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Nowadays, the information transfer speed (on the web, but not only) requires the predisposition of ever more adequate analysis tools for working with data and increasingly faster algorithms, in order to allow the so-called decision maker to make decision based on information which can become obsolete very quickly with time. In the current situation, analysing this information in order to simulate complex decision-making scenarios could prove fundamental to secure an advantage over competitors. This text introduces the true art of Statistical Computing. In other words, it illustrates how computer programming skills in the development of algorithms can be used within Statistics for the virtual simulation and replication of realities and experiments of varying complexity. In order to do so, it uses the excellent development environment "R".
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Nowadays, the information transfer speed (on the web, but not only) requires the predisposition of ever more adequate analysis tools for working with data and increasingly faster algorithms, in order to allow the so-called decision maker to make decision based on information which can become obsolete very quickly with time. In the current situation, analysing this information in order to simulate complex decision-making scenarios could prove fundamental to secure an advantage over competitors. This text introduces the true art of Statistical Computing. In other words, it illustrates how computer programming skills in the development of algorithms can be used within Statistics for the virtual simulation and replication of realities and experiments of varying complexity. In order to do so, it uses the excellent development environment "R".
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Nowadays, the information transfer speed (on the web, but not only) requires the predisposition of ever more adequate analysis tools for working with data and increasingly faster algorithms, in order to allow the so-called decision maker to make decision based on information which can become obsolete very quickly with time. In the current situation, analysing this information in order to simulate complex decision-making scenarios could prove fundamental to secure an advantage over competitors. This text introduces the true art of Statistical Computing. In other words, it illustrates how computer programming skills in the development of algorithms can be used within Statistics for the virtual simulation and replication of realities and experiments of varying complexity. In order to do so, it uses the excellent development environment "R".
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Nowadays, the information transfer speed (on the web, but not only) requires the predisposition of ever more adequate analysis tools for working with data and increasingly faster algorithms, in order to allow the so-called decision maker to make decision based on information which can become obsolete very quickly with time. In the current situation, analysing this information in order to simulate complex decision-making scenarios could prove fundamental to secure an advantage over competitors. This text introduces the true art of Statistical Computing. In other words, it illustrates how computer programming skills in the development of algorithms can be used within Statistics for the virtual simulation and replication of realities and experiments of varying complexity. In order to do so, it uses the excellent development environment "R".
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Nowadays, the information transfer speed (on the web, but not only) requires the predisposition of ever more adequate analysis tools for working with data and increasingly faster algorithms, in order to allow the so-called decision maker to make decision based on information which can become obsolete very quickly with time. In the current situation, analysing this information in order to simulate complex decision-making scenarios could prove fundamental to secure an advantage over competitors. This text introduces the true art of Statistical Computing. In other words, it illustrates how computer programming skills in the development of algorithms can be used within Statistics for the virtual simulation and replication of realities and experiments of varying complexity. In order to do so, it uses the excellent development environment "R".
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Questo testo nasce con l'obiettivo di aiutare lo studente nella transizione fra i concetti teorici e metodologici dell'inferenza statistica e la loro implementazione al computer. La prima parte del testo è infatti focalizzata principalmente su esercizi da risolvere con carta e penna, in modo da far applicare nozioni derivanti da lemmi e teoremi; mentre la seconda parte del testo è costituita da laboratori, in cui si propone sia l'implementazione manuale di algoritmi, sia l'apprendimento di built-in tools per un'analisi efficiente di dataset derivanti da problemi reali. Per ottimizzare la fruizione degli argomenti sviluppati, e per accompagnare il lettore nello studio, il testo è organizzato in capitoli, ciascuno dei quali composto, a sua volta, da una prima parte introduttiva, in cui vengono richiamate le basi teoriche dell'inferenza statistica, e da una seconda parte di esercizi, corredati di un esaustivo svolgimento su carta e, se opportuno, su software. Il testo è rivolto agli studenti dei corsi di laurea di primo livello di Statistica, Matematica, Ingegneria e per i corsi di secondo livello in Data Science.
