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The monograph contains articles on synchronic linguistics, diachronic linguistics (textology, onomastics, stylistics) and biblical studies. In the description and analysis of the diverse material, various research methodologies were used, which correspond to the interests of the authors of the collected texts and reflect these interests. The aim of the monograph was to show the diversity of the Jubilarian's scientific interests. This goal has been fully achieved.
Language and Literature Studies --- Theoretical Linguistics --- Philology
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"Żaden region w Europie nie przyciąga tak wiele uwagi, ani w sensie pozytywnym, ani negatywnym, jak Bałkany. Dlaczego? Przyjrzawszy się historii i kulturze regionu, nieodwołalnie dochodzimy do absurdalnego wniosku o tym, że podobieństwa dzielą. Narody myślące podobnie za wszelką cenę usiłują być różne. Takie właśnie są Bałkany. [...] Co więcej, Bałkany (zwłaszcza tzw. Bałkany Zachodnie) wciąż stanowią poligon, na którym możemy obserwować na bieżąco działanie procesów konwergencyjnych w sferze mentalności i struktur językowych, przy pomocy których kategoryzuje się pojęcia" (Z "Wprowadzenia"). "Nowe treści, będące efektem badań naukowych autorek, to przede wszystkim całościowe opracowanie fonetyki bałkańskiej, znacznie odbiegające od fragmentarycznych ujęć klasycznych i przynoszące inną klasyfikację regionów i nieprezentowane dotąd szczegóły; wyjaśnienie pojęcia "Bałkany historyczne" i "Bałkany kulturowo-mentalne"; sformułowanie ich cech dystynktywnych i zestawienie ich zasięgów z "Bałkanami językowymi". Dajemy też propozycję metodologii przydatnej w opisie różnych zjawisk arealnych, wynikającą bezpośrednio ze specyficznego charakteru konwergencji w ramach ligi językowej" ("Od Autorek").
Balkan Peninsula --- Civilization. --- Economic conditions. --- Language studies --- Language and Literature Studies --- South Slavic Languages
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Na publikację składają się teksty bardzo zróżnicowane pod względem podejmowanych tematów i stosowanej metodologii. Jest to specyfiką tomów jubileuszowych, które w pewien sposób scala odniesienie do osoby jubilata. W tym przypadku wszystkie teksty dobrze wkomponowują się w całość, tworzą zbiór niejednorodny, lecz ciekawy i oryginalny. Autorzy nawiązują do poruszanych przez jubilata tematów, twórczo je rozwijając lub z nimi polemizując. Pod tym względem osoba Jubilatki, Profesor Danuty Bieńkowskiej, jest gwarantem, że opisywane w publikacji zagadnienia nie mają marginalnego dla nauki charakteru. Tomem zainteresują się przede wszystkim badacze Biblii, jednak krąg potencjalnych odbiorców będzie oczywiście zdecydowanie szerszy ze względu na inne poruszane tu zagadnienia: kwestie normatywne, językoznawczo zorientowaną stylistykę, synchroniczne i diachroniczne badania nad polszczyzną. Z recenzji dr hab. Anetty Luto-Kamińskiej
Language and Literature Studies --- Applied Linguistics --- Semantics --- Historical Linguistics --- Comparative Linguistics
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Bartholomew of Bydgoszcz was among the most outstanding early 16th century Bydgoszcz Friars Minor of the Observance. He authored six manuscripts, totalling over 2,600 pages. His Latin-Polish dictionaries of 1532 and 1544 contain Polish material which is so rich that the works are considered the most extensive collections of Polish vocabulary from the first half of the 16th century. The 1532 manuscript (entitled Vocabularius ex Calepino, Breviloquo et Mamotrecto recollectus) counts 257 leaves and contains 4,276 Polish words as equivalents to 4,488 Latin entries. Bartholomew’s second lexicon took on the form of notes on the margins of the famous 600-page-long 15th century Latin dictionary of Johann Reuchlin (Vocabularius breviloquus, Argentine 1488). In this second work, Batholomew lists Polish equivalents for over 11,000 Latin entries. Altogether, this listing covers around 7,000 new words that were absent from the 1532 dictionary. Bartholomew’s lexicons include Polish words from various spheres of life. Apart from basic vocabulary, they feature abundant specialist lexis, represented by philosophical, theological, naturalist and medical, legal, maritime, grammar and biblical terminology. Both dictionaries bring together not only rich Polish and Latin language material but also numerous idiosyncratic entries, not attested in such voluminous works as Słownik polszczyzny XVI wieku [Dictionary of 16th century Polish language] or Słownik łaciny średniowiecznej w Polsce [Dictionary of medieval Latin in Poland]. The dictionaries by Bartholomew of Bydgoszcz were not intended for print. They served as, among other things, textbooks in the school of philosophy at his monastery in Bydgoszcz and an encyclopaedia of his contemporary world, summarising information from various fields of science and of practice, like preparation of medicines. This complete “reversed” Polish-Latin version of Bartholomew's dictionary, published by the Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, in 1999-2019 features more than 10,600 Polish words (entries).
