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Toward an Islamic enlightenment : the Gülen movement
ISBN: 9780199927999 0199927995 0199980543 0199928002 Year: 2013 Publisher: Oxford: Oxford university press,

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Said Nursi and the Turkish experience
Year: 1999 Publisher: Hartford: Hartford seminary foundation,

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Turkish islam and the secular state : the gülen movement
ISBN: 0815630409 9780815630401 Year: 2003 Publisher: Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse university press,

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The first World War in the middle east
Year: 2014 Publisher: Abingdon: Routledge,

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Business Continuity Planning for Government Cash and Debt Management
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1513598147 Year: 2021 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund,

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Cash and debt management operations are part of the “transactional” functions of public financial management. It is critical that these functions are resilient to external disruptions, ranging from information and communication technology (ICT) system outages to natural disasters. This technical manual aims to provide guidance on the steps that government cash and debt management units can follow to develop and implement a practical business continuity plan that economizes the resources used. It also discusses the evolving nature of business disruption risks faced by cash and debt management over the last decade, including the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as risk mitigation solutions that have emerged.

War and Nationalism : the Balkan Wars, 1912-1913, and their sociopolitical implications
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9781607812401 Year: 2013 Volume: *2 Publisher: Salt Lake City The University of Utah Press

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This book presents thorough up-to-date scholarship on the often misunderstood and neglected Balkan Wars of 1912 to 1913, which contributed to the outbreak of World War I. The wars represented a pivotal moment that had a long-lasting impact on the regional state system and fundamentally transformed the beleaguered Ottoman Empire in the process.


BPB1402 --- Guerre --- Nationalisme --- Balkans --- Histoire --- Oorlog --- Balkan --- Geschiedenis --- HistoireOorlog --- History of Southern Europe --- anno 1910-1919 --- Turkey --- Balkan Peninsula --- Nationalism --- Consciousness, National --- Identity, National --- National consciousness --- National identity --- International relations --- Patriotism --- Political science --- Autonomy and independence movements --- Internationalism --- Political messianism --- History --- Bulgaria --- Serbia --- национализъм --- kansallisuusaate --- nazzjonaliżmu --- nationalism --- nacionalizam --- nacionalismus --- nacionālisms --- национализам --- nacionalizëm --- Nationalismus --- nacionalizmus --- naționalism --- nationalisme --- nacionalismo --- nacionalizem --- rahvuslus --- nazionalismo --- nacjonalizm --- εθνικισμός --- nacionalizmas --- σωβινισμός --- sciovinismo --- sovinizmus --- шовинизъм --- chovinismo --- chauvinisme --- Chauvinismus --- шовинизам --- şovinism --- szowinizm --- sovinismi --- chauvinismo --- šovinizmas --- šovinismus --- šovinism --- chauvinism --- šovinizam --- História --- ιστορία --- storja --- histori --- historie --- historia --- história --- история --- stair --- geschiedenis --- történettudomány --- povijest --- zgodovina --- history --- историја --- Geschichtswissenschaft --- storia --- istorija --- ajalugu --- vēsture --- istorie --- Geschichte --- historiografie --- storiografia --- dějiny národů --- historiador --- dějepis --- historická věda --- történelem --- Balcanes Occidentales --- Vestbalkan --- Nyugat-Balkán --- Balcanii de Vest --- västra Balkan --- Westlicher Balkan --- Western Balkans --- Δυτικά Βαλκάνια --- Западни Балкани --- Западни Балкан --- Ballkani Perëndimor --- Lääne-Balkan --- Länsi-Balkan --- Западен Балкан --- il-Balkani tal-Punent --- západní Balkán --- Vakarų Balkanai --- westelijke Balkan --- Bałkany Zachodnie --- Balcãs Ocidentais --- Zapadni Balkan --- Zahodni Balkan --- Rietumbalkāni --- západný Balkán --- Balcani occidentali --- држави од Западен Балкан --- Европа на Балканите --- countries of the Western Balkans --- nyugat-balkáni államok --- регион на Западен Балкан --- Balkan countries --- península de los Balcanes --- il-Balkani --- vendet në Ballkanin Perëndimor --- Балкани --- западнобалкански држави --- Nyugat-Balkán országai --- balkánská Evropa --- jihovýchodní Evropa --- zemlje Zapadnoga Balkana --- kraje Bałkanów Zachodnich --- pays des Balkans occidentaux --- země západního Balkánu --- Balcãs --- Balkanland --- vend i Ballkanit Perëndimor --- Balkani riigid --- Ewropa tal-Balkani --- Europa de los Balcanes --- Βαλκάνια --- балкански држави --- Western Balkan countries --- Balkāni --- Europe des Balkans --- Vakarų Balkanų valstybės --- paesi dei Balcani occidentali --- балканске земље --- länderna på västra Balkan --- Europa dei Balcani --- vendet e Ballkanit --- de vestlige Balkanlande --- Југоисточна Европа --- Europa Balcânica --- balkáni államok --- balkánské státy --- Balkánský poloostrov --- Western Balkan region --- země Balkánského poloostrova --- Bałkany --- Länsi-Balkanin maat --- țările din Balcanii de Vest --- balkánska oblasť Európy --- Ευρώπη των Βαλκανίων --- Balkanstaaten --- страни от Западните Балкани --- país balcánico occidental --- Balkanlandene --- Balcanii Occidentali --- Balcani --- Vakarų Balkanų šalys --- balkánské země --- Balkanländer --- țările din Balcanii Occidentali --- Balkán-félsziget --- státy Balkánu --- Western Balkan country --- Balcanes --- Balkán --- Lääne-Balkani riigid --- krajiny západného Balkánu --- países balcânicos --- paesi balcanici --- Balkānu valstis --- države Zahodnega Balkana --- Балкански Полуостров --- Balkani maad --- países dos Balcãs Ocidentais --- pajjiżi tal-Balkani tal-Punent --- Balkanschiereiland --- rajoni i Ballkanit Perëndimor --- Χώρες των Δυτικών Βαλκανίων --- vendet e Ballkanit Perëndimor --- Westliche Balkanländer --- земље Западног Балкана --- countries in the Western Balkans --- háború --- karas --- rat --- karš --- luftë --- válka --- Krieg --- wojna --- војна --- war --- sota --- krig --- рат --- πόλεμος --- vojna --- война --- război --- guerra --- sõda --- oorlog --- gwerra --- ozbrojený konflikt --- relvastatud konflikt --- fegyveres konfliktus --- väpnad konflikt --- aseellinen selkkaus --- conflitto --- oružani sukob --- válečný konflikt --- conflitto armato --- invasione armata --- bewaffneter Konflikt --- konflikt i armatosur --- εμπόλεμη κατάσταση --- armed conflict --- conflit armé --- ginkluotas konfliktas --- σύρραξη --- apertura delle ostilità --- gewapend conflict --- væbnet konflikt --- bewaffnete Auseinandersetzung --- conflict armat --- relvakonflikt --- dichiarazione di guerra --- conflito armado --- conflicto armado --- ozbrojený útočný čin --- ένοπλη σύγκρουση --- вооружен судир --- náisiúnachas --- Na Balcáin Thiar --- cogadh

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