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Discourse analysis --- Hermeneutics --- Semiotics
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"W ostatnich latach, wraz z szybkim rozwojem technologii komputerowych i internetowych, coraz wie?kszego znaczenia nabieraja? komputerowe metody badania tekstu, w szczego´lnos´ci metody ustalania sentymentu czy tez? wydz´wie?ku tekstu. Metody komputerowe moga? byc´ po´z´niej wykorzystywane w takich zagadnieniach, jak streszczanie tekstu, wyszukiwanie informacji z tekstu, sprawdzanie poprawnos´ci tekstu, maszynowe tlumaczenie tekstu i wielu innych. Niniejsza monografia zawiera przegla?d metod analizy sentymentu dla dokumento´w glo´wnie angloje?zycznych, badanie efektywnos´ci wybranych metod analizy sentymentu w zastosowaniu do dokumento´w polskoje?zycznych, propozycje nowych metod, kto´re moga? poprawic´ jakos´c´ klasyfikacji. W nowych propozycjach nacisk zostal poloz?ony na problemy klasyfikacji binarnej, niekorzystanie ze z´ro´del zewne?trznych, korzystanie w jak najmniejszym stopniu ze zbioru ucza?cego. Proponujemy przenies´c´ cie?z?ar klasyfikacji teksto´w z obszernego zbioru ucza?cego na wyszukiwanie i analizowanie zwia?zko´w pomie?dzy slowami tworza?cymi dokument, a nawet grupami slo´w. Zaproponowana metoda ma prosta? interpretacje?, moz?e konkurowac´ z metodami standardowymi oraz moz?e byc´ wykorzystana do innych problemo´w zwia?zanych z ustalaniem sentymentu teksto´w."-- Provided by publisher.
Discourse analysis --- Automatic classification. --- Data processing.
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Documents insightful reflection on the current state of the field of the genre order of discourse, especially literary taxonomies. These orders are seen from the perspective of various methodological orders of the last few decades, developed in the area of postmodern literary studies. The conclusions emerging from these are examined from the angle of analytical utility of selected solutions. The study is successful at depicting the current state of the debates on the theory of literature and the dynamics of phenomena observed in the field of contemporary literature. It combines an in-depth theoretical analysis with sophisticated interpretations of the texts. Therefore, it skilfully transports theoretical discussions on to a concrete level. (excerpt from a review by Prof. Teresa Dobrzyńska) The fascinating book by Grzegorz Grochowski on the postmodern literary games is also a game the researcher plays with traditional genology and the aim of creating categories other than genre and text for this literary play: those of description and understanding. Discourse analysis leads theory of literature out of the narrow backwater of literary theories. It
Polish literature --- Discourse analysis --- Poland --- theory of literature literary genology --- genre --- discourse analysis
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Discourse analysis --- Polish language --- Speech acts (Linguistics) --- Tales --- Discourse analysis --- History and criticism
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This commemorative book is a collection of articles written by co-workers and colleagues of Professor Anna Dutka-Mańkowska to mark the 40th anniversary of her research work at the Institute of French Studies at the University of Warsaw. Their subject matter touches upon Professor’s main interests: poetry, discourse analysis, traductology and other branches of linguistics. The publication also contains articles on literary studies and memoir texts.
Discourse analysis. --- French literature. --- Phonetics. --- Dutka-Mańkowska, Anna.
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Style, Literary. --- Language and languages --- Literary style. --- Discourse analysis. --- Style.
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French language --- Français (Langue) --- Discourse analysis. --- Analyse du discours
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Language and culture --- Polish language --- Sociolinguistics --- Discourse analysis
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Discourse analysis --- Philosophy --- Tatarkiewicz, Władysław, --- Criticism and interpretation.
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