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The extraordinary life of the Manchu author, feminist and figure of controversy, who yearned to expose the true humanity of the elderly empress dowager feared and hated by the rest of the world, but never quite shared the truth of herself.
Cixi, Empress dowager of China, 1875-1908. --- Der Ling, --- China --- History --- Court and courtiers. --- S05/0221 --- China: Biographies and memoirs--20th century: individuals --- Deling, --- Te-ling, --- 德齡, --- 德齢, --- 德龄, --- 德菱, --- Deling gong zhu --- Te-ling kung chu --- 德齡公主 --- 德菱公主 --- Deling jun zhu --- Te-ling chün chu --- 德齡郡主 --- Yu, Deling --- 裕德龄 --- Cixi,
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Number theory --- Fermat's last theorem --- Théorie des nombres algébriques --- Fermat, Grand théorème de --- priem --- kwadraten --- dirichlet --- pell --- klasse --- geheel --- binair --- euler --- kummer --- deling --- 511.343 --- Last theorem, Fermat's --- Diophantine analysis --- Fermat's theorem --- Forms of higher degree. Fermat's last theorem --- Algebraic number theory. --- Fermat's last theorem. --- 511.343 Forms of higher degree. Fermat's last theorem --- Théorie des nombres algébriques --- Fermat, Grand théorème de --- Algebraic number theory --- #WWIS:d.d. Prof. L. Bouckaert/ALTO --- geschiedenis --- Gauss --- Nombres algébriques, Théorie des --- Nombres, Théorie des --- de Fermat, P.
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A significant part of the world's population lives under some sort of federal arrangement. And yet, the concepts of federalism and federation remain under-theorised. Federalist theorists have, for the most part, defined their object by opposition to the unitary state. As a result, they have not developed public law theories that capture the specificity of this type of polity. Bringing together contributions from leading public law theorists and intellectual historians, this volume explores the foundations of federalism. It develops novel perspectives on the core problems of traditional federalist theory and charts new departures in federalist theory and federal power-sharing. At a time when we look for more inclusive ways of ordering public life, the volume fills an urgent theoretical and political need
Federal government --- BPB1802 --- Fédéralisme --- Science politique --- Gouvernance --- Droit public --- Pouvoir politique --- Séparation des pouvoirs --- scheiding der machten --- delitev oblasti --- magtens deling --- separação de poderes --- ndarje e pushteteve --- maktfördelning --- vallanjako --- deľba moci --- διάκριση εξουσιών --- разделение на властите --- varas dalīšana --- separazzjoni tas-setgħat --- valdžių padalijimas --- подела власти --- podział władz --- podjela vlasti --- поделба на власта --- separación de poderes --- separazione dei poteri --- võimude lahusus --- Gewaltentrennung --- separație a puterilor --- oddělení pravomocí --- separation of powers --- hatalommegosztás --- флексибилна поделба на власта --- oddelené právomoci --- rozdělení mocí --- поделба на моќта --- гранки на власта --- Gewaltenteilung --- поделба на државната власт --- hatalmi ágak szétválasztása --- politische Befugnis --- władza polityczna --- putere politică --- politisk befogenhet --- poliitiline võim --- politieke bevoegdheid --- politická moc --- политичка власт --- politinė galia --- politične pristojnosti --- setgħa politika --- political power --- politička ovlast --- poder político --- poliittinen valta --- potere politico --- πολιτική εξουσία --- politikai hatalom --- politiskā vara --- politisk beføjelse --- pushtet politik --- политическа власт --- bevoegdheden --- Befugnis --- kumulace moci --- commandement politique --- κρατική εξουσία --- politisk ledning --- politisk makt --- politiniai įgaliojimai --- politička moć --- политичка сила --- συντακτική εξουσία --- политичка моќ --- bevoegdheid --- politické vedení --- publiek recht --- veřejné právo --- e drejtë publike --- javno pravo --- diritto pubblico --- avalik õigus --- δημόσιο δίκαιο --- publiskās tiesības --- julkisoikeus --- direito público --- dritt pubbliku --- offentlig rätt --- Derecho público --- offentlig ret --- public law --- viešoji teisė --- öffentliches Recht --- közjog --- drept public --- јавно право --- verejné právo --- prawo publiczne --- публично право --- Staatsrecht --- államjog --- valdīšana --- vladanje --- διακυβέρνηση --- valdžia --- gobernanza --- správa věcí veřejných --- kormányzás --- владеење --- styrelseskick --- governance --- guvernare --- governanza --- държавно управление --- valitsemistava --- izvršavanje vlasti --- Governance --- styreformer --- rządzenie --- výkon riadenia --- governação --- rialú --- qeverisje --- hallintotapa --- управљање --- modernes Regieren --- e-pārvaldība --- е-демократија --- e-governance --- styrelseformer --- добро владеење --- behoorlijk bestuur --- elektronikus kormányzás --- governanza elettronica --- qeverisje elektronike --- e-demokrácia --- styrelsesätt --- ηλεκτρονική διακυβέρνηση --- obnašanje vlasti --- političko upravljanje --- valitsemiskorraldus --- Regierungsstil --- E-Governance --- e-styreformer --- e-gobernanza --- e-gouvernance --- rialachas --- e-kormányzás --- elektroninė valdžia --- politikas zinātne --- valtio-oppi --- ciencia política --- политички науки --- politične vede --- scienze politiche --- nauki polityczne --- politológia --- politisk videnskab --- ciência política --- politieke wetenschap --- политичке науке --- političke znanosti --- political science --- politische Wissenschaft --- politologija --- politologie --- shkenca politike --- politoloogia --- πολιτική επιστήμη --- știință politică --- политическа наука --- xjenza politika --- statsvetenskap --- политичка теорија --- Politologie --- statskundskab --- politikatudomány --- politické vědy --- státověda --- Politikwissenschaft --- ştiinţe politice --- politicologie --- statskunskap --- teorie politiky --- politoloģija --- политикологија --- politikos mokslas --- правно-политички науки --- федерализъм --- federalizmas --- föderalizmus --- federalismo --- federalizam --- federalism --- federaliżmu --- федерализам --- federalisme --- federalizm --- føderalisme --- federālisms --- federalismi --- federalizmus --- Föderalismus --- föderalism --- ομοσπονδιακό σύστημα --- federalizëm --- federalizem --- federalismus --- statsförbund --- valtioliitto --- federalistické hnutí --- federație de state --- φεντεραλισμός --- konfederativní uspořádání --- föderatív államrendszer --- ομοσπονδία κρατών --- konfederatívne usporiadanie --- federativní uspořádání --- federatë e Shteteve --- föderalistischer Staat --- konfederācija --- federação de Estados --- valstu apvienība --- federazione di Stati --- federacija država --- federalistické hnutie --- föderaalriik --- føderation --- federalizační snahy --- valstybių federacija --- spolkové zřízení --- federación de Estados --- federation of States --- federativní zřízení --- konfederativní zřízení --- fédération d'États --- Division of powers --- Federal-provincial relations --- Federal-state relations --- Federal systems --- Federalism --- Powers, Division of --- Provincial-federal relations --- State-federal relations --- Political science --- Central-local government relations --- Decentralization in government --- Law and legislation --- Legal theory and methods. Philosophy of law --- Public law. Constitutional law --- scaradh cumhachtaí --- cumhacht pholaitiúil --- dlí poiblí --- eolaíocht pholaitiúil --- cónaidhmeacht --- Séparation des pouvoirs --- Fédéralisme --- Federal government.
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