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Inter-species. --- Maternal behavior. --- Mother. --- Ontogeny.
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Inter-network architects --- Ng Soon Oi, Kris --- Teh Kok Kheng, Henry
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Economic structure --- Higher education --- Labour economics --- Business and education --- University cooperation --- Business and education. --- University cooperation. --- College cooperation --- Inter-college cooperation --- Universities and colleges --- Corporations and education --- Industry and education --- Education and business --- Education and corporations --- Education and industry --- Cooperation --- Institutional cooperation --- Education --- Worksite schools --- Administration --- Higher education institutions --- Cooperation with industries
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Studies of socio-cultural space.
sociology --- Culture --- Intercultural communication --- Communication and culture --- Cross-cultural studies --- Education --- Social aspects --- Comparison of cultures --- Inter-cultural studies --- Intercultural studies --- Trans-cultural studies --- Transcultural studies --- Ethnology --- Social sciences --- Culture and communication --- Methodology --- Cross-cultural communication --- Communication --- Cross-cultural orientation --- Cultural competence --- Multilingual communication --- Technical assistance --- Cultural sociology --- Sociology of culture --- Civilization --- Popular culture --- Anthropological aspects
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еthno-cultural history --- state-confessional relations --- ethnology and national policy --- archaeology --- religious studies --- Ethnology --- Ethnologie --- Ethnic relations. --- Ethnology. --- Religion. --- Eurasia --- Eurasia. --- Ethnic relations --- Religion --- Religion, Primitive --- Atheism --- Irreligion --- Religions --- Theology --- Cultural anthropology --- Ethnography --- Races of man --- Social anthropology --- Anthropology --- Human beings --- Inter-ethnic relations --- Interethnic relations --- Relations among ethnic groups --- Acculturation --- Assimilation (Sociology) --- Ethnic groups --- Social problems --- Sociology --- Minorities --- Race relations --- Asia --- Europe
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Oost-Europa --- Ethnic conflict --- Minorities --- 242 Nationaliteitenproblemen, Nationalisme --- 668 Migranten --- #A0301A --- Ethnic minorities --- Foreign population --- Minority groups --- Persons --- Assimilation (Sociology) --- Discrimination --- Ethnic relations --- Majorities --- Plebiscite --- Race relations --- Segregation --- Conflict, Ethnic --- Ethnic violence --- Inter-ethnic conflict --- Interethnic conflict --- Social conflict --- Government policy --- Balkan Peninsula --- Ethnic relations. --- Oost-Europa.
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Sex-age and seasonal variability of the ventral glands and different stereotypes of scent marking behaviour in four Meriones species (M. unguiculatus, M. meridianus, M. libycus, M. tamariscinus) have been studied in nature and under semi-natural conditions. Two major ways of olfactory marking are considered: by secretion of the ventral glands and by "signal heaps" with urine and feces. Intraspecific and inter-species variability of marking activity is investigated. The ventral glands start to fuction at the period of preparation of a generative system to reproduction. The peak of secretary activity of gland and maximum of two types of marking activity is observed in spring and early summer, i.e. the period of active reproduction. The maximum of two types of the marking activity is observed during this period. In M. tamariscinus and M. meridianus the marking by the ventral gland is prevailing mode of the territory scent marking, while Mongolian gerbils (M. unguiculatus) prefer to use "signal heaps" Libyan gerbils (M. libycus) in this relation take an intermediate position. At the non-productive period a level of marking activity is on 10-20 times lower than at the reproductive season. Besides hormonal, social factors were also important for regulation of marking activity. By influence of these factors the differences in the level of marking activity in high-rank and low-rank individuals and differences in patterns of a spatial distribution of scent marks in individuals of different hierarchical rank is explained. Functional significance of various ways of territory scent marking is discussed
Activity. --- Behavior. --- Behaviour. --- Feces. --- Functional-activity. --- Gerbil. --- Gerbils. --- Gland. --- Hormonal. --- Inter-species. --- Level. --- Maintenance. --- Marking. --- Mongolian gerbil. --- Mongolian gerbils. --- Mongolian-gerbil. --- Olfactory. --- Pattern. --- Patterns. --- Population. --- Position. --- Rank. --- Regulation. --- Reproduction. --- Review. --- Scent marking. --- Scent-marking. --- Scent. --- Season. --- Seasonal dynamics. --- Secretion. --- Semi-natural. --- Social-factors. --- Social-organization. --- Social. --- Southern kalmykia. --- Spatial. --- System. --- Tamariscinus. --- Territories. --- Territory. --- Time. --- Unguiculatus. --- Urine. --- Variability.
