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Tra Esino e San Vicinooffre una lettura completamente nuova dell'architettura religiosa che, a cavallo tra il romanico e il gotico, si afferma al centro delle Marche, in un'area denominata Valle di S. Clemente. Qui, a partire dall'XI secolo, si assiste ad una straordinaria fioritura di insediamenti costituiti da abbazie, eremi, pievi, di cui spesso si conservano le strutture più antiche, la maggior parte ancora leggibili nella loro stratigrafia. Attraverso un'analisi dettagliata delle strutture murarie, condotta secondo i più moderni criteri metodologici dell'archeologia dell'architettura, e una rilettura critica delle fonti scritte, è stato possibile ricostruire le diverse fasi edilizie che hanno segnato la storia delle chiese esaminate, attestante le trasformazioni subite nel tempo a causa delle mutate esigenze liturgiche e dei frequenti eventi distruttivi. Sono così riemerse le articolate configurazioni architettonico-liturgiche di alcuni tra i più importanti edifici religiosi dell'Italia centrale, a cominciare dalla cripta di S. Salvatore di Valdicastro, prima tomba di S. Romualdo, di cui è stato possibile recuperare il "funzionamento" liturgico, fino ad alcune strutture complesse ed estremamente rare - ma non inedite nel panorama architettonico marchigiano - di cui la documentazione scritta non porta traccia, come i matronei di S. Elena all'Esino o i balconi interni di S. Urbano e S. Elena all'Esino. Inoltre, la rielaborazione della documentazione raccolta esaminando le strutture sopraelevate ha permesso di produrre una classificazione delle tecniche murarie e delle tipologie di aperture, organizzate nei relativi atlanti. In questo modo è stato possibile mappare il percorso di alcune maestranze edili, e più in generale è stato possibile determinarne i caratteri specifici e stabilirne la circolazione, che ha fatto emergere il ruolo determinante di alcuni 'magistri' e delle relative officine nell'elaborazione del paesaggio architettonico di questo territorio.
Archaeology --- Social Science --- ARCHAEOLOGY --- SOCIAL SCIENCE --- Social science
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Università di Firenze. --- Academic libraries --- Social science libraries
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Dowry --- Families --- History --- Turin (Italy) --- Social life and customs --- Sociology --- Social science
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Picta Nilotica Romana presents an in-depth analysis of Roman paintings with a Nilotic theme. The first part of the study introduces the classical texts on Egypt and provides an overview of landscape depiction in Roman art. After an outline of methodology, an iconographic-archaeological catalogue of the 74 paintings is developed, founded on specific scientific criteria, with a classification into three categories according to iconographic composition. The corpus is followed by an analysis of the archaeological contexts in which these paintings are found, an analysis of Nilotic iconographies and a definition of the 'Nilotic landscape'. The volume is also completed by an iconographic apparatus and several maps showing geographical and chronological spread.
Social Science / Archaeology --- Social sciences --- Greco-Roman Egypt --- Iconography --- Nilotic landscape --- Roman Archaeology --- Painting
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Theoria is an engaged, multidisciplinary and peer-reviewed journal of social and political theory. Published every quarter, its purpose is to address, through academic debate, the many challenges posed by the major social, political and economic forces that shape the contemporary world, especially but not only with regard to Africa, the global South, and their relations with the global North. Theoria wishes to promote discussion of and writing about social and political theory in any form and from any time and place, regardless of ideological perspective and methodological approach. It is particularly interested in how modern systems of power, and traditional and emergent forms of politics, bear on the central questions in social and political theory, such as democracy, freedom, equality, justice, race, gender and identity.
Social sciences --- Social sciences. --- Humanities --- Political science --- Behavioral sciences --- Human sciences --- Sciences, Social --- Social science --- Social studies --- Civilization
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Social sciences --- Economics --- Economics. --- Societies, etc. --- Economic theory --- Political economy --- Social sciences. --- Economic man --- Behavioral sciences --- Human sciences --- Sciences, Social --- Social science --- Social studies --- Civilization --- Ciències socials. --- Economia.
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stablished in 1893 and published by the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, it has for a long time been involved in the field of social sciences and in particular economics. Through the publication of different scientific works by Italian and foreign authors, it aims to provide readers with an extensive insight into all the different areas of economics, as well as scientific debates taking place in Italy and abroad.
