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Mathematics. --- Teoria de l'homotopia --- Math --- Science --- Deformacions contínues --- Homotopia --- Teoria homotòpica --- Topologia --- Transformacions (Matemàtica) --- Cirurgia (Topologia) --- Equivalències d'homotopia --- Grups d'homotopia --- Teoria de la forma (Topologia) --- Teoria de la localització
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The central idea of the lecture course which gave birth to this book was to define the homotopy groups of a space and then give all the machinery needed to prove in detail that the nth homotopy group of the sphere Sn, for n greater than or equal to 1 is isomorphic to the group of the integers, that the lower homotopy groups of Sn are trivial and that the third homotopy group of S2 is also isomorphic to the group of the integers. All this was achieved by discussing H-spaces and CoH-spaces, fibrations and cofibrations
Homotopie. --- Homotopia. --- Homotopy theory. --- Homotopie --- Deformations, Continuous --- Topology --- Topologie algebrique --- Espaces fibres
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Teoria de l'homotopia --- Topologia algebraica --- Topologia --- Àlgebres de Hopf --- Grau topològic --- Grups fonamentals (Matemàtica) --- K-teoria --- Homologia --- Successions espectrals (Matemàtica) --- Teoria dels feixos --- Topologia de baixa dimensió --- Transformacions (Matemàtica) --- Cirurgia (Topologia) --- Equivalències d'homotopia --- Grups d'homotopia --- Teoria de la forma (Topologia) --- Teoria de la localització --- Deformacions contínues --- Homotopia --- Teoria homotòpica --- Algebraic topology. --- Homotopy theory --- History. --- Topology --- Deformations, Continuous --- Topologia algebraica.
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This open access book offers a self-contained introduction to the homotopy theory of simplicial and dendroidal sets and spaces. These are essential for the study of categories, operads, and algebraic structure up to coherent homotopy. The dendroidal theory combines the combinatorics of trees with the theory of Quillen model categories. Dendroidal sets are a natural generalization of simplicial sets from the point of view of operads. In this book, the simplicial approach to higher category theory is generalized to a dendroidal approach to higher operad theory. This dendroidal theory of higher operads is carefully developed in this book. The book also provides an original account of the more established simplicial approach to infinity-categories, which is developed in parallel to the dendroidal theory to emphasize the similarities and differences. Simplicial and Dendroidal Homotopy Theory is a complete introduction, carefully written with the beginning researcher in mind and ideally suited for seminars and courses. It can also be used as a standalone introduction to simplicial homotopy theory and to the theory of infinity-categories, or a standalone introduction to the theory of Quillen model categories and Bousfield localization.
Homotopy theory. --- Deformations, Continuous --- Topology --- Teoria de l'homotopia --- Deformacions contínues --- Homotopia --- Teoria homotòpica --- Topologia --- Transformacions (Matemàtica) --- Cirurgia (Topologia) --- Equivalències d'homotopia --- Grups d'homotopia --- Teoria de la forma (Topologia) --- Teoria de la localització --- Operads --- infinity-operad --- infinity-category --- simplicial set --- dendroidal set --- simplicial space --- simplicial operad --- model categories --- Bousfield localization --- Boardman-Vogt --- higher algebra
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Teoria de l'homotopia --- Geometria algebraica aritmètica --- Geometria algèbrica aritmètica --- Geometria diofàntica --- Geometria algebraica --- Teoria de nombres --- Punts racionals (Geometria) --- Varietats de Shimura --- Deformacions contínues --- Homotopia --- Teoria homotòpica --- Topologia --- Transformacions (Matemàtica) --- Cirurgia (Topologia) --- Equivalències d'homotopia --- Grups d'homotopia --- Teoria de la forma (Topologia) --- Teoria de la localització --- Arithmetical algebraic geometry --- Homotopy theory --- Algebraic geometry, Arithmetical --- Arithmetic algebraic geometry --- Diophantine geometry --- Geometry, Arithmetical algebraic --- Geometry, Diophantine --- Number theory
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Group theory. --- Groups, Theory of --- Substitutions (Mathematics) --- Algebra --- Teoria de grups --- Substitucions (Matemàtica) --- Àlgebra --- Anells de grup --- Automorfismes --- Categories (Matemàtica) --- Cristal·lografia matemàtica --- Endomorfismes (Teoria de grups) --- Esquemes de grups (Matemàtica) --- Grupoides --- Grups abelians --- Grups algebraics diferencials --- Grups algebraics lineals --- Grups continus --- Grups de permutacions --- Grups de transformacions --- Grups discontinus --- Grups d'homotopia --- Grups espacials --- Grups finits --- Grups fonamentals (Matemàtica) --- Grups infinits --- Grups modulars --- Grups ordenats --- Grups quàntics --- Grups resolubles --- Jocs d'estratègia (Matemàtica) --- Representacions de grups --- Semigrups --- Simetria (Matemàtica) --- Subgrups maximals --- Teoria dels reticles --- Teoria geomètrica de grups
