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Between families and Frankenstein
ISBN: 9780520298187 0520298187 9780520298194 0520298195 0520970438 9780520970434 Year: 2018 Publisher: Oakland, California

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In the United States, egg donation for reproduction and egg donation for research involve the same procedures, the same risks, and the same population of donors-disadvantaged women at the intersections of race and class. Yet cultural attitudes and state-level policies regarding egg donation are dramatically different depending on whether the donation is for reproduction or for research. Erin Heidt-Forsythe explores the ways that framing egg donation itself creates diverse politics in the United States, which, unlike other Western democracies, has no centralized method of regulating donations, relying instead on market forces and state legislatures to regulate egg donation and reproductive technologies. Beginning with a history of scientific research around the human egg, the book connects historical debates about the "natural" (reproduction) and "unnatural" (research) uses of women's eggs to contemporary political regulation of egg donation. Examining egg donation in California, New York, Arizona, and Louisiana and coupled with original data on how egg donation has been regulated over the last twenty years, this book is the first comprehensive overview and analysis of the politics of egg donation across the United States.

Random families : genetic strangers, sperm donor siblings, and the creation of new kin
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780190888275 019088827X 0190888288 019088830X 9780190888305 0190888296 Year: 2018 Publisher: New York, NY : Oxford University Press,

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This is a work about unprecedented families - networks of strangers linked by genes, medical technology, and the human desire for affinity and identity. It chronicles the chain of choices that couples and single mothers make - how to conceive, how to place sperm donors in their family tree, and what to do when it suddenly becomes clear that there are children out there that share half their child's DNA.

Freezing fertility : oocyte cryopreservation and the gender politics of aging
ISBN: 1479868140 1479877581 Year: 2020 Publisher: New York : New York University Press,

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Analyzes how the possibility of egg freezing changes what it means to be fertile and to age in the 21st centuryWelcomed as liberation and dismissed as exploitation, egg freezing (oocyte cryopreservation) has rapidly become one of the most widely-discussed and influential new reproductive technologies of this century. In Freezing Fertility, Lucy van de Wiel takes us inside the world of fertility preservation—with its egg freezing parties, contested age limits, proactive anticipations and equity investments—and shows how the popularization of egg freezing has profound consequences for the way in which female fertility and reproductive aging are understood, commercialized and politicized.Beyond an individual reproductive choice for people who may want to have children later in life, Freezing Fertility explores how the rise of egg freezing also reveals broader cultural, political and economic negotiations about reproductive politics, gender inequities, age normativities and the financialization of healthcare. Van de Wiel investigates these issues by analyzing a wide range of sources—varying from sparkly online platforms to heart-breaking court cases and intimate autobiographical accounts—that are emblematic of each stage of the egg freezing procedure. By following the egg’s journey, Freezing Fertility examines how contemporary egg freezing practices both reflect broader social, regulatory and economic power asymmetries and repoliticize fertility and aging in ways that affect the public at large. In doing so, the book explores how the possibility of egg freezing shifts our relation to the beginning and end of life.

Le don de gamètes : actes du colloque du 13 décembre 2012 et actualisés au 1er février 2014
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782802743866 2802743864 2802745581 Year: 2014 Volume: 10 Publisher: Bruxelles: Bruylant,

