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In 1981, the European and World Values surveys started the empirical investigation of cultural values on a global scale. This volume builds upon the findings of these surveys and analyzes value change in a number of key countries around the globe. The authors track value change and stability in their respective countries during the last decade (the last two decades where data are available) of the 20th century. All authors have been actively involved in value surveys and have a great deal of expertise in countries that they write on. Thus, the volume is a valuable complement to studies that deal with the topic from a global perspective without providing any detail about individual societies. The countries covered are: Argentina, Austria, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Mexico, the Netherlands, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Turkey and the United States.
Internationaler Vergleich --- Wert --- Wertwandel --- Wertwandel. --- Social values --- Social change --- Valeurs sociales --- Etudes transculturelles
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Children of migrant laborers --- Education and training. --- Interkulturelle Erziehung. --- Internationaler Vergleich. --- Sociology. --- Education --- Education.
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This important volume provides the foundation for a shift in policy learning on a global scale and demonstrates the need to take account of the psychological consequences of poverty for policy to be effective.
Poverty --- Government policy. --- Destitution --- Wealth --- Basic needs --- Begging --- Poor --- Subsistence economy --- Society. --- Internationaler Vergleich. --- Verwaltungshandeln. --- Politik. --- Prävention. --- Armut. --- International cooperation. --- Prevention
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Examining how people alter or customize various dimensions of their temporal experience, this volume discovers how we resist external sources of temporal constraint or structure. These ethnographic studies are international in scope and look at many different countries and continents. They come to the overall conclusion that people construct their own circumstances with the intention to modify their experience of time
Time perception --- Chronometry, Mental --- Duration, Intuition of --- Intuition of duration --- Mental chronometry --- Time --- Time, Cognition of --- Time estimation --- Orientation (Psychology) --- Perception --- Time Perception --- Zeit --- Zeitwahrnehmung --- Internationaler Vergleich
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Deaf --- Education. --- Psychology. --- Social conditions. --- Deafness --- Doven. --- Gehörlosigkeit. --- Internationaler Vergleich. --- Onderwijs. --- Psychosoziale Situation. --- Social history. --- Sociale aspecten. --- Mental health services. --- Psychological aspects.
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The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Regionalism—the first of its kind—offers a systematic and wide-ranging survey of the scholarship on regionalism, regionalization, and regional governance. Unpacking the major debates, leading authors of the field synthesize the state of the art, provide a guide to the comparative study of regionalism, and identify future avenues of research. Twenty-seven chapters review the theoretical and empirical scholarship with regard to the emergence of regionalism, the institutional design of regional organizations and issue-specific governance, as well as the effects of regionalism and its relationship with processes of regionalization. The authors explore theories of cooperation, integration, and diffusion explaining the rise and the different forms of regionalism. The Handbook also discusses the state of the art on the world regions: North America, Latin America, Europe, Eurasia, Asia, North Africa and the Middle East, and sub-Saharan Africa. Various chapters survey the literature on regional governance in major issue areas such as security and peace, trade and finance, environment, migration, social and gender policies, as well as democracy and human rights. Finally, the Handbook engages in cross-regional comparisons with regard to institutional design, dispute settlement, identities and communities, legitimacy and democracy, as well as inter- and transregionalism.
Regionalism --- Comparative government --- Regionalism (International organization) --- Science politique --- Régionalisme (politique internationale) --- Relations internationales --- E-books --- Regionalism (International organization). --- Internationale Politik. --- Regionalismus. --- Governance. --- Internationaler Vergleich. --- Études comparatives. --- International relations. Foreign policy
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Why Aren't They There? comparatively analyzes the representation of women over time and presents a critical view of the effectiveness of quotas. Incorporating new research on ethnic groups in legislatures, the text takes a significant step forward in the study of political representation and systematically examines issue positions in eight policy domains. It examines aspects that are not broached in studies focusing solely on a single form of representation. The result is a comprehensive understanding of political representation that leads to significant, policy-relevant insights on electoral engineering.
