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Incense.Its Ritual Siginificance, Preparation and Use
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 0877284644 Year: 1980 Publisher: New York, N.Y. Samuel Weiser, Inc.

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The Black Arts
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0330251406 Year: 1977 Publisher: London Pan Books ltd

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The Magical Arts
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1850630046 Year: 1967 Publisher: London Arkana Books

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The western esoteric traditions : a historical introduction
ISBN: 9780195320992 0195320999 9786611851774 1281851779 0199717567 0199852065 Year: 2008 Publisher: Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press,

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This introduction to the Western esoteric traditions offers a concise overview of their historical development. The author explores these traditions, from their roots in Hermeticism, Neo-Platonism, and Gnosticism in the early Christian era up to their reverberations in modern day's scientific paradigms.

Mystical rites and rituals : initiation and fertility rites, sacrifice and burial customs, incantation and ritual magic
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0706404491 Year: 1975 Publisher: London Octopus Books

Witchcraft, Demonology and Magic
ISBN: 3039289608 3039289594 Year: 2020 Publisher: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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Witchcraft and magic are topics of enduring interest for many reasons. The main one lies in their extraordinary interdisciplinarity: anthropologists, folklorists, historians, and more have contributed to build a body of work of extreme variety and consistence. Of course, this also means that the subjects themselves are not easy to assess. In a very general way, we can define witchcraft as a supernatural means to cause harm, death, or misfortune, while magic also belongs to the field of supernatural, or at least esoteric knowledge, but can be used to less dangerous effects (e.g., divination and astrology). In Western civilization, however, the witch hunt has set a very peculiar perspective in which diabolical witchcraft, the invention of the Sabbat, the persecution of many thousands of (mostly) female and (sometimes) male presumed witches gave way to a phenomenon that is fundamentally different from traditional witchcraft. This Special Issue of Religions dedicated to Witchcraft, Demonology, and Magic features nine articles that deal with four different regions of Europe (England, Germany, Hungary, and Italy) between Late Medieval and Modern times in different contexts and social milieus. Far from pretending to offer a complete picture, they focus on some topics that are central to the research in those fields and fit well in the current “cumulative concept of Western witchcraft” that rules out all mono-causality theories, investigating a plurality of causes.

Magic in the cloister
ISBN: 0271060964 9780271060965 9780271069319 0271069317 9780271060330 0271060336 9780271060347 0271060344 Year: 2013 Publisher: University Park, Pennsylvania

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"Utilizes the collection of magic texts from the late Middle Ages at St. Augustine's, Canterbury, to examine the orthodoxy of magical approaches to the medieval universe and to show how it was possible to combine magical studies with a monastic vocation"--Provided by publisher.

The occult world
ISBN: 9780415695961 9781315745916 9781317596745 9781317596752 9781317596769 9781138219250 Year: 2015 Publisher: Abingdon, Oxon ;New York Routledge

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ancient esoteric traditions --- mystery --- revelation --- gnosis --- the occult Middle Ages --- the Renaissance --- the hermetic revival in Italy --- alchemical hermeticism --- Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa --- Paracelsus --- John Dee --- Jacob Böhme and Christian Theosophy --- the Rosicrucian Manifestos and early Rosicrucianism --- Freemasonry --- Illuminism --- animal magnetism and mesmerism --- spiritualism --- Eliphas Lévi --- Paschal Beverly Randolph --- William Wynn Westcott --- the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn --- Samuel Liddell Mathers --- Theosophy --- Frederic W. H. Myers --- the Society for Phsyical Research --- Ordo Templi Orientis --- Arthur Edward Waite --- Charles Fort --- Aleister Crowley --- Austin Osman Spare --- René Guénon and Traditionalism --- Dion Fortune and the Society of the Inner Light --- Kenneth Grant --- the Typhonian tradition --- Robert Anton Wilson --- Nazism and the occult --- Paganism and the occult --- New Age --- ritual magic --- Satanism --- Chaos Magick --- vampirism --- lycanthroy --- Otherkin --- Hakim Bey --- popular culture and the arts --- the occult and film --- Kenneth Anger --- Dennis Wheatley --- the occult and modern horror fiction --- the occult and science fiction - fantasy --- H.P. Lovecraft --- the occult and comics --- the occult and popular music --- the occult on the internet --- Kabbalah --- alchemy --- sex magic --- tarot --- scrying --- astrology --- grimoires --- Orientalism and the occult --- occult war --- counterculture and the occult --- intermediary beings --- the body in occult thought --- drugs and the occult --- gender and the occult --- crime --- moral panic --- conspiracy theories and the occult --- science and the occult --- sociology and the occult --- psychology and the occult --- dialectics of disenchantment --- re-enchantment in the modern self --- opposition to the occult --- Emanuel Swedenborg --- Martinism in eighteenth-century France --- John Whiteside Parsons --- the occult and the visual arts

