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population --- development --- demography --- health --- state and society --- vulnerability
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This collection examines political communication in early modern Britain. Leading historians of the period scrutinise relations between centre and locality and how the state interacted with its citizens. They place communication at the heart of both political and social history to provide an impetus for further scholarship.
Communication in politics --- Communication --- History --- Political aspects --- Great Britain --- Politics and government --- centre and locality. --- early modern Britain. --- local agency. --- manuscript circulation. --- multiple publics. --- news. --- parliament. --- political communication. --- print culture. --- state and society. --- Political culture
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Islamisten --- Islamistes --- Terrorisme --- Terrorism. --- Qaida (Organization) --- Terrorism --- Radicalism --- Social conflict --- 343.33 --- Internationaal terrorisme --- 343.33 Internationaal terrorisme --- Defence policy --- Defensiepolitiek --- Diplomacy, international political relations --- Diplomatie, internationale politieke relaties --- Diplomatie, relations politiques internationales --- Essais --- Essays --- Etat et societe. Forme etatique. Systeme politique --- Geopolitics --- Geopolitiek --- Geopolitique --- Politicologie. Politologie. Politieke wetenschap --- Politics. Political science --- Politique de défense --- Politologie. Science politique --- Staat en maatschappij. Staatsvorm. Politiek systeem --- State and society. State form. Political system --- Terreur; terrorisme
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Human rights --- Droits de l'homme (Droit international) --- Religious aspects. --- Aspect religieux --- 342.72/.73 --- Mensenrechten. Amnesty International. Euthanasie --- 342.72/.73 Mensenrechten. Amnesty International. Euthanasie --- Religious aspects --- Judaism --- human rights --- enlightenment --- the Talmud --- Israel --- the Bible --- North America --- Christianity --- theological foundations --- religious liberty --- United Nations --- Islam --- teachings and principles --- colonialism --- minorities --- Hinduism --- Dharma --- ancient and contemporary India --- secularism --- Buddhism --- state and society --- slavery --- castes --- women's status
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Cet ouvrage s'ouvre sur les espoirs que la politique de Gorbachev asuscités, en 1985-1987, pour le renouvellement du mouvement communiste. Ilpropose une réévaluation du Printemps de Prague. Il décrit alors "lerétablissement intégral du capitalisme", à commencer par la Pologne et laHongrie. Les événements politiques survenus en Roumanie fin 1989 - début1990 permettent d'approfondir l'analyse des mécanismes de la lutte desclasses sous le socialisme. L'ouvrage aborde également les divers aspects del'eff
History of Eastern Europe --- anno 1900-1999 --- Communisme --- Fédération de Russie --- Politiek --- Politique --- Russische Federatie --- Socialisme --- Europe, Eastern --- Soviet Union --- Europe de l'Est --- URSS --- Politics and government --- Politique et gouvernement --- Europe [Eastern ] --- 1945 --- -Socialism --- History --- -Communism --- Binnenlandse Politiek --- Centraal- & Oost-Europa --- Central & Eastern Europe --- Czechoslovakia --- Etat et societe. Forme etatique. Systeme politique --- Europe Centrale & Orientale --- Hongarije --- Hongrie --- Hungary --- Idéologie --- Ideologie --- Ideology --- Internal Politics --- Poland --- Polen --- Politique intérieure --- Pologne --- Roemenië --- Romania --- Roumanie --- Soviet Union (USSR) --- Sowjet-Unie (USSR) --- Staat en maatschappij. Staatsvorm. Politiek systeem --- State and society. State form. Political system --- Tchecoslovaquie --- Tsjechoslowakije --- Union Soviétique (URSS) --- Europe, Eastern - Politics and government - 1945 --- -Soviet Union - Politics and government - 1985-1991
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The example of Old Regime France provides a source for many of the ideas about capitalism, modernization, and peasant protest that concern social scientists today. Hilton Root challenges traditional assumptions and proposes a new interpretation of the relationship between state and society.
Peasants --- Land tenure --- History. --- France --- Politics and government. --- Agrarian tenure --- Feudal tenure --- Freehold --- Land ownership --- Land question --- Landownership --- Tenure of land --- Peasantry --- Land use, Rural --- Real property --- Land, Nationalization of --- Landowners --- Serfdom --- Agricultural laborers --- Rural population --- Marks (Medieval land tenure) --- Villeinage --- Land tenure. --- 17th century europe. --- capitalism. --- capitalist development. --- european agriculture. --- european bourgeois. --- european government. --- european history. --- european monarchy. --- european political economics. --- european politics books. --- european state building. --- french bureaucracy. --- french economy. --- french government. --- french history. --- french revolution. --- french war. --- modernization. --- old regime france. --- political science. --- social choice. --- social science professors. --- social scientists books. --- social scientists. --- state and society.
