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The agricultural and food sector offers great potential for social transformation toward greater sustainability. In particular, the renunciation of the consumption of food of animal origin is expected to significantly reduce diet-related greenhouse gas emissions. Nevertheless, the development of consumer habits tends to point to an opposite trend: On a global level, the demand for animal products is increasing and with it the demand for feed components - above all raw protein, which has so far been provided mainly by soybean production in North and South America, but which must be critically examined from an economic, social and ecological perspective. In order to secure the continuously increasing protein demand for the nutrition of the world population, the identification and analysis of suitable alternative protein sources for human and animal nutrition is of central importance. Against this background, the collaborative project "Sustainability Transitions in Food Production: Alternative Protein Sources in a Socio-Technical Perspective", which was funded by the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture from 2014 to 2019 within the framework of the "Science for Sustainable Development" measure, dealt with the assessment of the potential of algae and insects as alternative protein sources for the European agricultural and food industry. The approach of the joint project focuses on the change of sociotechnical systems towards a higher sustainability of production and consumption in the sense of "sustainability transition". The socio-technical transition towards an increase in sustainability is being investigated in terms of several dimensions - technological, material, economic and socio-cultural. The present anthology provides an overview of the central results.
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Der Autor untersucht die Kompetenzentwicklung zum nachhaltigen Wirtschaften bei kaufmännischen Auszubildenden im Ausbildungsverlauf. Das zugrunde gelegte Kompetenzmodell basiert auf einer Verschränkung kognitionspsychologischer mit verhaltenstheoretischen Annahmen. Den Kern dieses Models bilden die Handlungsintention, nachhaltig zu wirtschaften sowie das deklarative Wissen über Nachhaltigkeit und nachhaltiges Wirtschaften. Beide Skalen werden über kognitive und affektiv-motivationale Faktoren, wahrgenommene Wert- und Normorientierungen, unterschiedliche Lerngelegenheiten sowie soziodemografische Aspekte kontrolliert. Der Band belegt, dass eine Förderung von Kompetenzen hinsichtlich einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung ein wichtiges Desiderat in der beruflichen Bildung darstellt.
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The agricultural and food sector offers great potential for social transformation toward greater sustainability. In particular, the renunciation of the consumption of food of animal origin is expected to significantly reduce diet-related greenhouse gas emissions. Nevertheless, the development of consumer habits tends to point to an opposite trend: On a global level, the demand for animal products is increasing and with it the demand for feed components - above all raw protein, which has so far been provided mainly by soybean production in North and South America, but which must be critically examined from an economic, social and ecological perspective. In order to secure the continuously increasing protein demand for the nutrition of the world population, the identification and analysis of suitable alternative protein sources for human and animal nutrition is of central importance. Against this background, the collaborative project "Sustainability Transitions in Food Production: Alternative Protein Sources in a Socio-Technical Perspective", which was funded by the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture from 2014 to 2019 within the framework of the "Science for Sustainable Development" measure, dealt with the assessment of the potential of algae and insects as alternative protein sources for the European agricultural and food industry. The approach of the joint project focuses on the change of sociotechnical systems towards a higher sustainability of production and consumption in the sense of "sustainability transition". The socio-technical transition towards an increase in sustainability is being investigated in terms of several dimensions - technological, material, economic and socio-cultural. The present anthology provides an overview of the central results.
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Deutschland und Brasilien haben eine historisch gewachsene, intensive Verbindung auf verschiedenen gesellschaftlichen, ökonomischen und wissenschaftlichen Gebieten. In Forschungsfeldern mit interdisziplinären Perspektiven - beispielsweise im Bereich der Umwelt und besonders der Nachhaltigkeit - macht sich dies markant bemerkbar. Daher lag es nahe, in den Themenkreisen der Nachhaltigkeit und Umweltpolitik einmal die Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede beider Länder herauszuarbeiten und gegenüberzustellen. Diesem Gedanken ist dieses Buch - von je zwei deutschen und brasilianischen Expert/inn/en herausgegeben - verpflichtet. Es versammelt Beiträge aus beiden Ländern, die mosaikartig Einblicke in den Stand und die Perspektiven der Nachhaltigkeits- und Umweltdebatte hier wie dort erlauben. Die Aufsätze widmen sich der Umweltpolitik und ihrem gesetzlichen Rahmen, dem Verhältnis von Bildung und Nachhaltigkeit, wirtschaftlichen Problemen der Nachhaltigkeit sowie den Potenzialen alternativer Umwelttechnik. Die »Engführung« verschiedener Facetten und Problemstellungen illustriert anschaulich die Parallelen, aber auch die historisch-sozial, kulturell und politisch bedingten unterschiedlichen Wertvorstellungen und Lösungsstrategien.
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