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Medical law --- Belgium --- Gametes --- Bioethics --- Gamètes --- Bioéthique --- Law and legislation --- Droit --- EPUB-ALPHA-D EPUB-LIV-FT LIVDROIT STRADA-B --- Medicine --- Congresses --- Medical laws and legislation --- BPB1501 --- Don --- Procréation artificielle --- Bioéthique --- gift --- Spende --- donacija --- donazzjoni --- donativo --- дарителство --- adomány --- annetus --- donácia --- lahjoitus --- gåvobistånd --- донација --- ziedojums --- donacion --- dovana --- gavebistand --- finanční sbírka --- dary --- dono --- δωρεάν παροχή --- donation --- donație --- бесплатна помош --- darování --- dobrovolný příspěvek --- gratis hjælp --- добротворство --- aiuto gratuito --- доброволен прилог --- dobročinnost --- βιοηθική --- bijoetika --- bioética --- bioetica --- bioētika --- bio-ethics --- bioeetika --- биоетика --- bioetyka --- bioetiikka --- bio-ethiek --- bioetică --- bioetik --- Bioethik --- bioetika --- lääkärin etiikka --- κώδικας ιατρικής ηθικής --- etică medicală --- etica medica --- медицинска етика --- ética médica --- medical ethics --- bioëthiek --- arstieetika --- medizinische Ethik --- medicīniskā ētika --- orvosi etika --- éthique médicale --- medicinos etika --- etikë mjekësore --- medicinska etika --- medische ethiek --- meditsiinieetika --- medicinsk etik --- umetno razmnoževanje --- umělé oplodnění --- riproduzzjoni artifiċjali --- kunstlik viljastamine --- riprodhim artificial --- вештачка репродукција --- вештачко размножавање --- reprodução artificial --- kunstmatige voortplanting --- tehnici de reproducere artificială --- umelá reprodukcia --- kunstig forplantning --- dirbtinis apvaisinimas --- mesterséges megtermékenyítés --- sztuczna prokreacja --- mākslīgās ataudzes metodes --- künstliche Fortpflanzung --- procreazione artificiale --- umjetna oplodnja --- konstgjord befruktning --- зачеване по изкуствен път --- procreación artificial --- artificial reproduction --- τεχνητή τεκνοποίηση --- keinotekoinen lisääntyminen --- inseminnation hos människa --- darování embryí --- oploditev z biomedicinsko pomočjo --- liječenje neplodnosti --- teknika të riprodhimit artificial --- embryodonatie --- spermadonatie --- umelé počatie u ľudí --- darovanie embryí --- dhurim i vezëve --- asszisztált reprodukció --- sperm bank --- вештачко оплодување кај луѓето --- embrija transplantācija --- ιατρικά υποβοηθούμενη τεκνοποίηση --- banca dello sperma --- infertility treatment --- asistovaná reprodukce člověka --- medizinisch unterstützte Fortpflanzung --- artificial fertilisation --- вантелесна оплодња --- riprodhim artificial te njeriu --- fécondation artificielle --- petesejt adományozása --- banka sperme --- fertilizare artificială --- procreare artificială umană --- assisted fertilisation --- fecondazione medicalmente assistita --- hedelmöityshoito --- sperm donor --- spermatozoīdu donors --- tratament pentru infertilitate --- asszisztált humán reprodukció --- spermanluovuttaja --- doação de esperma --- assisterad reproduktion --- spermos donorystė --- банка сперме --- Samenspende --- lekársky asistované počatie --- υποβοηθούμενη αναπαραγωγή ανθρώπων --- донација на сперма --- донатор сперме --- prokreazzjoni artifiċjali umana --- bankë sperme --- artificial human reproduction --- sperm donation --- prokreazzjoni medika assistita --- донација сперме --- донација ембриона --- konceptim i ndihmuar --- procreazione medicalmente assistita --- prokreacja wspomagana medycznie --- embryo donation --- künstliche Befruchtung --- донирање јајце-клетки --- doniranje jajnih stanica --- dhurues i spermës --- embrüodoonorlus --- artificial fertilization --- don de sperme --- fecundación artificial --- зачеване по изкуствен път при човека --- donation af sæd --- лечење неплодност --- dirbtinis žmogaus apvaisinimas --- τράπεζα σπέρματος --- Samenbank --- nevaisingumo gydymas --- egg donation --- asistovaná ľudská reprodukcia --- spermadonation --- fecundação artificial --- kunstig befrugtning --- doniranje embrija --- In-vitro-Fertilisierung --- umělá reprodukce u člověka --- umetna oploditev --- lapsettomuushoito --- procréation artificielle humaine --- oploditev s človeško pomočjo --- spermos bankas --- reprodução humana assistida --- semenska banka --- τεχνητή τεκνοποίηση ανθρώπων --- асистирана репродукция при човека --- embriódonor --- darování spermií --- procréation médicalement assistée --- donación de embriones --- spermabank --- assisterad befruktning --- banque de sperme --- донација на ембрион --- neauglības ārstēšana --- spermapankki --- reproduction humaine assistée --- pagalbinis žmogaus apvaisinimas --- reproducción humana asistida --- embryodonation --- donazione di embrioni --- даряване на сперма --- δωρεά εμβρύων --- medicinski potpomognuta oplodnja --- assisted human reproduction --- darovanie spermií --- alkion luovutus --- donazzjoni ta' sperma --- mākslīgās pavairošanas metodes --- dhurim i embrionit --- mākslīgā apaugļošana --- donazzjoni ta' embrijuni --- procriação medicamente assistida --- sperma adományozása --- fecondazione artificiale --- donatur tal-isperma --- procreación médicamente asistida --- doniranje sperme --- donazione di sperma --- даряване на ембриони --- don d'embryons --- augļa ieņemšana un attīstības sekmēšana ar medicīnas līdzekļu palīdzību --- ИВФ третман --- darovanje semena --- assisted fertilization --- In-vivo-Befruchtung --- banka spermií --- doação de embriões --- keinohedelmöitys --- sædbank --- Embryonenspende --- donación de esperma --- kunstmatige bevruchting --- kiaušinėlio donorystė --- fertilizzazzjoni artfiċjali --- банка за сперма --- ngjizje artificiale --- sztuczne zapłodnienie u ludzi --- riproduzzjoni umana assistita --- umělé reprodukční techniky --- bank tal-isperma --- sperman luovutus --- dzimumšūnu banka --- ВТО --- изкуствено зачеване --- tehnike umjetne oplodnje --- assistierte Reproduktion --- spermatozoīdu ievadīšana --- техники на вештачко оплодување --- dawstwo embrionów --- dhurim i spermës --- konceptim i asistuar --- procreación artificial humana --- riproduzione umana assistita --- procriação artificial humana --- donator sperme --- insemination --- banco de esperma --- медицински помогнато оплодување --- darovanje jajčec --- лечење стерилитета --- bank nasienia --- lombikbébi-program --- dawstwo nasienia --- reproducere umană asistată --- lékařsky asistovaná reprodukce --- spermapank --- лекуване на безплодие --- lisääntymishoidot --- trajtim i mungesës së pjellorisë --- embriono donorystė --- spermadoonorlus --- umelé oplodnenie --- viljatusravi --- konceptim artificial --- riprodhim i asistuar te njeriu --- донација јајне ћелије --- fecundación médicamente asistida --- artificial reproductive techniques --- cilvēku mākslīgā apaugļošana --- donation af embryoner --- léčba neplodnosti --- δωρεά σπέρματος --- procreazione artificiale umana --- E-books --- bitheitic --- atáirgeadh saorga --- deonú --- Droit médical --- France --- Procréation artificielle

Procréation médicalement assistée et anonymat
ISBN: 9782802726890 2802726897 Year: 2009 Volume: 1 Publisher: Bruxelles : Bruylant,

