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Folklore --- Legends --- Folklore. --- Legends. --- History and criticism.
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Presented are the perceptions of different foreigners who came to Slovene lands in the past or in the present time, as shown in Slovene folk narratives. Despite often stereotyped picture of the Others, the research demonstrates an immense complexity of these narratives and the fact that they tell more about Us than about Them. The book ('The Mysteriou Stranger and the Demonic Enemy. “The Other” and Otherness in Slovene Folk Narratives') brings a theoretical overview of the current research on otherness in folklore studies and contextualizes the examples into a wider international folkloristic, anthropological and historical frames. Stories about the Turks, the Napoleon’s French and the Huns reflect an interweaving of historical facts, archetypical imageries of the dangerous Foreigner and ideological influences. These narratives are strongly embedded into the landscape and reinforce the sense of a common identity of its members. The imagery of historic aggressors is understandably quite different from the imagery of Jews and the Roma, with whom the people of the Slovene lands have had a completely different kind of contact.The same goes for contemporary foreigners from other countries. Nevertheless, they all display a high level of stereotypization, generalization and projection of fears upon “the Other”. V monografiji so na podlagi slovenske slovstvene folklore analizirani prikazi različnih tujcev, ki so bili prisotni na slovenskem ozemlju v preteklosti ali pa so prisotni še danes. Kljub pogosto stereotipizirani podobi tujcev, je raziskava pokazala, da se v pripovedih skriva izredna globina in kompleksnost, predvsem pa ta podoba pove več o Nas kot o Njih. Monografija prinaša teoretski pregled dosedanjih raziskav o drugosti v folkloristiki ter izbrane primere Drugih iz slovenske folklore umešča v širši mednarodni okvir s folklorističnega, antropološkega in zgodovinskega zornega kota. Zgodbe o Turkih, Napoleonovih Francozih in Hunih odražajo preplet zgodovinskih dejstev, arhetipskih predstav o nevarnih tujcih in ideoloških vplivov. Te povedke so močno vpete v fizični prostor in kot materializirani opomniki na njeno preteklost krepijo identitetno pripadnost predstavnikov skupnosti. Prikaz zgodovinskih agresorjev v slovenskem izročilu je seveda nekoliko drugačen od prikaza Judov in Romov, s katerimi so bili prebivalci slovenskega ozemlja v povsem drugačnem stiku.
Folklore, myths & legends --- Migration, immigration & emigration --- collective memory --- French --- Huns --- identity --- immigrants --- Jews --- literary folklore --- Othernes --- Roma --- Turks --- drugost --- Francozi --- Huni --- identiteta --- imigranti --- Judje --- kolektivni spomin --- Romi --- slovstvena folklora --- Turki
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Presented are the perceptions of different foreigners who came to Slovene lands in the past or in the present time, as shown in Slovene folk narratives. Despite often stereotyped picture of the Others, the research demonstrates an immense complexity of these narratives and the fact that they tell more about Us than about Them. The book ('The Mysteriou Stranger and the Demonic Enemy. “The Other” and Otherness in Slovene Folk Narratives') brings a theoretical overview of the current research on otherness in folklore studies and contextualizes the examples into a wider international folkloristic, anthropological and historical frames. Stories about the Turks, the Napoleon’s French and the Huns reflect an interweaving of historical facts, archetypical imageries of the dangerous Foreigner and ideological influences. These narratives are strongly embedded into the landscape and reinforce the sense of a common identity of its members. The imagery of historic aggressors is understandably quite different from the imagery of Jews and the Roma, with whom the people of the Slovene lands have had a completely different kind of contact.The same goes for contemporary foreigners from other countries. Nevertheless, they all display a high level of stereotypization, generalization and projection of fears upon “the Other”. V monografiji so na podlagi slovenske slovstvene folklore analizirani prikazi različnih tujcev, ki so bili prisotni na slovenskem ozemlju v preteklosti ali pa so prisotni še danes. Kljub pogosto stereotipizirani podobi tujcev, je raziskava pokazala, da se v pripovedih skriva izredna globina in kompleksnost, predvsem pa ta podoba pove več o Nas kot o Njih. Monografija prinaša teoretski pregled dosedanjih raziskav o drugosti v folkloristiki ter izbrane primere Drugih iz slovenske folklore umešča v širši mednarodni okvir s folklorističnega, antropološkega in zgodovinskega zornega kota. Zgodbe o Turkih, Napoleonovih Francozih in Hunih odražajo preplet zgodovinskih dejstev, arhetipskih predstav o nevarnih tujcih in ideoloških vplivov. Te povedke so močno vpete v fizični prostor in kot materializirani opomniki na njeno preteklost krepijo identitetno pripadnost predstavnikov skupnosti. Prikaz zgodovinskih agresorjev v slovenskem izročilu je seveda nekoliko drugačen od prikaza Judov in Romov, s katerimi so bili prebivalci slovenskega ozemlja v povsem drugačnem stiku.
