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Coins, Austrian --- Medals --- Austrian coins --- Badges of honor --- Medallions --- Art metal-work --- Awards --- Decorations of honor --- Glyptics --- Numismatics --- History --- Collections --- Private collections --- Francis --- Franz --- Franz Stephan, --- Francis Stephen, --- Lothringen, Franz Stephan von, --- Lothringen-Bar, Franz Anton Stephan von, --- Numismatic collections --- Národní muzeum v Praze --- Prague. --- Museum Nationalis Pragaum --- Czech Republic. --- Národní muzeum (Czech Republic) --- Zemské museum (Czech Republic) --- Landesmuseum (Czech Republic) --- Národní museum v Praze --- Museum Nationale (Czech Republic) --- Musée national de Prague --- Prague National Museum --- Nationalmuseum in Prag --- Museum Nationale Pragae --- National Museum Prague --- National Museum in Prague --- Národopisné museum českoslovanské --- Museum Království českého
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This volume ('Johann Ludwig Schönleben (1618–1681): A description of his life and work') features the first fundamental research on Johann Ludwig Schönleben (1618–1681), an important Carniolan historian, preacher, theologian, and polymath, who despite his greatness and importance for the Slovenian and wider European environment has not yet been comprehensively studied. It presents his life in detail, explaining many aspects of his life that have been unknown or poorly known up to now. The biographical part is followed by an overview of Schönleben’s entire oeuvre, which includes all of his printed and manuscript writings discovered so far, either preserved or unpreserved. The last two chapters focus on Schönleben’s historiographic and rhetorical or preaching works, placing his most important printed works in these two areas at the forefront, but also taking into account his extensive manuscript material. This volume provides an evaluation of Schönleben as a historian and preacher, and draws attention to the important transitional role he played in these two areas (influencing the works of his successors Johann Weikhard von Valvasor, Johann Gregor Thalnitscher, Tobia Lionelli, and Jernej Basar). Monografija prinaša prvo temeljno raziskavo o Janezu Ludviku Schönlebnu (1618–1681), pomembnem kranjskem zgodovinarju, pridigarju, teologu in polihistorju, ki kljub svoji veličini in pomembnosti za slovenski in širši evropski prostor do sedaj še ni bil deležen celostne obravnave. Podrobno predstavlja njegovo življenjsko pot in pojasnjuje mnoge vidike njegovega življenja, ki so bili doslej neznani ali slabo poznani. Biografskemu delu sledi pregled celotnega Schönlebnovega opusa, v katerem so zbrani vsi njegovi doslej odkriti natisnjeni in rokopisni, ohranjeni in neohranjeni spisi. Zadnja dva vsebinska sklopa monografije se osredotočata na Schönlebnov zgodovinopisni in govorniški ter pridigarski opus. V ospredju prikaza so njegova najpomembnejša natisnjena dela z omenjenih dveh področij, upoštevano pa je tudi obsežno rokopisno gradivo. Monografija prinaša oceno Schönlebna kot zgodovinarja in pridigarja ter opozarja na pomembno prehodno vlogo (J. V. Valvasor, J. G. Dolničar, J. Svetokriški, J. Basar), ki jo je odigral na obeh področjih.
Historians --- Schönleben, Johann Ludwig, --- Jesuits --- Historiographers --- Scholars --- Schönleben, Joannes Ludovicus, --- Schönleben, Janez Ludvik, --- Compagnie de Jésus --- Compañia de Jesus --- Gesellschaft Jesu --- Jesuitas --- Jesuiten --- Jesuiti --- Jezuïten --- Jésuites --- Paters Jezuïten --- Societeit van Jezus --- Society of Jesus --- イエズス会 --- カトリック イエズス会 --- Slovenian --- Literary studies: c 1500 to c 1800 --- 17th century --- Austrian Jesuit Province --- baroque --- biography --- Carniola --- historians --- historical sources --- historiography --- jesuits --- Ljubljana --- rhetoric --- Schönleben, Janez Ludvik --- sermons --- Slovenia --- 17. st. --- Avstrijska jezuitska provinca --- barok --- biografije --- jezuiti --- Kranjska --- pridige --- retorika --- Slovenija --- zgodovinarji --- zgodovinopisje --- zgodovinski viri
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