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Actuellement, les logopèdes et les professionnels du système stomatognathique ne savent pas sur quoi se baser lorsqu’il est question de décider comment un enfant d’âge préscolaire respire préférentiellement. Une revue non exhaustive de la littérature nous a permis de constater un manque actuel de conditions, contextes et critères fonctionnels d’observation empiriquement validés pour le choix du pattern habituel/préférentiel de respiration d’un enfant d’âge préscolaire. En outre, bien que plusieurs méthodes et outils existent déjà, aucun ne permet l’évaluation fonctionnelle du pattern habituel/préférentiel de respiration d’un enfant d’âge préscolaire. Cette étude a dès lors cherché à mettre au point des recommandations cliniques valides pour des logopèdes et elle a œuvré à mettre au point un premier prototype d’un outil clinique d’observation qui guidera les cliniciens dans leur prise de décision. Nous avons, pour ce faire, opté pour un processus de Delphi international en trois phases auquel entre 9 et 15 logopèdes experts des troubles myofonctionnels orofaciaux ont participé. Les deux premières phases du processus cherchaient à comprendre comment classer la respiration et cherchaient à valider les contextes, conditions, critères et signes fonctionnels issus de la littérature ou suggérés par les experts eux-mêmes. La validité de contenu des items a été évaluée au moyen de la technique du CVR de Lawshe et la validité globale des items validés, retenus pour l’outil a été évaluée au moyen d’un S-CVI Average. La troisième et dernière phase de l’étude déterminait comment les patterns de respiration, les contextes, critères et signes fonctionnels devaient être agencés et mis en pratique dans l’outil clinique. Au terme du processus de Delphi, nous avons déterminé que le pattern habituel de respiration se décline selon trois modes (respiration nasale, buccale et mixte). Nous avons validé et retenu 3 contextes, 4 conditions d’observation, 6 critères et 21 signes fonctionnels. Nous avons pu déterminer l’ordre d’importance des 6 critères pour l’observation du pattern habituel de respiration de l’enfant d’âge préscolaire et nous avons pu associer de façon qualitative les signes fonctionnels aux 3 patterns de respiration déterminés. Enfin, nous avons pu rassembler toutes ces informations en une grille d’observation que nous proposons actuellement sous l’état de deux prototypes. Nous abordons également le chemin que la grille d’observation peut encore parcourir pour éventuellement devenir valide et exploitable par des logopèdes dans leur pratique clinique. Speech therapists and stomatognathic professionals currently do not know what to base their decisions on when choosing how a preschooler breathes preferentially. From a non-exhaustive review of the literature we found a current lack of empirically validated conditions, contexts, and functional observational criteria for deciding the habitual/preferential pattern of breathing of a preschooler. Although several methods and tools already exist, none of them allows the functional assessment of the usual/preferential breathing pattern of a preschooler. This study, therefore aimed to develop valid clinical recommendations for speech-language pathologists and aimed to develop an initial prototype of an observational clinical tool to guide clinicians in their decision-making. We opted for a three-rounded international Delphi process in which between 9 and 15 experts in orofacial myofunctional therapy participated. The first two rounds of the process aimed to understand how to classify the breathing patterns and aimed to validate the contexts, conditions, functional criteria and signs from the literature or suggested by the experts themselves. The content validity of the items was assessed using Lawshe's CVR technique and the overall validity of the validated items selected for the tool was assessed using the S-CVI Average method. The third and final round of the study determined how the breathing patterns, the contexts, functional criteria and signs should be arranged and implemented in the clinical tool. At the end of the Delphi process, we determined that the usual breathing pattern is split into three categories (nasal, buccal and oronasal breathing). We validated and retained 3 contexts, 4 observation conditions, 6 criteria and 21 functional signs. We were able to determine the order of importance of the 6 criteria and we were able to associate in a qualitative way the functional signs to the 3 determined breathing patterns. Finally, we were able to gather all this information into an observation grid that is currently proposed in two prototypes. We also discuss the path that the observation grid can still take to eventually become a valid and usable tool for speech therapists in their clinical practice.
