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European Political Co-operation
ISBN: 1280810874 Year: 1992 Publisher: Oxford : Clarendon,

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'European Political Co-operation' (EPC) is the process by which the member states of the European Community co-ordinate their foreign policies. This book describes the development of EPC and traces the influences which have made it what it is today.

The essence of politics
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789463727211 9789048544738 9048544734 9463727213 Year: 2018 Publisher: Amsterdam

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What is politics about? At its core, politics is about resolving matters that are contested in a society or group. It exists not only within and between states, but also within religious institutions, sports organisations, commercial enterprises, schools and social organisations. Politics is driven by conflict, but also by cooperation. To understand politics, we must ask specific ('key') questions about the nature of political conflict, about persons, groups and institutions that are involved, about their resources, and about the wider context that both constrains and provides opportunities for all. It also requires an understanding of concepts such as power, influence and political community, and, of course, of the terms politics, conflict and cooperation. This book is about the 'essence' of politics, which is introduced by way of key questions and concepts that are indispensable for understanding politics in many different settings.

European political cooperation : towards a framework of supranational diplomacy ?
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0566053594 9780566053597 Year: 1987 Publisher: Aldershot : Avebury,

Asia-Pacific review.
ISSN: 14692937 13439006 Year: 1994 Publisher: [Abingdon, Oxfordshire] : [Abingdon, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom] : Carfax International Publishers Routledge, Taylor & Francis

European Political Co-operation
ISBN: 0198273185 9780198273189 Year: 1992 Publisher: Oxford [England] : New York : Clarendon Press ; Oxford University Press,

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European federation --- Construction européenne --- European Political Cooperation --- European Economic Community --- European Economic Community countries --- Pays de l'Union européenne --- Foreign relations --- Relations extérieures --- #SBIB:327.7H21 --- #SBIB:013.IEB --- 327.39 (4-15) --- AA / International- internationaal --- 334.150.7 --- T01 Droit européen général - Algemeen europees recht --- Federation of Europe --- Pan Europa movement --- Paneuropean federation --- United States of Europe (Proposed) --- Federal government --- Regionalism (International organization) --- Ontwikkeling van de Europese Unie (historische en toekomstige evolutie) --- Europese integratie. West-europese politiek --- Europese politieke unie. --- EPC --- CPE --- Coopération politique europénne --- Europejska Współpraca Polityczna --- EWP --- -Common market countries --- European common market countries --- Europe --- European federation. --- Regionalism (International organization)Ontwikkeling van de Europese Unie (historische en toekomstige evolutie) --- Europese politieke unie.European Political Cooperation --- EWPEuropean Economic Community countries --- EuropeForeign relations --- -Foreign relations --- 327.39 (4-15) Europese integratie. West-europese politiek --- Construction européenne --- Pays de l'Union européenne --- Relations extérieures --- Europese politieke unie --- European Political Cooperation. --- Common market countries --- Foreign relations. --- European Economic Community countries - Foreign relations --- Coopération politique européenne (1986-1992) --- Fédéralisme européen. --- Coopération politique européenne (1986-1992) --- Fédéralisme européen.

Interest, Institutions and Information : domestic politics and international relations
ISBN: 069101177X 0691011761 0691214492 9780691011769 9780691011776 Year: 1997 Publisher: Princeton : Princeton University Press,

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Interests, Institutions, and Information examines the central factors that influence the strategic game of domestic politics. It shows that it is the outcome of this internal game - not fears of other countries' relative gains or the likelihood of cheating - that ultimately shapes how the international game is played out and therefore the extent of cooperative endeavors. The interaction of the domestic actors' preferences, given their political institutions and levels of information, defines when international cooperation is possible and what its terms will be. Several test cases examine how this argument explains the phases of a cooperative attempt: the initiation, the negotiations at the international level, and the eventual domestic ratification. The book reaches the surprising conclusion that theorists - neo-Institutionalists and Realists alike - have overestimated the likelihood of cooperation among states.