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Si, depuis quelques dizaines d'années, la médecine de la reproduction s'est considérablement développée pour venir en aide aux couples confrontés à l'impossibilité de concevoir naturellement un enfant, c'est généralement avec l'objectif initial de favoriser une conception avec les gamètes du couple. Le développement successif de l' " Insémination Artificielle " et de la " Fécondation in Vitro " a néanmoins permis dans le même temps de faire émerger différentes possibilités alternatives de conception, en transgressant notamment le principe de la filiation biologique. Un couple peut aujourd'hui concevoir un enfant avec d'autres gamètes que les siens et même envisager l'accueil d'un embryon conçu par un autre couple. Dans ces situations, la question de la conciliation des intérêts des différents acteurs (couple infertile, donneur de gamètes ou d'embryons, enfant) se pose. En optant pour la règle de l'anonymat des dons qui prive l'enfant de toute information sur le donneur, certaines législations semblent considérer que ce principe allie au mieux ces intérêts. Pourtant non seulement la demande croissante de levée de l'anonymat formulée par les enfants issus de l'assistance médicale à la procréation fragilise ce choix de société mais certains pays ont devancé ce voeu en choisissant la transparence génétique. Cet ouvrage est le fruit de riches débats et réflexions échangés entre juristes, médecins, psychanalystes et sociologues, lors du premier Workshop du Réseau Universitaire International de Bioéthique (RUIB). Adoptant une approche comparative, les articles rassemblés examinent la manière dont sont organisées, dans seize pays de cultures différentes, les pratiques et les conséquences d'un anonymat absolu, relatif, voire inexistant. En dépit d'une diversité de systèmes, un constat unanime ressort : la question de la levée de l'anonymat se pose partout avec acuité. La réponse, elle, réunit ou divise. Mais peut-il en être autrement sur un sujet qui touche aux perceptions sociales de l'identité de la personne, de la filiation ou de la " parentalité " ? Créé en 2007, le Réseau Universitaire International de Bioéthique (RUIB) a pour objectif de promouvoir la recherche universitaire en rapprochant des chercheurs, de pays et, de cultures différents, spécialistes des questions liées aux pratiques biomédicales. Partant d'une approche croisée des différents systèmes juridiques, les travaux de ce réseau analysent les choix sociaux en matière biomédicale à travers les prismes de l'éthique, de l'anthropologie, la philosophie ou la sociologie. Ils veulent ainsi contribuer à la réflexion internationale sur la régulation des pratiques biomédicales et, incidemment, sur la conciliation entre les diversités culturelles et un certain universalisme, terreau d'une harmonisation du droit. Cette nouvelle collection sera donc un outil indispensable pour toute personne en quête d'une compréhension des enjeux sociaux de la bioéthique.


Artificial insemination, Human --- Fertilization in vitro, Human --- Human reproductive technology --- Paternity --- Law and legislation --- Procréation médicalement assistée --- JURIDISCH PERSPECTIEF -- 618.8 --- Paternity. --- Procréation artificielle --- Kunstmatige voortplanting --- Procréation médicalement assistée --- Droit à la vie privée --- BPB1003 --- Medical laws and legislation --- Parent and child (Law) --- Sex and law --- Filiation (Law) --- Illegitimacy --- Medical law --- Law and legislation. --- Privacy, Right of --- Bioethics --- Medical ethics --- Bioéthique --- Ethique médicale --- Droit --- Congresses --- Moral and ethical aspects --- umetno razmnoževanje --- umělé oplodnění --- riproduzzjoni artifiċjali --- kunstlik viljastamine --- riprodhim artificial --- вештачка репродукција --- вештачко размножавање --- reprodução artificial --- kunstmatige voortplanting --- tehnici de reproducere artificială --- umelá reprodukcia --- kunstig forplantning --- dirbtinis apvaisinimas --- mesterséges megtermékenyítés --- sztuczna prokreacja --- mākslīgās ataudzes metodes --- künstliche Fortpflanzung --- procreazione artificiale --- umjetna oplodnja --- konstgjord befruktning --- зачеване по изкуствен път --- procreación artificial --- artificial reproduction --- τεχνητή τεκνοποίηση --- keinotekoinen lisääntyminen --- inseminnation hos människa --- darování embryí --- oploditev z biomedicinsko pomočjo --- liječenje neplodnosti --- teknika të riprodhimit artificial --- embryodonatie --- spermadonatie --- umelé počatie u ľudí --- darovanie embryí --- dhurim i vezëve --- asszisztált reprodukció --- sperm bank --- вештачко оплодување кај луѓето --- embrija transplantācija --- ιατρικά υποβοηθούμενη τεκνοποίηση --- banca dello sperma --- infertility treatment --- asistovaná reprodukce člověka --- medizinisch unterstützte