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The text of this book is framed by several major phenomena and economic processes. The main framework is represented by the nonprofit organizations economy. This field has been narrowed down to the nonprofit revenues, and to the ways these revenues are obtained. Moreover, we focused on the question how the Czech nonprofit organizations respond to the real or potential failure of particular resource stream. Our investigation covers the turbulent times of financial and economic crisis (2008-2013), as we searched for deeper understanding of the ways nonprofit organizations cope with the loss of income and change their structure when such loss occurred.
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The roles and functions of non-profit organizations have been transforming in the last few decades; massive change is occurring in the non-profit sector and its organizations. Their position have progressively shifted, their traditional philanthropic and associational roles are being supplemented by other functions, missions and goals. Non-profit organizations are increasingly becoming competitors and collaborators with private firms and government agencies; they also represent important economic forces. The role of non-profit institutions in the modern world is certainly considerable and worthy of study. This book is focused on those above mentioned issues: non-profit organizations behaviour and the way particular theories and definitions reflect the non-profit phenomenon. The basic and favoured theories are being examined and confronted with real manners of the non-profit subjects. The attention is being paid especially to the basic concepts of the non-profit economics. The analysis of the particular theories and concepts serves as a base for the recommendations for the public policies towards the non-profit sector.
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Nonprofit organizations --- Nonprofit organizations --- Expenditures, Public --- Financing.
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Multidisciplinary organizations --- anno 1950-1959 --- Belgium
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Kniha představuje unikátní síť německých společenskovědních a humanitních ústavů v zahraničí, jak se utvářela a vyvíjela od osmdesátých let 19. století do poslední zásadní reformy v roce 2009. Předmětem zájmu je patnáct pracovišť působících v Evropě, USA nebo Asii, která provádějí výzkum především v oboru historie, ale i dějin umění, archeologie, ekonomie či orientalistiky. Analýza se soustředí jak na vývoj, publikační produkci a vůdčí osobnosti jednotlivých ústavů, tak na jejich kooperaci s vědci a institucemi hostitelských zemí. Badatelská pracoviště jsou zároveň sledována z perspektivy německé zahraniční kulturní politiky, v níž hrají sice nenápadnou, ale trvale velmi významnou roli.
Historiography --- Associations, institutions, etc. --- Humanities --- Social sciences --- Behavioral sciences --- Human sciences --- Sciences, Social --- Social science --- Social studies --- Civilization --- Learning and scholarship --- Classical education --- Institutions, associations, etc. --- Networks (Associations, institutions, etc.) --- Organizations --- Voluntary associations --- Voluntary organizations --- Social groups --- Voluntarism
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Monografie zachycuje, jak se v 90. letech vyvíjely vztahy mezi politickou a mediální sférou v Česku, jak politická sféra ovlivnila transformaci ČTK. První tři kapitoly se týkají procesu tvorby institucionální legislativy (zákony č. 123/1965 Sb., č. 310/1991 Sb. a č. 517/1992 Sb.), další dvě pak aplikace právních norem: na příkladu volby první Rady ČTK (1993) a pokusu vlády vrátit do zákona povinnost zveřejňovat oficiální prohlášení v plném znění, a redefinovat tak úlohy agentury (1995). Poslední část rekapituluje postoje ke změně statutu, respektive k případné privatizaci agentury a časově se váže k druhé Radě ČTK (1998), byť téma prolíná celými 90. léty. Zákonodárci totiž v roce 1992 předpokládali, že statut ČTK jako média veřejné služby bude dočasný, na rozdíl od zákonů o České televizi a Českém rozhlasu.
News agencies --- Mass media --- Mass communication --- Media, Mass --- Media, The --- Communication --- News-gathering organizations --- News services --- News wire services --- Wire services --- Newspapers --- Press --- History --- Political aspects
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A decade ago, with the breakup of the Soviet Union and the start of market-oriented reforms in many former socialist economies of Central and Eastern Europe, the prospect of privatizing inefficient state-owned companies figured prominently in both popular and academic writings. As the headline event symbolizing change from central planning to capitalism, privatization seemet to promise an end to the inefficiencies of central planning- the key to freeing the resources and talents of this huge area and lifting its living standards to those of the industrial countries. What broad lessons were learned from the experience of the past ten years? Along with their successes, prominent failures have also marked this recent history, especially in Russia and in other countries of the former Soviet Union. The overall task ahead thus remains vast if the original vision of greater freedom and higher living standards is to be realized.
Finance: General --- International Economics --- Portfolio Choice --- Investment Decisions --- International Agreements and Observance --- International Organizations --- Finance --- International institutions --- Asset and liability management --- International organization --- Liquidity --- Economics --- International agencies
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