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This book is a third-party evaluation of H1N1 prevention and control effects in China. Based on the characteristic of H1N1 pandemic around the world and current public health management system in China, this book evaluates the comprehensive effects by considering the countermeasures, joint prevent and control mechanism operated by central and local government, the cost and benefit effects and also the social influence during the whole process. Using the methods of interview and questionnaire, it investigates the central and local government, disease control and prevention center, hospital, community, school and enterprise in Beijing, Fujian, Henan, Guangdong and Sichuan provinces, and also presents the response from the public, patient and close contacts to evaluate the overall effects from different stakeholders. Assessment findings and policy suggestions are included in the book on the way to improve the efficiency of public health emergency system in China. This book provides a good reference to researchers and officials in public management, crisis management and public health studies.
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This book explores how professional and organisational cultures influence global public-private partnerships, which form a key element of global governance. Using case studies, the partnerships of three international government organisations – the International Telecommunication Union, Interpol and the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property – illustrate how partnerships are formed and operate in accordance with the accepted cultural beliefs, values and values associated with both profession and organisation. In brief, engineers create partnerships they are comfortable with, which are different in form and operation to those of police, which also differ from those of the conservator. This book will appeal to scholars of International Relations, global governance, organisational studies and public administration. It also conveys lessons for professionals at the international level in international government organisations, business and civil society who engage in, or want to engage in global public-private partnerships. Adam B. Masters holds a post-doctoral fellowship in the Research School of Social Sciences at the Australian National University (ANU). He is Deputy Director Governance of the Transnational Research Institute on Corruption, based at the ANU in Canberra, Australia. Dr Masters' research focuses on organised crime and corruption.
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This book explores the judicial transformations in the Southern Mediterranean region and the mechanisms that trigger these changes. It analyses judicial reforms in Jordan and Morocco in the context of the EU policies to promote and diffuse democratic principles and practices in the MENA region. Based on original empirical research, the book reports findings on how networks of actors involved in the implementation of programs funded by the EU handle policy ideas and interests, and by doing so influence policy outcomes. This study covers both the institutional and the organizational/managerial dimensions of justice, thus shedding light on the two most relevant and critical factors for innovations in the domain of justice. Gaia Taffoni is a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the School of Transnational Governance, European University Institute, Italy. Her research interests lie in the politics of judicial systems, judicial administration, and European public policy. She has explored her research interests at EU-level and member states-level as well as in the countries of the MENA region.
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In der Folge der UN-Konvention über die Rechte der Menschen mit Behinderungen (BRK) entstand im April 2009 die Empfehlung der Hochschulrektorenkonferenz „Eine Hochschule für alle“. Hier, wie auch in der BRK, sind Barrierefreiheit sowie die Beteiligung von Behinderung betroffener Menschen wichtige Elemente, um Chancengleichheit zu ermöglichen. Die AutorInnen des Sammelbandes beschäftigen sich damit aus juristischer, architektonischer, gleichstellungs- und hochschulpolitischer Perspektive. In Anlehnung an die Tagung „UniVision 2020 – Ein Lehrhaus für Alle“, die das Zentrums für Disability Studies der Universität Hamburg in Kooperation mit dem Zentrum GenderWissen sowie der HafenCity Universität Hamburg im März 2012 veranstaltete, ist das Buch in zwei Teile untergliedert: Im ersten Teil werden Fragen der Barrierefreiheit und Partizipation von Behinderung betroffener Menschen behandelt und etwa von Susan Henderson am Beispiel des Ed Roberts Campus in Berkeley, USA, veranschaulicht. Der zweite Teil geht in Anlehnung an die BRK einen Schritt weiter und wendet sich der Verortung von Behinderung betroffener Menschen in der menschlichen Vielfalt zu. Disability Mainstreaming, Gleichstellung, Diversity und Intersektionalität werden diskutiert. So entsteht für die LeserInnen eine UniVision 2020 mit Hochschulen, die in baulicher und hochschulpolitischer Hinsicht gleichwie in ihrem Lehrangebot als „Lehrhäuser für Alle“ Inklusion und Diversity unauflösbar miteinander verschränken, barriere- und diskriminierungsfrei sein wollen.
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In Italy, public policies have difficult processing, and even more difficult implementation. It is normal for a number of unexpected side effects to occur as a result of a public policy. Likewise, it is normal that a public policy determines an impact which is appreciated ex post, but cannot be identified with the original, designed one. So much so that many policies resemble a bet, rather than a project. In other words, they are always exposed to a universe of factors and circumstances which may destroy or change their theoretical assumptions, independently from any effective and measurable government capacity. This is the sign of a democratic regime's structural fragility and of the government capacity expressed by it: its difficulty in feeding its policies with sufficient legitimizing doses and tools in order for the policies to achieve the desired effectiveness. It is a classic theme for political science; in this volume, it is revisited in the light of the different types of empirically conceivable legitimization and of the contemporary state's ability to produce social regulation.
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The study is illustrative and theoretical in nature, as it was created on the basis of a review of the available literature on the subject (Polish and foreign). The publication is addressed both to scientists and students dealing with the subject of population aging, old age and the elderly, as well as to a growing group of practitioners interested in these issues, including politicians and decision-makers, representatives of public services, representatives of the media and non-governmental organizations.
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The post-conference volume presents works in the field of ancient hunting. The texts published in it contain information on hunting ethics and references to animal studies. The majority of chapters deal with hunting in antiquity. The texts of Plato, Nemezjan, Arrian or Luxorious were used for the analysis. There are also references to the literature of later centuries: ”Dziady” written by Adam Mickiewicz or translations of Latin hunting treatises prepared by Bruno Kiciński. Preserved time chronology allows to follow the scope of changes which took place in hunting methods and an overall assessment of hunting over the centuries.
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