Fortpflanzung --- artificial fertilisation --- вантелесна оплодња --- riprodhim artificial te njeriu --- fécondation artificielle --- petesejt adományozása --- banka sperme --- fertilizare artificială --- procreare artificială umană --- assisted fertilisation --- fecondazione medicalmente assistita --- hedelmöityshoito --- sperm donor --- spermatozoīdu donors --- tratament pentru infertilitate --- asszisztált humán reprodukció --- spermanluovuttaja --- doação de esperma --- assisterad reproduktion --- spermos donorystė --- банка сперме --- Samenspende --- lekársky asistované počatie --- υποβοηθούμενη αναπαραγωγή ανθρώπων --- донација на сперма --- донатор сперме --- prokreazzjoni artifiċjali umana --- bankë sperme --- artificial human reproduction --- sperm donation --- prokreazzjoni medika assistita --- донација сперме --- донација ембриона --- konceptim i ndihmuar --- procreazione medicalmente assistita --- prokreacja wspomagana medycznie --- embryo donation --- künstliche Befruchtung --- донирање јајце-клетки --- doniranje jajnih stanica --- dhurues i spermës --- embrüodoonorlus --- artificial fertilization --- don de sperme --- fecundación artificial --- зачеване по изкуствен път при човека --- donation af sæd --- лечење неплодност --- dirbtinis žmogaus apvaisinimas --- τράπεζα σπέρματος --- Samenbank --- nevaisingumo gydymas --- egg donation --- asistovaná ľudská reprodukcia --- spermadonation --- fecundação artificial --- kunstig befrugtning --- doniranje embrija --- In-vitro-Fertilisierung --- umělá reprodukce u člověka --- umetna oploditev --- lapsettomuushoito --- procréation artificielle humaine --- oploditev s človeško pomočjo --- spermos bankas --- reprodução humana assistida --- semenska banka --- τεχνητή τεκνοποίηση ανθρώπων --- асистирана репродукция при човека --- embriódonor --- darování spermií --- procréation médicalement assistée --- donación de embriones --- spermabank --- assisterad befruktning --- banque de sperme --- донација на ембрион --- neauglības ārstēšana --- spermapankki --- reproduction humaine assistée --- pagalbinis žmogaus apvaisinimas --- reproducción humana asistida --- embryodonation --- donazione di embrioni --- даряване на сперма --- δωρεά εμβρύων --- medicinski potpomognuta oplodnja --- assisted human reproduction --- darovanie spermií --- alkion luovutus --- donazzjoni ta' sperma --- mākslīgās pavairošanas metodes --- dhurim i embrionit --- mākslīgā apaugļošana --- donazzjoni ta' embrijuni --- procriação medicamente assistida --- sperma adományozása --- fecondazione artificiale --- donatur tal-isperma --- procreación médicamente asistida --- doniranje sperme --- donazione di sperma --- даряване на ембриони --- don d'embryons --- augļa ieņemšana un attīstības sekmēšana ar medicīnas līdzekļu palīdzību --- ИВФ третман --- darovanje semena --- assisted fertilization --- In-vivo-Befruchtung --- banka spermií --- doação de embriões --- keinohedelmöitys --- sædbank --- Embryonenspende --- donación de esperma --- kunstmatige bevruchting --- kiaušinėlio donorystė --- fertilizzazzjoni artfiċjali --- банка за сперма --- ngjizje artificiale --- sztuczne zapłodnienie u ludzi --- riproduzzjoni umana assistita --- umělé reprodukční techniky --- bank tal-isperma --- sperman luovutus --- dzimumšūnu banka --- ВТО --- изкуствено зачеване --- tehnike umjetne oplodnje --- assistierte Reproduktion --- spermatozoīdu ievadīšana --- техники на вештачко оплодување --- dawstwo embrionów --- dhurim i spermës --- konceptim i asistuar --- procreación artificial humana --- riproduzione umana assistita --- procriação artificial humana --- donator sperme --- insemination --- banco de esperma --- медицински помогнато оплодување --- darovanje jajčec --- лечење стерилитета --- bank nasienia --- lombikbébi-program --- dawstwo nasienia --- reproducere umană asistată --- lékařsky asistovaná reprodukce --- spermapank --- лекуване на безплодие --- lisääntymishoidot --- trajtim i mungesës së pjellorisë --- embriono donorystė --- spermadoonorlus --- umelé oplodnenie --- viljatusravi --- konceptim artificial --- riprodhim i asistuar te njeriu --- донација јајне ћелије --- fecundación médicamente asistida --- artificial reproductive techniques --- cilvēku mākslīgā apaugļošana --- donation af embryoner --- léčba neplodnosti --- δωρεά σπέρματος --- procreazione artificiale umana --- atáirgeadh saorga --- Artificial insemination, Human - Law and legislation --- Fertilization in vitro, Human - Law and legislation --- Human reproductive technology - Law and legislation --- Belgique --- France --- Brésil --- Espagne --- Royaume-Uni --- Grèce --- Hongrie --- Italie --- Japon --- Pays-Bas --- Portugal --- Suède --- Suisse --- Tunisie --- Etats-Unis --- Droit médical --- Procréation artificielle --- Droit médical comparé --- Bioéthique --- Anonymat --- Transparence génétique

