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Freedom of speech. --- Freedom of the press. --- Censorship of the press --- Expression [Freedom of ] --- Free expression --- Freedom of expression --- Freedom of speech --- Freedom of the press --- Freedom of the press -- Law and legislation --- Liberty of expression --- Liberty of speech --- Liberty of the press --- Liberté d'expression --- Liberté de la presse --- Liberté de la presse -- Droit et législation --- Meningsuiting [Vrijheid van ] --- Pers -- Censuur --- Perscensuur --- Persvrijheid --- Persvrijheid -- Recht en wetgeving --- Press -- Censorship --- Press and censorship --- Press censorship --- Presse -- Censure --- Speech [Freedom of ] --- Vrijheid van drukpers --- Vrijheid van meningsuiting --- Human rights
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Censorship of the press --- Dagbladen --- Etat et la presse --- Freedom of the press --- Freedom of the press -- Law and legislation --- Government and the press --- Journalism --- Journalisme --- Journalistiek --- Journaux --- Kranten --- Liberty of the press --- Liberté de la presse --- Liberté de la presse -- Droit et législation --- Newspapers --- Overheid en pers --- Pers -- Censuur --- Pers en overheid --- Pers en staat --- Perscensuur --- Persvrijheid --- Persvrijheid -- Recht en wetgeving --- Press -- Censorship --- Press and censorship --- Press and government --- Press censorship --- Presse -- Censure --- Presse et état --- Staat en pers --- Vrijheid van drukpers --- 070 --- American newspapers --- -#SBIB:309H1814 --- Press --- Press policy --- State and the press --- Press and politics --- Pers. Nieuwsbladen. Magazines. Redaktie. Journalistiek--(algemeen) --- Pers: politieke, juridische, ethische, ideologische aspecten (o.a. censuur, persvrijheid) --- Government policy --- American newspapers. --- 070 Pers. Nieuwsbladen. Magazines. Redaktie. Journalistiek--(algemeen) --- #SBIB:309H1814 --- Carter, Jimmy
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Beroepsmoraal van de journalisten --- Censorship of the press --- Déontologie journalistique --- Ethics [Journalistic ] --- Freedom of the press --- Freedom of the press -- Law and legislation --- Journalism--Moral and ethical aspects --- Journalisme--Morale et aspects éthiques --- Journalisten--Beroepsmoraal --- Journalisten--Ethiek --- Journalistes--Ethique --- Journalistes--Morale --- Journalistes--Morale professionnelle --- Journalistic ethics --- Journalistiek--Moraal en ethische aspecten --- Journalists--Professional ethics --- Liberty of the press --- Liberté de la presse --- Liberté de la presse -- Droit et législation --- Morale journalistique --- Pers -- Censuur --- Pers en politiek --- Perscensuur --- Persvrijheid --- Persvrijheid -- Recht en wetgeving --- Politics and the press --- Politiek en pers --- Politique et presse --- Press -- Censorship --- Press and censorship --- Press and politics --- Press censorship --- Presse -- Censure --- Presse et politique --- Vrijheid van drukpers --- Éthique journalistique --- #SBIB:309H1814 --- #SBIB:309H1016 --- #SBIB:AANKOOP --- #GBIB:Overlegcentrum Christelijke Ethiek --- 316.77 --- Pers: politieke, juridische, ethische, ideologische aspecten (o.a. censuur, persvrijheid) --- Media: socio-culturele aspecten (massamedia en maatschappij, met inbegrip van cultuurhistorische werken en werken over de maatschappelijke en politieke effecten van de (diverse) media) --- Communicatiesociologie --- Freedom of the press. --- Journalistic ethics. --- Press and politics. --- 316.77 Communicatiesociologie --- Press --- Advertising, Political --- Government and the press --- Journalism --- Professional ethics --- Censorship --- Freedom of expression --- Political aspects --- Moral and ethical aspects --- Law and legislation
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BPB9999 --- Protection de la vie privée --- BPB1812 --- Internet --- Règlement général sur la protection des données (RGPD) --- Société de l'information --- Droit de l'information --- Eerbiediging van het privé-leven --- Algemene verordening gegevensbescherming (GDPR) --- Informatiemaatschappij --- Rechtsregels voor informatie --- Data protection --- Privacy, Right of. --- Computer security. --- Law and legislation. --- Censorship. --- Law and legislation --- Government policy --- информатичко општество --- informační společnost --- soċjetà tal-informazzjoni --- информатичко друштво --- informačná spoločnosť --- κοινωνία των πληροφοριών --- społeczeństwo informacyjne --- informacijska družba --- sociedade da informação --- információs társadalom --- societate informațională --- shoqëria e informacionit --- Informationsgesellschaft --- information society --- sociedad de la