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Inhoud: 1. Economische evaluatie van de preventieve gezondheidszorg 2. Relatie tussen curatieve en preventieve gezondheidszorg 3. Vrijheid, individuele en collectieve verantwoordelijkheid 4. Gezondheid als cultuur of als ziekte 5. Preventieve gezondheidszorg en andere maatschappelijke sectoren 6. Predictieve voorspellende gezondheidszorg 7. Belang van gezondheidsgegevens voor een preventief gezondheidsbeleid
Medische psychologie --- Gezondheidspsychologie. --- Hygiene. Public health. Protection --- 614 --- Vaccinatie (inentingen) --- Academic collection --- #GBIB:CBMER --- #A9903A --- Alzheimer (ziekte van) --- Arbeidsgeneeskunde --- Baarmoederhalsonderzoek --- Borstkanker (mammacarcinoom) --- Borstkankeronderzoek --- Chorea van Huntington (ziekte van Huntington) --- Depressie --- Diabetes (suikerziekte) --- Eetstoornissen (dwangmatig eten) --- Gezondheidsopvoeding (gezondheidsvoorlichting) --- Griep (influenza) --- Hepatitis B --- Jeugdgezondheidszorg --- Migranten (allochtonen) --- Mucoviscidose (kystische fibrose, pancreasfibrose) --- Perinatale zorg --- Pesten --- Preventie --- Privacy --- Prostaatkanker --- Roken --- Tuberculose --- Voedingsleer --- Geneeskunde --- Gezondheidszorg (gezondheidsbeleid) --- Openbare gezondheidszorg--(zie ook {351.84}) --- Medicine [Preventive ] --- Congresses --- Public Health. --- Preventive Health Services. --- Preventive Medicine. --- #SBIB:316.334.3M50 --- #SBIB:HIVA --- #A0011A --- 671 Gezondheidszorg. Preventie --- Medicine, Preventive --- Preventative Care --- Preventative Medicine --- Preventive Care --- Care, Preventative --- Care, Preventive --- Medicine, Preventative --- Disease --- Preventive Health Services --- Primary Prevention --- Public Health --- Health Services, Preventive --- Preventive Health --- Preventive Health Care --- Preventive Health Programs --- Preventive Programs --- Services, Preventive Health --- Care, Preventive Health --- Health Care, Preventive --- Health Program, Preventive --- Health Programs, Preventive --- Health Service, Preventive --- Health, Preventive --- Preventive Health Program --- Preventive Health Service --- Preventive Program --- Program, Preventive --- Program, Preventive Health --- Programs, Preventive --- Programs, Preventive Health --- Service, Preventive Health --- Preventive Medicine --- Preventive Psychiatry --- Community Health --- Environment, Preventive Medicine & Public Health --- Environment, Preventive Medicine and Public Health --- Health, Community --- Health, Public --- Education, Public Health Professional --- Organisatie van de gezondheidszorg: algemeen, beleid --- prevention & control --- Belgium. --- Conferences - Meetings --- Gezondheidszorg --- Beleid --- Vlaamse overheid --- gezondheidszorg --- Analyse --- Evaluatie --- Gezondheidsbeleid --- Colloquia
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