening their involvement in land and credit markets, and more widely and aggressively marketing the fruits of their labour. Marriage and inheritance underwent a similar process of commercialization which made heavy demands on the peasantry, but which maintained a degree of social stability through the devastations of war, plague and famine.

Landnutzung und Landschaftsentwicklung im deutschen Südwesten : zur Umweltgeschichte im späten Mittelalter und in der frühen Neuzeit
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783170207646 3170207644 Year: 2009 Publisher: Stuttgart : W. Kohlhammer,

Cultivating gender : meanings of place and work in rural Vietnam
ISBN: 8776946630 9788776946630 9788776941802 8776941809 9788776941796 8776941795 Year: 2015 Publisher: Copenhagen : NIAS Press,

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"'The husband ploughs, the wife transplants, the buffalo harrows.' In rural Vietnam, this ancient saying has survived communist revolution, land reforms and the recent rise of market-oriented household farming. And yet, even if this trinity still pictures the ideal essence of farming life, the reality is that urbanization, labour migration and economic change in the Vietnamese countryside are leading to a feminization of farming. This transformation has profound implications not just for the agricultural sector and the individual women themselves but also for fundamental social structures and relations. By exploring in detail the lived reality of rural life in a northern wet-rice village, the author offers important insights into place, work and (not least) what constitutes femininity and masculinity in Vietnam today"--


Agriculture --- Farm life --- Women in agriculture --- Sexual division of labor --- Sex role --- Women peasants --- Ländlicher Raum --- Reisanbau --- Geschlechtliche Arbeitsteilung --- Landwirtschaft --- Sex differences --- Social aspects --- Vietnam --- Agrarwirtschaft --- Agrarsektor --- Landwirtschaftlicher Sektor --- Primärer Sektor --- Landbau --- Geschlechtsspezifische Arbeitsteilung --- Arbeitsteilung --- Reisbau --- Reis --- Getreidebau --- Land --- Agrarraum --- Ländliche Region --- Ländliches Gebiet --- Geografischer Raum --- Landbevölkerung --- Landgemeinde --- Peasant women --- Peasants --- Rural women --- Gender role --- Sex (Psychology) --- Sex differences (Psychology) --- Social role --- Gender expression --- Sexism --- Division of labor by sex --- Division of labor --- Sex discrimination in employment --- Farm women --- Farming --- Husbandry --- Industrial arts --- Life sciences --- Food supply --- Land use, Rural --- Rural life --- Country life --- Việt-Nam --- Sozialistische Republik Vietnam --- Socialist Republic of Viet Nam --- République Socialiste du Vietnam --- Socialističeskaja Respublika V'etnam --- Yüeh-nan --- V'et-Nam --- Biet Nam --- Biyetnan --- Công-Hòa-Xã-Hôi-Chu-Nghĩa-Viêt-Nam --- Nuóc-Công-Hòa-Xã-Hôi-Chu-Nghĩa-Viêt-Nam --- Vietnamesen --- Nordvietnam --- Südvietnam --- -1954 --- 02.07.1976 --- -Agriculture --- Gender roles --- Gendered role --- Gendered roles --- Role, Gender --- Role, Gendered --- Role, Sex --- Roles, Gender --- Roles, Gendered --- Roles, Sex --- Sex roles --- Primärer Sektor --- Vietnam.

Canals and Communities : Small-Scale Irrigation Systems
ISBN: 0816548927 0816515921 Year: 1996 Publisher: University of Arizona Press

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Includes material on irrigation in Mexico, Somalia, Morocco, the Andes, Bali, Cape Verde, Iran, and Sri Lanka.


Eau --- Approvisionnement agricole en eau --- Eau d'irrigation --- Irrigatie (waterhuishouding) --- Wasserversorgung --- Wasserrecht --- Landwirtschaft --- Bewässerungssystem --- Water-supply, Agricultural --- Water rights. --- Irrigation water --- 48.34 irrigation, drainage. --- Water rights --- Droit --- Congres. --- Management. --- Management --- Tucson --- Entwicklungsländer --- Developing countries. --- Water --- Agricultural water-supply --- Agriculture and water --- Water-supply, Rural --- Water in agriculture --- Rights, Water --- Riparian rights --- Water trusts --- Bewässerungswirtschaft --- Agrarwirtschaft --- Agrarsektor --- Landwirtschaftlicher Sektor --- Primärer Sektor --- Landbau --- Besonderes Verwaltungsrecht --- Wasser --- Rohstoffversorgung --- Wasserwirtschaft --- Irrigation --- Approvisionnement en eau --- Agriculture et eau --- Eau en agriculture --- Approvisionnement rural en eau --- Milieu aquatique --- Journée mondiale de l'eau --- Hydrosystèmes --- Hydrosphère --- Photographie de l'eau --- Spectacles aquatiques --- Mer --- Teneur en eau --- Écologie des eaux --- Hydrobiologie --- Hydrographie --- Hydrologie --- Génie hydraulique --- Cours d'eau --- Eau virtuelle --- Eau et civilisation --- Eau extraterrestre --- Eau pour usage pharmaceutique --- Air --- Brouillard --- Cycle hydrologique --- Gel --- Glace --- Humidité --- Inondations --- Masses d'eau --- Pluie --- Précipitations (météorologie) --- Rosée --- Vapeur --- Law and legislation --- Versorgung --- Approvisionnement agricole --- Emerging nations --- Fourth World --- Global South --- LDC's --- Least developed countries --- Less developed countries --- Newly industrialized countries --- Newly industrializing countries --- NICs --- Third World --- Underdeveloped areas --- Underdeveloped countries --- Dritte Welt --- Unterentwickelte Länder --- Entwicklungsland --- Less developed Countries --- LDC --- Globaler Süden --- Low-income Countries --- Blockfreie Staaten --- Schwellenländer --- Bewässerungswirtschaft --- Social & cultural anthropology --- Primärer Sektor --- Effets de l'eau --- Besoins en eau --- Vapeur d'eau --- Wasserversorgung. --- Wasserrecht. --- Landwirtschaft. --- Bewässerungssystem. --- Entwicklungsländer.