información --- informationssamfundet --- infoühiskond --- informatiemaatschappij --- tietoyhteiskunta --- an tsochaí faisnéise --- информационно общество --- informācijas sabiedrība --- informationssamhälle --- informacinė visuomenė --- società dell'informazione --- informacijsko društvo --- Интернет --- internet --- internetas --- idirlíon --- internets --- интернет --- webb --- an tIdirlíon --- tīmeklis --- veeb --- faqe web --- světová počítačová síť --- svjetska računalna mreža --- web --- međumrežje --- www --- világháló --- privatumo apsauga --- beskyttelse af privatlivet --- varstvo zasebnosti --- eraelu puutumatuse kaitse --- Schutz der Privatsphäre --- заштита на приватноста --- protezione della vita privata --- заштита приватности --- ochrana soukromí --- proteção da vida privada --- protection of privacy --- privatlivets helgd --- privātās dzīves aizsardzība --- protección de la vida privada --- προστασία της ιδιωτικής ζωής --- a magánélet védelme --- ochrana súkromia --- prawo do prywatności --- неприкосновеност на частен живот --- yksityisyyden suoja --- mbrojtja e jetës private --- zaštita privatnosti --- eerbiediging van het privé-leven --- protezzjoni tal-privatezza --- protecția vieții private --- Recht auf Respektierung der Privatsphäre --- тајност на писмата --- teisė į privatumą --- diritto della vita privata --- derecho a la intimidad --- tutela della vita privata --- a magán- és családi élet tiszteletben tartásához való jog --- právo na súkromie --- ochrana soukromého a rodinného života --- recht op privacy --- δικαίωμα σεβασμού της ιδιωτικής ζωής --- dreptul la respectatrea viații private --- õigus eraelu puutumatusele --- ret til privatliv --- right to privacy --- rätt till privatliv --- direito ao respeito da vida privada --- tiesības uz privāto dzīvi --- pravo na privatnost --- oikeus yksityisyyteen --- e drejtë për jetë private --- интегритет на личноста --- право на приватност --- právo na soukromí --- protecção da vida privada --- recht op privé-leven --- droit au respect de la vie privée --- derecho al honor --- rispetto della vita privata --- informacijos teisė --- информационно право --- legjislacioni në fushën e informacionit --- Derecho de la información --- tájékoztatáshoz való jog --- zakon o informativnoj djelatnosti --- informationsret --- prawo informacyjne --- pravo na področju obveščanja --- zákon týkajúci sa informácií --- law relating to information --- законодавство од областа на информирање --- tiesību akti, kas attiecas uz informāciju --- δίκαιο των πληροφοριών --- Informationsrecht --- informační legislativa --- tietoa koskeva lainsäädäntö --- informationslagstiftning --- liġi b'rabta mal-informazzjoni --- infoõigus --- legislație privind informațiile --- direito da informação --- право о информисању --- legislazione in materia di informazione --- rechtsregels voor informatie --- zakon o tisku --- presslag --- Presserecht --- слобода на печатот --- закон за слободен пристап до информации од јавен карактер --- ligj për shtypin --- zákon o svobodném přístupu k informacím --- tlačový zákon --- információs jog --- legea presei --- informācijas tiesību akti --- preses tiesību akti --- lei da imprensa --- press law --- δικαίωμα ανασκεύασης πληροφοριών --- tiskové právo --- zakon o medijima --- spaudos įstatymas --- δίκαιο του Τύπου --- derecho de la prensa --- vrijheid van drukpers --- δίκαιο της πληροφόρησης --- законодавство за медиуми --- tiskový zákon --- право на слобода на информирање --- presseret --- закон за медиуми --- lehdistölainsäädäntö --- Gegendarstellungsanspruch --- válaszadáshoz való jog --- sajtójog --- droit de la presse --- слобода на медиумите --- ajakirjandusõigus --- Idirlíon --- cosaint príobháideachais --- dlí a bhaineann le faisnéis --- Protection de la vie privée --- Société de l'information
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Detailed account of the development of rules on official secrets facilitates understanding of the regulatory framework of official secrets. Empirical data from original interview material with key stakeholders provides useful original insights on the practice for practitioners and academics. In-depth analysis of parliamentary, judicial and administrative oversight aids understanding and identifying oversight deficits and oversight 'overloads'. Comprehensive evaluation of access to official secrets (by citizens, oversight institutions and 'insiders') offers critical knowledge about the pressure points that must be addressed, useful for possible revision of rules by policymakers. Supports researchers in further identifying discrepancies between law in the books and law in action by mapping living practices that shape administrative discretion 'outside' primary law.
