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Zorg voor ons. Een onderzoek naar Marokkaanse ouderen en zorg
Authors: ---
Year: 2005 Publisher: Amsterdam Aksant

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Het aantal allochtone 55-plussers groeit snel. Voor de groep allochtone 55-plussers geldt vooralsnog dat zorgvragers en zorgaanbieders weinig ervaring met elkaar hebben. In 'Zorg voor ons' wordt aan de hand van een vijftal cases, waarvoor Marokkaanse ouderen, hun kinderen en betrokken professionele zorgverleners zijn geïnterviewd, op dit dilemma ingegaan. Onderzocht is hoe het feitelijke zorggebruik en de zorgwens van Marokkaanse ouderen zich tot elkaar verhouden en op welke wijze zorggebruik en -wensen worden beïnvloed door hun kennis over de aangeboden zorg, de positie waarin zij verkeren, culturele opvattingen over ouderenzorg, en de beschikbaarheid van mantelzorg. Deze vijf cases worden in de context geplaatst van ander onderzoek naar allochtone ouderen en zorg.

Equal opportunities and ethnic inequality in European labour markets : discrimination, gender and policies of diversity
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9089641262 9786612634079 9048510457 1282634070 9789048510450 9781282634077 Year: 2009 Publisher: Amsterdam : Amsterdam University Press,

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The need to analyse labour market mechanisms in post-industrial Western societies is urgent. Despite laws and policy measures being developed at the European, national and local levels, job-seeking immigrants and ethnic minorities still suffer unequal access and ethnic discrimination. "This volume endeavours to understand why. Four chapters dealing with discrimination, gender, equity policies and diversity management present a lively discussion of the current scientific debate. Besides providing empirical evidence, the authors recommend methods for conducting further research in the field and evaluate the actual effects of discrimination-combating policies. One conclusion is that systematic analysis of the labour market and its subsequent equity policies must be supported by hard data, such as statistics. With its state-of-the-art scope and unique thematic exploration, this volume transfers knowledge from social science studies to a more operational realm. From here, both scholars and practitioners can help make equal opportunities more accessible than ever.

Citizenship in European cities: immigrants, local politics and integration policies
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 0754642054 9780754642053 9781315260228 9781351951395 Year: 2005 Publisher: Aldershot Ashgate

The dynamics of international migration and settlement in Europe : a state of the art
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789053568668 9053568662 9786610958306 9048504171 1280958308 1429454547 9781429454544 9789048504176 9781280958304 Year: 2006 Publisher: Amsterdam : Amsterdam University Press,

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Between 1991 and 2001, the size of Britain's ethnic minority population increased by a full fifty percent. In that same decade, approximately one million immigrants settled in Britain. Similar patterns of migration and settlement are taking place in other European countries, such as Germany and France. The Dynamics of Migration and Settlement in Europe explores the causes and consequences of such massive changes in demography. Researchers at the IMISCOE-Network of Excellence (Immigration, Integration and Social Cohesion in Europe) bring together a wealth of theoretical and analytical research in this collection of essays addressing the many crucial questions that have arisen in the past two decades. Underlying these essays is a key concern for the healthy management of these new migration processes, as well as the eventual shape of the new societies that are just beginning to emerge. International migration and the ensuing questions about integration continue to be subjects of intense debate, and this book will be welcomed among those involved in migration studies and international development.

Equal opportunities and ethnic inequality in European labour markets: discrimination, gender and policies of diversity
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2009 Publisher: Amsterdam Amsterdam University Press

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In dit boek wordt de huidige arbeidsmarktpositie van migranten en etnische minderheden in Europa onderzocht. De eerste hoofdstukken bevatten een overzicht van de huidige situatie op de arbeidsmarkt, hoofdzakelijk puttend uit statistische gegevens. Vervolgens worden de verschillende soorten gelijkekansenbeleid binnen organisaties en de soorten en effecten van diversiteitsmanagement bekeken.

Ethnic associations, political trust and political participation. Creating networks within the Turkish community
Authors: --- ---
Publisher: Amsterdam UNESCO

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