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ISBN: 9789031390298 Year: 2011 Publisher: Houten Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum

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Afasie is een taalstoornis ten gevolge van hersenletsel, bijvoorbeeld na een beroerte. Iemand die lijdt aan afasie kan niet meer normaal over zijn taalvermogen beschikken en zal daardoor communicatieproblemen ondervinden die niet alleen grote gevolgen hebben voor de patiënt zelf, maar ook voor zijn omgeving. In dit boek worden de oorzaken van afasie, de symptomen en de afasiesyndromen beschreven. Ook wordt er een historisch beeld geschetst van de ontwikkeling van het vakgebied en komen wetenschappelijke ontwikkelingen aan bod. Een samenhangend overzicht wordt gegeven van het klinische en wetenschappelijke onderzoek naar afasie.


Aphasia --- Speech Disorders --- afasie --- Aprosodic Speech --- Cluttering --- Dysglossia --- Dyslalia --- Rhinolalia --- Verbal Fluency Disorders --- Aprosodia --- Aprosodias --- Clutterings --- Dysglossias --- Dyslalias --- Rhinolalias --- Speech, Aprosodic --- Verbal Fluency Disorder --- Language Disorders --- Velopharyngeal Insufficiency --- Verbal Behavior --- Alogia --- Anepia --- Aphasia, Ageusic --- Aphasia, Auditory Discriminatory --- Aphasia, Commisural --- Aphasia, Functional --- Aphasia, Global --- Aphasia, Graphomotor --- Aphasia, Intellectual --- Aphasia, Mixed --- Aphasia, Post-Ictal --- Aphasia, Post-Traumatic --- Aphasia, Progressive --- Aphasia, Semantic --- Aphasia, Syntactical --- Dejerine-Lichtheim Phenomenon --- Dysphasia, Global --- Lichtheim's Sign --- Logagnosia --- Logamnesia --- Logasthenia --- Aphasia, Acquired --- Dysphasia --- Acquired Aphasia --- Ageusic Aphasia --- Ageusic Aphasias --- Alogias --- Anepias --- Aphasia, Post Ictal --- Aphasia, Post Traumatic --- Aphasias, Ageusic --- Aphasias, Auditory Discriminatory --- Aphasias, Commisural --- Aphasias, Functional --- Aphasias, Global --- Aphasias, Graphomotor --- Aphasias, Intellectual --- Aphasias, Mixed --- Aphasias, Post-Ictal --- Aphasias, Post-Traumatic --- Aphasias, Progressive --- Aphasias, Semantic --- Aphasias, Syntactical --- Auditory Discriminatory Aphasia --- Auditory Discriminatory Aphasias --- Commisural Aphasia --- Commisural Aphasias --- Dejerine Lichtheim Phenomenon --- Discriminatory Aphasia, Auditory --- Discriminatory Aphasias, Auditory --- Dysphasias, Global --- Functional Aphasia --- Functional Aphasias --- Global Aphasia --- Global Aphasias --- Global Dysphasia --- Global Dysphasias --- Graphomotor Aphasia --- Graphomotor Aphasias --- Intellectual Aphasia --- Intellectual Aphasias --- Lichtheim Sign --- Lichtheims Sign --- Logagnosias --- Logamnesias --- Logasthenias --- Mixed Aphasia --- Mixed Aphasias --- Phenomenon, Dejerine-Lichtheim --- Post-Ictal Aphasia --- Post-Ictal Aphasias --- Post-Traumatic Aphasia --- Post-Traumatic Aphasias --- Progressive Aphasia --- Progressive Aphasias --- Semantic Aphasia --- Semantic Aphasias --- Sign, Lichtheim's --- Syntactical Aphasia --- Syntactical Aphasias --- Dominance, Cerebral --- Landau-Kleffner Syndrome --- Afasie --- Taalverwerving --- Word Deafness --- Deafness, Word

Afasie: beschrijving, onderzoek, behandeling
Authors: ---
ISBN: 902651459X Year: 2005 Publisher: Amsterdam Harcourt

