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This book concerns the numerical simulation of dynamical systems whose trajectories may not be differentiable everywhere. They are named nonsmooth dynamical systems. They make an important class of systems, firstly because of the many applications in which nonsmooth models are useful, secondly because they give rise to new problems in various fields of science. Usually nonsmooth dynamical systems are represented as differential inclusions, complementarity systems, evolution variational inequalities, each of these classes being itself split into several subclasses. With detailed examples of multibody systems with contact, impact and friction and electrical circuits with piecewise linear and ideal components, the book is is mainly intended for researchers in Mechanics and Electrical Engineering, but it will be attractive to researchers from other scientific communities like Systems and Control, Robotics, Physics of Granular Media, Civil Engineering, Virtual Reality, Haptic Systems, Computer Graphics, etc.
Engineering sciences. Technology --- ingenieurswetenschappen
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The rapidly growing wireless communication industry is increasingly demanding CMOS RF ICs due to their lower costs and higher integration levels. The RF front-end of such wireless systems often needs to handle widely disparate signal levels: small desired signals and large interferers. Therefore, it becomes necessary to have highly linear circuits to increase the system dynamic range. However, traditional CMOS circuit designs are usually limited in either their speed or in their linear performance. New techniques are needed to meet the demand for high linearity at radio frequencies. High-Linearity CMOS RF Front-End Circuits presents some unique techniques to enhance the linearity of both the receiver and transmitter. For example, using harmonic cancellation techniques, the linearity of the receiver front-end can be increased by few tens of dB with only minimal impact on the other circuit parameters. The new parallel class A&B power amplifier can not only increase the transmitter's output power in the linear range, but can also result in significant savings in power consumption. High-Linearity CMOS RF Front-End Circuits can be used as a textbook for graduate courses in RF CMOS design and will also be useful as a reference for the practicing engineer.
Engineering sciences. Technology --- ingenieurswetenschappen
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An increasing number of system designers are using ASIP's rather than ASIC's to implement their system solutions. Building ASIPs: The Mescal Methodology gives a simple but comprehensive methodology for the design of these application-specific instruction processors (ASIPs). The key elements of this methodology are: Judiciously using benchmarking Inclusively identifying the architectural space Efficiently describing and evaluating the ASIPs Comprehensively exploring the design space Successfully deploying the ASIP This book includes demonstrations of applications of the methodologies using the Tipi research framework as well as state-of-the-art commercial toolsets from CoWare and Tensilica.
Engineering sciences. Technology --- ingenieurswetenschappen
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Dieses Lehrbuch in englischer Sprache bietet für deutschsprachige Studierende einen Einstieg in die englischen Fachbegriffe der Ingenieurwissenschaften. Es enthält Grundkenntnisse einzelner Bereiche des Maschinenbaues wie Mechanik, Maschinenelemente, Thermodynamik oder auch Fertigungstechnik. Zeichnungen sind nach der ''British Standard Specification'' erstellt, Symbole entsprechen denen in englischer Fach- und Lehrbuchliteratur. Die Leser erhalten so einen Einblick in die Unterschiede der Normung und Formelnotation zwischen deutscher und englischer Literatur. Ein Formelverzeichnis, eine englisch-deutsche und deutsch-englische Vokabelliste und ein sowohl deutsches als auch englisches Stichwortverzeichnis unterstützen dies. Das Buch verbindet theoretische und praktische Lehrinhalte und bietet die Möglichkeit, ein sprachliches Grundwissen in technischem Englisch zu erwerben und gleichzeitig inhaltliche Grundkenntnisse der Fachgebiete kompakt vorzufinden. An zahlreichen Stellen finden sich nach englischen Schlüsselbegriffen die deutsche Entsprechung in Klammern beigefügt.
Engineering sciences. Technology --- ingenieurswetenschappen
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The goalof the 8th Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems (DARS) is to exchange and stimulate research ideas to realize advanced d- tributed robotic systems. Technologies, algorithms, and system architectures will be presented and discussed during the symposium. DARS 2006 builds upon past successes and provides an exciting envir- ment for researchers to present and discuss their novel theoretical results, - plementations, and applications. DARS successfully took place in 1992, 1994, and 1996 in Japan (Riken, Wako), in 1998 in Germany (Karlsruhe), in 2000 in Knoxville (Tennessee, USA), in 2002 at Fukuoka (Japan), and in 2004 at LAAS in Toulouse (France). DARS 2006 will be held in the Minneapolis campus of the University of Minnesota, in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science building. A total of 42 technical papers were submitted by authors from multiple countries. All the submissions were rigorouslyreviewed by the ProgramC- mittee. Of those submissions 24 were accepted. The overall outcome of the revision process is an excellent selection of papers that showcase the research in distributed autonomous robotics today. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved with the organization of DARS 2006. First, we would like to thank the members of the Program Committee, who did a thorough and conscientious job in reviewing a largenumber of papers.The members of the AdvisoryCommtitee providedinvaluablehelpandsupportthroughouttheprocessoforganizingthe conference. We warmly welcome all representatives from industry, government, and academia joining us in Minneapolis in July 2006.