Mouth Breathing --- Nasal Breathing --- Delphi Study --- Content Validity --- Criteria --- Preschooler --- Myofunctional Therapy --- CVR --- Delphi Process --- Scale Development --- Validation Study --- Preschool Child --- Stomatognathic System --- Speech Language and Hearing Sciences --- CVI --- Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders --- Processus de Delphi --- Critères --- Enfant d'âge préscolaire --- Logopédie --- Orthophonie --- CVR --- Création d'outils --- Respiration Buccale --- Respiration Nasale --- Validité --- Validité de Contenu --- Thérapie Myofonctionnelle Orofaciale --- Troubles Myofonctionnels Orofaciaux --- Système Stomatognathique --- CVI --- Sciences de la santé humaine > Multidisciplinaire, généralités & autres --- Sciences de la santé humaine > Dentisterie & médecine buccale
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International trade is highly affected by mycotoxin contaminations, which result in an annual 5% to 10% loss of global crop production. In the last decade, the mycotoxin scenario has been complicated by the progressive understanding—alongside emerging mycotoxins—of the parallel presence of modified (masked and conjugated) forms, in addition to the previously free known ones. The present Toxins Special Issue presents original research papers and reviews that deal with the fates of all these forms of mycotoxins with respect to aspects that cover traditional and industrial food processing, yearly grain campaign peculiar conditions and management, novel analytical solutions, consumer exposure, and biomarker-assessment directions. It gives a taste of an exciting scientific field that has several implications for our daily life because (i) it covers our diet practically and from every point of view, (ii) it intersects with our culinary uses and customs, but also industrial production processes, and (iii) it involves a careful evaluation of costs and benefits and a constant and continuous improvement of mycotoxin mitigation strategies.
mycotoxin --- milling --- bran --- semolina --- cooking --- dietary exposure --- aflatoxins --- alkaline --- hydrolyzed fumonisins --- fumonisins --- food processing --- maize --- masa --- matrix-associated mycotoxins --- modified mycotoxins --- tortillas --- mycotoxins --- trichothecenes --- thermal degradation --- decontamination --- mass spectrometry --- detoxification --- design of experiment --- LC-MS/MS --- Ochratoxin A --- 2′R-ochratoxin A --- 14(R)-ochratoxin A --- coffee --- degradation --- processing --- roasting --- masked mycotoxins --- emerging mycotoxins --- Fusarium --- Serbia --- fluorescence polarization immunoassay --- T-2 toxin --- HT-2 toxin --- T-2 glucoside --- HT-2 glucoside --- wheat --- validation study --- screening method --- deoxynivalenol --- children --- adolescents --- pregnant women --- vegetarians --- biomonitoring --- acrylamide --- multiple mitigation strategies --- design of experiments --- bakery food processing --- biscuits --- Fusarium toxins --- beer --- malt --- risk assessment --- deoxynivalenol-3-glucoside --- conversion --- Chinese steamed bread --- n/a --- 2'R-ochratoxin A
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International trade is highly affected by mycotoxin contaminations, which result in an annual 5% to 10% loss of global crop production. In the last decade, the mycotoxin scenario has been complicated by the progressive understanding—alongside emerging mycotoxins—of the parallel presence of modified (masked and conjugated) forms, in addition to the previously free known ones. The present Toxins Special Issue presents original research papers and reviews that deal with the fates of all these forms of mycotoxins with respect to aspects that cover traditional and industrial food processing, yearly grain campaign peculiar conditions and management, novel analytical solutions, consumer exposure, and biomarker-assessment directions. It gives a taste of an exciting scientific field that has several implications for our daily life because (i) it covers our diet practically and from every point of view, (ii) it intersects with our culinary uses and customs, but also industrial production processes, and (iii) it involves a careful evaluation of costs and benefits and a constant and continuous improvement of mycotoxin mitigation strategies.
