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Transcultural Imaginations of the Sacred

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Although we tend to suggest that clear constructions of identity are granted to religious symbols under the assumption that they distinguish between self and other explicitly, perceptions of alterity in fact play a vital role in sacral forms of representation. Markers of foreignness are used in a semantics of the exceptional that characterizes the sacral. Perceptions of difference are thus capable of making visible the remoteness of sacral forms from the profane world of experience. This book, therefore, asks: What role do traits of alterity play in the sacral context? How are various concepts of the sacred synthesized in situations of transcultural translation, for instance in the context of missionary activity? How did an artifact arrive at sacral potency in various cultures, and under what conditions did semantic shifts occur?

The Encyclopedia of World Religions
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 0816061416 Year: 2007 Publisher: New York Facts on File, Inc.

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De godsdienstige symbolen in de kunst der middel-eeuwen
Authors: ---
Year: 1929 Publisher: Antwerpen Ferd. Van Goethem

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Dictionary of gods and goddesses
ISBN: 0816059233 Year: 2004 Publisher: New York : Facts on File,

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Religious Entanglements in a Secular World
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781621006794 Year: 2012 Publisher: New York Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Should Religious Symbols Be Allowed on Public Land?
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780737751673 Year: 2011 Publisher: Farmington Hills, MI Greenhaven Press / Gale, Cengage Learning

Law and the wearing of religious symbols : European bans on the wearing of religious symbols in education
ISBN: 9780415602648 9780203181485 0415602645 0203181484 1136592121 Year: 2012 Publisher: London Routledge

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Written in accessible language, Law and the Wearing of Religious Symbols is a comprehensive analysis of a topical subject that is being widely debated across Europe. The book provides an overview of emerging case law from the European Court of Human Rights as well as from national courts and equality bodies in European countries on the wearing of religious symbols in educational settings. The author persuasively argues that bans on the wearing of religious symbols in educational institutions in Europe constitutes a breach of an individual's human rights and contravenes existing anti-discrim

D'une même main : peintures murales du XVe siècle dans la principauté de Liège : regards croisés sur la chapelle du château de Ponthoz et l'église de Bois
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9782930054278 2930054271 Year: 2016 Volume: 11 Publisher: Bruxelles: Institut royal du patrimoine artistique,

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"Deux ensembles de peintures murales du XVe siècle, aussi exceptionnels que méconnus, sont ici au cœur d'une passionnante enquête pluridisciplinaire : ceux de la chapelle Saint-Hubert du château de Ponthoz et ceux de l'église Saint-Lambert de Bois (commune de Clavier, Wallonie, Belgique). Une équipe de spécialistes s'est plongée dans les décors peints de ces deux hameaux et a interrogé tous leurs aspects. Mieux connaître le lieu et l'édifice, analyser les phénomènes d'altération des peintures murales, comprendre le rôle des commanditaires, identifier les images peintes et apprécier la facture du peintre sont au cœur des propos. Les observations et analyses chimiques menées in situ, l'exploitation d'une riche documentation totalement inédite et les comparaisons iconographiques et stylistiques ont livré de nombreuses réponses réunies dans cette double monographie. Les indices convergent pour attribuer désormais à la même main d'artiste ou, tout au moins, au même atelier ces œuvres monumentales peintes vers 1460. Leurs prestigieux instigateurs sont le chanoine Wautier de Corswarem et le seigneur de Bois, soucieux de la mise en place de programmes savants qu'ils confient à un peintre de talent. Le choix des matériaux, la maîtrise technique, les thèmes iconographiques et la connexion vers d'autres milieux artistiques, notamment les manuscrits enluminés, sont autant d'aspects qui s'imbriquent, s'enrichissent mutuellement et qui attestent de liens interactifs entre l'artiste et les concepteurs. D'une même main' combine résultats scientifiques et pistes de réflexion pour offrir une toute nouvelle vision de la production picturale du XVe siècle liégeois."--Page 4 of cover.

Religion im kulturellen Diskurs : Festschrift für Hans G. Kippenberg zu seinem 65. Geburtstag
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3110177900 3110913313 9783110177909 Year: 2004 Volume: 52 Publisher: New York: de Gruyter,

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Colleagues and friends have compiled this volume to honor Hans G. Kippenberg and engage in a critical and creative dialogue with his ideas. The 32 essays in German and English language are concerned with issues that have been part of Hans G. Kippenberg's work in recent years: History of the Academic Study of Religions &middot; Methodological Reflections &middot; European History of Religions &middot; Religion and Modernity &middot; Religion and Violence &middot; Religion and Law. Für diesen Band haben sich Freunde, Kolleginnen und Kollegen zusammengetan, um Hans G. Kippenberg zu ehren, seine Ideen kreativ aufzugreifen und kritisch fortzuschreiben. Die 32 Beiträge in deutscher und englischer Sprache befassen sich mit Themengebieten, zu denen Hans G. Kippenberg in den vergangenen Jahren verstärkt gearbeitet hat: Geschichte der Religionswissenschaft &middot; Methodische Reflexionen &middot; Europäische Religionsgeschichte &middot; Religion und Moderne &middot; Religion und Gewalt &middot; Religion und Recht.

Religion in Vogue : Christianity and Fashion in America
ISBN: 1479810916 147989270X Year: 2019 Publisher: New York : New York University Press,

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"From cross necklaces to fashion designs inspired by nuns' habits, how have fashion sources interpreted Christianity? And how, in turn, have these interpretations shaped conceptions of religion in the United States? Religion in Vogue explores the intertwined history of Christianity and the fashion industry. Using a diverse range of fashion sources, including designs, jewelry, articles in fashion magazines, and advertisements, Lynn S. Neal demonstrates how in the second half of the twentieth century the modern fashion industry created an aestheticized Christianity, transforming it into a consumer product. The fashion industry socialized consumers to see religion as fashionable and as a beautiful lifestyle accessory--something to be displayed, consumed, and experienced as an expression of personal identity and taste. Religion was something to be embraced and shown off by those who were sophisticated and stylish, and not solely the domain of the politically conservative. Neal ultimately concludes that, through aestheticizing Christianity, the fashion industry has offered Americans a means of blending traditional elements of religion--such as ritual practice, miraculous events, and theological concepts--with modern culture, revealing a new dimension to the personal experience of religion."--

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