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"Je me suis faufilée entre les images télé, écrit ici Lieve Joris, et me retrouve dans la vie quotidienne qui se cache derrière…" Au moment où elle arrive au Congo (1997), les enfants-soldats de Laurent-Désiré Kabila prennent le contrôle de Kinshasa. Le "lion" a vaincu le "léopard" Mobutu. Dix-huit mois plus tard, Lieve Joris est encore sur place lorsque les "rebelles" tentent de renverser le nouveau régime et qu’ils finissent en torches dans la capitale livrée aux représailles populaires. Tout ce qui s’est passé entre-temps, et qu’elle consigne au long de ces pages saisissantes, ne relève pas à proprement parler de la littérature de voyage. Car il s’agit avant tout, pour Lieve Joris, de séjourner durablement dans un pays où elle se sent des racines ; de se déplacer aussi librement que possible ; de ne pas céder devant la peur, l’effervescence du contentieux tribal, les violences imprévisibles d’un système politique corrompu… Dans les vestiges du palais équatorial de l’ancien dictateur Mobutu, sur un bateau fluvial parti récupérer une cohorte de réfugiés hutu, au procès des rivaux de Kabila, ou encore dans un véhicule de l’armée qui la reconduit fermement vers Kinshasa, jamais Lieve Joris ne cesse de donner la parole aux Africains qu’elle rencontre. Alors, peu à peu, prend forme l’inimaginable réalité d’un pays désemparé et chaotique, sur lequel elle pose un regard plein de respect, d’amitié et d’intransigeance.
Dutch literature
910.4 <675>
Ontdekkingsreizen. Reizen. Expedities. Reisverhalen--
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The field of law and religion studies has undergone a profound transformation over the last thirty years, looking beyond traditional relationships between State and religious communities to include rights of religious liberty and the role of religion in the public space.This handbook features new, specially commissioned papers by a range of eminent scholars that offer a comprehensive overview of the field of law and religion. The book takes on an interdisciplinary approach, drawing from anthropology, sociology, theology and political science in order to explore how laws and court decisions concerning religion contribute to the shape of the public space. This advanced level reference work is essential reading for students, researchers and scholars of law and religion, as well as policy makers in the field.
Sociology of religion --- Human rights --- Religion and law. --- Religion and state. --- Church and state. --- Freedom of religion. --- Religious law and legislation. --- 348 --- Freedom of religion --- Freedom of worship --- Intolerance --- Liberty of religion --- Religious freedom --- Religious liberty --- Separation of church and state --- Freedom of expression --- Liberty --- Christianity and state --- State and church --- State, The --- State and religion --- Law --- Law and religion --- Kerkelijk recht. Canoniek recht --- Law and legislation --- Religious aspects --- 348 Kerkelijk recht. Canoniek recht --- 348 Ecclesiastical law. Canon law. Religious law --- Ecclesiastical law. Canon law. Religious law --- Religion and law --- Religion and state --- Church and state --- Religious law and legislation --- law and religion --- the biblical canon --- the Western legal tradition --- freedom of religion and belief --- human rights --- international law --- religious diversity --- cultural diversity --- religious freedom --- equality --- the state --- belief and non-discrimination --- conscientious objections --- freedom of conscience --- the protection of religious freedom --- state and society --- secular politico-legal regimes --- religious revival in family law --- school --- economics --- bioethics --- biolaw --- gender --- security --- limitations on religious freedom in Islam --- the Maqasid --- blasphemy --- defamation of religion --- religious hate speech --- proselytism
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De la Question royale à l'avenir de l'Europe, c'est un panorama complet de cinquante ans de vie publique belge que dresse Wilfried Martens dans ses «Mémoires pour mon pays». Méticuleux, précis, sincère, l'ancien Premier ministre ne cache rien et révèle même parfois, documents à l'appui, les tours et détours de pans entiers parfois ignorés de notre histoire politique. Évolution du mouvement flamand, attaque du pavillon français de l'Expo 58, présidence du CVP, vie et mort de ses huit gouvernements, problèmes de santé, vie familiale, réformes diverses de l'État, pacte d'Egmont, rapports avec le roi Baudouin, dévaluation, implantation des missiles, attentats CCC, drame du Heysel, législation sur l'avortement, sommets européens, relations avec le Congo et le Rwanda, ..., Wilfried Martens effectue le tour complet des événements qui ont agité un demi-siècle d'histoire nationale et dans lesquels il a souvent joué un rôle essentiel. Avec, en prime, des portraits sans guère de retouches de ses amis et de ses adversaires. Avec aussi des analyses précieuses qui serviront l'Histoire et les historiens. L'ancien Premier ministre a confié l'adaptation française de ses mémoires à Guy Daloze, ancien chef du service politique de La Libre Belgique. Il s'agit d'une synthèse du texte original paru en néerlandais, sous le titre De Memoires, aux Éditions Lannoo.