Aries : journal for the study of Western esotericism.
Authors: ---
ISSN: 15679896 15700593 Publisher: Leiden : Brill,

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Occultism --- Hermetism --- Occultisme --- Hermétisme --- Periodicals. --- Périodiques --- Hermetism. --- Occultism. --- Arts and Humanities --- General and Others --- Regional and International Studies --- Social Sciences --- Health Sciences --- Religion --- Psychiatry & Psychology --- Arts and Humanities. --- Regional and International Studies. --- Social Sciences. --- Hermétisme --- Périodiques --- BRILL-E EBSCOASP-E EJPHILO EJRELIG EPUB-ALPHA-A EPUB-PER-FT --- Art, Black (Magic) --- Arts, Black (Magic) --- Black art (Magic) --- Black arts (Magic) --- Occult sciences --- Occult, The --- Hermeticism --- Religions --- Supernatural --- New Age movement --- Parapsychology --- Loagaeth --- Cosening --- John Dee --- Traité sur la reintegration des êtres --- gnostic science --- John Murray Spear --- yogic traditions --- sexual magick --- Aleister Crowley --- Anthroposophie --- Deutschland --- magic --- mysticism --- Western Esotericism --- Goldkreuzer --- Rosenkreuzer --- sexuality --- Aleksander Blok --- la philosophie naturelle --- Hermès --- Martinès de Pasqualy --- Aries --- Pythagoras --- number symbolism --- alchemy --- Disciplina Noua --- John Dec --- Monas Hieroglyphica --- Cabala --- music --- Protestantism --- Esoterik --- Jésus --- théosophie chrétienne --- le Traité de deux Natures --- Jean-Baptiste Willermoz --- book reviews --- Ben Kadosh --- Giovanni Giovano Pontano --- astrology --- religious morphology --- hermeneutics --- initiation --- Andrei Scrima --- Il Padre Spirituale --- occultism --- late classical physics --- esoterismo --- New Age --- mistica cristiana --- la dottrine del 'Cherchio Firenze 77' --- 'Magisterium eumantice artis sive scientiae magicalis' --- Berengario Ganello --- the Kabbalah --- the Philosophie Cosmique --- the Integral Yoga --- cross-cultural influence --- 'Fraulein Sprengel' --- modern Western magic --- theosophy --- Julius Evola --- the UR Group --- Satan --- contemporary Satanism --- locations of knowledge --- Medieval Europe --- early Modern Europe --- Esoteric discourse --- Western identities --- Frances Yates --- left-hand path magic --- Neopaganism --- Federico Gualdi --- Venise --- alchimie --- the Hermetic tradition --- contemporary religious Satanism --- les alchimistes grecs --- recettes alchimiques --- Holkhamikus --- Cosmas le Hiéromoine --- Chrysopée --- Aufklärung und Esoterik --- Andrei Vilnius --- early modern Russia --- pietism --- Gustav Merink --- Heather Wolffram --- June Leavitt --- Claire Nally --- Nevill Drury --- Andreas B. Kilcher --- the late nineteenth-century spirit cabinet --- Diane Long Hoeveler --- occulture and modern art --- the study of art --- science --- the visual culture of spiritualism --- surrealism --- gender --- spiritualism --- Gurdjieff --- contemporary Kabbalah --- Kabbalah in America --- R. Levi Isaac Krakovsky --- the occult underground of late Soviet Russia --- iconology --- gnostic mythmaking --- Sethianism --- Athanasius Kircher --- Arnaud de Villeneuve --- music and esotericism --- freemasonry --- Rosicrucianism --- spiritual regeneration --- collective reformation --- Christoph Besold --- Johannes Valentin Andreae --- the Farma Fraternitatis --- De Furore Britannico --- the Rosicrucian