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Modelization and simulation of the mechanic behaviour of a cold water pipe submitted to heave and current along the water column, for applications to OTEC and offshore industry
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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The study aims to determine the preliminary hydrodynamic analysis of the cold water pipe&#13;using an in-house built software cPendulum. The code cPendulum includes the influence of the&#13;design load coming from hydrodynamic forces coupled to an Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion&#13;(OTEC) floating Plant.&#13;Firstly, the work defines the design considerations for the cold water pipe and the influence it&#13;has on the hydrodynamic coefficients . Then the design loads such as Morison’s force along with&#13;Platform Motion are determined and implemented in the code cPendulum.&#13;Furthermore, the work details about the selection of a mooring system designed to withstand&#13;the cyclonic conditions and the impact it will have on the platform behaviour. Moreover, as&#13;the oceanic waves are chaotic, the implementation of irregular waves in cPendulum is done to&#13;simulate a real scenario.&#13;Finally, all parameters are implemented in cPendulum to analyse the behaviour of cold water&#13;pipe to draw the first conclusions about the efforts induced by the marine environment on the&#13;CWP.

Renewable energy resources
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780419253303 0419253203 0419253300 9780419253204 Year: 2006 Publisher: London Taylor & Francis

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Retaining the successful format of the first edition and building on its solid grounding in the principles of renewable energy resources, this second edition has been revised in line with the latest advances in the field to include new technologies and an assessment of their impact. Considering each technology in depth from both scientific and environmental perspectives, it covers solar energy, photovoltaic, wind, wave, tidal and hydro power, biofuels, geothermals and more, as well as featuring a new chapter on institutional factors, including economics. In addition, extra worked problems and case studies are also provided to help readers put theory into practice. Reading and web-based material for further study is indicated after each chapter, making this text ideal, not only for practitioners, but also for students on multi-disciplinary masters degrees in science and engineering as well specialist modules in science and engineering first degrees.

Carnot Cycle and Heat Engine Fundamentals and Applications
Year: 2020 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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This book results from a Special Issue related to the latest progress in the thermodynamics of machines systems and processes since the premonitory work of Carnot. Carnot invented his famous cycle and generalized the efficiency concept for thermo-mechanical engines. Since that time, research progressed from the equilibrium approach to the irreversible situation that represents the general case. This book illustrates the present state-of-the-art advances after one or two centuries of consideration regarding applications and fundamental aspects. The research is moving fast in the direction of economic and environmental aspects. This will probably continue during the coming years. This book mainly highlights the recent focus on the maximum power of engines, as well as the corresponding first law efficiency upper bounds.

Carnot Cycle and Heat Engine Fundamentals and Applications
Year: 2020 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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This book results from a Special Issue related to the latest progress in the thermodynamics of machines systems and processes since the premonitory work of Carnot. Carnot invented his famous cycle and generalized the efficiency concept for thermo-mechanical engines. Since that time, research progressed from the equilibrium approach to the irreversible situation that represents the general case. This book illustrates the present state-of-the-art advances after one or two centuries of consideration regarding applications and fundamental aspects. The research is moving fast in the direction of economic and environmental aspects. This will probably continue during the coming years. This book mainly highlights the recent focus on the maximum power of engines, as well as the corresponding first law efficiency upper bounds.

Carnot Cycle and Heat Engine Fundamentals and Applications
Year: 2020 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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This book results from a Special Issue related to the latest progress in the thermodynamics of machines systems and processes since the premonitory work of Carnot. Carnot invented his famous cycle and generalized the efficiency concept for thermo-mechanical engines. Since that time, research progressed from the equilibrium approach to the irreversible situation that represents the general case. This book illustrates the present state-of-the-art advances after one or two centuries of consideration regarding applications and fundamental aspects. The research is moving fast in the direction of economic and environmental aspects. This will probably continue during the coming years. This book mainly highlights the recent focus on the maximum power of engines, as well as the corresponding first law efficiency upper bounds.