La maîtrise de la vie : les procréations médicalement assistées interrogent l'éthique et le droit

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Reproductive Techniques, Assisted --- Legislation, Medical --- Human reproductive technology --- ethics --- Law and legislation --- Moral and ethical aspects --- BPB1210 --- Procréation artificielle --- Éthique --- Kunstmatige voortplanting --- Ethiek --- Assisted conception --- Assisted human reproduction --- Assisted human reproductive technology --- Conception --- Human assisted reproduction --- Human assisted reproductive technology --- Human reproduction --- Medical technology --- Reproductive technology --- Ethik --- etyka --- ética --- etikë --- etica --- ētika --- етика --- etika --- etică --- moral --- ηθική δεοντολογία --- eetika --- ethiek --- etik --- etiikka --- moralės mokslas --- dorovės mokslas --- veda o morálke --- moral science --- mravnost --- morale --- Moral --- morálka --- moraal --- erkölcsfilozófia --- moraali --- ethica --- morāles mācība --- filosofía moral --- erkölcstan --- morală --- shkencë morale --- dorotyra --- ηθική --- zedenleer --- umetno razmnoževanje --- umělé oplodnění --- riproduzzjoni artifiċjali --- kunstlik viljastamine --- riprodhim artificial --- вештачка репродукција --- вештачко размножавање --- reprodução artificial --- kunstmatige voortplanting --- tehnici de reproducere artificială --- umelá reprodukcia --- kunstig forplantning --- dirbtinis apvaisinimas --- mesterséges megtermékenyítés --- sztuczna prokreacja --- mākslīgās ataudzes metodes --- künstliche Fortpflanzung --- procreazione artificiale --- umjetna oplodnja --- konstgjord befruktning --- зачеване по изкуствен път --- procreación artificial --- artificial reproduction --- τεχνητή τεκνοποίηση --- keinotekoinen lisääntyminen --- inseminnation hos människa --- darování embryí --- oploditev z biomedicinsko pomočjo --- liječenje neplodnosti --- teknika të riprodhimit artificial --- embryodonatie --- spermadonatie --- umelé počatie u ľudí --- darovanie embryí --- dhurim i vezëve --- asszisztált reprodukció --- sperm bank --- вештачко оплодување кај луѓето --- embrija transplantācija --- ιατρικά υποβοηθούμενη τεκνοποίηση --- banca dello sperma --- infertility treatment --- asistovaná reprodukce člověka --- medizinisch unterstützte Fortpflanzung --- artificial fertilisation --- вантелесна оплодња --- riprodhim artificial te njeriu --- fécondation artificielle --- petesejt adományozása --- banka sperme --- fertilizare artificială --- procreare artificială umană --- assisted fertilisation --- fecondazione medicalmente assistita --- hedelmöityshoito --- sperm donor --- spermatozoīdu donors --- tratament pentru infertilitate --- asszisztált humán reprodukció --- spermanluovuttaja --- doação de esperma --- assisterad reproduktion --- spermos donorystė --- банка сперме --- Samenspende --- lekársky asistované počatie --- υποβοηθούμενη αναπαραγωγή ανθρώπων --- донација на сперма --- донатор сперме --- prokreazzjoni artifiċjali umana --- bankë sperme --- artificial human reproduction --- sperm donation --- prokreazzjoni medika assistita --- донација сперме --- донација ембриона --- konceptim i ndihmuar --- procreazione medicalmente assistita --- prokreacja wspomagana medycznie --- embryo donation --- künstliche Befruchtung --- донирање јајце-клетки --- doniranje jajnih stanica --- dhurues i spermës --- embrüodoonorlus --- artificial fertilization --- don de sperme --- fecundación artificial --- зачеване по изкуствен път при човека --- donation af sæd --- лечење неплодност --- dirbtinis žmogaus apvaisinimas --- τράπεζα σπέρματος --- Samenbank --- nevaisingumo gydymas --- egg donation --- asistovaná ľudská reprodukcia --- spermadonation --- fecundação artificial --- kunstig befrugtning --- doniranje embrija --- In-vitro-Fertilisierung --- umělá reprodukce u člověka --- umetna oploditev --- lapsettomuushoito --- procréation artificielle humaine --- oploditev s človeško pomočjo --- spermos bankas --- reprodução humana assistida --- semenska banka --- τεχνητή τεκνοποίηση ανθρώπων --- асистирана репродукция при човека --- embriódonor --- darování spermií --- procréation médicalement assistée --- donación de embriones --- spermabank --- assisterad befruktning --- banque de sperme --- донација на ембрион --- neauglības ārstēšana --- spermapankki --- reproduction humaine assistée --- pagalbinis žmogaus apvaisinimas --- reproducción humana asistida --- embryodonation --- donazione di embrioni --- даряване на сперма --- δωρεά εμβρύων --- medicinski potpomognuta oplodnja --- assisted human reproduction --- darovanie spermií --- alkion luovutus --- donazzjoni ta' sperma --- mākslīgās pavairošanas metodes --- dhurim i embrionit --- mākslīgā apaugļošana --- donazzjoni ta' embrijuni --- procriação medicamente assistida --- sperma adományozása --- fecondazione artificiale --- donatur tal-isperma --- procreación médicamente asistida --- doniranje sperme --- donazione di sperma --- даряване на ембриони --- don d'embryons --- augļa ieņemšana un attīstības sekmēšana ar medicīnas līdzekļu palīdzību --- ИВФ третман --- darovanje semena --- assisted fertilization --- In-vivo-Befruchtung --- banka spermií --- doação de embriões --- keinohedelmöitys --- sædbank --- Embryonenspende --- donación de esperma --- kunstmatige bevruchting --- kiaušinėlio donorystė --- fertilizzazzjoni artfiċjali --- банка за сперма --- ngjizje artificiale --- sztuczne zapłodnienie u ludzi --- riproduzzjoni umana assistita --- umělé reprodukční techniky --- bank tal-isperma --- sperman luovutus --- dzimumšūnu banka --- ВТО --- изкуствено зачеване --- tehnike umjetne oplodnje --- assistierte Reproduktion --- spermatozoīdu ievadīšana --- техники на вештачко оплодување --- dawstwo embrionów --- dhurim i spermës --- konceptim i asistuar --- procreación artificial humana --- riproduzione umana assistita --- procriação artificial humana --- donator sperme --- insemination --- banco de esperma --- медицински помогнато оплодување --- darovanje jajčec --- лечење стерилитета --- bank nasienia --- lombikbébi-program --- dawstwo nasienia --- reproducere umană asistată --- lékařsky asistovaná reprodukce --- spermapank --- лекуване на безплодие --- lisääntymishoidot --- trajtim i mungesës së pjellorisë --- embriono donorystė --- spermadoonorlus --- umelé oplodnenie --- viljatusravi --- konceptim artificial --- riprodhim i asistuar te njeriu --- донација јајне ћелије --- fecundación médicamente asistida --- artificial reproductive techniques --- cilvēku mākslīgā apaugļošana --- donation af embryoner --- léčba neplodnosti --- δωρεά σπέρματος --- procreazione artificiale umana --- Technological innovations --- eitic --- atáirgeadh saorga --- Reproductive Techniques, Assisted - ethics --- Human reproductive technology - Law and legislation - France - Congresses --- Human reproductive technology - Moral and ethical aspects - France - Congresses --- Éthique --- Procréation artificielle --- Procréation médicalement assistée --- Bioéthique --- Aspect moral --- France --- Droit

Gedeeld geluk : ouderschap in intentionele meeroudergezinnen
ISBN: 9789400007741 9400007744 Year: 2016 Volume: XIII Publisher: Antwerpen: Intersentia,