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Područje Cetinske krajine obuhvaća područje nekadašnje općine Sinj i tri sela u nekadašnjoj općini Knin (Civljane, Kijevo i Cetina). Radi se o regiji koja obuhvaća gornji i srednji tok rijeke Cetine, od izvora pod Dinarom u okolici sela Cetina do njezina ulaska u kanjon ispod Trilja. Ova je regija iznimno velika i obuhvaća površinu od 1.500 kvadratnih kilometara. Nekada je područje pripadalo Cetinskoj županiji,1 koja se spominje već u desetom stoljeću, a kasnije Cetinskoj, tj. Vrličkoj krajini (16. – 18. stoljeće). Na području današnje Cetinske krajine nalaze se dva grada (Vrlika i Sinj), pet općina (Civljane, Hrvace, Otok, Trilj i Dicmo) i 74 naselja. U širem geografskom smislu ovaj teritorij pripada Dalmatinskoj zagori, koja osim Cetinske krajine obuhvaća i Kninsku krajinu, Ravne kotare, Bukovicu, Imotsku krajinu, Vrgoračku krajinu, Drnišku krajinu, Kaštelansku zagoru te zaleđe Trogira, Solina i Šibenika. Okosnicu regije čini rijeka Cetina koja objedinjava niz manjih kraških polja (Cetinsko i Paško polje, Vrličko polje, Hrvatačko polje i Sinjsko polje). Niz manjih potoka s lijeve i s desne strane osnažuju rijeku Cetinu vodom, a viša područja, koja se nalaze na planinama Dinari i Svilaji, uglavnom oskudijevaju vodom. Sa sjeveroistočne strane regija je omeđena planinom Dinarom, a s jugozapada planinom Svilajom. Vrhovi Svilaje i Dinare izdižu se 1.509, odnosno 1.913 metara nad morem. Zbog svog je položaja Cetinska krajina oduvijek bila važna prometna spona priobalja s Bosnom, odnosno s balkanskom unutrašnjošću. Također je taj kraj, preko Knina pa dolinom Une, bio prometna spona priobalja s panonskim područjem, a na jugoistok s neretvanskim krajem i Hercegovinom, odnosno Dubrovnikom. Cetinska se krajina nekada dijelila na dva dijela, na Vrličku i Sinjsku (nekada pravu Cetinsku) krajinu. Vrlička krajina obuhvaćala je planinsko područje koje se nalazi uz sam izvor rijeke Cetine te prvih nekoliko kilometara od Vrlike prema Sinju, gdje je postojalo nekoliko polja koja su potopljena akumulacijskim jezerom Peruća. Od Dabra i Maljkova pa na jugoistok i jug do Trilja i Dicma, prostirala se znatno veća, Cetinska krajina.
History of Church(es) --- Agriculture --- Social history --- Recent History (1900 till today) --- History of Education --- Health and medicine and law --- Demography and human biology --- 13th to 14th Centuries --- 15th Century --- 18th Century --- 19th Century --- The Ottoman Empire --- Eastern Orthodoxy --- Migration Studies --- Inter-Ethnic Relations --- Ethnic Minorities Studies --- Socio-Economic Research --- Politics and Identity --- Croatia --- History.
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Banken --- Banques --- Finances --- Geldwezen --- Périodiques --- Telecommunicatie --- Tijdschriften --- Télécommunications --- Banks and banking --- -Financial institutions --- -332.102505 --- 060.05 --- Financial intermediaries --- Lending institutions --- Associations, institutions, etc. --- Agricultural banks --- Banking --- Banking industry --- Commercial banks --- Depository institutions --- Finance --- Financial institutions --- Money --- Code numbers --- -Code numbers --- -Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication --- S.W.I.F.T. --- SWIFT --- Société mondiale des télécommunications financières inter-banques --- Periodicals --- Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication --- Society for worldwide interbank financial telecommunication
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341.1 --- 911.3:33 --- Economic geography --- International agencies --- Associations, International --- IGOs (Intergovernmental organizations) --- Institutions, International --- Intergovernmental organizations --- International administration --- International associations --- International governmental organizations --- International institutions --- International organizations --- International unions --- Organizations, International --- Specialized agencies of the United Nations --- International cooperation --- Interorganizational relations --- Non-state actors (International relations) --- International organization --- Geography, Economic --- World economics --- Geography --- Commercial geography --- Internationale organisaties --(algemeen) --- Economische geografie --- 341.1 Internationale organisaties --(algemeen) --- Geopolitics - Geoeconomics. --- Inter-governmental organizations
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