Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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Description of the Famous Kingdome of Macaria Shewing its Excellent Government: Wherein The Inhabitants Live in Great Prosperity, Health and Happinesse; the King Obeyed, the Nobles Honoured; and All Good Men Respected, Vice Punished, and Vertue Rewarded
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A discovery of subterraneall treasure : viz. of all manner of mines and mineralls, from the gold to the coale; with plaine directions and rules for the finding of them in all kingdoms and countries. And also the art of melting, refining, and assaying of them is plainly declared, so that every ordinary man, that is indifferently capacious, may with small change presently try the value of such oares as shall be found either by rule or by accident. Whereunto is added a reall experiment whereby every ignorant man may presently try whether any peece of gold that shal come to his hands be true or connterfeit [sic] ... Also a perfect way to try what colour any berry, leafe, flower, stalke, root, fruit, seed, barke, or wood will give: with a perfect way to make colours that they shall not stayne nor fade like ordinary colours. ...
Plattes, Gabriel
Year: 1639
Publisher: Imprinted at London : By I. Okes, for Iasper Emery, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Eagle and Child in Pauls Church-yard next Watlin-street,
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The profitable intelligencer, communicating his knowledge for the generall good of the common-wealth and all posterity : containing many rare secrets and experiments, having reference to a larger book, which being well observed and industriously practised, according to the directions therein by all the inhabitants of England in generall, will recover the wealth of the kingdom now so miserably wasted by these unnatural wars, and make it the most flourishing countrey in the world, and cause more naked to be clothed, more hungry to be fed, more poore virgins to be preferred in marriage, more sick to be healed, then Suttons Hospitall the Savoy, and all the hospitals and liberall gifts in England have ever performed, by certain wayes which require no charge nor labour, but what every active person shall be double payed for.
Plattes, Gabriel
Year: 1644
Publisher: [London?] : Printed ... for T. U. ...,
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A discovery of infinite treasure, hidden since the vvorlds beginning : VVhereunto all men, of what degree soever, are friendly invited to be sharers with the discoverer, G.P.
Plattes, Gabriel
Year: 1639
Publisher: London : Printed by I[ohn] L[egat] and are to be sold by George Hutton, within the Turn-stile in Holborne,
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The profitable intelligencer, : communicating his knowledge for the generall good of the common-wealth and all posterity. Containing many rare secrets and experiments (having reference to a larger book) which being well observed, and industriously practised, according to the directions therein by all the inhabitants of England in generall, will recover the wealth of the kingdom now so miserably wasted by these unnaturall wars, and make it the most flourishing countrey in the world, and cause more naked to be clothed, more hungry to be fed, more poore virgins to be preferred in marriage, more sick to be healed, then Suttons Hospitall the Savoy, and all the hospitals and liberall gifts in England have ever performed, by certain wayes which require no charge nor labour, but what every active person shall be double payed for. A copie of the letter, wherein the discourse entituled, Mercurius Lætificans, was sent enclosed to the authors most worthy, and highly honoured friend, Mr. Samuel Hartlib.
Plattes, Gabriel
Year: 1644
Publisher: [London?] : Printed according to order. For T. U. at the Bible in Woodstreet,
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A discovery of subterranean treasure : (viz.) of all manner of mines and minerals, from the gold to the coal with plain directions and rules for the finding of them in all kingdoms and countries, and also the art of melting, refining, and assaying of them is plainly declared, so that every ordinary man, that is indifferently capacious, may with small charge presently try the value of such oars [sic] as shall be found either by rule or by accident : whereunto is added a real experiment whereby every ignorant man may presently try whether any piece of gold that shall come to his hands be true or counterfeit, without defacing or altering the form thereof, and more certainly than any goldsmith or refiner could formerly discern : also a perfect way to try what colour any berry, leaf, flower, stalk, root, fruit, seed, bark, or wood will give : with a perfect way to make colours that they shall not stain nor fade like ordinary colours : very necessary for every one to know, whether he be traveller by land or sea, or in what country, dominion, or plantation soever he shall inhabit
Plattes, Gabriel
Year: 1679
Publisher: London : Printed for Peter Parker ...,
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Practical husbandry improved: or, A discovery of infinite treasure : hidden since the worlds beginning. VVhereunto all men of vvhat degree soever, are friendly invited to bee sharers with the discoverer. Written by Gabriel Plattes, and now published for the generall good and benefit of the Commonvvealth.
Plattes, Gabriel
Year: 1656
Publisher: London : printed for Edward Thomas, and are to bee sold at his house in Green Arbor,
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Certaine new inventions and profitable experiments necessary to be known of all farmers, and others, that endeavour to procure benefit to themselves, and plentie to the commonwealth.
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A discovery of subterraneal treasure : viz. of all manner of mines and minerals, from the gold to the coal; with plain directions and rules for the finding of them in all kingdoms and countries. And also, the art of melting, refining, and assaying of them is plainly declared, so that every man that is indifferently capacious, may with small charge presently try the value of such oares an shall be found either by rule, or by accident. Also a perfect way to try what colour any berry, leaf, flower, stalk, root, fruit, seed, bark, or wood will give: with a perfect way to make colours that they shall not stain, nor fade like ordinary colours.
Plattes, Gabriel
Year: 1653
Publisher: London, : Printed for J.E. and are to be sold by Humphrey Moseley at the Prince's Arms in Saint Paul's Church-yard.,
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A description of the famous. Kingdome of Macaria; : shewing its excellent government : wherein the inhabitants live in great prosperity, health, and happinesse; the king obeyed, the nobles honoured; and all good men respected, vice punished, and vertue rewarded. An example to other nations. In a dialogue between a schollar and a traveller.
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