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Job --- Ayyūb --- Eyyüb --- Giobbe --- Hiob --- Ijob --- Iyov --- Job, --- Nabi Ajub --- איוב --- איוב (דמות מקראית) --- Job - (Biblical figure) - Fiction --- Job - (Biblical figure)
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Job est le véritable bouc émissaire de la société à laquelle il appartient et qui voit en lui un homme pervers à éliminer. Il permet ainsi à René Girard d'affiner le schéma qui était au coeur de ses livres précédents, mais il fonctionne aussi et surtout comme un modèle pour comprendre notre modernité dans ce qu'elle a de plus horrible : le totalitarisme. Pour la première fois en effet, René Girard s'attaque au monde contemporain, et démonte le mécanisme du procès totalitaire en insistant sur ce qui lui est essentiel et nécessaire : l'aveu de la victime. Pourquoi faut-il que l'accusé confesse une culpabilité dont tout le monde sait qu'elle est fausse ? Ces parodies judiciaires, qui vont de pair avec le culte de la personnalité, suggèrent une rechute dans des formes de socialité mensongères et violentes. C'est tout un ensemble primitif qui reparaît dans le totalitarisme moderne, plus dangereux encore.
Philosophy and psychology of culture --- Ethnology. Cultural anthropology --- Bible. --- Criticism, interpretation, etc --- Job --- Criticism, interpretation, etc. --- #GOSA:I.OT.Job.M --- #GOSA:V.A.M --- #gsdb3 --- #GGSB: Filosofie --- Job (Biblical figure) --- Ayyūb --- Eyyüb --- Giobbe --- Hiob --- Ijob --- Iyov --- Job, --- Nabi Ajub --- איוב --- איוב (דמות מקראית) --- Ayyūb (Book of the Old Testament) --- Giobbe (Book of the Old Testament) --- Hiob (Book of the Old Testament) --- Ijob (Book of the Old Testament) --- Iobus (Book of the Old Testament) --- Iov (Book of the Old Testament) --- Iyov (Book of the Old Testament) --- Iyyov (Book of the Old Testament) --- Job (Book of the Old Testament) --- Jobus (Book of the Old Testament) --- Livro de Jó --- Yop-ki (Book of the Old Testament) --- Cultuurfilosofie. Cultuurpsychologie --- Volkenkunde. Culturele antropologie --- Filosofie --- Job - (Biblical figure) --- Bouc émissaire. --- Totalitarisme.
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Job --- Bible. --- Criticism, interpretation, etc --- Criticism, interpretation, etc. --- Bible --- 223.2 --- #GGSB: Exegese O.T. --- #GGSB: Tekstkritiek O.T. --- #GGSB: Wijsheidsliteratuur --- Job. Hiob --- Job (Biblical figure) --- Job, --- #GGSB: Exegese O.T --- #GGSB: Tekstkritiek O.T --- Ayyūb --- Eyyüb --- Giobbe --- Hiob --- Ijob --- Iyov --- Nabi Ajub --- איוב --- איוב (דמות מקראית) --- Ayyūb (Book of the Old Testament) --- Giobbe (Book of the Old Testament) --- Hiob (Book of the Old Testament) --- Ijob (Book of the Old Testament) --- Iobus (Book of the Old Testament) --- Iov (Book of the Old Testament) --- Iyov (Book of the Old Testament) --- Iyyov (Book of the Old Testament) --- Job (Book of the Old Testament) --- Jobus (Book of the Old Testament) --- Livro de Jó --- Yop-ki (Book of the Old Testament) --- Personnages bibliques --- Bible OT. Wisdom books. Job --- Exegese O.T --- Tekstkritiek O.T --- Wijsheidsliteratuur --- Job - (Biblical figure)
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Quel sens peut avoir la souffrance d'un innocent ? Tel est l'enjeu du drame où plonge Job, le croyant. Pour le montrer, treize études de Jean Lévêque, rédigées entre 1971 et 2001, sont ici réunies et forment un tout. Une première partie introduit au livre de Job dans son contexte sapientiel, biblique et mésopotamien. Une deuxième parcourt les principales étapes du drame : le conte initial, les plaintes de Job – frisant le blasphème, bien qu'il ne perde pas pour autant toute espérance en ce Dieu qu'il a toujours servi –, les réactions des amis qui défendent les thèses de la tradition sur la rétribution terrestre, l'apologie conclusive de Job – qui culmine dans un dernier défi –, les réponses de YHWH et l'acquiescement de Job ; l'épilogue, enfin, qui n'est pas seulement un happy end. Des thèmes fondamentaux qui traversent le livre de Job sont l'objet d'une troisième partie : le sens de la souffrance et du mal, la place de la création dans l'argumentation de chacun des protagonistes et la sagesse paradoxale dont le livre témoigne. Ces études, pleines de science autant que d'humanité fraternelle, constituent une introduction en profondeur, exégétique, théologique et spirituelle, au livre de Job.
