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De Sino-Braziliaanse relatie in beeld : Een krantenonderzoek naar het beeld dat China en Brazilië van elkaar hebben.
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2014 Publisher: Leuven : K.U. Leuven. Faculteit Letteren

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In this dissertation we examine the relations between China and Brazil. Even though their partnership goes back almost five decades, their relationship has only now started to develop rapidly. The investigation already pursued on this topic is not of great amount and focuses rather on the economic field of research.This dissertation starts by examining the historical context of the Sino-Brazilian relations. Furthermore it explores the current most important aspects of the relationship. At first it examines the political sphere in the Sino-Brazilian relations. Then it moves on to the economical sphere. After that it investigates the cultural ties of the two countries and finally it also concludes the scientific and technological cooperation between China and Brazil.Due to the few amount of research pursued on the Sino-Brazilian relations and more exactly on the socio-cultural aspect of its ties, this dissertation aspires to contribute to the available research in this particular domain. In order to conduct this investigation we used three questions throughout the research. The first one was how important both China and Brazil thinks of one another. The second one was which specific domain in their relations do they think of as more significant. Finally the third question was about the image they hold of one another.In order to explore these matters national newspapers in the two countries were employed. For Brazil we examined the articles of Folha de S. Paulo in 2013 and for China we used the articles of Renmin ribao, also for the same period of time.To come to conclusions about the first question we added up the amount of articles the press released in 2013 about the partner. This study revealed that Brazil attaches a significant amount of importance to China, whereas China attaches fewer importance to Brazil.For the second question we explored each article for its specific domain. The results revealed that the Brazilian press released mostly economic articles ab...


De guwen yundong 古文运动 (Klassieke Prozabeweging) tijdens de Tang en Song : Ideologische én stilistische vernieuwing?
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2014 Publisher: Leuven : K.U. Leuven. Faculteit Letteren

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Ever since the end of the 19th century, there has been a renewed research interest into a group of prosaic reformers living during the Tang and Song dynasties. This movement has been given the name 'Classical Prose Movement' (guwen yundong), referring to writers like Han Yu, Liu Zongyuan, Li Hua, Liang Su, Li Ao, Xiao Yingshi etc. They claimed that their works are based on the prose found in old texts (hence Classical prose), using their literary style and employing the same ideological terminology to refer to the cultural values of their time. It has been widely recognised in frameworks found in Chinese as well as Western research that by using qualitative and intuitive methods, one can indeed see how these writers applied the same terminology, but by doing so changed these terms' meanings.The approach of this master thesis is not qualitative, but rather quantitative, looking to answer the questions whether it is possible to compose a statistical list which one can use to discern guwen texts from other texts, and whether it is possible to see more intricately which texts have been influenced by which other texts. Using stylometric methods and the software programme R, this paper analyses a linguistic corpus, that consists of: 1) the old texts guwen writers are supposed to imitate; 2) pianwen texts, a genre guwen writers claim is too full of frivolities instead of content and thus should be regarded as a kind of anti-guwen; 3) guwen texts of the Tang dynasty; 4) guwen texts of the Song dynasty; 5) Buddhist texts, because the Buddhist church was very popular during these dynasties, presumably influencing the guwen writers as well. After drawing a list of the most frequent 100 single characters (unigrams) encountered in the Tang and Song guwen subcorpus, these tokens are used to compare similarities and dissimilarities of the samples found in the whole corpus. This approach is repeated twice for the most frequent 100 combinations of two (bigrams) and respectively t...


Het gedrag na aankoop in China : Een comparatieve analyse van hotelreviews tussen China en het Westen

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This study was designed to investigate what Chinese travellers talk about in online reviews after having stayed in a hotel and how they articulate themselves about their experiences. It will be compared with data that is obtained from reviews written by people from the western culture, to see if there are any cultural differences noticeable. With the help of the cultural dimensions of Hofstede, some hypotheses were established. These conceptualize the amount of notifications of a specific factor that one culture mentions. For example, do Chinese travellers talk more about the empathy of the staff than their western counterparts? Is it true that both cultures pay equally much attention to the material things of a hotel? It is pursued by some other research questions: which culture complains the most? About which factors do they complain the most? Is there a relationship between the variables of age or sex and complaining behaviour? This post-purchase behaviour forms the subject of this study. Data for this research is obtained from the review websites TripAdvisor and Dianping for respectively western and Chinese online reviews. 200 reviews (100 written by western travellers and 100 by Chinese) have been analysed. There has been made use of the five dimensions of SERVQUAL (tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy) to subdivide the different factors people can talk about. The review is ascribed a 0 for a factor when it is not mentioned; when a certain factor is discussed, the review gets a 1 or -1 (depending on whether it is mentioned in a positive or negative way).The first chapter of this thesis talks about social media. Different classification schemes are discussed and the characteristics of review sites are analysed to see where they fit in. Later on, the situation of social media in China is reviewed. The second chapter talks about electronic word of mouth: what is it and is it to be trusted? The selection of the data sample happened partl...