Manifestos in Britain --- Sendivogius in Sweden --- Elias Artista --- Fratres roris cocti --- AMORC --- Chaldaean Oracles and Theurgy --- Mystery and Secrecy in the Nag Hammadi --- Ancient literature --- Einar Thomassen --- Béoralde de Verville --- Esotericism --- rejected knowledge in Western culture --- Magie --- Michel Tardieu --- scrittura ad occhi --- Liber misteriorum venerabilium --- Reginald W. Machell --- Blavatsky --- British symbolism --- American art --- Antoine Faivre --- the study of fairy tales --- Copernican Cosmotheism --- Johann Jacob Zimmermann --- the mystical light --- religion --- politics --- contemporary Esotericism --- magia ebraica medievale --- Solomon's secret arts --- the occult --- enlightenment --- Vril --- Theosophie --- esoterischen Neonazismus --- modern esoterica --- Shimmushei Torah --- Antiquity --- concealment --- pseudepigraphy --- the study of Esotericism in Antiquity --- secrets --- mystery --- Esotericism in early Jewish Mysticism --- Ancient Esotericism --- Esotericism in classical Rabbinic culture --- Esoteric discourse and the Jerusalem Temple in the Gospel of Philip --- Alchemy --- the Paraphrase of Shem --- Ancient Hermetism and Esotericism --- Theurgy --- Hermetic rebirth --- Renaissance Hermetism --- Madame Théon --- Alta Una --- Mother Superior --- Mary Ware --- the subliminal mind --- Aldous Huxley --- social reform --- theology --- science and religion --- religious revolutionaries and spiritualism in Germany --- global religious history --- superstition in Late Medieval Europe --- Laus Platonici Philosophi --- Marsilio Ficino --- Hermetik --- Mystik --- das Werden der Aufklärung --- spiritualistischer Literatur der frühen Neuzeit --- Margaret Alice Murray --- archaeology --- New Age spirituality --- discourse theory and enlightenment --- 'Western learned magic' --- Aurora --- concealment and revelation in Western, Gnostic, Esoteric, and Mystical traditions --- Eranos --- alternative intellectual history --- Esotericism and the cognitive science of religion --- the esoteric imagination --- theory of kataphatic practice --- cognitive semiotics of Western Esotericism --- Crowley's 'Liber Al' --- soul flights --- cognitive ratcheting --- the occult world --- Satanism --- Dämonologie --- Unbewussten --- Anthropologie --- 1800 --- natural geneoristy --- Naples --- Tommaso Campanella --- Adolf Hitler --- practical Kabbalah in WW2 --- Fidus --- Germany --- art --- Theosophy and Nazism --- Aufklärung --- Illuminismus --- Franz Josef Thun --- Francis Mercury van Helmont --- Christian Kabbalism --- India and the occult --- South Asian spirituality --- modern Western Occultism --- Anthroposohy and the politics of race in the fascist era --- practical Kabbalah --- Jewish magic --- the Jewish tradition of magic --- Kabbalistic practices in Early Modern East-Central Europe --- the magic of Kabbalistic trees --- Oracles, Platonists, and Esotericism in Late Antiquity --- Georgian England --- Satanic Feminism --- woman in nineteenth-century culture --- William Burroughs --- Brion Gysin --- geometry --- accessing intermediary beings --- Meister Crowley --- Buddhism --- the doctrine of Thelema --- hermetic Symbolism --- Andrei Bely --- the self-conscious soul --- Guillaume Postel --- the Zohar --- Hitler --- Jean Delville --- British Freemasonry --- the visual and the symbolic in Western Esotericism --- the Occult in