Bible OT. Wisdom books. Job --- Job --- Bible. --- Bible --- Criticism, interpretation, etc --- Bible Studies --- 223.2 --- Job. Hiob --- Ayyūb (Book of the Old Testament) --- Giobbe (Book of the Old Testament) --- Hiob (Book of the Old Testament) --- Ijob (Book of the Old Testament) --- Iobus (Book of the Old Testament) --- Iov (Book of the Old Testament) --- Iyov (Book of the Old Testament) --- Iyyov (Book of the Old Testament) --- Job (Book of the Old Testament) --- Jobus (Book of the Old Testament) --- Livro de Jó --- Yop-ki (Book of the Old Testament) --- Criticism, interpretation, etc.
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Religion --- Philosophy. --- 159.9:2 --- -Religion, Primitive --- Atheism --- God --- Irreligion --- Religions --- Theology --- Godsdienstpsychologie --- Philosophy --- Jung, Carl Gustav. --- Jung, C. G. --- -Godsdienstpsychologie --- 159.9:2 Godsdienstpsychologie --- -159.9:2 Godsdienstpsychologie --- Religion, Primitive --- Bible. --- Ayyūb (Book of the Old Testament) --- Giobbe (Book of the Old Testament) --- Hiob (Book of the Old Testament) --- Ijob (Book of the Old Testament) --- Iobus (Book of the Old Testament) --- Iov (Book of the Old Testament) --- Iyov (Book of the Old Testament) --- Iyyov (Book of the Old Testament) --- Job (Book of the Old Testament) --- Jobus (Book of the Old Testament) --- Livro de Jó --- Yop-ki (Book of the Old Testament) --- Criticism, interpretation, etc. --- Psychologie --- Bijbelse spiritualiteit --- Lijdensvraag --- Religion - Philosophy.
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223.2 --- Job. Hiob --- Natural theology --- General ethics --- Bible OT. Wisdom books. Job --- Bible. --- Criticism, interpretation, etc --- Ayyūb (Book of the Old Testament) --- Giobbe (Book of the Old Testament) --- Hiob (Book of the Old Testament) --- Ijob (Book of the Old Testament) --- Iobus (Book of the Old Testament) --- Iov (Book of the Old Testament) --- Iyov (Book of the Old Testament) --- Iyyov (Book of the Old Testament) --- Job (Book of the Old Testament) --- Jobus (Book of the Old Testament) --- Livro de Jó --- Yop-ki (Book of the Old Testament) --- Criticism, interpretation, etc. --- Exegese O.T --- Tekstkritiek O.T --- Wijsheidsliteratuur
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Quatrième de couverture : "Dans ce texte mêlant le récit personnel, la méditation et une relecture spirituelle du livre de Job, Marion Muller-Colard donne à entendre la foi comme une audace. De son expérience de pasteur en milieu hospitalier, elle retient la plainte existentielle de patients soudain privés des repères d'un Dieu avec lequel ils croyaient pourtant avoir passé un contrat. Relisant sa propre expérience de la menace au chevet d'un de ses fils gravement malade, elle part en quête d'une foi qui ne soit plus l'assurance illusoire d'être mis à l'abri du sort et des aléas. En cheminant avec Job, dont elle est spécialiste, l'auteur interroge la possibilité de se délester de la culpabilité et de la pensée magique pour se risquer à une confiance sans filet : celle en l'Autre Dieu. Au-delà de la plainte et de la menace, Marion Muller-Colard fait miroiter la grâce dans ce texte très incarné, composé pour tout lecteur en recherche d'une pensée théologique originale, accessible et exigeante."