Folklore, myths & legends --- Migration, immigration & emigration --- collective memory --- French --- Huns --- identity --- immigrants --- Jews --- literary folklore --- Othernes --- Roma --- Turks --- drugost --- Francozi --- Huni --- identiteta --- imigranti --- Judje --- kolektivni spomin --- Romi --- slovstvena folklora --- Turki
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Mythology --- Mythology, Slavic --- Mythology. --- Mythology, Slavic. --- Belarusian mythology --- Bulgarian mythology --- Czech mythology --- Mythology, Belarusian --- Mythology, Bulgarian --- Mythology, Czech --- Mythology, Polish --- Mythology, Russian --- Mythology, Slovak --- Mythology, Sorbian --- Mythology, Ukrainian --- Polish mythology --- Russian mythology --- Slavic mythology --- Slovak mythology --- Sorbian mythology --- Ukrainian mythology --- Myths --- Legends --- Religion --- Religions --- Folklore --- Gods --- Myth --- Arts and Humanities
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This translation of the book ('The Historical Roots of Magic Tale') written by one of the most prominent Russian folklorists of the 20th century Vladimir Yakovlevich Propp, presents one more classical work of anthropological and folkloristical science to Slovenian researchers. The theoretical starting-points which Propp concived in his book “Morphology of the Folktale” was in this work projected on concrete material – on Russian and European folktales. By comparing folktale motifs with actual historical and anthropological sources he substantiated his structuralistical and ritualistical theoties in folk narrative research and folkloristics. S prevodom temeljnega dela enega najvidnejših raziskovalcev ljudskega pripovedništva minulega stoletja, Vladimirja Jakovljeviča Proppa, je slovenska znanstvena publicistika bogatejše še za eno klasično študijo antropološke in folkloristične vede. Knjiga Zgodovinske korenine čarobne pravljice predstavlja morfološko in ritualistično usmerjeno študijo ljudskih – predvsem ruskih – čarobnih pravljic. Teoretična izhodišča, ki jih je Propp zasnoval v Morfologiji pravljice, je tokrat uporabil ob konkretnih primerih ljudskih čarobnih pravljic, ki jih je vzporedil z zgodovinskimi in antropološkimi viri.
Folklore, myths & legends --- ethnology --- folk fairytales --- folk literature --- folklore research --- literary folklore --- literary genres --- methodology --- miraculous fairy tales --- oral literature --- Propp, Vladimir Jakovlevič --- studies --- tales --- čudežne pravljice --- etnologija --- folkloristika --- literarne zvrsti --- ljudske pravljice --- ljudsko slovstvo --- metodologija --- povedke --- slovstvena folklora --- študije --- ustno slovstvo
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This translation of the book ('The Historical Roots of Magic Tale') written by one of the most prominent Russian folklorists of the 20th century Vladimir Yakovlevich Propp, presents one more classical work of anthropological and folkloristical science to Slovenian researchers. The theoretical starting-points which Propp concived in his book “Morphology of the Folktale” was in this work projected on concrete material – on Russian and European folktales. By comparing folktale motifs with actual historical and anthropological sources he substantiated his structuralistical and ritualistical theoties in folk narrative research and folkloristics. S prevodom temeljnega dela enega najvidnejših raziskovalcev ljudskega pripovedništva minulega stoletja, Vladimirja Jakovljeviča Proppa, je slovenska znanstvena publicistika bogatejše še za eno klasično študijo antropološke in folkloristične vede. Knjiga Zgodovinske korenine čarobne pravljice predstavlja morfološko in ritualistično usmerjeno študijo ljudskih – predvsem ruskih – čarobnih pravljic. Teoretična izhodišča, ki jih je Propp zasnoval v Morfologiji pravljice, je tokrat uporabil ob konkretnih primerih ljudskih čarobnih pravljic, ki jih je vzporedil z zgodovinskimi in antropološkimi viri.
Folklore, myths & legends --- ethnology --- folk fairytales --- folk literature --- folklore research --- literary folklore --- literary genres --- methodology --- miraculous fairy tales --- oral literature --- Propp, Vladimir Jakovlevič --- studies --- tales --- čudežne pravljice --- etnologija --- folkloristika --- literarne zvrsti --- ljudske pravljice --- ljudsko slovstvo --- metodologija --- povedke --- slovstvena folklora --- študije --- ustno slovstvo
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