Environmental Sustainability in Maritime Infrastructures
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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This Special Issue is entitled “Environmental Sustainability in Maritime Infrastructures”. Oceans and coastal areas are essential in our lives from several different points of view: social, economic, and health. Given the importance of these areas for human life, not only for the present but also for the future, it is necessary to plan future infrastructures, and maintain and adapt to the changes the existing ones. All of this taking into account the sustainability of our planet. A very significant percentage of the world's population lives permanently or enjoys their vacation periods in coastal zones, which makes them very sensitive areas, with a very high economic value and as a focus of adverse effects on public health and ecosystems. Therefore, it is considered very relevant and of great interest to launch this Special Issue to cover any aspects related to the vulnerability of coastal systems and their inhabitants (water pollution, coastal flooding, climate change, overpopulation, urban planning, waste water, plastics at sea, effects on ecosystems, etc.), as well as the use of ocean resources (fisheries, energy, tourism areas, etc.).

Environmental Sustainability in Maritime Infrastructures
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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This Special Issue is entitled “Environmental Sustainability in Maritime Infrastructures”. Oceans and coastal areas are essential in our lives from several different points of view: social, economic, and health. Given the importance of these areas for human life, not only for the present but also for the future, it is necessary to plan future infrastructures, and maintain and adapt to the changes the existing ones. All of this taking into account the sustainability of our planet. A very significant percentage of the world's population lives permanently or enjoys their vacation periods in coastal zones, which makes them very sensitive areas, with a very high economic value and as a focus of adverse effects on public health and ecosystems. Therefore, it is considered very relevant and of great interest to launch this Special Issue to cover any aspects related to the vulnerability of coastal systems and their inhabitants (water pollution, coastal flooding, climate change, overpopulation, urban planning, waste water, plastics at sea, effects on ecosystems, etc.), as well as the use of ocean resources (fisheries, energy, tourism areas, etc.).

Environmental Sustainability in Maritime Infrastructures
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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This Special Issue is entitled “Environmental Sustainability in Maritime Infrastructures”. Oceans and coastal areas are essential in our lives from several different points of view: social, economic, and health. Given the importance of these areas for human life, not only for the present but also for the future, it is necessary to plan future infrastructures, and maintain and adapt to the changes the existing ones. All of this taking into account the sustainability of our planet. A very significant percentage of the world's population lives permanently or enjoys their vacation periods in coastal zones, which makes them very sensitive areas, with a very high economic value and as a focus of adverse effects on public health and ecosystems. Therefore, it is considered very relevant and of great interest to launch this Special Issue to cover any aspects related to the vulnerability of coastal systems and their inhabitants (water pollution, coastal flooding, climate change, overpopulation, urban planning, waste water, plastics at sea, effects on ecosystems, etc.), as well as the use of ocean resources (fisheries, energy, tourism areas, etc.).

La parenté
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782130626312 2130626319 Year: 2015 Volume: 3999 Publisher: Paris: PUF,

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S’il n’est pas d’humanité sans langage, il n’existe pas non plus d’homme «hors parenté». La parenté est inscrite au coeur de toutes sociétés au point qu’aucune d’entre elles n’a réussi jusqu’à présent à s’en dispenser, même si d’un groupe social à l’autre, d’une époque à l’autre, on observe d’importantes variations. Or justement, dans nos sociétés occidentales, la parenté a subi, ces dernières décennies, d’intenses changements sous l’effet des avancées des sciences médicales et biologiques ou des bouleversements intervenus dans les moeurs familiales et sociales. Alors que les demandes de compréhension autour de ce qui fait «parenté» n’ont jamais été aussi prégnantes, les mouvements d’acceptation ou de rejets aussi forts, cet ouvrage invite à mieux analyser les natures de cette relation.