BPB9999 --- BPB1907 --- Accès à l'information --- Confidentialité --- Droit de l'information --- Union européenne --- Europese Unie --- Europska unija --- União Europeia --- Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση --- Európska únia --- Európai Unió --- Europäische Union --- Europos Sąjunga --- Evropská unie --- Европска унија --- Unjoni Ewropea --- Европейски съюз --- Europeiska unionen --- European Union --- Euroopan unioni --- Eiropas Savienība --- Unión Europea --- Evropska unija --- Unia Europejska --- Unione europea --- Uniunea Europeană --- Den Europæiske Union --- Европска Унија --- Euroopa Liit --- an tAontas Eorpach --- Bashkimi Europian --- Sąjungos institucija --- Sąjungos teisė --- právo Únie --- νόμος της Ένωσης --- Savienības tiesības --- wet van de Unie --- legge dell'Unione --- Europæisk Union --- unionslagstiftning --- atto dell'Unione --- AE --- loi de l'Union --- EU --- e drejta e Bashkimit --- ЕУ --- lege a Uniunii Europene --- Union law --- kunfidenzjalità --- εμπιστευτικότητα --- povjerljivost --- поверителност --- Vertraulichkeit --- förtrolighet --- confidențialitate --- rúndacht --- konfidencialitāte --- поверљивост --- confidencialidad --- fortrolighed --- důvěrná informace --- zaupnost --- dôverný charakter informácií --- vertrouwelijkheid --- poufność informacji --- confidencialidade --- carattere confidenziale --- confidentiality --- titoktartás --- konfidentsiaalsus --- luottamuksellisuus --- konfidencialiteti --- konfidencialumas --- доверливост --- information confidentielle --- informação confidencial --- neskelbtinumas --- доверлива информација --- εμπιστευτική πληροφορία --- confidential information --- εμπιστευτικός χαρακτήρας --- vertrouwelijke informatie --- dôverná informácia --- класифицирани информации --- vertrauliche Mitteilung --- bizalmas információ --- utajovaná skutečnost --- konfidentsiaalne teave --- informazione confidenziale --- дискреција --- povjerljiva informacija --- konfidentiell information --- slepena informācija --- informacion konfidencial --- poslovna tajna --- důvěrné sdělení --- slaptumas --- důvěrný charakter informace --- tajni podatak --- neskelbtina informacija --- klasificirani podatak --- konfidenciāla informācija --- luottamukselliset tiedot --- информации од доверлив карактер --- poslovnatajna --- informații confidențiale --- información confidencial --- titkos információ --- diskrecija --- informacijos teisė --- информационно право --- legjislacioni në fushën e informacionit --- Derecho de la información --- tájékoztatáshoz való jog --- zakon o informativnoj djelatnosti --- informationsret --- prawo informacyjne --- pravo na področju obveščanja --- zákon týkajúci sa informácií --- law relating to information --- законодавство од областа на информирање --- tiesību akti, kas attiecas uz informāciju --- δίκαιο των πληροφοριών --- Informationsrecht --- informační legislativa --- tietoa koskeva lainsäädäntö --- informationslagstiftning --- liġi b'rabta mal-informazzjoni --- infoõigus --- legislație privind informațiile --- direito da informação --- право о информисању --- legislazione in materia di informazione --- rechtsregels voor informatie --- zakon o tisku --- presslag --- Presserecht --- слобода на печатот --- закон за слободен пристап до информации од јавен карактер --- ligj për shtypin --- zákon o svobodném přístupu k informacím --- tlačový zákon --- információs jog --- legea presei --- informācijas tiesību akti --- preses tiesību akti --- lei da imprensa --- press law --- δικαίωμα ανασκεύασης πληροφοριών --- tiskové právo --- zakon o medijima --- spaudos įstatymas --- δίκαιο του Τύπου --- derecho de la prensa --- vrijheid van drukpers --- δίκαιο της πληροφόρησης --- законодавство за медиуми --- tiskový zákon --- право на слобода на информирање --- presseret --- закон за медиуми --- lehdistölainsäädäntö --- Gegendarstellungsanspruch --- válaszadáshoz való jog --- sajtójog --- droit de la presse --- слобода на медиумите --- ajakirjandusõigus --- prístup k informáciám --- pristup informacijama --- acceso a la información --- Informationszugang --- info kättesaadavus --- accesso all'informazione --- információkhoz való hozzáférés --- prieiga prie informacijos --- пристап до информации --- acesso à informação --- zpřístupňování informací --- dostęp do informacji --- adgang til information --- acces la informație --- pieeja informācijai --- достъп до информация --- toegang tot de informatie --- πρόσβαση στην πληροφορία --- tietojen saatavuus --- tillgång till information --- приступ информацијама --- access to information --- akses në informacion --- aċċess għall-informazzjoni --- dostop do informacij --- free movement of information --- circulación de la información --- slobodný pohyb informácií --- проток на информации --- információk szabad áramlása --- pohyb informace --- Informationsfluss --- tietojen vapaa liikkuvuus --- κυκλοφορία των πληροφοριών --- informație publică --- nyilvános információk --- teabe vaba liikumine --- közérdekű információk --- Information der Öffentlichkeit --- informação do público --- julkiset tiedot --- public information --- avalik teave --- nevaržomas informacijos judėjimas --- javna informacija --- slobodan pristup informacijama --- informacijos prieinamumas --- circulatie van informatie --- circolazione delle informazioni --- információk szabad mozgása --- slobodno širenje informacija --- viešoji informacija --- qarkullim i lirë i informacionit --- veřejná informace --- pristup podacima --- trasmissione delle informazioni --- laisvas informacijos judėjimas --- informācijas brīva aprite --- publiska informācija --- слободен пристап до информации --- circulation de l'information --- libera circulație a informației --- слободно ширење информации --- informim publik --- circulação da informação --- verejné informácie --- dlí a bhaineann le faisnéis --- rochtain ar fhaisnéis --- Union européenne --- Accès à l'information --- Confidentialité --- droit de l'information
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Copyright and International Negotiations provides a historical study of the development of Chinese copyright law in terms of China's contemporary political economy and the impact that international copyright law has had. The analysis shows how China's copyright system is intertwined with censorship and international copyright law and how this has affected freedom of expression. China still enforces an old censorship regime that clamps down on free expression despite a modern system of copyright rules which should function as an engine of free expression. The book explores the development and architecture of Chinese copyright law in parallel with international copyright law, clarifies China's nuanced patterns of the control of free expression through copyright law, and identifies a breakthrough for neutralising the impact of China's censorship policies through copyright law.