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Uit de samenvloeiing van medische en maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen is een nieuwe gezinsvorm ontstaan waarbij meer dan twee personen bewust ervoor kiezen om ouder te worden van een kind en het samen op te voeden. Vaak maken ze daarover afspraken nog voor het kind is verwekt. Deze gezinnen worden intentionele meeroudergezinnen genoemd. Zij vormen een nieuwe uitdaging voor het familierecht. Bijna overal, ook in België, is het aantal juridische ouders beperkt tot twee. Dit tweeoudermodel houdt geen rekening met het bestaan van meeroudergezinnen. Het biedt geen bescherming aan de relatie tussen het kind en (minstens) een van de personen betrokken bij het ouderschapsproject. De vraag rijst of het familierecht aan deze nieuwe gezinsvorm tegemoet moet komen, en zo ja, hoe. Moet het mogelijk zijn om het juridische ouderschap aan meer dan twee personen toe te kennen? Eind 2015 heeft de Senaat deze vraag opgenomen in een vraagstelling over mee(r)ouderschap, ter voorbereiding van toekomstige parlementaire werkzaamheden. 1 De Senaat erkent dat dit probleem complex is en een grondig onderzoek vereist.2 Deze rede beoogt daartoe een aanzet te geven.Het eerste deel wil de lezer vertrouwd maken met het onderwerp door intentionele meeroudergezinnen als recent maatschappelijk fenomeen te situeren en te verklaren. In welke situaties komen deze gezinnen voor? Welke ontwikkelingen liggen eraan ten grondslag? Het tweede deel beantwoordt de vraag wat de juridische gevolgen zijn van de afspraken die de betrokkenen maken. Het Belgische familierecht inzake afstamming en ouderlijk gezag vormt het uitgangspunt van deze analyse. Vervolgens gaat het derde deel in op de vraag of intentionele meeroudergezinnen wettelijke erkenning moeten krijgen. Aan de hand van buitenlandse wetgeving verkent het laatste deel de mogelijkheden waarlangs intentionele meeroudergezinnen wettelijk kunnen worden verankerd.


Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- Family law. Inheritance law --- adoptie --- ouders-kind relatie --- ouderschap --- co-ouderschap --- BPB1706 --- Droit de la famille --- Procréation artificielle --- Adoption d'enfant --- Droits de l'enfant --- umetno razmnoževanje --- umělé oplodnění --- riproduzzjoni artifiċjali --- kunstlik viljastamine --- riprodhim artificial --- вештачка репродукција --- вештачко размножавање --- reprodução artificial --- kunstmatige voortplanting --- tehnici de reproducere artificială --- umelá reprodukcia --- kunstig forplantning --- dirbtinis apvaisinimas --- mesterséges megtermékenyítés --- sztuczna prokreacja --- mākslīgās ataudzes metodes --- künstliche Fortpflanzung --- procreazione artificiale --- umjetna oplodnja --- konstgjord befruktning --- зачеване по изкуствен път --- procreación artificial --- artificial reproduction --- τεχνητή τεκνοποίηση --- keinotekoinen lisääntyminen --- inseminnation hos människa --- darování embryí --- oploditev z biomedicinsko pomočjo --- liječenje neplodnosti --- teknika të riprodhimit artificial --- embryodonatie --- spermadonatie --- umelé počatie u ľudí --- darovanie embryí --- dhurim i vezëve --- asszisztált reprodukció --- sperm bank --- вештачко оплодување кај луѓето --- embrija transplantācija --- ιατρικά υποβοηθούμενη τεκνοποίηση --- banca dello sperma --- infertility treatment --- asistovaná reprodukce člověka --- medizinisch unterstützte Fortpflanzung --- artificial fertilisation --- вантелесна оплодња --- riprodhim artificial te njeriu --- fécondation artificielle --- petesejt adományozása --- banka sperme --- fertilizare artificială --- procreare artificială umană --- assisted fertilisation --- fecondazione medicalmente assistita --- hedelmöityshoito --- sperm donor --- spermatozoīdu donors --- tratament pentru infertilitate --- asszisztált humán reprodukció --- spermanluovuttaja --- doação de esperma --- assisterad reproduktion --- spermos donorystė --- банка сперме --- Samenspende --- lekársky asistované počatie --- υποβοηθούμενη αναπαραγωγή ανθρώπων --- донација на сперма --- донатор сперме --- prokreazzjoni artifiċjali umana --- bankë sperme --- artificial human reproduction --- sperm donation --- prokreazzjoni medika assistita --- донација сперме --- донација ембриона --- konceptim i ndihmuar --- procreazione medicalmente assistita --- prokreacja wspomagana medycznie --- embryo donation --- künstliche Befruchtung --- донирање јајце-клетки --- doniranje jajnih stanica --- dhurues i spermës --- embrüodoonorlus --- artificial fertilization --- don de sperme --- fecundación artificial --- зачеване по изкуствен път при човека --- donation af sæd --- лечење неплодност --- dirbtinis žmogaus apvaisinimas --- τράπεζα σπέρματος --- Samenbank --- nevaisingumo gydymas --- egg donation --- asistovaná ľudská reprodukcia --- spermadonation --- fecundação artificial --- kunstig befrugtning --- doniranje embrija --- In-vitro-Fertilisierung --- umělá reprodukce u člověka --- umetna oploditev --- lapsettomuushoito --- procréation artificielle humaine --- oploditev s človeško pomočjo --- spermos bankas --- reprodução humana assistida --- semenska banka --- τεχνητή τεκνοποίηση ανθρώπων --- асистирана репродукция при човека --- embriódonor --- darování spermií --- procréation médicalement assistée --- donación de embriones --- spermabank --- assisterad befruktning --- banque de sperme --- донација на ембрион --- neauglības ārstēšana --- spermapankki --- reproduction humaine assistée --- pagalbinis žmogaus apvaisinimas --- reproducción humana asistida --- embryodonation --- donazione di embrioni --- даряване на сперма --- δωρεά εμβρύων --- medicinski potpomognuta oplodnja --- assisted human reproduction --- darovanie spermií --- alkion luovutus --- donazzjoni ta' sperma --- mākslīgās pavairošanas metodes --- dhurim i embrionit --- mākslīgā apaugļošana --- donazzjoni ta' embrijuni --- procriação medicamente assistida --- sperma adományozása --- fecondazione artificiale --- donatur tal-isperma --- procreación médicamente asistida --- doniranje sperme --- donazione di sperma --- даряване на ембриони --- don d'embryons --- augļa ieņemšana un attīstības sekmēšana ar medicīnas līdzekļu palīdzību --- ИВФ третман --- darovanje semena --- assisted fertilization --- In-vivo-Befruchtung --- banka spermií --- doação de embriões --- keinohedelmöitys --- sædbank --- Embryonenspende --- donación de esperma --- kunstmatige bevruchting --- kiaušinėlio donorystė --- fertilizzazzjoni artfiċjali --- банка за сперма --- ngjizje artificiale --- sztuczne zapłodnienie u ludzi --- riproduzzjoni umana assistita --- umělé reprodukční techniky --- bank tal-isperma --- sperman luovutus --- dzimumšūnu banka --- ВТО --- изкуствено зачеване --- tehnike umjetne oplodnje --- assistierte Reproduktion --- spermatozoīdu ievadīšana --- техники на вештачко оплодување --- dawstwo embrionów --- dhurim i spermës --- konceptim i asistuar --- procreación artificial humana --- riproduzione umana assistita --- procriação artificial humana --- donator sperme --- insemination --- banco de esperma --- медицински помогнато оплодување --- darovanje jajčec --- лечење стерилитета --- bank nasienia --- lombikbébi-program --- dawstwo nasienia --- reproducere umană asistată --- lékařsky asistovaná reprodukce --- spermapank --- лекуване на безплодие --- lisääntymishoidot --- trajtim i mungesës së pjellorisë --- embriono donorystė --- spermadoonorlus --- umelé oplodnenie --- viljatusravi --- konceptim artificial --- riprodhim i asistuar te njeriu --- донација јајне ћелије --- fecundación médicamente asistida --- artificial reproductive techniques --- cilvēku mākslīgā apaugļošana --- donation af embryoner --- léčba neplodnosti --- δωρεά σπέρματος --- procreazione artificiale umana --- liġi tal-familja --- οικογενειακό δίκαιο --- obiteljsko pravo --- Derecho de familia --- perekonnaõigus --- perhelainsäädäntö --- ģimenes tiesības --- family law --- prawo rodzinne --- familjerätt --- семејно право --- družinsko pravo --- e drejta e familjes --- rodinné právo --- породично право --- familierecht --- familieret --- Familienrecht --- šeimos teisė --- семейно право --- dlí teaghlaigh --- dreptul familiei --- családjog --- diritto di famiglia --- direito da família --- Anerkennung der Mutterschaft --- zákon o rodině --- родителско право --- drepturile copilului --- otrokove pravice --- Rechte des Kindes --- dječja prava --- vaikų teisės --- barns rättigheter --- права на децата --- права деце --- práva detí --- bērnu tiesības --- diritti del bambino --- cearta an linbh --- të drejtat e fëmijëve --- børns rettigheder --- gyermek jogai --- lapsen oikeudet --- rechten van het kind --- children's rights --- права на детето --- laste õigused --- δικαιώματα του παιδιού --- prawa dziecka --- drittijiet ta-tfal --- direitos da criança --- práva dítěte --- derechos del niño --- Прва детска амбасада во светот --- prava djeteta --- Конвенција за правата на детето --- derechos de la infancia --- derechos del menor --- gyermekeket megillető jogok --- adopcja --- örökbefogadás --- adopția copilului --- birësim i një fëmije --- posvojenje --- осиновяване --- adopción --- adoção --- adozzjoni tat-tfal --- усвојење детета --- adoption of a child --- lapsendamine --- Adoption --- посвојување дете --- adozione di minore --- υιοθεσία --- adopcia dieťaťa --- bērna adoptēšana --- adopce dítěte --- įvaikinimas --- posvojitev --- lapseksiottaminen --- adoption --- Annahme an Kindes Statt --- înfiere --- famiglia adottiva --- lapsendatu --- θετό τέκνο --- osvojení dítěte --- adoptioperhe --- posvojiteljska obitelj --- посвоител --- filiazione adottiva --- adopted descendant --- Adoptivfamilie --- osvojitel --- famille adoptive --- familje birësuese --- familia adoptiva --- filho adotivo --- adoptiivpere --- adoptivní příbuzenství --- osvojení nezrušitelné --- filiación adoptiva --- adoptēts pēcnācējs --- стекнување родителско право --- familie adoptivă --- adoptiolapsi --- посвоеник --- adoptovaný potomok --- posvojenje djeteta --- adoptívna rodina --- θετή οικογένεια --- įvaikinusi šeima --- adoptivfamilj --- família adotiva --- audžuģimene --- bērna adopcija --- adopted family --- adoptivní rodina --- įvaikintas palikuonis --- gyermek örökbefogadása --- pasardhës i birësuar --- adoptivfamilie --- osvojení zrušitelné --- деца без родители --- örökbe fogadó család --- adopção --- filiation adoptive --- adoptiefouders --- örökbefogadó --- Famille monoparentale --- Famille --- Parents et enfants --- Droit --- E-books --- Domestic relations --- Children's rights --- Human reproductive technology --- Enfants --- Procréation médicalement assistée --- Law and legislation --- Droits --- uchtú --- leanbh a uchtú --- atáirgeadh saorga --- Parenthood --- Parent and child (Law) --- Comparative law --- Condition de parents --- Autorité parentale --- Droit comparé --- Procréation artificielle --- Belgique --- Canada --- Etats-Unis

Faire des enfants demain : révolutions dans la procréation
ISBN: 9782021157024 2021157024 Year: 2014 Publisher: Paris: Seuil,