Kinship --- Parenté --- Ethnologie --- Verwantschap --- Etnologie --- Parenté --- social and cultural anthropology --- antropologia social e cultural --- социокултурна антропология --- társadalmi és kulturális antropológia --- sotsiaal- ja kultuuriantropoloogia --- sociokultūrinė antropologija --- sociálně-kulturní antropologie --- antraipeolaíocht chultúrtha agus shóisialta --- društvena i kulturna antropologija --- културна антропологија --- општества и културна антропологија --- antropologji sociale dhe kulturore --- antropologia sociale e culturale --- social og kulturel antropologi --- antropologia społeczna i kulturowa --- sociale en culturele antropologie --- antropoloġija soċjali u kulturali --- κοινωνική και πολιτιστική ανθρωπολογία --- Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie --- antropologie socială și culturală --- sociálna a kultúrna antropológia --- sociālkulturālā antropoloģija --- antropología social y cultural --- socialna in kulturna antropologija --- kulturantropologi --- sosiaali- ja kulttuuriantropologia --- etnoloģija --- folklivsforskning --- εθνολογία --- kultūrantropoloģija --- antropología cultural --- antropoloġija soċjokulturali --- antropologia społeczna --- antraipeolaíocht shóisialta --- volkenkunde --- социална и културна антропология --- etnoloġija --- kulturel antropologi --- social antropologi --- κοινωνικοπολιτιστική ανθρωπολογία --- sotsiaalantropoloogia --- antropologia cultural --- antropologie socială --- antropologia sociocultural --- socio-kulturna antropologija --- social- og kulturantropologi --- kulturna antropologija --- antropoloġija soċjali --- socijalna antropologija --- socio-kultúrna antropológia --- kulturális antropológia --- etnologija --- sociokultúrna antropológia --- sociální antropologie --- kultúrna antropológia --- ethnology --- sotsiokultuuriline antropoloogia --- antropoloġija kulturali --- sosiokulttuurinen antropologia --- antraipeolaíocht chultúrtha --- sosiaaliantropologia --- culturele antropologie --- општествена антропологија --- sociaal-culturele antropologie --- κοινωνική ανθρωπολογία --- kultūras antropoloģija --- ethnologie --- sociokulturel antropologi --- etnología --- socijalna i kulturna antropologija --- sociální a kulturní antropologie --- antropologia culturale --- κοινωνικο-πολιτιστική ανθρωπολογία --- antropologia kulturowa --- antropologie socioculturală --- sociale antropologie --- anthropologie sociale --- folkloristika --- Sozialanthropologie --- soziokulturelle Anthropologie --- eitneolaíocht --- etnoloogia --- antropologia socio-culturale --- folkloristik --- socialantropologi --- antropología sociocultural --- kulttuuriantropologia --- културна антропология --- етнологија --- socialinė antropologija --- kultūrinė antropologija --- етнология --- etnológia --- szociokulturális antropológia --- sociokulturna antropologija --- antropologia sociale --- néptudomány --- antropologie culturală --- antropologia social --- социална антропология --- socialna antropologija --- sociocultural anthropology --- anthropologie socioculturelle --- anthropologie culturelle --- antropología social --- egyetemes összehasonlító néprajz --- sociālantropoloģija --- socio-cultural anthropology --- πολιτιστική ανθρωπολογία --- kulturní antropologie --- socialinė ir kultūrinė antropologija --- sociálna antropológia --- antropologia socioculturale --- etnologie --- cultural anthropology --- etnologia --- kulturologie --- социјална антропологија --- etnologi --- Kulturanthropologie --- etnologji --- social anthropology --- antropologia społeczno-kulturowa --- Völkerkunde --- radniecība --- συγγένεια --- sugulus --- pais --- marrëdhënie --- pokrewieństwo --- сродство --- parentela --- однос --- slægtskab --- príbuzenstvo --- srodstvo --- sorodstvo --- роднинска връзка --- relationship --- relazzjoni --- Verwandtschaft --- släktskap --- parentesco --- verwantschap --- příbuzenský vztah --- rudenie --- hozzátartozói viszony --- sukulaisuussuhde --- giminystė --- vecāki --- mama --- far --- közeli hozzátartozó --- madre --- apa --- föräldrar --- père --- moeder --- otac --- Eltern --- äiti --- fader --- anya --- příbuzenský poměr --- mamă --- rodiče --- pai --- роднинска врска --- majka --- parents --- genitori --- consanguineità --- vanemad --- otec --- rodičia --- γονείς --- μητέρα --- padres --- moder --- mother --- rodbinska veza --- rokonság --- atë --- prindër --- tėvas --- ema --- father --- isä --- Vater --- grado di parentela --- mãe --- mère --- motina --- tėvai --- roditelji --- tată --- πατέρας --- māte --- vincolo di parentela --- paternità --- mor --- nënë --- szülők --- ouders --- татко --- πατρότητα --- părinți --- padre --- parente in linea diretta --- isa --- forældre --- мајка --- родители --- vanhemmat --- tēvs --- vader --- příbuzenstvo --- Mutter --- parente in linea collaterale --- rokoni viszony --- matka --- gaol