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Aphasia --- Speech Disorders --- Aprosodic Speech --- Cluttering --- Dysglossia --- Dyslalia --- Rhinolalia --- Verbal Fluency Disorders --- Aprosodia --- Aprosodias --- Clutterings --- Dysglossias --- Dyslalias --- Rhinolalias --- Speech, Aprosodic --- Verbal Fluency Disorder --- Language Disorders --- Velopharyngeal Insufficiency --- Verbal Behavior --- Alogia --- Anepia --- Aphasia, Ageusic --- Aphasia, Auditory Discriminatory --- Aphasia, Commisural --- Aphasia, Functional --- Aphasia, Global --- Aphasia, Graphomotor --- Aphasia, Intellectual --- Aphasia, Mixed --- Aphasia, Post-Ictal --- Aphasia, Post-Traumatic --- Aphasia, Progressive --- Aphasia, Semantic --- Aphasia, Syntactical --- Dejerine-Lichtheim Phenomenon --- Dysphasia, Global --- Lichtheim's Sign --- Logagnosia --- Logamnesia --- Logasthenia --- Aphasia, Acquired --- Dysphasia --- Acquired Aphasia --- Ageusic Aphasia --- Ageusic Aphasias --- Alogias --- Anepias --- Aphasia, Post Ictal --- Aphasia, Post Traumatic --- Aphasias, Ageusic --- Aphasias, Auditory Discriminatory --- Aphasias, Commisural --- Aphasias, Functional --- Aphasias, Global --- Aphasias, Graphomotor --- Aphasias, Intellectual --- Aphasias, Mixed --- Aphasias, Post-Ictal --- Aphasias, Post-Traumatic --- Aphasias, Progressive --- Aphasias, Semantic --- Aphasias, Syntactical --- Auditory Discriminatory Aphasia --- Auditory Discriminatory Aphasias --- Commisural Aphasia --- Commisural Aphasias --- Dejerine Lichtheim Phenomenon --- Discriminatory Aphasia, Auditory --- Discriminatory Aphasias, Auditory --- Dysphasias, Global --- Functional Aphasia --- Functional Aphasias --- Global Aphasia --- Global Aphasias --- Global Dysphasia --- Global Dysphasias --- Graphomotor Aphasia --- Graphomotor Aphasias --- Intellectual Aphasia --- Intellectual Aphasias --- Lichtheim Sign --- Lichtheims Sign --- Logagnosias --- Logamnesias --- Logasthenias --- Mixed Aphasia --- Mixed Aphasias --- Phenomenon, Dejerine-Lichtheim --- Post-Ictal Aphasia --- Post-Ictal Aphasias --- Post-Traumatic Aphasia --- Post-Traumatic Aphasias --- Progressive Aphasia --- Progressive Aphasias --- Semantic Aphasia --- Semantic Aphasias --- Sign, Lichtheim's --- Syntactical Aphasia --- Syntactical Aphasias --- Dominance, Cerebral --- Landau-Kleffner Syndrome --- spraakstoornissen --- Neuropathology --- Physiology of nerves and sense organs --- logopedie --- Psycholinguistics --- apraxie --- schrijfstoornissen --- afasie --- taalstoornissen --- Word Deafness --- Deafness, Word

ISBN: 9789044129243 Year: 2012 Publisher: Antwerpen Garant

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Ontwikkelingsdysfasie (OD) is een complexe en hardnekkige stoornis in de verwerving van de mondelinge taal, zonder dat er direct aanwijsbare redenen voor zijn. Vaak voorkomende synoniemen zijn: specifieke taalontwikkelingsstoornis, Specific Language Impairment en ernstige spraak- en/of taalmoeilijkheden. Omdat de taalontwikkeling nauw samenhangt met andere ontwikkelingsdomeinen, hebben kinderen met OD meer kans op schoolse moeilijkheden en sociaal-emotionele problemen.Verder is OD zo complex wegens de ingewikkelde wisselwerking tussen aangeboren taalvermogen en taalaanbod. Een correcte diagnose stellen, is niet eenvoudig en vraagt tijd. Bij de behandeling van OD speelt de hele omgeving een rol. Dit boek richt zich zowel tot logopedisten en andere therapeuten, als tot ouders, artsen, leerkrachten, schooldirecties en leerlingbegeleiders.