International relations. Foreign policy --- #SBIB:327.1H10 --- #SBIB:327.7H01 --- #SBIB:AANKOOP --- Internationale betrekkingen: theorieën --- Grondslagen, principes, evolutie internationale gemeenschap --- #A0206PO --- Information policy. --- International relations. --- Nation-state. --- World politics --- Information policy --- International relations --- Nation-state --- Information science --- Information services and state --- Communication policy --- National state --- State, The --- National interest --- Self-determination, National --- Coexistence --- Foreign affairs --- Foreign policy --- Foreign relations --- Global governance --- Interdependence of nations --- International affairs --- Peaceful coexistence --- World order --- National security --- Sovereignty --- Government policy --- INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS. --- CASE STUDIES. --- STATES. --- POLITICAL COOPERATION. --- International co-operation. --- Information. --- States. --- International politics. --- Foreign policy. --- Politics. --- Política interna. --- Política internacional. --- Relações internacionais. --- Rationele keuze. --- Politieke instellingen. --- Binnenlandse politiek. --- Internationale samenwerking. --- Theorie --- Nationalstaat --- Internationale Politik --- Interessenpolitik --- World politics. --- Accords internationaux. --- CED = Communaute europeenne de defense. --- Politique de l'information. --- Politique internationale. --- Relations internationales. --- UE/CE CECA. --- UE/CE Traite de Maastricht. --- Unions economiques et monetaires. --- 89.70 international relations: general. --- 89.71 international cooperation: general. --- Information --- Politique mondiale --- Nation. --- Politique gouvernementale. --- Colonialism --- Global politics --- International politics --- Political history --- Political science --- World history --- Eastern question --- Geopolitics --- International organization --- Belgium. --- Bundesbank. --- Chicago Convention. --- Democrats (US). --- Evans, Peter. --- Frieden, Jeffry. --- German rearmament. --- Jacobson, Harold. --- Keohane, Robert. --- Keynes Plan. --- Laver, Michael. --- Lijphart, Arendt. --- Milner, Helen. --- Obstfeld, Maurice. --- Phillips curve. --- Putnam, Robert. --- Rogowski, Ronald. --- Schelling conjecture. --- Truman Administration. --- absolute gains. --- amendment power. --- balance of payments. --- capital mobility. --- cartel. --- domestic politics. --- hierarchy. --- independents. --- interest groups. --- legislature. --- parliamentary systems. --- ratification. --- side payments. --- two-level games. --- World politics - 1989 --- -Information policy --- VIE INTERNATIONALE --- POLITIQUES PUBLIQUES --- REGLES INTERNATIONALES --- POLITIQUE ECONOMIQUE EXTERIEURE --- ORGANISATIONS INTERGOUVERNEMENTALES --- REGIMES INTERNATIONAUX --- Interessenvermittlung --- Lobbyismus --- Interessenverband --- Internationale Beziehungen --- Politische Beziehungen --- Zwischenstaatliche Beziehungen --- Weltpolitik --- Außenpolitik --- Internationales politisches System --- Nationalstaaten --- Staat --- Nationale Einheit --- Praxis

The political commissioner : a European ethnography
ISBN: 0192646230 0191915157 0192646249 9780192893970 9780192646231 0192893971 Year: 2021 Publisher: Oxford, England : Oxford University Press,

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This book develops a sociology of international political work, based on four years of embedded observation inside the cabinet of a European Commissioner.