Research & information: general --- mycotoxin --- milling --- bran --- semolina --- cooking --- dietary exposure --- aflatoxins --- alkaline --- hydrolyzed fumonisins --- fumonisins --- food processing --- maize --- masa --- matrix-associated mycotoxins --- modified mycotoxins --- tortillas --- mycotoxins --- trichothecenes --- thermal degradation --- decontamination --- mass spectrometry --- detoxification --- design of experiment --- LC-MS/MS --- Ochratoxin A --- 2'R-ochratoxin A --- 14(R)-ochratoxin A --- coffee --- degradation --- processing --- roasting --- masked mycotoxins --- emerging mycotoxins --- Fusarium --- Serbia --- fluorescence polarization immunoassay --- T-2 toxin --- HT-2 toxin --- T-2 glucoside --- HT-2 glucoside --- wheat --- validation study --- screening method --- deoxynivalenol --- children --- adolescents --- pregnant women --- vegetarians --- biomonitoring --- acrylamide --- multiple mitigation strategies --- design of experiments --- bakery food processing --- biscuits --- Fusarium toxins --- beer --- malt --- risk assessment --- deoxynivalenol-3-glucoside --- conversion --- Chinese steamed bread
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International trade is highly affected by mycotoxin contaminations, which result in an annual 5% to 10% loss of global crop production. In the last decade, the mycotoxin scenario has been complicated by the progressive understanding—alongside emerging mycotoxins—of the parallel presence of modified (masked and conjugated) forms, in addition to the previously free known ones. The present Toxins Special Issue presents original research papers and reviews that deal with the fates of all these forms of mycotoxins with respect to aspects that cover traditional and industrial food processing, yearly grain campaign peculiar conditions and management, novel analytical solutions, consumer exposure, and biomarker-assessment directions. It gives a taste of an exciting scientific field that has several implications for our daily life because (i) it covers our diet practically and from every point of view, (ii) it intersects with our culinary uses and customs, but also industrial production processes, and (iii) it involves a careful evaluation of costs and benefits and a constant and continuous improvement of mycotoxin mitigation strategies.
Research & information: general --- mycotoxin --- milling --- bran --- semolina --- cooking --- dietary exposure --- aflatoxins --- alkaline --- hydrolyzed fumonisins --- fumonisins --- food processing --- maize --- masa --- matrix-associated mycotoxins --- modified mycotoxins --- tortillas --- mycotoxins --- trichothecenes --- thermal degradation --- decontamination --- mass spectrometry --- detoxification --- design of experiment --- LC-MS/MS --- Ochratoxin A --- 2′R-ochratoxin A --- 14(R)-ochratoxin A --- coffee --- degradation --- processing --- roasting --- masked mycotoxins --- emerging mycotoxins --- Fusarium --- Serbia --- fluorescence polarization immunoassay --- T-2 toxin --- HT-2 toxin --- T-2 glucoside --- HT-2 glucoside --- wheat --- validation study --- screening method --- deoxynivalenol --- children --- adolescents --- pregnant women --- vegetarians --- biomonitoring --- acrylamide --- multiple mitigation strategies --- design of experiments --- bakery food processing --- biscuits --- Fusarium toxins --- beer --- malt --- risk assessment --- deoxynivalenol-3-glucoside --- conversion --- Chinese steamed bread --- n/a --- 2'R-ochratoxin A
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Chronic diseases account for a considerable part of the strain on health care systems and are burdensome for each affected individual and their families. In recent years, the concept of health literacy has been substantially elaborated on, particularly regarding the development and implementation of interventions at different levels, efforts to improve its measurement, and the role of communities and organizations. While a range of advancements are uncontested, specific challenges still revolve around, for example, a thorough application of modern practices of health literacy that focus on societal support of health literacy strengths and response to health literacy challenges; developing, testing, and evaluating strategies for organizational health literacy responsiveness; and improving the co-design, local ownership, and integration of health literacy actions and interventions in communities experiencing vulnerability and disadvantage. This Special Issue showcases research addressing these and further aspects about developing health literacy - particularly among people with chronic diseases - by which we mean advancements in health practices, organizations, and policies that create enabling environments in which people have the necessary knowledge and feel confident accessing, understanding, and using health information and services.