Social sciences --- Economics --- Sciences sociales --- Économie politique --- Economics. --- Social sciences. --- Behavioral sciences --- Human sciences --- Sciences, Social --- Social science --- Social studies --- Civilization --- Economic theory --- Political economy --- Economic man
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Meridiana is a four-monthly journal, established in 1987 by a group of researchers specialized in various branches of social sciences (i.e. economists, sociologists, anthropologists and political scientists) and history. Since then a distinctive feature of the journal has been its interdisciplinary approach usually applied to a monographic theme. Initially Meridiana focused on the problems with the development in the Mezzogiorno of Italy. In the last ten years it has broadened its scope to cover all themes related to social and economic development and inequality, also from an historical point of view. Meridiana publishes also free articles on topics of its interest. All articles go through a process of blind peer review to evaluate both academic excellence and accessibility of the articles to a wide array of social scholars and historians.
Social sciences --- Behavioral sciences --- Human sciences --- Sciences, Social --- Social science --- Social studies --- Civilization --- History. --- Italy, Southern --- Meridione (Italy) --- Mezzogiorno (Italy) --- Southern Italy --- Social sciences. --- Italy, Southern. --- Italy --- Southern Italy.
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Republican orthodoxy does not theoretically recognize political dignity in any intermediate body between free individuals, equal and stripped of any particularism, and the sovereign nation. It is for this reason that until today, the French public discussion is marked by a deep-rooted suspicion of any "communitarianism", and by the proscription of the very concept of multicultural politics. But were the policies actually followed by republican France consistent with the proclaimed principles? And is it really possible to say that cultural identities have never been publicly "recognized"? Through a multidisciplinary investigation, the aim is to investigate the ambiguous relationship between theory and practice in the republican management of cultural plurality. L'ortodossia repubblicana non riconosce teoricamente dignità politica ad alcun corpo intermedio tra gli individui liberi, eguali e spogliati di ogni particolarismo, e la nazione sovrana. È per questo che sino al giorno d'oggi, la discussione pubblica francese è segnata da un radicato sospetto nei confronti di ogni «comunitarismo», e dalla proscrizione del concetto stesso di politica multiculturale. Ma le politiche concretamente seguite dalla Francia repubblicana sono state coerenti con i principi proclamati? Ed è davvero possibile affermare che le identità culturali non siano mai state pubblicamente «riconosciute»? Attraverso un'indagine pluridisciplinare, ci si propone di indagare l'ambigua relazione esistente tra la teoria e la pratica nella gestione repubblicana della pluralità culturale.
Sociology & Social History --- Social Sciences --- Social Change --- Change, Social --- Cultural change --- Cultural transformation --- Societal change --- Socio-cultural change --- Social history --- Social evolution --- Behavioral sciences --- Human sciences --- Sciences, Social --- Social science --- Social studies --- Civilization
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Questo volume è dedicato al campionamento da popolazioni finite. L'esposizione della materia procede per gradi, partendo dal disegno semplice e introducendo via via successive generalizzazioni. In questo modo il lettore è condotto ad apprendere i temi del campionamento in modo piano e graduale. Una particolare enfasi è data al ruolo svolto dal disegno di campionamento, di cui si curano non solo gli aspetti teorici, ma anche (soprattutto) quelli algoritmici. Questi ultimi, in generale, costituiscono una parte rilevante della trattazione, evitando che si crei un gap tra teoria e pratica e fornendo al lettore strumenti pratici per applicare le metodologie esposte. L'apprendimento della materia è facilitato da un'ampia serie di esempi ed esercizi, molti dei quali basati su dataset scaricabili dalla pagina web:
Mathematical statistics. --- Sampling (Statistics). --- Statistics. --- Mathematics --- Physical Sciences & Mathematics --- Mathematical Statistics --- Statistical Theory and Methods. --- Statistics for Social Science, Behavorial Science, Education, Public Policy, and Law. --- Statistics and Computing/Statistics Programs. --- Statistics for Social Science, Behavioral Science, Education, Public Policy, and Law. --- Statistical analysis --- Statistical data --- Statistical methods --- Statistical science --- Econometrics --- Statistics for Social Sciences, Humanities, Law. --- Statistical inference --- Statistics, Mathematical --- Statistics --- Probabilities --- Sampling (Statistics) --- Statistics .
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