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1999 ASHRAE handbook. Heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning : applications.
ISBN: 1883413729 Year: 1999 Publisher: New York (N.Y.) : American society of heating, refrigerating and air-conditioning engineers,

Numerical Modeling of Stagnation Flows over Porous Catalytic Surfaces
ISBN: 1000049629 3731504340 Year: 2016 Publisher: KIT Scientific Publishing

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In this book, stagnation flows on a catalytic porous plate is modeled one-dimensionally coupled with multi-step surface reaction mechanisms and molecular transport (diffusion and conduction) in the flow field and in the porous catalyst. Internal and external mass transfer limitations as well as possible reaction routes in the catalyst are investigated for CO oxidation, WGS reaction, partial and steam reforming of methane over Rh/Al?O?.

International climatic architecture congress : proceedings

Shape of new residential buildings in the historical centre of old Havana to favour natural ventilation and thermal comfort
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9056826794 Year: 2006 Publisher: Heverlee Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen

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Het Historisch Centrum van Oud Havana ondergaat momenteel een uitgebreid restauratie- en herstelprogramma. In het kader van stedelijke en sociale acties worden wooneenheden gebouwd op vrij gekomen terreinen. Het ontwerp van deze nieuwe gebouwen zou het compacte karakter van de stedelijke structuur moeten respecteren en integratie in de stedelijke context nastreven. De compacte morfologie van het Historisch Centrum verhindert windbriesjes, welke een essentieel onderdeel vormen om thermisch comfort in een warm en vochtig klimaat te realiseren met passieve middelen. Daarom beoogt dit onderzoek, in het kader van sociale en ecologische duurzaamheid, het analyseren van het thermische gedrag van bestaande en fictieve gebouwen met een verschillende geometrie en met verschillende patio-afmetingen met de bedoeling ontwerpstrategieën aan te bevelen om natuurlijke ventilatie en bijgevolg thermisch comfort in gebouwen te verbeteren. In een eerste deel van het onderzoek werden de morfologische kenmerken van het Historische Centrum bestudeerd. Metingen op schaal van het microklimaat en enquêtes met betrekking tot de thermische comfortgevoelens werden uitgevoerd in drie geselecteerde gebouwen. Het resultaat van de metingen toont aan dat de windsnelheden lager zijn boven het dak en in de patio’s dan die gemeten in het nabije meteorologisch meetstation. De enquêtes bevestigen eerder uitgevoerde studies met betrekking tot de ervaring van thermisch comfort in tropische klimaten en in natuurlijk geventileerde gebouwen, namelijk een grotere tolerantie voor hogere temperaturen dan bij mensen die leven in koudere klimaten of in gebouwen met luchtbehandeling. Vervolgens werden vergelijkende simulaties van luchtstromen en thermisch comfort in fictieve gebouwen uitgevoerd, welke gevalideerd werden op basis van gepubliceerde windtunnel experimenten. De simulaties zijn uitgevoerd gebruik makend van ‘Computational Fluid Dynamics’ (CFD) en ‘Building Energy Simulation’ (BES) programma’s. Algemene ontwerprichtlijnen betreffende gebouwvorm en aanbevelingen voor passieve klimaatbeïnvloeding van patio’s werden geformuleerd gebaseerd op de meetresultaten en de simulaties. De analyse toont aan dat de beste thermische prestatie bekomen wordt in ruimten met ‘cross’-ventilatie en afgeschermd van directe zonnestraling. De aanbevelingen beogen zowel het promoten van het ontwerp van thermisch comfortabele laag-energie residentiële gebouwen in Oud Havana en in andere compacte steden in tropisch-vochtige klimaten, als het aanmoedigen van de ontwikkeling van meer specifieke ontwerpnormen betreffende de klimaatsaspecten in de context van het Historische Centrum van Oud Havana. The Historical Centre of Havana is undergoing a comprehensive preservation and urban recovering program. As part of the urban and social actions housing units are built in existing vacant plots of the old city. The design of new buildings should take into account the compact nature of the urban structure and integrates to the urban environment. This compact morphology however, obstructs the breezes which are an essential component to achieve thermal comfort by passive means in warm and humid climates. Therefore, in the scope of both economical and social-environmental sustainability, the research aims to analyse the thermal response of actual and modelled courtyard buildings with different geometries in view of recommending design strategies to favour natural ventilation and thermal comfort inside dwellings. A preliminary study of the morphological characteristics of the Historical Centre was conducted. Micro-climatic measurements and a thermal sensation questionnaire were conducted in three selected buildings. The results of the measurements indicates that there is a large reduction of the wind speed above the roofs and inside courtyards in comparison with the wind speed at the meteorological station. The survey confirms previous studies about the thermal sensation of people in the Tropics and inside naturally ventilated buildings. People living in those conditions are more tolerant to warmer environments than people of colder regions or used to air conditioned buildings. In addition, after validation based on published wind-tunnel experiments, this study has undertaken innovative comparative simulations of airflow and thermal comfort in theoretical buildings by using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Building Energy Simulation (BES) programs. General design guidelines concerning building shapes and courtyard climatic passive recommendations are provided based on the results of the measurements and of the simulations. The analysis indicates that rooms with cross ventilation and protected from direct solar radiation have the best thermal performance. The final recommendations aim to promote the design of comfortable low-energy residential buildings in Old Havana and other compact cities in tropical-humid regions. Furthermore, the recommendations could promote the elaboration of more specific building design regulations concerning the climatic aspects in the context of the Historical Centre of Havana.

Principles of heating ventilation and air conditioning in buildings.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780470624579 0470624574 Year: 2013 Publisher: Hoboken Wiley

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"Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning by J. W. Mitchell and J. E. Braun provides foundational knowledge for the behavior and analysis of HVAC systems and related devices. The emphasis of this text is on the application of engineering principles that features tight integration of physical descriptions with a software program that allows performance to be directly calculated, with results that provide insight into actual behavior. Furthermore, the text offers more examples, end-of-chapter problems, and design projects that represent situations an engineer might face in practice and are selected to illustrate the complex and integrated nature of an HVAC system or piece of equipment"--Provided by publisher.

Adapting buildings and cities for climate change : a 21st century survival guide
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 0750659114 Year: 2005 Publisher: Oxford : Architectural press,

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From the author of the bestseller 'Ecohouse' this challenging and exciting text gives you an insight into the real changes that are necessary to give our modern day built environment both 'sustainability' and 'survivability'. The book is based on the premise that climate change is going to happen and its impacts on our lives are going to be far worse than generally expected. Sue Roaf argues that many modern buildings are not only 'unsustainable' in themselves but are also having a catastrophic effect on the global climate. In a unique argument, she illustrates that the only way we can hope to survive the following century in tact is if we not only begin to radically reduce CO2 emissions from our buildings and stop building climatically disastrous building types but also build only the buildings that can survive in the changed climates of the future. Throughout the book, traditional and modern building types are used to: explain the history and impacts of climates past, present and future on buildings; set the scene in terms of the history of building development of where we are now and where we are going in terms of sustainability and survivability of buildings; develop two main scenarios of future building development with the 'business as usual' model and the 'survival plan' model, and to make a list of recommendations based on the two scenarios of what actions should be taken by architects, planners and engineers as well as local and national governments, businesses and ordinary people in ensuring the true sustainable nature of the built environment. · A unique text that reassesses the fundamentals of sustainable design · A discussion and design guide providing you with the full picture of true sustainability · Includes case studies supporting the argument that challenges orthodox architectural design

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