Statistical science --- Probability theory --- waarschijnlijkheidstheorie --- statistiek
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In Italy, the problem of involuntary unemployment, although known to the working classes and public authorities at least since the age of the Risorgimento, only became the subject of specific attention at the end of the nineteenth century. It is only at that time that a political and economic debate arises on the lack of work and on the means to contrast it, on the scenario of the end-of-century depression and simultaneously to the development of the workers and peasants movements. Those years saw the foundations for the experimentation of a pioneering statistical measurement of the phenomenon, which, however, would only come to light during the Giolittian age, in a political context more open to the demands of work. This research reconstructs for the first time the “focus” of a typical problem of capitalism, which also proves itself of great interest central also in the contemporary debate.
Research methods: general --- Sociology --- Econometrics --- Operational research --- Probability & statistics
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In Italy, the problem of involuntary unemployment, although known to the working classes and public authorities at least since the age of the Risorgimento, only became the subject of specific attention at the end of the nineteenth century. It is only at that time that a political and economic debate arises on the lack of work and on the means to contrast it, on the scenario of the end-of-century depression and simultaneously to the development of the workers and peasants movements. Those years saw the foundations for the experimentation of a pioneering statistical measurement of the phenomenon, which, however, would only come to light during the Giolittian age, in a political context more open to the demands of work. This research reconstructs for the first time the “focus” of a typical problem of capitalism, which also proves itself of great interest central also in the contemporary debate.
Research methods: general --- Sociology --- Econometrics --- Operational research --- Probability & statistics
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Il presente volume intende fornire un’introduzione alla probabilità e alle sue applicazioni, senza fare ricorso alla teoria della misura, per studenti dei corsi di laurea scientifici (in particolar modo di matematica, fisica e ingegneria). Viene dedicato ampio spazio alla probabilità discreta, vale a dire su spazi finiti o numerabili. In questo contesto sono sufficienti pochi strumenti analitici per presentare la teoria in modo completo e rigoroso. L'esposizione è arricchita dall'analisi dettagliata di diversi modelli, di facile formulazione e allo stesso tempo di grande rilevanza teorica e applicativa, alcuni tuttora oggetto di ricerca. Vengono poi trattate le variabili aleatorie assolutamente continue, reali e multivariate, e i teoremi limite classici della probabilità, ossia la Legge dei Grandi Numeri e il Teorema Limite Centrale, dando rilievo tanto agli aspetti concettuali quanto a quelli applicativi. Tra le varie applicazioni presentate, un capitolo è dedicato alla stima dei parametri in Statistica Matematica. Numerosi esempi sono parte integrante dell'esposizione. Ogni capitolo contiene una ricca selezione di esercizi, per i quali viene fornita la soluzione sul sito Springer dedicato al volume.
Statistical science --- Mathematics --- Operational research. Game theory --- Probability theory --- waarschijnlijkheidstheorie --- stochastische analyse --- statistiek --- wiskunde --- kansrekening
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Il libro fornisce un'introduzione concisa ma rigorosa alla Teoria della Probabilità. Fra i possibili approcci alla materia si è scelto quello più moderno, basato sulla teoria della misura: pur richiedendo un grado di astrazione e sofisticazione matematica maggiore, esso è indispensabile a fornire le basi per lo studio di argomenti più avanzati come i processi stocastici, il calcolo differenziale stocastico e l'inferenza statistica. Nato dall'esperienza di insegnamento del corso di Probabilità e Statistica Matematica presso la Laurea Triennale in Matematica dell'Università di Bologna, il testo raccoglie materiale per un insegnamento semestrale in corsi di studio scientifici (Matematica, Fisica, Ingegneria, Statistica...), assumendo come prerequisito il calcolo differenziale e integrale di funzioni di più variabili. I quattro capitoli del libro trattano i seguenti argomenti: misure e spazi di probabilità; variabili aleatorie; successioni di variabili aleatorie e teoremi limite; attesa e distribuzione condizionata. Il testo include una raccolta di esercizi risolti.
Economic schools --- Probability theory --- Mathematics --- Mathematical physics --- waarschijnlijkheidstheorie --- economisch denken --- wiskunde --- fysica
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