Slavs --- Slavic philology --- Slavic countries --- Poland --- Imprints. --- Language and Literature Studies --- Theoretical Linguistics --- Historical Linguistics
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The book is devoted to the reconstruction and analysis of the philosophy of history and philosophy of culture, an outline of which Mieczysław Porębski presented in Z. Po-wieść (1989). This work is sometimes classified as a postmodern “professorial novel”, while the author of A seeker of sense among the strands of history tries to demonstate that the bricolage poetics is mainly staffage, as the distinguished art historian and theorist was motivated by the desire to reflect on the historical process and the meaning of European culture for contemporaries. The leitmotif of Z. is the wandering of the title character through the history and literature of the Old Continent, considered in the monograph i.a. in relation to the composition, the world presented, the autothematism, the philosophical assumptions and the ideological meaning of the novel. The authoress analyzes the figure of the protagonist, genological issues, the problem of historiography and narrative, and the textual implication of the authorial subject. She considers the dialectic between the search for universal truths about human nature and the imperative to convey the truth of one’s own time, and furthermore presents the futuristic predictions of the author of Iconosphere. Finally, she shows the hermeneutic perspective as the best one to interpret Z., as it is revealed in the actions and utterances of the protagonist himself, who seeks the essential message of tradition and the meaning of historical experience.
History --- Philosophy --- Language and Literature Studies --- History of ideas --- Polish Literature --- Hermeneutics
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In “Quantification and modal problems in the Lithuanian dialect of Puńsk (with reference to literary Polish and Lithuanian)”, Danuta Roszko describes the Puńsk dialect of Lithuanian, which remains in constant interaction with both Lithuanian and Polish, using a novel research methodology of theoretical contrastive studies (teoretyczne badania konfrontatywne, or TBK). “It is widely accepted that the use of TBK in dialectal research will contribute to a fuller description of dialects […] allowing for overcoming the barriers posed by formal structures of the dialect. It will also make semantic aspects […] a focal point of dialectologist research. […] TBK will allow for objective studies into any dialect; in the case of the discussed Puńsk dialect, it will also make possible to relate the present state of the dialect, as revealed in research, to both Polish and Lithuanian simultaneously. This will enable us to confirm the dialectal archaisms and innovation in relation to literary Lithuanian as well as to identify the dialectal features whose emergence might have been a result of the interaction between this Lithuanian dialects and the neighbouring Suwalskie-Podlasie dialects of Polish” (from pp. 14–15).
Lithuanian language --- Grammar, Comparative --- Dialects --- Lithuanian and Polish. --- Polish and Lithuanian. --- Baltic languages --- Language and Literature Studies --- Applied Linguistics
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This collective monograph comes as a result of intellectual work undertaken jointly by the American, German, Moldovan, Polish, Romanian and Ukrainian scholars who participated in the international conference entitled "Bukowina: Wspólne dziedzictwo kulturowe i językowe" (Bukovina: Common Cultural and Linguistic Heritage), held in Jastrowie, Poland, in June 2019. The present volume, which contains extended versions of their papers, is conceived as a collection providing different perspectives on the issue of cultural heritage. The cultures and languages of Bukovina have also inspired contributions which go beyond the issues of the region but are related to it in the geographical or cultural sense. The invited authors represent various perspectives and fields of study: linguistics, cultural studies, literary studies, history, political studies, sociology, ethnology and art history. The list of contributors includes experienced scholars and young promising researchers studying the cultural and linguistic richness of the historical Bukovina, the Carpathian region and Central Europe. The volume consists of three parts. The first one includes contributions on language as cultural heritage. The second part is devoted to the memory of heritage. Part three presents cultural heritage in social and creative activity.
Ukraine --- Social conditions --- Anthropology --- Social Sciences --- Language studies --- Language and Literature Studies --- Western Slavic Languages --- Culture and social structure
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"Belarusian dialectology" is a study which provides the reader with reliable, up-to-date and research-based information about Belarusian dialects, their origin, range and diversification. The authors' aim is to show the reader the richness and diversity of Belarusian dialects, their position and role in the culture and life of contemporary people as well as current language tendencies in Belarus.
Names, Geographical --- Names, Personal --- Language studies --- Language and Literature Studies --- Applied Linguistics --- Descriptive linguistics --- Eastern Slavic Languages
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"Belarusian dialects in Latvia, Kraslav region" looks into the sociolinguistic situation of people speaking different varieties of Belarusian in an area that is a sui generis borderland of borderlands, where the Balts (Latvians, Latgalians, Lithuanians) live together with the Slavs (Russians, Poles, Belarusians, Ukrainians), and numerous religions (Catholicism, Orthodox Christianity, Lutheranism and Old Believers) co-exist. All of these factors resulted throughout history in the development of a multilingualism that is much more complex than in other borderlands. The Kraslav region is a place where three languages (Latvian, Russian and Polish) and numerous dialects (Latgalian, Belarusian and Polish of the Northern Borderlands) co-exist and intermingle.
Belarusian language --- Sociolinguistics --- Dialects --- Language studies --- Language and Literature Studies --- Applied Linguistics --- Descriptive linguistics --- Eastern Slavic Languages
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The publication is the result of the research project APPROVAL (Adaptation, Perception and Reception of Verbal Loans) on the adaptation of foreign words in Polish and Czech. It analyses loanwords proving that cultural contacts across the borders and languages existed and the languages took over words during their historical development and did not inherit them from their protolanguage. The book combines a linguistics and psycholinguistics approach and has two versions: Polish and Czech.
Language and languages --- Polish language --- Czech language --- Foreign words and phrases. --- Grammar, Comparative --- Czech. --- Polish. --- Language and Literature Studies --- Theoretical Linguistics --- Studies of Literature --- Semantics --- Czech Literature --- Philology
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