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Teoria de grups --- Substitucions (Matemàtica) --- Àlgebra --- Anells de grup --- Automorfismes --- Categories (Matemàtica) --- Cristal·lografia matemàtica --- Endomorfismes (Teoria de grups) --- Esquemes de grups (Matemàtica) --- Grupoides --- Grups abelians --- Grups algebraics diferencials --- Grups algebraics lineals --- Grups continus --- Grups de permutacions --- Grups de transformacions --- Grups discontinus --- Grups d'homotopia --- Grups espacials --- Grups finits --- Grups fonamentals (Matemàtica) --- Grups infinits --- Grups modulars --- Grups ordenats --- Grups quàntics --- Grups resolubles --- Jocs d'estratègia (Matemàtica) --- Representacions de grups --- Semigrups --- Simetria (Matemàtica) --- Subgrups maximals --- Teoria dels reticles --- Teoria geomètrica de grups --- Group theory. --- Algebra --- Groups, Theory of --- Substitutions (Mathematics)
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Geometria --- Topologia --- Poliedres --- Teoria de conjunts --- Aplicacions (Matemàtica) --- Categories (Matemàtica) --- Compactificacions --- Conjunts de Borel --- Dinàmica topològica --- Espais mètrics --- Espais vectorials topològics --- Grups de transformacions --- Grups topològics --- Jocs d'estratègia (Matemàtica) --- Politops --- Teoria de l'homotopia --- Teoria de la dimensió (Topologia) --- Teoria de la dualitat (Matemàtica) --- Teoria de grafs --- Teoria dels reticles --- Topologia algebraica --- Topologia combinatòria --- Topologia diferencial --- Varietats (Matemàtica) --- Varietats topològiques --- Xarxes (Matemàtica) --- Àlgebra lineal --- Matemàtica --- Congruències (Geometria) --- Dibuix lineal --- Envolupants (Geometria) --- Esfera --- Geometria algebraica --- Geometria computacional --- Geometria conforme --- Geometria convexa --- Geometria de l'espai --- Geometria diferencial --- Geometria euclidiana --- Porismes --- Programació geomètrica --- Ràtio i proporció --- Similitud (Geometria) --- Teorema de Pitàgores --- Transformacions (Matemàtica) --- Trigonometria --- Geometria en l'art --- Geometry --- Topology
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Metric spaces. --- Topology --- Data processing. --- Analysis situs --- Position analysis --- Rubber-sheet geometry --- Geometry --- Polyhedra --- Set theory --- Algebras, Linear --- Spaces, Metric --- Generalized spaces --- Topologia --- Espais mètrics --- Espais generalitzats --- Teoria de conjunts --- Poliedres --- Aplicacions (Matemàtica) --- Categories (Matemàtica) --- Compactificacions --- Conjunts de Borel --- Dinàmica topològica --- Espais vectorials topològics --- Grups de transformacions --- Grups topològics --- Jocs d'estratègia (Matemàtica) --- Politops --- Teoria de l'homotopia --- Teoria de la dimensió (Topologia) --- Teoria de la dualitat (Matemàtica) --- Teoria de grafs --- Teoria dels reticles --- Topologia algebraica --- Topologia combinatòria --- Topologia diferencial --- Varietats (Matemàtica) --- Varietats topològiques --- Xarxes (Matemàtica) --- Àlgebra lineal
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This second of the three-volume book is targeted as a basic course in topology for undergraduate and graduate students of mathematics. It focuses on many variants of topology and its applications in modern analysis, geometry, algebra, and the theory of numbers. Offering a proper background on topology, analysis, and algebra, this volume discusses the topological groups and topological vector spaces that provide many interesting geometrical objects which relate algebra with geometry and analysis. This volume follows a systematic and comprehensive elementary approach to the topology related to manifolds, emphasizing differential topology. It further communicates the history of the emergence of the concepts leading to the development of topological groups, manifolds, and also Lie groups as mathematical topics with their motivations. This book will promote the scope, power, and active learning of the subject while covering a wide range of theories and applications in a balanced unified way.
Topology. --- Analysis situs --- Position analysis --- Rubber-sheet geometry --- Geometry --- Polyhedra --- Set theory --- Algebras, Linear --- Topologia --- Poliedres --- Teoria de conjunts --- Aplicacions (Matemàtica) --- Categories (Matemàtica) --- Compactificacions --- Conjunts de Borel --- Dinàmica topològica --- Espais mètrics --- Espais vectorials topològics --- Grups de transformacions --- Grups topològics --- Jocs d'estratègia (Matemàtica) --- Politops --- Teoria de l'homotopia --- Teoria de la dimensió (Topologia) --- Teoria de la dualitat (Matemàtica) --- Teoria de grafs --- Teoria dels reticles --- Topologia algebraica --- Topologia combinatòria --- Topologia diferencial --- Varietats (Matemàtica) --- Varietats topològiques --- Xarxes (Matemàtica) --- Àlgebra lineal --- Mathematical analysis. --- Analysis. --- 517.1 Mathematical analysis --- Mathematical analysis
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