Public health & preventive medicine --- health literacy --- fishermen --- co-design --- Borollos lake --- health literacy questionnaire (HLQ) --- health inequality --- Ophelia (optimising health literacy and access) process --- eHealth literacy --- chronic pain --- self-efficacy --- psychological function --- health literacy-sensitive communication --- patient–professional relationship --- HL-COM --- information needs --- patient survey --- health information sources --- focus groups --- people with chronic illness --- HLS-GER 2 --- Germany --- cardiac rehabilitation --- heart attack --- empowerment --- health literacy development --- health literacy measurement --- non-native English users --- Nepal --- Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing --- university students --- validation study --- HCP --- rehabilitants --- agreement --- HLQ --- intraclass correlation (ICC) --- physicians --- physiotherapists --- social workers --- nurses --- orthopedic --- allergy prevention --- health professionals --- qualitative methods --- midwives --- inequality --- intervention development --- health literacy responsiveness --- organizational health literacy --- pregnancy --- health promotion --- decision making --- values --- implant care --- ethical aspects --- health-literacy development --- cochlear implants --- glaucoma implants --- cardiovascular implants --- n/a --- patient-professional relationship
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It is widely believed that a large proportion of greenhouse gas emissions originated anthropogenically from the use of fossil fuels with additional contributions coming from manufactured materials, deforestation, soil erosion, and agriculture (including livestock). The global society actively supports measures to create a flexible and low-carbon energy economy to attenuate climate change and its devastating environmental consequences. In this Special Issue, the recent advancements in the next-generation thermochemical conversion processes for solid fuels and renewable energies (e.g., the operational flexibility of co-combustion of biomass and lignite, integrated solar combined cycle power plants, and advanced gasification systems such as the sorption-enhanced gasification and the chemical looping gasification) were shown.
hydrochar --- hydrothermal carbonization --- biogas upgrading --- CO2 capture --- pressure swing adsorption --- gasification --- kinetic model --- conversion model --- reaction model --- low-rank coal --- tar absorption --- process simulation --- validation study --- sensitivity analyses --- lignite --- lignite gasification --- fluidized-bed gasifier --- olivine --- solar cooling --- solar cooling system --- TRNSYS --- absorption chiller --- performance and analysis --- solar energy --- chemical looping --- biomass gasification --- process control --- CO2 absorption --- experimental study --- energy analysis --- exergy analysis --- CSP --- PTC --- ISCC --- power plant --- CFB combustion --- operational flexibility --- load transients --- fluctuating electricity generation --- renewables --- one-dimensional SEG model --- dual fluidized bed --- sorbent deactivation --- hydrodynamics --- kinetics --- fuel feeding rate --- biomass --- thermochemical conversion technologies --- combustion --- carbon capture and storage/utilization --- solar-driven air-conditioning --- integrated solar combined cycle --- energy and exergy analyses --- thermodynamic modeling --- dynamic process simulation
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Chronic diseases account for a considerable part of the strain on health care systems and are burdensome for each affected individual and their families. In recent years, the concept of health literacy has been substantially elaborated on, particularly regarding the development and implementation of interventions at different levels, efforts to improve its measurement, and the role of communities and organizations. While a range of advancements are uncontested, specific challenges still revolve around, for example, a thorough application of modern practices of health literacy that focus on societal support of health literacy strengths and response to health literacy challenges; developing, testing, and evaluating strategies for organizational health literacy responsiveness; and improving the co-design, local ownership, and integration of health literacy actions and interventions in communities experiencing vulnerability and disadvantage. This Special Issue showcases research addressing these and further aspects about developing health literacy - particularly among people with chronic diseases - by which we mean advancements in health practices, organizations, and policies that create enabling environments in which people have the necessary knowledge and feel confident accessing, understanding, and using health information and services.