Diplomatic relations. --- diplomatic relations. --- international relations. --- European Union. --- European political cooperation. --- governance. --- rialachas --- valdīšana --- vladanje --- διακυβέρνηση --- valdžia --- gouvernance --- gobernanza --- správa věcí veřejných --- kormányzás --- владеење --- styrelseskick --- governance --- guvernare --- governanza --- държавно управление --- valitsemistava --- izvršavanje vlasti --- Governance --- styreformer --- rządzenie --- výkon riadenia --- governação --- qeverisje --- hallintotapa --- управљање --- modernes Regieren --- rialú --- e-pārvaldība --- е-демократија --- e-governance --- styrelseformer --- добро владеење --- behoorlijk bestuur --- elektronikus kormányzás --- governanza elettronica --- qeverisje elektronike --- e-demokrácia --- styrelsesätt --- ηλεκτρονική διακυβέρνηση --- obnašanje vlasti --- političko upravljanje --- valitsemiskorraldus --- Regierungsstil --- E-Governance --- e-styreformer --- e-gobernanza --- e-gouvernance --- e-kormányzás --- elektroninė valdžia --- Europos politinis bendradarbiavimas --- europeiskt politiskt samarbete --- Euroopan poliittinen yhteistyö --- Evropská politická spolupráce --- европейско политическо сътрудничество --- európska politická spolupráca --- bashkëpunimi politik Europian --- Europäische Politische Zusammenarbeit --- Europese politieke samenwerking --- ευρωπαϊκή πολιτική συνεργασία --- cooperazione politica europea --- Comhar Polaitiúil Eorpach --- Kooperazzjoni politika Ewropea --- Cooperación Política Europea --- Euroopa poliitiline koostöö --- europska politička suradnja --- Eiropas politiskā sadarbība --- Europæisk Politisk Samarbejde --- cooperação política europeia --- evropsko politično sodelovanje --- европска политичка сарадња --- európai politikai együttműködés --- cooperare politică europeană --- европска политичка соработка --- europejska współpraca polityczna --- coopération politique européenne --- заедничка надворешна политика --- EPS --- ΕΠΣ --- европска надворешна политика --- EPE --- política estrangeira europeia --- política estrangeira comum --- CPE --- BPE --- EPZ --- EPC --- Union européenne --- Europese Unie --- Europska unija --- União Europeia --- Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση --- Európska únia --- Európai Unió --- Europäische Union --- Europos Sąjunga --- Evropská unie --- Европска унија --- Unjoni Ewropea --- Европейски съюз --- Europeiska unionen --- Euroopan unioni --- Eiropas Savienība --- Unión Europea --- Evropska unija --- Unia Europejska --- Unione europea --- Uniunea Europeană --- Den Europæiske Union --- Европска Унија --- Euroopa Liit --- Bashkimi Europian --- Sąjungos institucija --- Sąjungos teisė --- právo Únie --- νόμος της Ένωσης --- Savienības tiesības --- wet van de Unie --- legge dell'Unione --- Europæisk Union --- unionslagstiftning --- atto dell'Unione --- AE --- loi de l'Union --- EU --- e drejta e Bashkimit --- ЕУ --- lege a Uniunii Europene --- Union law --- mednarodni odnosi --- rahvusvahelised suhted --- tarptautiniai santykiai --- internationella förbindelser --- mezinárodní vztahy --- nemzetközi kapcsolatok --- меѓународни односи --- marrëdhënie ndërkombëtare --- kansainväliset suhteet --- caidreamh idirnáisiúnta --- relazioni internazionali --- међународни односи --- relazzjonijiet internazzjonali --- международни отношения --- relación internacional --- relation internationale --- starptautiskās attiecības --- internationale relationer --- internationale betrekking --- internationale Beziehungen --- διεθνείς σχέσεις --- stosunki międzynarodowe --- medzinárodné vzťahy --- relações internacionais --- relații internaționale --- međunarodni odnosi --- internacionální styky --- államközi kapcsolatok --- internationale forbindelser --- starptautiski sakari --- mezinárodní styky --- zwischenstaatliche Beziehungen --- internationale anliggender --- diplomaattisuhteet --- diplomáciai kapcsolatok --- stosunki dyplomatyczne --- diplomatiniai santykiai --- relazioni diplomatiche --- diplomatické vzťahy --- relações diplomáticas --- diplomaatilised suhted --- caidreamh taidhleoireachta --- diplomātiskās attiecības --- relation