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Hvor var kvinnene? : Elleve kvinner om årene 1945-1960
ISBN: 8205120161 9788205120167 Year: 1979 Publisher: Oslo : Gyldendal,

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Women --- Women. --- History --- Norway.

Norske kvinnetekster 1600-1900 : Først Kvinde - dernaest Forfatterinde?
ISBN: 8253015763 Year: 1992 Publisher: Oslo : Pax,

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Intrauterin fosterdød hos innvandrerkvinner og svenske kvinner - en svensk registerstudie = : Stillbirth among immigrants and natives - a Swedish register study
Year: 2007 Publisher: Köpenhamn : Nordiska ministerrådet,

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Bakgrunn: Intrauterin fosterdød er en hendelse som har ringvirkninger langt utover den rammede kvinnen og hennes familie. Det handler i sin ytterste mening om kvinner og barns helse og likhet i helse for alle. Utviklingen mot et flerkulturelt samfunn innebærer andre utfordringer enn tidligere i forhold til kultur, kommunikasjon, kvinne-og familieperspektiv, livsstil og medisinske problemstillinger. Formål: Denne studiens formål har vært å kartlegge forekomsten av intrauterin fosterdød (IUFD) hos innvandrerkvinner sammenlignet med svenske kvinner, og å undersøke faktorer som kan være assosiert med IUFD. Materiale og metode: Registerdata på 904 646 fødte og deres mødre i perioden 1992-2001 ble undersøkt med bivariate analyser. Det ble også gjort en systematisk litteraturgjennomgang av relevant nasjonal og internasjonal forskning på feltet. Resultat: Analysen viser en økt risiko for IUFD hos innvandrerkvinnene sammenlignet med svenske kvinner. IUFD forekommer oftere hos de ikke-europeiske innvandrerkvinnene;OR:1,45(95% CI 1,28-1,63). Litteraturgjennomgangen viser at ikke-europeiske innvandrerkvinner har 2-3 ganger så høy risiko for IUFD sammenlignet med totalpopulasjonen, men også at lav sosio-økonomisk status (SøS), alder, inngifte, røyking, reduksjon av medisinske risikofaktorer og kvaliteten på den antenatale omsorgen påvirker den perinatale dødeligheten. Konklusjon: En forbedret folkehelse i Norden de siste tiårene har bidratt til en reduksjon av den perinatale dødeligheten. Men ikke alle befolkningsgrupper har fått tatt del av denne utviklingen. De ikke-europeiske innvandrerkvinnene har signifikant høyere odds for IUFD. De har ofte lav SøS, hvilket i seg selv er assosiert med IUFD. Kunnskap om ulikheter i helse og sykdom blant ulike kategorier mennesker i samfunnet vårt er viktig og kan bidra til en mer tilpasset omsorg og en bedre medisinsk behandling. Det er behov for videre forskning fra flere fagområder for å kunne kartlegge livsstil, levekår og effekten av sp.

Den unge Camilla Collett : et kvinnehjertes historie
ISBN: 8205241643 Year: 1996 Publisher: Oslo : Gyldendal,

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Formødrenes stemmer : kvinneliv rundt stemmeretten
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9788253035963 8253035969 Year: 2013 Publisher: Oslo : Pax Forlag,

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Women --- Suffragists --- Suffrage --- History.

Kvinnen skapt av mannen : studie av en kvinne
Authors: ---
ISBN: 8203063225 Year: 1974 Publisher: Oslo : Aschehoug,

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Women --- Social conditions.

Drøm om virkelighet : islandske noveller om og av kvinner
ISBN: 8210017209 9788210017209 8210017195 9788210017193 Year: 1979 Publisher: Oslo : Tiden,

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Presse, profesjon og politikk : Festskrift til Paul Bjerke
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Oslo : Cappelen Damm Akademisk/NOASP (Nordic Open Access Scholarly Publishing),

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Press, Profession and Politics is a festschrift in honor of Paul Bjerke, who celebrated his 70th birthday on 2 October 2022. Bjerke has had a far-reaching career in journalism, research and as a social commentator. This festschrift consists of research articles, professional literature, and congratulatory texts from colleagues and collaborators in the media and academic communities. The anthology includes new analyses of various aspects of professional journalistic practice and reflections on the realities of journalism today. Three key concepts are central to an understanding of Paul Bjerke's research work: press, profession and politics. These concepts comprise the title of the festschrift and are also used to structure its content, with the goal in mind of providing insight into some of the work Bjerke has contributed, as well as linking the texts in this anthology to his research activities. In addition, we gain insight into his many years as a journalist, news editor, and finally, the editor of Klassekampen. This book will be of interest to media researchers and researchers in other disciplines concerned with the function of the media in society, as well as students and practitioners.


Women --- Social conditions.

Presse, profesjon og politikk : Festskrift til Paul Bjerke
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Oslo : Cappelen Damm Akademisk/NOASP (Nordic Open Access Scholarly Publishing),

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Press, Profession and Politics is a festschrift in honor of Paul Bjerke, who celebrated his 70th birthday on 2 October 2022. Bjerke has had a far-reaching career in journalism, research and as a social commentator. This festschrift consists of research articles, professional literature, and congratulatory texts from colleagues and collaborators in the media and academic communities. The anthology includes new analyses of various aspects of professional journalistic practice and reflections on the realities of journalism today. Three key concepts are central to an understanding of Paul Bjerke's research work: press, profession and politics. These concepts comprise the title of the festschrift and are also used to structure its content, with the goal in mind of providing insight into some of the work Bjerke has contributed, as well as linking the texts in this anthology to his research activities. In addition, we gain insight into his many years as a journalist, news editor, and finally, the editor of Klassekampen. This book will be of interest to media researchers and researchers in other disciplines concerned with the function of the media in society, as well as students and practitioners.


Women --- Social conditions.

Presse, profesjon og politikk : Festskrift til Paul Bjerke
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Oslo : Cappelen Damm Akademisk/NOASP (Nordic Open Access Scholarly Publishing),

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Press, Profession and Politics is a festschrift in honor of Paul Bjerke, who celebrated his 70th birthday on 2 October 2022. Bjerke has had a far-reaching career in journalism, research and as a social commentator. This festschrift consists of research articles, professional literature, and congratulatory texts from colleagues and collaborators in the media and academic communities. The anthology includes new analyses of various aspects of professional journalistic practice and reflections on the realities of journalism today. Three key concepts are central to an understanding of Paul Bjerke's research work: press, profession and politics. These concepts comprise the title of the festschrift and are also used to structure its content, with the goal in mind of providing insight into some of the work Bjerke has contributed, as well as linking the texts in this anthology to his research activities. In addition, we gain insight into his many years as a journalist, news editor, and finally, the editor of Klassekampen. This book will be of interest to media researchers and researchers in other disciplines concerned with the function of the media in society, as well as students and practitioners.


Women --- Social conditions.

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