Ethnic groups --- Internationaler Vergleich. --- Legislative bodies. --- Nationale Minderheit. --- Representative government and representation. --- Repräsentation. --- Weibliche Abgeordnete. --- Women --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- Political activity. --- Sociology of minorities --- Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- Political sociology
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Theatre and Event: Staging the European Century, examines how, in these first decades of the twenty-first century, contemporary European theatre-makers have sought to consider the disastrous events of the twentieth century as the 'unfinished business' of the contemporary. Kear argues that by thinking through the logic of the event, and the theatre event especially, contemporary performance practice enables an affective interrogation of 'the event' of the European century. Examining the work of leading theatre companies, Theatre and Event: Staging the European Century offers detailed expositions and engaged analyses of key works by Needcompany (Belgium), Jaunais Rigas Teatris (Latvia), Societas Raffaello Sanzio (Italy), National Theatre Wales (UK), and Studios Kabako (France/Democratic Republic of the Congo). This book offers an original conception of the theatre event as an event which exists in relation to, and performatively historicises, other 'events', requiring a critical and creative practice of spectatorship to animate its political affects.
Historisches Ereignis. --- Theaterproduktion. --- Internationaler Vergleich. --- Performing Arts. --- 2000-2099. --- Theater --- Theater. --- History --- Production and direction --- Production and direction. --- Europa. --- Europe. --- Théâtre --- Histoire --- Production et mise en scène
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In an age of corruption, sleaze and scandal associated with financial crisis and economic downturn across the globe, citizens want more transparency and accountability in politics. This book examines a principal means by which this can be achieved: the regulation of lobbyists. It provides innovative insights into lobbying regulations across four continents - North America, Europe, Asia and Australia. What are these regulations about? What are the differences across the continents? How effective are the rules? How have they changed the lobbying profession? Using qualitative and quantitative
Internationaler Vergleich. --- Lobbyismus. --- Regulierung. --- Lobbying --- Comparative law --- Comparative jurisprudence --- Comparative legislation --- Jurisprudence, Comparative --- Law, Comparative --- Legislation, Comparative --- Lobbyists --- Public relations and law --- Law and legislation --- Legal status, laws, etc.
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Die Ungleichheit der Lohneinkommen in Deutschland verschärft sich seit geraumer Zeit deutlich. Umso mehr muss zumindest die Gleichheit der Chancen in unserer Gesellschaft gewährleistet sein. Die Höhe des Einkommens sollte - aus gesellschaftlichen wie ökonomischen Gründen - von der individuellen Leistungsfähigkeit abhängen, nicht vom Status der Eltern. Doch wie ist es um die Gleichheit der Chancen in Deutschland tatsächlich bestellt? Ist das hiesige Einkommensgefüge so durchlässig, dass auch Menschen aus sozial schwachen Familien eine realistische Aufstiegschance haben? Wie hoch ist in Deutschland die ökonomische Mobilität zwischen sowie innerhalb von Generationen? Und wie schneidet Deutschland im Vergleich zu anderen Ländern ab? Daniel Schnitzlein untersucht diese Fragen mit neuen methodischen Ansätzen und analysiert die Ursachen für das unterschiedliche Ausmaß an ökonomischer Mobilität im internationalen Vergleich. Publikationssprache: Englisch For a considerable time now, the lack of equality in wage incomes in Germany has been getting clearly worse. Hence it is all the more important to at least guarantee equal opportunities in our society. The level of income - both for social and economic reasons - should be dependent on individual performance and not on one's parents' status. But what shape is equality of opportunity in Germany actually in? Is the income structure here so permeable that people from socially weak families also have a realistic chance of advancement? How high is economic mobility in Germany both between and within generations? And how does Germany do in comparison with other countries? Daniel Schnitzlein examines these questions using new methodological approaches and analyzes the causes of differing extents of economic mobility in international comparison.
Bundesrepublik Deutschland --- Chancengerechtigkeit --- Chancengleichheit --- Dänemark --- Einkommen --- Familie --- Geschwister --- Import --- Intergenerationsmobilität - Determinanten --- Intergenerationsmobilität - internationaler Vergleich --- Intragenerationsmobilität --- Leistungsfähigkeit --- Lohnhöhe --- Mobilität --- Organisation --- USA --- kulturelle Faktoren --- organizations --- soziale Herkunft --- Dissertation
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