Psycholinguistics --- taalverwerving --- ontwikkelingsstoornissen --- Orthopedagogics --- orthopedagogiek --- afasie --- taalstoornissen --- Academic collection --- #KVHB:Dysfasie --- #KVHB:Taalstoornissen; kinderen --- #KVHB:Taalontwikkeling --- Dysfasie --- Ontwikkeling van kinderen --- 463.4 --- taalontwikkeling --- Ontwikkelingsstoornissen ; kinderen --- Spraakstoornissen ; kinderen --- Taalstoornissen ; kinderen --- taalontwikkelingsstoornissen --- dysfasie --- ontwikkelingsdysfasie --- Spraak- en taalgebrekkigen --- Aphasia --- Language Disorders --- Acquired Language Disorders --- Language Disorders, Acquired --- Acquired Language Disorder --- Language Disorder --- Language Disorder, Acquired --- Speech Disorders --- Verbal Behavior --- Verbal Learning --- Alogia --- Anepia --- Aphasia, Ageusic --- Aphasia, Auditory Discriminatory --- Aphasia, Commisural --- Aphasia, Functional --- Aphasia, Global --- Aphasia, Graphomotor --- Aphasia, Intellectual --- Aphasia, Mixed --- Aphasia, Post-Ictal --- Aphasia, Post-Traumatic --- Aphasia, Progressive --- Aphasia, Semantic --- Aphasia, Syntactical --- Dejerine-Lichtheim Phenomenon --- Dysphasia, Global --- Lichtheim's Sign --- Logagnosia --- Logamnesia --- Logasthenia --- Aphasia, Acquired --- Dysphasia --- Acquired Aphasia --- Ageusic Aphasia --- Ageusic Aphasias --- Alogias --- Anepias --- Aphasia, Post Ictal --- Aphasia, Post Traumatic --- Aphasias, Ageusic --- Aphasias, Auditory Discriminatory --- Aphasias, Commisural --- Aphasias, Functional --- Aphasias, Global --- Aphasias, Graphomotor --- Aphasias, Intellectual --- Aphasias, Mixed --- Aphasias, Post-Ictal --- Aphasias, Post-Traumatic --- Aphasias, Progressive --- Aphasias, Semantic --- Aphasias, Syntactical --- Auditory Discriminatory Aphasia --- Auditory Discriminatory Aphasias --- Commisural Aphasia --- Commisural Aphasias --- Dejerine Lichtheim Phenomenon --- Discriminatory Aphasia, Auditory --- Discriminatory Aphasias, Auditory --- Dysphasias, Global --- Functional Aphasia --- Functional Aphasias --- Global Aphasia --- Global Aphasias --- Global Dysphasia --- Global Dysphasias --- Graphomotor Aphasia --- Graphomotor Aphasias --- Intellectual Aphasia --- Intellectual Aphasias --- Lichtheim Sign --- Lichtheims Sign --- Logagnosias --- Logamnesias --- Logasthenias --- Mixed Aphasia --- Mixed Aphasias --- Phenomenon, Dejerine-Lichtheim --- Post-Ictal Aphasia --- Post-Ictal Aphasias --- Post-Traumatic Aphasia --- Post-Traumatic Aphasias --- Progressive Aphasia --- Progressive Aphasias --- Semantic Aphasia --- Semantic Aphasias --- Sign, Lichtheim's --- Syntactical Aphasia --- Syntactical Aphasias --- Dominance, Cerebral --- Landau-Kleffner Syndrome --- Ontwikkelingsproblemen --- Kinderen --- Spraakstoornissen --- Taalproblemen --- Diagnostiek --- Therapie --- Zorgverbreding --- Leerlingbegeleiding --- Dysfagie --- Word Deafness --- Deafness, Word --- Ontwikkelingsprobleem --- Kind --- Spraakstoornis --- Taalprobleem --- Diagnose --- Jeugd --- Media --- Ontwikkelingsstoornis --- Fysiotherapie --- Primary education --- Secondary education

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