Le père d'Hitler : comment son fils est devenu dictateur
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9791021051119 Year: 2022 Publisher: Paris : Tallandier,

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Comment Adolf Hitler, enfant des régions les plus écartées d’Autriche, a-t-il pu avoir cet inimaginable ascension en Allemagne ? Comment, dans le milieu provincial où il a grandi au sein d’une famille insignifi ante, a-t-il pu développer un charisme diabolique, réussissant à entraîner tant d’hommes dans ses funestes desseins ? Comment, quand et pourquoi les obsessions et les préjugés d’Hitler se sont-ils formés ? Comment a-t-il pu développer une telle idéologie meurtrière ? Trente et une lettres du fonctionnaire des Douanes Alois Hitler, père d’Adolf, qui dormaient oubliées dans le grenier d’une ferme de Haute-Autriche, révèlent aujourd’hui – pour la première fois – une vision authentique de la famille Hitler. Elles permettent à l’historien viennois Roman Sandgruber de renouveler en profondeur le récit de l’enfance et de la jeunesse du futur dictateur. Il jette ainsi, avec la maîtrise que lui a reconnue la presse internationale, une lumière nouvelle sur les rumeurs et les légendes obscures qui entourent la figure du père, en dessinant en même temps une image saisissante de l’éducation du Führer.


