Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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Flovvers of epigrammes, out of sundrie the moste singular authours selected, as well auncient as late writers. Pleasant and profitable to the expert readers of quicke capacitie: by Timothe Kendall, late of the Vniuersitie of Oxford: now student of Staple Inne in London.
Kendall, Timothy
Year: 1577
Publisher: Imprinted at London : [By John Kingston] in Poules Churche-yarde, at the signe of the Brasen Serpent, by Ihon Shepperd,
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A Helpe to memorie and discourse, the two syrens of the eare and ioynt twins of mans perfection : extracted from the sweating braines of physitians, philosophers, orators, and poets : distilled in their assiduous and witty collections, and which for the method, manner, and referent handlings may be fitly termed, A second misselany, or Helpe to discourse.
Basse, William
Phillips, E.
Year: 1621
Publisher: Imprinted at London : By B.A. for L.B. and are to be sold at his shop in the Temple neere the Church,
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A Helpe to memory and discourse, the two syrens of the eare and ioynt twins of mans perfection : extracted from the sweating braines of phisitions, philosophers, orators and poets : distilled in their assiduous and witty collections, and which for the method, manner, and referent handlings may be fitly tearmed, A second misselany, or Helpe to discourse.
Basse, William
Phillips, E.
Year: 1620
Publisher: Imprinted at London : By Barnard Alsop for Leonard Becket, and are to be sold at his shop in the Temple neere the Church,
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Enchiridium epigrammatum latino-anglicum : An epitome of essais, Englished out of Latin, without elucidat explications : containing six classes or centuries of 1. Theologicals, 2. Historicals, 3. Heterogeneals, 4. Bryto-Anglicals, 5. Miscellaneals, 6. Mutuatitials, beside a fardel of 76 fragments
Vilvain, Robert
Year: 1654
Publisher: London : Printed by R. Hodgkinsonne (for the Author) ...,
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Epigrams of all sorts, made at divers times on several occasions
Flecknoe, Richard
Year: 1670
Publisher: London : Printed for the author, and Will. Crook ...,
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[Flovvers of epigrammes, out of sundrie the moste singular authours selected, as well auncient as late writers. Pleasant and profitable to the expert readers of quicke capacitie:]
Kendall, Timothy
Year: 1577
Publisher: [Im]printed at London : [by John Kingston] in Poules Churche yarde, at the signe of the Brasen Serpent, by Ihon Shepperd.
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Epigrams both pleasant and serious,
Harington, John
Year: 1615
Publisher: London : Imprinted for Iohn Budge, and are to be sold at his shoppe at the south dore [sic] of Pauls, and at Britaines Burse.,
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A helpe to discourse: or, More merriment mixt with serious matters : Consisting of witty philosophicall, grammaticall, physicall, astronomicall questions and answers. As also, epigrams, epitaphs, riddles, iests, posies, love toyes, &c. readded and plentifully dispersed. Together vvith The countrey-mans counsellour, and his yearely oracle and prognostication, with additions, or a helpe to preserve his health, never before printed.
Basse, William
Phillips, Edward
Pond, Edward
Year: 1640
Publisher: London : Printed by B. A[lsop] and T. F[awcet] for Nicolas Vavasour, and aoe [sic] to be sold at his shop in Inner Temple, neere the church,
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Ex otio negotium. Or, Martiall his epigrams translated. : With sundry poems and fancies,
Fletcher, R.
Vaughan, Robert
Year: 1656
Publisher: London, : Printed by T. Mabb, for William Shears, and are to be sold at the Bible in Bedford street in Covent-garden,
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A helpe to discourse. Or, A miscelany of merriment : Consisting of wittie, philosophicall and astronomicall questions and answers. As also, of epigrams, epitaphs, riddles, and iests. Together with the countreymans counsellour, next his yearly oracle or prognostication to consult with. Contayning diuers necessary rules and obseruations, of much vse and consequence being knowne. By W.B. and E.P.
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Listing 1 - 10 of 382
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