diplomatique --- дипломатски односи --- diplomatische Beziehungen --- дипломатически отношения --- relații diplomatice --- diplomatické vztahy --- διπλωματικές σχέσεις --- diplomatiska förbindelser --- relazzjonijiet diplomatiċi --- relación diplomática --- diplomatiske relationer --- diplomatieke betrekking --- marrëdhënie diplomatike --- diplomatski odnosi --- diplomatsko priznanje --- diplomatie --- diplomātiskā atzīšana --- diplomaci --- reconnaissance diplomatique --- diplomacy --- diplomáciai elismerés --- diplomatiske forbindelser --- Diplomatie --- diplomaattiset suhteet --- diplomácia --- diplomatisk anerkendelse --- diplomacie --- riconoscimento diplomatico --- diplomatiskt erkännande --- διπλωματική αναγνώριση --- diplomaattinen tunnustaminen --- diplomatija --- дипломатија --- diplomacia --- diplomatische Anerkennung --- diplomatieke erkenning --- diplomaatiline tunnustamine --- njohje diplomatike --- дипломатско признавање --- reconhecimento diplomático --- diplomatic recognition --- diplomație --- diplomati --- diplomazia --- diplomatické uznanie --- recunoaștere diplomatică --- diplomatické uznání --- diplomaatia --- diplomatinis pripažinimas --- διπλωματία --- diplomatické styky --- diplomātija --- reconocimiento diplomático --- diplomacija --- an tAontas Eorpach --- Moscovici, Pierre. --- European Commission. --- European Union countries --- France --- European Union countries. --- France. --- Relations. --- Politics and government. --- Foreign relations --- CEC --- CEU (Commission of the European Union) --- Coimisiún Eorpach --- Comisia European --- Comisión de la Unión Europea --- Comisión Europea --- Comisiwn Ewropeaidd --- Comissão Europeia --- Commission de l'Union européenne --- Commission européenne --- Commission for the European Union --- Commission of the European Communities (1993- ) --- Commission of the European Union --- Commissione dell'Unione europea --- Commissione europea --- EC --- Eiropas Komisija --- Eiropas Komisijas --- Euroopa Komisjon --- Euroopan komissio --- Europa-Kommissionen --- Európai Bizottság --- Eurōpaikē Epitrop --- Europäische Kommission --- Eurōpaiskē Epitrop --- Europeiska kommissionen --- Europese Commissie --- Europos Komisija --- Európska komisia --- Evropeĭska komisii͡ --- Evropská komise --- Evropska komisija --- Iḥud ha-Eropi --- Komisja Europejska --- Kumīsiyūn-I Urūp --- Kumīsyūn-I Urūp --- Kummissjoni Ewropea --- Commission of the European Communities --- European Communities. Commission --- Commission européenne --- Bro-C'hall --- Fa-kuo --- Fa-lan-hsi --- Faguo --- Falanxi --- Falanxi Gongheguo --- Farans --- Farānsah --- França --- Francia (Republic) --- Francija --- Francja --- Francland --- Francuska --- Franis --- Franḳraykh --- Frankreich --- Frankrig --- Frankrijk --- Frankrike --- Frankryk --- Fransa --- Fransa Respublikası --- Franse --- Franse Republiek --- Frant͡ --- Frant͡s Uls --- Frant͡sii͡ --- Frantsuzskai͡a Rėspublika --- Frantsyi͡ --- Franza --- French Republic --- Frencisc Cynewīse --- Frenska republika --- Furansu --- Furansu Kyōwakoku --- Gallia --- Gallia (Republic) --- Gallikē Dēmokratia --- Hyãsia --- Parancis --- Peurancih --- Phransiya --- Pransiya --- Pransya --- Prantsusmaa --- Pʻŭrangs --- Ranska --- República Francesa --- Republica Franzesa --- Republika Francuska --- Republiḳah ha-Tsarfatit --- Republikang Pranses --- République française --- Tsarfat --- Tsorfat --- EU countries --- Euroland --- Europe --- Faransā --- Frant︠s︡ --- Frant︠s︡ Uls --- Frant︠s︡ii︠a︡ --- Frantsuzskai︠a︡ Rėspublika --- Frantsyi︠a︡ --- Pʻŭrangsŭ --- Γαλλική Δημοκρατία --- Γαλλία --- Франц --- Франц Улс --- Французская Рэспубліка --- Францыя --- Франция --- Френска република --- פראנקרייך --- צרפת --- רפובליקה הצרפתית --- فرانسه --- فرنسا --- フランス --- フランス共和国 --- 法国 --- 法蘭西 --- 法蘭西共和國 --- 프랑스 --- France (Provisional government, 1944-1946) --- Moscovici, Pierre --- European Union countries - Relations --- European Union countries - Politics and government --- France - Foreign relations - European Union countries --- European Union countries - Foreign relations - France

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