Semences et droit public : alimentation, santé et environnement
ISBN: 3725588317 9783725588312 Year: 2021 Publisher: Genève : Schulthess éditions romandes : Université de Genève, Faculté de droit,

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Droit public --- Semences --- Agriculture --- Variétés --- Alimentation --- Cultures de plein champ --- Cultures maraîchères --- Plantes fourragères --- Droit à la santé --- Droit à l'alimentation --- Environnement --- Liberté économique --- Droits de l'homme --- Saatgut. --- Agrarrecht. --- Same(Pflanze) --- graine. --- semente. --- Landwirtschaft. --- agriculture. --- agricoltura. --- landwirtschaftliche Produktion. --- production agricole. --- produzione agricola. --- Pflanzenbau. --- production végétale. --- produzione vegetale. --- Lebensmittel. --- denrée alimentaire. --- derrata alimentare. --- Konsumentenschutz. --- protection des consommateurs. --- protezione dei consumatori. --- wirtschaftliche Landesversorgung. --- approvisionnement économique du pays. --- approvvigionamento economico del paese. --- Biodiversität. --- biodiversité. --- biodiversità. --- Klimaschutz. --- protection du climat. --- protezione del clima. --- Gesundheitswesen. --- santé. --- sanità. --- Marktöffnung. --- ouverture des marchés. --- apertura dei mercati. --- subvention. --- subvention --- sovvenzione. --- landwirtschaftlicher Beitrag. --- contribution agricole. --- contributo agricolo. --- Aussenhandel. --- commerce extérieur. --- commercio estero. --- Ausfuhr. --- exportation(en général) --- esportazione(in generale) --- Einfuhr. --- importation. --- importazione. --- Zoll. --- douane. --- dogana. --- Zollabgabe. --- droits de douane. --- dazi. --- Tarif(allgemein) --- tarif(en général) --- tariffa(in generale) --- Inverkehrbringen. --- mise en circulation. --- messa in circolazione. --- Eintragung. --- inscription. --- iscrizione. --- Inventar. --- inventaire. --- inventario. --- Sorte. --- variété. --- varietà. --- Rebbau. --- viticulture. --- viticoltura. --- Frucht. --- fruit. --- frutto. --- biologischer Landbau. --- culture biologique. --- coltura biologica. --- gentechnisch veränderter Organismus. --- organisme génétiquement modifié. --- organismo geneticamente modificato. --- öffentliches Interesse. --- intérêt public. --- interesse pubblico. --- Schutz von Pflanzenzüchtungen. --- protection des obtentions végétales. --- protezione delle novità vegetali. --- Gesundheitsschaden. --- atteinte à la santé. --- danno alla salute. --- Interessenabwägung. --- pesée des intérêts. --- ponderazione degli interessi. --- Verhältnismässigkeit. --- proportionnalité. --- proporzionalità. --- Recht auf Existenzsicherung. --- droit à des conditions minimales d'existence. --- diritto a condizioni minime d'esistenza. --- Ernährung. --- alimentation. --- alimentazione. --- Recht auf Gesundheit. --- droit à la santé. --- diritto alla salute. --- Recht auf eine gesunde Umwelt. --- droit à un environnement sain. --- diritto ad un ambiente sano. --- Wirtschaftsfreiheit. --- liberté économique. --- libertà economica. --- international. --- international --- internazionale. --- Suisse --- Schweiz. --- Suisse(État) --- Svizzera(Stato) --- Droit public. --- Semences. --- Agriculture. --- Variétés. --- Alimentation. --- Cultures de plein champ. --- Cultures maraîchères. --- Plantes fourragères. --- Droit à la santé. --- Droit à l'alimentation. --- Environnement. --- Liberté économique. --- Droits de l'homme. --- Suisse. --- Biodiversité --- Santé publique --- Droit --- Conservation des ressources --- Droit.

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