health literacy --- fishermen --- co-design --- Borollos lake --- health literacy questionnaire (HLQ) --- health inequality --- Ophelia (optimising health literacy and access) process --- eHealth literacy --- chronic pain --- self-efficacy --- psychological function --- health literacy-sensitive communication --- patient–professional relationship --- HL-COM --- information needs --- patient survey --- health information sources --- focus groups --- people with chronic illness --- HLS-GER 2 --- Germany --- cardiac rehabilitation --- heart attack --- empowerment --- health literacy development --- health literacy measurement --- non-native English users --- Nepal --- Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing --- university students --- validation study --- HCP --- rehabilitants --- agreement --- HLQ --- intraclass correlation (ICC) --- physicians --- physiotherapists --- social workers --- nurses --- orthopedic --- allergy prevention --- health professionals --- qualitative methods --- midwives --- inequality --- intervention development --- health literacy responsiveness --- organizational health literacy --- pregnancy --- health promotion --- decision making --- values --- implant care --- ethical aspects --- health-literacy development --- cochlear implants --- glaucoma implants --- cardiovascular implants --- n/a --- patient-professional relationship
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Chronic diseases account for a considerable part of the strain on health care systems and are burdensome for each affected individual and their families. In recent years, the concept of health literacy has been substantially elaborated on, particularly regarding the development and implementation of interventions at different levels, efforts to improve its measurement, and the role of communities and organizations. While a range of advancements are uncontested, specific challenges still revolve around, for example, a thorough application of modern practices of health literacy that focus on societal support of health literacy strengths and response to health literacy challenges; developing, testing, and evaluating strategies for organizational health literacy responsiveness; and improving the co-design, local ownership, and integration of health literacy actions and interventions in communities experiencing vulnerability and disadvantage. This Special Issue showcases research addressing these and further aspects about developing health literacy - particularly among people with chronic diseases - by which we mean advancements in health practices, organizations, and policies that create enabling environments in which people have the necessary knowledge and feel confident accessing, understanding, and using health information and services.
Public health & preventive medicine --- health literacy --- fishermen --- co-design --- Borollos lake --- health literacy questionnaire (HLQ) --- health inequality --- Ophelia (optimising health literacy and access) process --- eHealth literacy --- chronic pain --- self-efficacy --- psychological function --- health literacy-sensitive communication --- patient-professional relationship --- HL-COM --- information needs --- patient survey --- health information sources --- focus groups --- people with chronic illness --- HLS-GER 2 --- Germany --- cardiac rehabilitation --- heart attack --- empowerment --- health literacy development --- health literacy measurement --- non-native English users --- Nepal --- Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing --- university students --- validation study --- HCP --- rehabilitants --- agreement --- HLQ --- intraclass correlation (ICC) --- physicians --- physiotherapists --- social workers --- nurses --- orthopedic --- allergy prevention --- health professionals --- qualitative methods --- midwives --- inequality --- intervention development --- health literacy responsiveness --- organizational health literacy --- pregnancy --- health promotion --- decision making --- values --- implant care --- ethical aspects --- health-literacy development --- cochlear implants --- glaucoma implants --- cardiovascular implants
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It is widely believed that a large proportion of greenhouse gas emissions originated anthropogenically from the use of fossil fuels with additional contributions coming from manufactured materials, deforestation, soil erosion, and agriculture (including livestock). The global society actively supports measures to create a flexible and low-carbon energy economy to attenuate climate change and its devastating environmental consequences. In this Special Issue, the recent advancements in the next-generation thermochemical conversion processes for solid fuels and renewable energies (e.g., the operational flexibility of co-combustion of biomass and lignite, integrated solar combined cycle power plants, and advanced gasification systems such as the sorption-enhanced gasification and the chemical looping gasification) were shown.