Modernist art, literature, and cinema --- pictography --- Iranian Metaphysics --- the Enneagram --- G.I. Gurdjieff --- esoteric symbols --- the music and art of Franco Battiato --- Gurdjieff's Law of Three --- J.G. Bennett's Six Triads --- the Gospel Studies of RD. Ouspensky and Maurice Nicoll --- supernatural history of the Third Reich --- the Occult Revival --- alternative spiritual performance --- from 1875 to the Present' --- Esotericism and Narrative --- Occult fiction --- Charles Williams --- music and demonology --- Divine mania --- alterations of consciousness in Ancient Greece --- philosophic silence --- Plotinus --- magic and magicians in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Time --- pre-modern sciences, medicine, literature, religion and astrology --- Christian Cabbala Gematria --- divination --- honorific poetry --- the German lands of the 18th Century --- the 'Great Invisibles' --- Surrealism --- myth --- modern esoteric imagination --- Hermes Trismegistus --- Egypt --- Hellenized wisdom --- transformations of ancient religion in the New Age --- reincarnation --- Blavatsky's Theosophy --- drugs --- esoterica --- visionary experience in the Seventies --- New Age in Norway --- Manuskriptologie --- Sufism --- near-death experience --- Christianity --- the Occult --- Thelema --- Brazil --- tai chi --- chiromancy --- Fernando Pessoa --- Austin Osman Spare --- Psychochirology --- Mantic Art --- Constantinople --- traditionalism --- personality fragmentation --- alternative selves --- occult and artistic circles --- Traditionalist movement --- René Guénon --- Maryamiyya Order --- Olavo de Carvalho --- rightist philosophy --- George Gurdjieff (1866–1949) --- Institute for the Harmonious Development of Man --- Vasily Shulgin (1878–1976) --- Gurdjieff movement --- Julius Spier --- hand-reading --- hand divination --- Casimir S. d’ Arpentigny --- chirognomy --- Adolphe Desbarrolles --- chirology --- chirosophy --- scientific naturalism --- Victorian Spirit Investigations --- William Fletcher Barrett --- psychical research --- vegetarianism --- dietetics --- British Paganism --- yoga --- orientalism --- harmonialism --- John Tyndall --- science and spiritualism --- Victorian spiritualism --- physics and psychics --- Anna Kingsford --- nutrition --- spiritualist movement --- esotericism --- spiritual belief --- disenchantment --- intuition --- women in medicine --- feminist epistemology of science --- scientific women --- animal cruelty --- vivisections --- diet --- body --- vegetarian movement --- Antoine Faivre (1934–2021) --- Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) --- film and literature --- biography --- religionism --- Christian Theosophy --- Martinism --- Rite Écossais Rectifié --- The Land of Mist (1925-1926) --- literature and esotericism studies --- biographical interpretation --- Professor Challenger --- afterlife writing --- textual amulets --- rolls --- scrolls --- compilation --- scribes --- Paracelsian --- Adamic magic --- pseudo-Solomonic --- Hebrew names of God --- Seven Olympian Spirits --- planets --- ritual magic --- seals --- sigils --- christian iconography --- prayers --- apotropaic text --- numerology --- medieval --- Renaissance --- early modern Germany --- Aratron --- indigenous esotericism --- sangoma --- shamanism --- Botswana --- colonialism

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