Reformed Church --- Women clergy --- 223.2 --- 248*34 --- Clergywomen --- Female clergy --- Women as ministers --- Women in the ministry --- Women ministers --- Clergy --- 248*34 Protestantse spiritualiteit --- Protestantse spiritualiteit --- Job. Hiob --- Bible. --- Ayyūb (Book of the Old Testament) --- Giobbe (Book of the Old Testament) --- Hiob (Book of the Old Testament) --- Ijob (Book of the Old Testament) --- Iobus (Book of the Old Testament) --- Iov (Book of the Old Testament) --- Iyov (Book of the Old Testament) --- Iyyov (Book of the Old Testament) --- Job (Book of the Old Testament) --- Jobus (Book of the Old Testament) --- Livro de Jó --- Yop-ki (Book of the Old Testament) --- Criticism, interpretation, etc. --- Protestantism --- Protestantism - personal narratives
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Death --- 223.2 --- 223.2 Job. Hiob --- Job. Hiob --- Biblical teaching --- Bible --- Ayyūb (Book of the Old Testament) --- Bible. --- Giobbe (Book of the Old Testament) --- Hiob (Book of the Old Testament) --- Ijob (Book of the Old Testament) --- Iobus (Book of the Old Testament) --- Iov (Book of the Old Testament) --- Iyov (Book of the Old Testament) --- Iyyov (Book of the Old Testament) --- Job (Book of the Old Testament) --- Jobus (Book of the Old Testament) --- Livro de Jó --- Yop-ki (Book of the Old Testament) --- Criticism, interpretation, etc. --- Bible OT. Wisdom books. Job --- Thematology
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Good and evil. --- 1 PASCAL, BLAISE --- 216 --- Good and evil --- Evil --- Wickedness --- Ethics --- Philosophy --- Polarity --- Religious thought --- Evil in motion pictures --- Filosofie. Psychologie--PASCAL, BLAISE --- Goed en kwaad --- Job (Biblical figure) --- Pascal, Blaise --- Montalte, Louis de, --- Pasukaru, Burēzu, --- Paskalʹ, Blėz, --- Pascal, Biagio, --- Pʻa-ssu-kʻa-erh, Pu-lai-tzu, --- Pa-ssu-ka, Pa-ssu-chia-erh, --- Pa-ssu-chʻieh-erh, Pa-ssu-chʻia, --- Ppasŭkkal, --- Montaltius, Ludovicus, --- פסקל, בלז --- פסקל, ב., --- Theses --- 1 PASCAL, BLAISE Filosofie. Psychologie--PASCAL, BLAISE --- Montaltius, Ludovicus --- de Montalte, Louis --- Job --- Pascal, Blaise, --- Ayyūb --- Eyyüb --- Giobbe --- Hiob --- Ijob --- Iyov --- Job, --- Nabi Ajub --- איוב --- איוב (דמות מקראית) --- Bible. --- Ayyūb (Book of the Old Testament) --- Giobbe (Book of the Old Testament) --- Hiob (Book of the Old Testament) --- Ijob (Book of the Old Testament) --- Iobus (Book of the Old Testament) --- Iov (Book of the Old Testament) --- Iyov (Book of the Old Testament) --- Iyyov (Book of the Old Testament) --- Job (Book of the Old Testament) --- Jobus (Book of the Old Testament) --- Livro de Jó --- Yop-ki (Book of the Old Testament) --- Criticism, interpretation, etc. --- 파스칼 --- PASCAL, BLAISE (1623-1662) --- PHILOSOPHES --- CRITIQUE ET INTERPRETATION --- RELIGION ET MORALE --- THEOLOGIE --- FRANCE --- 17E SIECLE
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Bible OT. Wisdom books. Job --- Bijbelse geschiedenis --- Exegese --- Exégèse --- Histoire de la Bible --- Semantiek --- Sémantique --- Hope --- Espérance --- Biblical teaching. --- Enseignement biblique --- Bible. --- Criticism, interpretation, etc. --- Academic collection --- 223.2 --- #GBIB:SMM --- C1 --- Bijbel --- exegese --- Job. Hiob --- Kerken en religie --- Espérance --- Biblical teaching --- Ayyūb (Book of the Old Testament) --- Giobbe (Book of the Old Testament) --- Hiob (Book of the Old Testament) --- Ijob (Book of the Old Testament) --- Iobus (Book of the Old Testament) --- Iov (Book of the Old Testament) --- Iyov (Book of the Old Testament) --- Iyyov (Book of the Old Testament) --- Job (Book of the Old Testament) --- Jobus (Book of the Old Testament) --- Livro de Jó --- Yop-ki (Book of the Old Testament)
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