Autobiografieën --- Autobiographies --- Belgique ; politique --- België ; politiek --- Memoires --- Mémoires (souvenirs) --- Martens, Wilfried. --- Belgium --- Belgique --- History --- Politics and government --- Histoire --- Politique et gouvernement --- --Histoire --- --XXe s., --- 929 MARTENS, WILFRIED --- #SBIB:949.3H5 --- #SBIB:323H100 --- BPB0605 --- 32 --- 92 Martens, Wilfried --- histoire politique --- biographies --- belgique --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- 08 --- 92 --- Biografie. Genealogie. Heraldiek--MARTENS, WILFRIED --- Geschiedenis van België: biografieën, memoires --- Belgische politiek: algemene documentatie en bronnen --- politiek --- biografieën --- politieke geschiedenis --- biografieen --- belgie --- Biografieën en memoires. --- Geschiedenis. --- Histoire. --- History. --- 92 Geschiedenis. --- 92 Histoire. --- 92 History. --- 929 MARTENS, WILFRIED Biografie. Genealogie. Heraldiek--MARTENS, WILFRIED --- Martens, Wilfried --- Baudouin I, 1951-1993 --- 1951-1993 --- Martens, Wilfried, --- Biografieën en memoires --- Geschiedenis --- 960 --- politiciens --- Belgique politique --- levensbeschrijvingen --- biographies et mémoires --- Autobiografieen --- België --- Chef du gouvernement --- Christen-democraten. Christen-democratie --- Contemporary history (XIXth, XXth & XXIst cent.) --- Democrates chretiens. Democratie chretienne --- Etat et societe. Forme etatique. Systeme politique --- Gouvernement. Pouvoir executif --- Government. Executive power --- Head of government --- Hedendaagse geschiedenis (XIXde, XXste en XXIste eeuw) --- Histoire contemporaine (XIXe, XXe, XXIe s.) --- Hommes politiques --- Memoires. Getuigenissen. Persoonlijke verhalen --- Memoires. Temoignages. Recits personnels --- Memoirs. Testimonies. Personal stories --- Politici --- Politicians --- Regering. Uitvoerende macht --- Regeringsleider --- Social christians. Christian democracy --- Staat en maatschappij. Staatsvorm. Politiek systeem --- State and society. State form. Political system --- XXe s., 1901-2000 --- Martens, Wilfried, - 1936-2013 - Biography --- Martens, Wilfried, - 1936-2013 --- Belgium - History --- Politique --- Vingtième siècle
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Social policy --- Social security --- Social conditions --- Social policy. --- Social security. --- Insurance, Social --- Insurance, State and compulsory --- Social insurance --- Insurance --- Income maintenance programs --- National planning --- State planning --- Economic policy --- Family policy --- Social history --- Law and legislation --- Brazil --- Espírito Santo (Brazil : State) --- Brazil. --- al-Barāzīl --- Barāzīl --- Brasil --- Brasile --- Brasilia --- Brasili --- Brasilien --- Brazili --- Brazili Federativlă Respubliki --- Brazilia --- Brazilii͡ --- Brazilii͡a Federativ Respublikaḣy --- Braziliya --- Braziliya Federativ Respublikası --- Brazilská federativní republika --- Brazylia --- Brésil --- Burajiru --- Federale Republiek van Brasili --- Federative Republic of Brazil --- Federativna republika Brazil --- Federativna republika Brazilii͡ --- Federat͡siėm Respublikė Brazil --- Fedėratyŭnai͡a Rėspublika Brazilii͡ --- Gweriniaeth Ffederal Brasil --- Pa-hsi --- Pa-se --- Pa-se Liân-pang Kiōng-hô-kok --- Pederatibong Republika sa Brasil --- Pindorama --- República Federal del Brasil --- Republica Federale di u Brasile --- Republica Federativa del Brazil --- República Federativa do Brasil --- Rèpublica fèdèrativa du Brèsil --- Republik Kevreel Brazil --- République fédérative du Brésil --- Tantasqa Republika Wrasil --- Tetã Pindorama --- Wrasil --- Brazilië --- Бразил --- Федерациэм Республикэ Бразил --- Federat︠s︡iėm Respublikė Brazil --- Brasilië --- Federale Republiek van Brasilië --- البرازيل --- برازيل --- Бразилия --- Brazilii︠a︡ --- Бразилия Федератив Республикаhы --- Brazilii︠a︡ Federativ Respublikaḣy --- Бразілія --- Федэратыўная Рэспубліка Бразілія --- Fedėratyŭnai︠a︡ Rėspublika Brazilii︠a︡ --- Федеративна република Бразилия --- Federativna republika Brazilii︠a︡ --- Бразили --- Бразили Федеративлă Республики --- ブラジル --- social policy --- state and society
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