Engineering sciences. Technology --- ingenieurswetenschappen
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Nel processo di creazione dell'infrastruttura industriale dei paesi occidentali hanno avuto un ruolo di primo piano gli ingegneri industriali. Formati in scuole tecniche specializzate (come la Ecole centrale des arts et manufactures), la loro attività ha riguardato, oltre che le macchine, l'organizzazione e la gestione di grandi impianti e sistemi tecnologici. Insieme agli ingegneri al servizio dello stato, nell'Ottocento rappresentavano - meglio di altre professioni tradizionali - l'emblema della modernizzazione e dell'azione guidata dalla razionalità. Nel Novecento l'attività dell'ingegnere industriale si svolge dietro le quinte, eppure essa è fondamentale nel sistema sociale ed economico moderno, centrata com'è nella progettazione e nella gestione dei grandi sistemi di produzione e nella catena logistica e di distribuzione globale. Il sapere organizzativo e gestionale dell'ingegnere presenta tratti specifici - che lo distinguono da quello del manager - legati all'antica tradizione operativa dell'ingegnere e al moderno uso di strumenti matematici di ottimizzazione. Esso si confronta oggi con il problema della gestione dei sistemi organizzativi nei settori più diversi, dall'industria alle comunicazioni, alla sanità, alla pubblica amministrazione, offrendo risposte originali ed efficaci. Questo libro esamina l'origine delle sfide tecnologiche e organizzative dell'industria in Europa e negli Stati Uniti e le tappe della sua formulazione teorica; la creazione della figura dell'ingegnere industriale fra Ottocento e Novecento; e l'elaborazione delle discipline tecnologiche e del linguaggio e dei concetti fondamentali (sistema, automazione, controllo, ottimizzazione, rete) dell'ingegneria industriale moderna. Diviso in tre parti organizzate cronologicamente, ogni capitolo è corredato da letture, indicazioni bibliografiche per l'approfondimento e schede illustrative di aspetti storici, biografici (relativi a alcuni grandi ingegneri, scienziati e filosofi), terminologici e matematico-tecnici.
Engineering sciences. Technology --- ingenieurswetenschappen
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The analysis and control of mixing is of great interest because of the potential for optimizing the performance of many flow processes. This monograph presents a unique overview of the physics, mathematics and state-of-the-art theoretical/numerical modeling and experimental investigations of mixing. It approaches the subject of mixing from many angles: presents theoretical and experimental results, discusses laminar and turbulent flows, considers macro and micro scales, elaborates on purely advective and advective-diffusive flows, and considers conceptual and industrial-relevant mixing devices. This monograph provides an essential reading for graduate students and postdoctoral researches interested in the investigation of mixing, and constitutes an indispensable reference for mechanical, chemical and aeronautical engineers, and applied mathematicians in universities and industries.
Fluid mechanics --- ingenieurswetenschappen --- vloeistoffen
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The book deals with modern methods of nonlinear stability theory applied to problems of continuous media mechanics in the presence of interfaces, with applications to materials science, chemical engineering, heat transfer technologies, as well as in combustion and other reaction-diffusion systems. Interfaces play a dominant role at small scales, and their correct modeling is therefore also crucial in the rapidly expanding fields of microfluidics and nanotechnologies. To this aim, the book combines contributions of eminent specialists in the field, with a special emphasis on rigorous and predictive approaches. Other goals of this volume are to allow the reader to identify key problems of high scientific value, and to see the similarity between a variety of seemingly different physical problems.
Fluid mechanics --- ingenieurswetenschappen --- vloeistoffen
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The seventh ERCOFTAC Workshop on "Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation" (DLES-7) was held at the University of Treste from September 8-10, 2008. Following the tradition of previous workshops in the DLES-series this edition reflects the state of the art of numerical simulation of traditional and turbulent flows and provided an active forum for discussion of recent developments in simulation techniques and understanding of flow physics. At a fundamental level this workshop addressed numerous theoretical and physical aspects of transitional and turbulent flows. At an applied level it contributes to the solution of problems related to energy production, transportation and the environment. This book is of interest to scientists and engineers both at an early level in their career as well as at more senior levels.
Fluid mechanics --- ingenieurswetenschappen --- vloeistoffen
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