histoire contemporaine --- biographie --- national-socialisme --- parenté --- radniecība --- συγγένεια --- sugulus --- pais --- marrëdhënie --- pokrewieństwo --- сродство --- parentela --- однос --- slægtskab --- príbuzenstvo --- srodstvo --- sorodstvo --- роднинска връзка --- gaol --- relationship --- relazzjoni --- Verwandtschaft --- släktskap --- parentesco --- verwantschap --- příbuzenský vztah --- rudenie --- hozzátartozói viszony --- sukulaisuussuhde --- giminystė --- vecāki --- mama --- far --- közeli hozzátartozó --- madre --- apa --- föräldrar --- père --- moeder --- otac --- Eltern --- äiti --- fader --- anya --- příbuzenský poměr --- mamă --- rodiče --- pai --- роднинска врска --- majka --- parents --- genitori --- consanguineità --- vanemad --- otec --- rodičia --- γονείς --- μητέρα --- padres --- moder --- mother --- rodbinska veza --- rokonság --- atë --- prindër --- tėvas --- ema --- father --- isä --- Vater --- grado di parentela --- mãe --- mère --- motina --- tėvai --- roditelji --- tată --- πατέρας --- māte --- vincolo di parentela --- paternità --- mor --- nënë --- szülők --- ouders --- татко --- πατρότητα --- părinți --- padre --- parente in linea diretta --- isa --- forældre --- мајка --- родители --- vanhemmat --- tēvs --- vader --- příbuzenstvo --- Mutter --- parente in linea collaterale --- rokoni viszony --- matka --- elulookirjeldus --- bijografija --- beathaisnéis --- Biografie --- biography --- elämäkerta --- biografia --- biografija --- biografía --- βιογραφία --- biografie --- životopis --- življenjepis --- биография --- биографија --- életrajz --- biogrāfija --- biografi --- autobiografi --- önéletrajz --- autobiography --- gyvenimo aprašymas --- autobiografija --- autobiografía --- semblanza --- biografický slovník --- autobiografie --- autobiogrāfija --- автобиографија --- omaelämäkerta --- självbiografi --- biográfia --- biograafia --- autobiografia --- önéletírás --- selvbiografi --- αυτοβιογραφία --- Biographie --- Autobiografie --- memoárová literatura --- autobiographie --- autobiograafia --- stair chomhaimseartha --- contemporary history --- suvremena povijest --- historia contemporánea --- samtidshistoria --- sodobna zgodovina --- Geschichte der Gegenwart --- istorie contemporană --- storia contemporanea --- hedendaagse geschiedenis --- soudobá historie --- nykyhistoria --- súčasné dejiny --- lähiajalugu --- šiuolaikinė istorija --- História Contemporânea --- samtidshistorie --- legújabb kori történelem --- σύγχρονη ιστορία --- histori bashkëkohore --- storja kontemporanja --- съвременна история --- jauno laiku vēsture --- historia współczesna --- современа историја --- савремена историја --- tegenwoordige tijd --- età contemporanea --- gegenwärtige Epoche --- современа епоха --- историја на новата ера --- nutidshistoria --- historie současnosti --- nykyaika --- σύγχρονη εποχή --- nutidshistorie --- современа ера --- Gegenwartsgeschichte --- σύγχρονα χρόνια --- nutid --- nieuwste geschiedenis --- epoka bashkëkohore --- jelenkor --- Idade Contemporânea --- актуелна историја --- âge contemporain --- contemporary era --- suvremena era --- Edad Contemporánea --- nüüdisaeg --- současná historie --- samtid --- époque contemporaine --- šiuolaikinė era --- Hitler, Alois, --- Hitler, Adolf --- Schickelgruber, Alois, --- National-socialisme --- Hitler, Alois --- Jeunesse. --- Psychologie. --- National Socialism --- nacional-socializëm --- socjalizm narodowy --- nacionalsocijalizam --- национал-социализъм --- nacionální socialismus --- Soċjaliżmu Nazzjonali --- nacionālsociālisms --- nemzetiszocializmus --- nazionalsocialismo --- kansallissosialismi --- nacionalsocializmas --- nacionalsocialismo --- национал-социјализам --- nationaal-socialisme --- rahvussotsialism --- εθνικοσοσιαλισμός --- Sóisialachas Náisiúnta --- Nationalsozialismus --- nacionálny socializmus --- nationalsocialisme --- național-socialism --- nationalsocialism --- nacional-socialismo --- nacionalsocializem --- нацизам --- nacizmas --- neonazism --- nynazism --- neonatsism --- ναζισμός --- neonazisme --- neonácizmus --- neonacismus --- nazism --- Nazism --- uusnatsismi --- neonazizëm --- νεοναζισμός --- Nazismus --- nácizmus --- neo-Nazism --- neonazist --- nynazist --- neonazismo --- nacisms --- néonazisme --- nacizam --- Neonazismus --- nazisme --- natsismi --- neonacizmus --- neonacizam --- natsism --- nacismus --- neonacizmas --- neonazi --- nynazisme --- neonacisms --- nazismo --- nazizëm --- nacizmus --- národní socialismus --- Gitler, Adolʹf, --- Hsi-tʻe-le, --- Hitlar, ʼAdolf, --- Chitler, Adolphos, --- Hitler, Adolph, --- Khitler, Adolf, --- Hitlerus, Adolfus, --- Hiṭlar, Aṭālpu, --- היטלר --- היטלר, אדולף, --- National socialism --- Hitler, Adolf,

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