Copyright --- Freedom of speech --- Foreign trade regulation --- copyright --- freedom of expression --- law relating to information --- international negotiations --- China --- Free speech --- Liberty of speech --- Speech, Freedom of --- Civil rights --- Freedom of expression --- Assembly, Right of --- Freedom of information --- Intellectual freedom --- Kitajska --- Kína --- Hiina --- Čína --- An tSín --- Кина --- Kiina --- Chine --- Kina --- Ķīna --- Cina --- Китай --- Chiny --- Κίνα --- Kinija --- iċ-Ċina --- Repubblica popolare cinese --- República Popular da China --- Čínská lidová republika --- Ķīnas Tautas Republika --- Λαϊκή Δημοκρατία της Κίνας --- Kínai Népköztársaság --- République populaire de Chine --- ČLR --- Народна република Китай --- Народна Република Кина --- Hiina Rahvavabariik --- Folkerepublikken Kina --- ir-Repubblika Popolari taċ-Ċina --- Republika Popullore e Kinës --- Volksrepubliek China --- НР Кина --- die Volksrepublik China --- Ljudska republika Kitajska --- Čínska ľudová republika --- Kinijos Liaudies Respublika --- Folkrepubliken Kina --- Chińska Republika Ludowa --- Republica Populară Chineză --- Narodna Republika Kina --- Kiinan kansantasavalta --- People’s Republic of China --- República Popular China --- международни преговори --- negocieri internaționale --- internationale Verhandlungen --- international forhandling --- меѓународни преговори --- međunarodni pregovori --- négociation internationale --- rahvusvahelised läbirääkimised --- negozjati internazzjonali --- internationale onderhandeling --- negociata ndërkombëtare --- nemzetközi tárgyalások --- mednarodna pogajanja --- међународни преговори --- negociación internacional --- διεθνείς διαπραγματεύσεις --- kansainväliset neuvottelut --- negoziato internazionale --- medzinárodné rokovania --- internationella förhandlingar --- mezinárodní jednání --- negociação internacional --- tarptautinės derybos --- starptautiskas sarunas --- negocjacje międzynarodowe --- stav jednání --- negociatat e një marrëveshjeje --- opening of negotiations --- zahájení jednání --- negociación de un acuerdo --- trattativa internazionale --- negocierea unui acord --- atkārtotas sarunas --- onderhandeling van een overeenkomst --- jednací procedura --- sarunu procedūra --- negotiation procedure --- rokovacia procedúra --- στάδιο των διαπραγματεύσεων --- ukončení jednání --- procedură de negociere --- līguma apspriešana --- stāvoklis sarunās --- rinegociim --- procedura di negoziazione --- neuvotteluvaihe --- újratárgyalás --- преговарачка позиција --- läbirääkimiste alustamine --- situazione negoziale --- процес на преговори --- derybų tvarka --- derybų pradžia --- negotiation of an agreement --- sarunu sākšana --- stav rokovania --- lepinguläbirääkimised --- öppnande av förhandling --- vývoj jednání --- Verhandlungsmodus --- megállapodás tárgyalása --- sopimusneuvottelut --- estado da negociação --- läbirääkimismenetlus --- sarunu situācija --- state of negotiations --- estado de la negociación --- tárgyalások megnyitása --- renégociation --- Neuverhandlung --- започнување преговори --- apertura de negociaciones --- avvio del negoziato --- отворање преговори --- vyjednávání --- renegociación --- neuvottelujen käynnistäminen uudelleen --- processo de negociação --- besprekingen --- derybos dėl susitarimo --- förhandlingsläge --- opätovné prerokovanie --- hapja e negociatave --- renegociere --- znovuprojednávání --- genforhandling --- tárgyalásra vonatkozó eljárás --- situația negocierii --- deschiderea negocierii --- Verhandlungsstadium --- indledning af forhandling --- процес на преговарање --- négociation d'accord --- διαδικασία διαπραγματεύσεως --- negociação de um acordo --- omförhandling --- derybos dėl sutarties --- derybos dėl konvencijos --- rokovanie o dohode --- situata e negociatave --- opening van de onderhandelingen --- forhandling om aftale --- läbirääkimiste taasalustamine --- förhandlingsförfarande --- forhandlingsprocedure --- neuvottelumenettely --- negociace --- procedura pregovaranja --- förhandlingsprocedur --- jednání na mezinárodní úrovni --- abertura de negociação --- Stand der Verhandlungen --- procedimiento de negociación --- procedurë negociimi --- derybų būklė --- διαπραγμάτευση συμφωνίας --- läbirääkimiste seis --- otvaranje pregovora --- onderhandelingsprocedure --- početak pregovora --- повторни преговори --- έναρξη διαπραγματεύσεων --- procédure de négociation --- renegotiation --- Eröffnung der Verhandlungen --- ouverture de négociation --- negoziato d'accordo --- neuvottelujen käynnistäminen --- otvorenie rokovania --- повторно преговарање --- преговори за договор --- αναδιαπραγμάτευση --- Aushandlung eines Abkommens --- état de la négociation --- jednání o dohodě --- pakartotinės derybos --- staat van de onderhandelingen --- rinegoziazione --- статус на преговорите --- renegociação --- hervatting van de onderhandelingen --- informacijos teisė --- информационно право --- legjislacioni në fushën e informacionit --- Derecho de la información --- tájékoztatáshoz való jog --- zakon o informativnoj djelatnosti --- informationsret --- prawo informacyjne --- droit de l'information --- pravo na področju obveščanja --- zákon týkajúci sa informácií --- законодавство од областа на информирање --- tiesību akti, kas attiecas uz informāciju --- δίκαιο των πληροφοριών --- Informationsrecht --- informační legislativa --- tietoa koskeva lainsäädäntö --- informationslagstiftning --- liġi b'rabta mal-informazzjoni --- infoõigus --- legislație privind informațiile --- direito da informação --- право о информисању --- legislazione in materia di informazione --- rechtsregels voor informatie --- zakon o tisku --- presslag --- Presserecht --- слобода на печатот --- закон за слободен пристап до информации од јавен карактер --- ligj për shtypin --- zákon o svobodném přístupu k informacím --- tlačový zákon --- információs jog --- legea presei --- informācijas tiesību akti --- preses tiesību akti --- lei da imprensa --- press law --- δικαίωμα ανασκεύασης πληροφοριών --- tiskové právo --- zakon o medijima --- spaudos įstatymas --- δίκαιο του Τύπου --- derecho de la prensa --- vrijheid van drukpers --- δίκαιο της πληροφόρησης --- законодавство за медиуми --- tiskový zákon --- право на слобода на информирање --- presseret --- закон за медиуми --- lehdistölainsäädäntö --- Gegendarstellungsanspruch --- válaszadáshoz való jog --- sajtójog --- droit de la presse --- слобода на медиумите --- ajakirjandusõigus --- svoboda projevu --- liria e shprehjes --- liberdade de expressão --- wolność słowa --- sananvapaus --- szólásszabadság --- libertà d'espressione --- liberté d'expression --- ytringsfrihed --- слобода на изразување --- svoboda izražanja --- yttrandefrihet --- libertad de expresión --- libertà ta' espressjoni --- слобода изражавања --- vrijheid van meningsuiting --- vārda brīvība --- sloboda prejavu --- свобода на словото --- Redefreiheit --- žodžio laisvė --- sloboda izražavanja --- sõnavabadus --- ελευθερία έκφρασης --- libertate de expresie --- petiční právo --- libertad de palabra --- право на изразување --- izteiksmes brīvība --- libertà di parola --- libertà tal-kelma --- izpausmes brīvība --- drittijiet tal-awtur --- autorské práva --- droit d'auteur --- e drejtë autori --- szerzői jog --- prawo autorskie --- auteursrecht --- autoriaus teisė --- cóipcheart --- δικαίωμα πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας --- autoriõigus --- autorsko pravo --- drept de autor --- авторско право --- autorské právo --- Urheberrecht --- tekijänoikeus --- diritto d'autore --- upphovsrätt --- direito de autor --- derechos de autor --- forfatterret --- ауторско право --- autortiesības --- avtorska pravica --- јавно прикажување --- aanspraak --- diritto di copia --- droits voisins --- репродукција --- blakustiesības --- јавно изведување --- disciplina sul diritto d'autore --- радиодифузно емитување --- συγγραφικό δικαίωμα --- изнајмување --- јавно пренесување --- direito moral --- derecho de autor --- autorský zákon --- tilgrænsende rettigheder --- gretutinė teisė --- droit moral --- дистрибуција --- diritto di riproduzione --- tutela delle opere d'ingegno --- upphovsrätten närstående rättigheter --- Urheberrechtsschutz --- diritto dell'ideatore --- accessory right --- drepturi colaterale --- evasione dei diritti d'autore --- diritto morale --- πνευματικά δικαιώματα --- derecho moral del autor --- јавно изложување --- prístupové práva --- diritto d'inventore --- преработување --- ophavsret --- e drejtë dytësore --- издавање --- diritto patrimoniale d'autore --- право на умножување --- Law and legislation --- Foreign economic relations.
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