Het Chinese uitgaande toerisme en de economische impact op België

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In 2013 more than 3.5 million Chinese tourists visited Europe and the China Tourism Academy expects this number to double during 2014. This oncoming swarm of tourists will have an impact on the economy of visited tourist destinations. Unsurprisingly, China's oubound tourism is a much debated subject these days. Despite recent attention, the scope of existing research in this field is still limited. The focus is generally on social and microeconomic aspects, such as means to attract and please Chinese visitors. International optimization of the tourism industry, however, requires research on Chinese tourism from a broad and international economic perspective.The main research question of this dissertation is: how big is the economic impact of Chinese outbound tourism on destination countries such as Belgium? We approach this question throughout three chapters: Tourism Policy in China, the Chinese Outbound Tourist and the Economic Impact of Chinese Outbound Tourism on Belgium. In order to achieve the research purpose, several kinds of qualitative and quantitative research methods were applied on primary and secondary data.The first chapter commences with an explanation of the 'tourism policy paradigm of China'. This paradigm was introduced by Dabid Airey and King Chong. It is useful for the interpretation of tourism policies. For example, the Chinese government recently started encouraging outbound tourism, partly because it recognized the fit of the economic impact of outbound tourism as a means for diplomatic pressure. This chapter is mainly based on qualitative research of secondary data, but also of primary data such as media coverage on recent policy changes. The second chapter focuses on the Chinese outbound tourists themselves. Data from previous research of the China Tourism Academy and the China Outbound Tourism Research Institute are complemented with primary data from a survey research. According to research results, over 163,000 Chinese tourists will re...


Het effect van verschillende postacquisitie integratiestrategieën op het vrijwillige verloop van werknemers in China
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2014 Publisher: Leuven : K.U. Leuven. Faculteit Letteren

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Gedurende de voorbije drie decennia heeft de wereldeconomie een fundamentele transitie ondergaan. Het voortdurende proces van globalisering heeft immers geleid tot een steeds grotere integratie van en interdependentie tussen verschillende nationale economieën. Hierbij worden obstakels voor internationale handel en investeringen almaar verder teruggedrongen. Een meer recent fenomeen betreft het toenemende gebruik van grensoverschrijdende fusies en overnames ('mergers and acquisitions' (M&A's) in het Engels) als vorm van buitenlandse directe investeringen (BDI). Ondanks de populariteit van deze modus, blijft het aandeel mislukte M&A's bijzonder hoog. De uitdaging om het bestaande personeel in het opgekochte bedrijf te behouden, vormt, als onderdeel van het integratieproces, één van de belangrijkste moeilijkheden waarmee acquisitiemanagers geconfronteerd worden. Vooral in China, waar nog een enorm potentieel is voor M&A activiteit, maar tegelijk ook een groot tekort aan gekwalificeerde arbeidskrachten, is het verloop en behoud van personeel van uitermate groot belang voor buitenlandse bedrijven.De literatuur omtrent M&A's enerzijds en het verloop en behoud van werknemers anderzijds is dan wel zeer omvangrijk, toch zijn er maar weinig onderzoeken voorhanden waarin beide aspecten samen belicht worden. Zelfs als dit al het geval is, gaat het bijna exclusief over het verloop van topmanagers in M&A's (Hayes & Hoag, 1974; Walsh, 1988 & 1989; Ivancevich & Stewart, 1989; Datta, 1991; Krug & Hegarty, 1997; Lubatkin et al., 1999). Bovendien houden deze publicaties te weinig rekening met de verschillende manieren om twee bedrijven met elkaar te integreren. De doelstelling van deze paper is dan ook om op basis van het werk van Haspeslagh & Jemison (1991) een onderscheid te maken tussen verschillende integratiestrategieën en het effect van de diverse strategieën op het vrijwillige verloop van werknemers te onderzoeken. Hiermee kunnen we een meer gedetailleerd en genuanceerd...


Een vergelijkende studie van de officiële Chinese werkloosheidsgraad en de alternatieve berekeningswijzen

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Mijn jia is waar mijn Stella staat. : Onderzoek naar Belgisch bier in China
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2010 Publisher: Leuven : KU Leuven. Faculteit Letteren

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Chinese toeristen in Vlaanderen : Een analyse van online Chinese reisverslagen

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The present study is an initial attempt to investigate how Chinese travellers articulate themselves on online travel blogs about Flanders. China's outbound tourism market has grown significantly over the past few years as Chinese tourists have become increasingly important for global and Flemish tourist markets. Destination images are one of the major influencing factors in the tourist's decision making process: when tourists have quality images of a certain destination they're more likely to include this destination in possible travel plans. External information sources such as online social media sites have been found to be an important element in the destination image formation process. The first section of this paper provides an overview of the changing attitudes of the Chinese government towards outbound tourism. General characteristics of Chinese tourists will be provided, as well as an insight into the growing number of Chinese tourists in Flanders. Furthermore, the importance of social media in China and the relation to tourism will be analysed. The first section concludes with an explanation of the importance of tourist destination image and destination branding. The second section of this paper then examines the destination image of Chinese travellers about Flanders by conducting a netnography and analysis of 180 online travel reports written by Chinese travellers after they visited Flanders. The data was gathered during May and June 2014 from several online travel blogs. The quantitative and qualitative analysis of the travel blogs show that the overall image of Flanders that tourists have after visiting is rather positive. Chinese tourists are generally satisfied with their stay in Flanders, except for outlying issues such as high prices or the cleanness in some cities.


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