Research & information: general --- Technology: general issues --- hydrochar --- hydrothermal carbonization --- biogas upgrading --- CO2 capture --- pressure swing adsorption --- gasification --- kinetic model --- conversion model --- reaction model --- low-rank coal --- tar absorption --- process simulation --- validation study --- sensitivity analyses --- lignite --- lignite gasification --- fluidized-bed gasifier --- olivine --- solar cooling --- solar cooling system --- TRNSYS --- absorption chiller --- performance and analysis --- solar energy --- chemical looping --- biomass gasification --- process control --- CO2 absorption --- experimental study --- energy analysis --- exergy analysis --- CSP --- PTC --- ISCC --- power plant --- CFB combustion --- operational flexibility --- load transients --- fluctuating electricity generation --- renewables --- one-dimensional SEG model --- dual fluidized bed --- sorbent deactivation --- hydrodynamics --- kinetics --- fuel feeding rate --- biomass --- thermochemical conversion technologies --- combustion --- carbon capture and storage/utilization --- solar-driven air-conditioning --- integrated solar combined cycle --- energy and exergy analyses --- thermodynamic modeling --- dynamic process simulation
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In recent years, diet- and lifestyle-related disorders have become a major health threat in Europe and worldwide. The contributions in this monograph include 2 review articles and 19 original contributions from several countries that provide new information on the existing research elucidating important aspects of children’s and adolescents’ nutrition and lifestyle behavior. The data included in this Special Issue are from large epidemiological studies, including several multicenter and multinational studies, as well as datasets from surveillance initiatives. The topics of interest of this Special Issue include the co-occurrence of multiple health behaviors in children, the role of parenting and early feeding practices, dairy consumption in childhood, validity of dietary intake data, dietary supplement use in children, as well as socioeconomic disparities and eating culture. The diverse articles in this Special Issue highlight the complexity and extent to which nutrition and physical activity behaviors may influence different health aspects of children and adolescents. As seen by the various findings and recommendations, not only is more work in this area required but the translation of this work to practice and policy is imperative if we are to address the challenges impacting the nutrition, physical activity, and health of young populations.
parent --- DAGIS Study --- noncommunicable diseases --- PANDiet index --- preschool children --- dietary assessment methods --- consumption behavior --- mothers --- children --- cholesterol --- prevention --- validation --- knowledge --- blood pressure --- determinants --- adolescents --- waist circumference --- home food environment --- eating behavior and Ile251Leu --- Emotion-Induced Eating Scale --- CEBQ --- vitamin --- early childhood --- family meals --- preschool --- breakfast --- whole diet --- migration status --- healthy diet adherence --- Healthy Eating Index --- exercise --- food and beverage consumption --- children’s-dietary inflammatory index --- food diary --- primary school --- consumption behaviors --- inflammation --- weight status --- dietary supplements --- I.Family --- dietary quality --- cluster analysis --- BMI --- reduced rank regression --- preferences --- KiGGS --- IDEFICS study --- food frequency questionnaire --- health --- Melanesian --- cardiovascular --- psychometric --- Pacific --- collaboration --- sugar-sweetened beverage --- health behaviour --- breastfeeding --- choice --- self-weight perception --- dairy --- dietary screener --- Physical activity --- growing up milk --- pediatric --- body composition --- mineral --- obesity prevention --- eating behaviour --- psychological eating style --- obesity --- food choice --- direct observation --- socioeconomic disparities --- validation study --- dietary behavior --- nutrient intake quality --- food parenting practices --- nutrition --- preschoolers --- epidemiological transition --- EsKiMo --- young populations --- intervention --- dietary habits --- child --- sweet preference --- epidemiology --- dietary intake --- nutrition risk --- formula milk --- diet --- surveillance --- energy balance-related behaviors --- sedentary behavior --- overweight --- public health --- taste preference --- calcium --- negative emotions --- vegetable intake --- MyHeARTs --- physical activity --- nutritional adequacy --- dietary pattern --- cross-classification --- diet quality --- screen time --- childhood obesity --- principal component analysis --- food intake
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