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Trente-cinq ans après le premier "bébé-éprouvette", près de 3 % des enfants sont conçus avec l'aide de la biomédecine dans les pays industrialisés. Qu'en sera-t-il dans les décennies à venir ? S'il ne s'agit, selon la loi actuelle, que d'aider les couples stériles, l'assistance médicale à la procréation a désormais atteint ses buts avec l'optimisation des actes biologiques et médicaux. Mais la technique, sous couvert de médecine de pointe, cherche toujours à agrandir son territoire et à régenter nos vies, même lorsque sa nécessité ne s'impose pas... Aussi, puisqu'aujourd'hui la régulation bioéthique fait l'objet d'une permissivité croissante, la question se pose de savoir jusqu'où ira la médicalisation de la procréation, et comment la société pourra en maîtriser les dérives sociétales et eugéniques. Devrons-nous aller jusqu'à compter sur la décroissance économique pour, mieux que les lois de bioéthique, imposer des limites à la démesure technoscientifique ?


Human reproductive technology --- Medical ethics --- Bioethics --- Moral and ethical aspects --- BPB1406 --- Fécondation in vitro --- Procréation artificielle --- Bevruchting in vitro --- Kunstmatige voortplanting --- fekondim artificial --- In-vitro-Befruchtung --- oploditev in vitro --- γονιμοποίηση in vitro --- katseklaasiviljastamine --- fecundación in vitro --- provrörsbefruktning --- fecondazione in vitro --- zapłodnienie in vitro --- fecundação in vitro --- apaugļošana mēģenē ar barotni --- oplodnja u epruveti --- oplodnenie v skúmavke --- koeputkihedelmöitys --- oplodnění ve zkumavce --- bevruchting in vitro --- in vitro-befrugtning --- оплодња ин витро --- оплождане инвитро --- fertilizzazzjoni in vitro --- in vitro megtermékenyítés --- test tube fertilisation --- apvaisinimas mėgintuvėlyje --- оплодување во епрувета --- fertilizare în vitro --- δωρεά ωοκυττάρων --- In-vitro-Fertilisation --- ИВФ --- fertilización extracorpórea --- dítě ze zkumavky --- dhurim i qelizave vezë --- in vitro fertilisatie --- in vitro viljastamine --- äggdonation --- in vitro-fertilisering --- fecondazione in provetta --- izvantjelesna oplodnja --- donation af æg --- don d'ovocytes --- doação de ovócitos --- befrugtning i reagensglas --- kiaušinėlio ląstelių donorystė --- Eispende --- вонтелесно оплодување --- oplodnění in vitro --- dhurim i ociteve --- donație de oocite --- munarakudoonorlus --- reageerbuisbevruchting --- testen kívüli megtermékenyítés --- donazione di ovociti --- egg cell donation --- donație de ovule --- eiceldonatie --- donación de ovocitos --- оплодување ин витро --- ovosyytin luovutus --- fertilizim artificial --- донирање јајце-клетка --- test tube fertilization --- oocyte donation --- munasolun emäsolun luovutus --- ocitų donorystė --- umetno razmnoževanje --- umělé oplodnění --- riproduzzjoni artifiċjali --- kunstlik viljastamine --- riprodhim artificial --- вештачка репродукција --- вештачко размножавање --- reprodução artificial --- kunstmatige voortplanting --- tehnici de reproducere artificială --- umelá reprodukcia --- kunstig forplantning --- dirbtinis apvaisinimas --- mesterséges megtermékenyítés --- sztuczna prokreacja --- mākslīgās ataudzes metodes --- künstliche Fortpflanzung --- procreazione artificiale --- umjetna oplodnja --- konstgjord befruktning --- зачеване по изкуствен път --- procreación artificial --- artificial reproduction --- τεχνητή τεκνοποίηση --- keinotekoinen lisääntyminen --- inseminnation hos människa --- darování embryí --- oploditev z biomedicinsko pomočjo --- liječenje neplodnosti --- teknika të riprodhimit artificial --- embryodonatie --- spermadonatie --- umelé počatie u ľudí --- darovanie embryí --- dhurim i vezëve --- asszisztált reprodukció --- sperm bank --- вештачко оплодување кај луѓето --- embrija transplantācija --- ιατρικά υποβοηθούμενη τεκνοποίηση --- banca dello sperma --- infertility treatment --- asistovaná reprodukce člověka --- medizinisch unterstützte Fortpflanzung --- artificial fertilisation --- вантелесна оплодња --- riprodhim artificial te njeriu --- fécondation artificielle --- petesejt adományozása --- banka sperme --- fertilizare artificială --- procreare artificială umană --- assisted fertilisation --- fecondazione medicalmente assistita --- hedelmöityshoito --- sperm donor --- spermatozoīdu donors --- tratament pentru infertilitate --- asszisztált humán reprodukció --- spermanluovuttaja --- doação de esperma --- assisterad reproduktion --- spermos donorystė --- банка сперме --- Samenspende --- lekársky asistované počatie --- υποβοηθούμενη αναπαραγωγή ανθρώπων --- донација на сперма --- донатор сперме --- prokreazzjoni artifiċjali umana --- bankë sperme --- artificial human reproduction --- sperm donation --- prokreazzjoni medika assistita --- донација сперме --- донација ембриона --- konceptim i ndihmuar --- procreazione medicalmente assistita --- prokreacja wspomagana medycznie --- embryo donation --- künstliche Befruchtung --- донирање јајце-клетки --- doniranje jajnih stanica --- dhurues i spermës --- embrüodoonorlus --- artificial fertilization --- don de sperme --- fecundación artificial --- зачеване по изкуствен път при човека --- donation af sæd --- лечење неплодност --- dirbtinis žmogaus apvaisinimas --- τράπεζα σπέρματος --- Samenbank --- nevaisingumo gydymas --- egg donation --- asistovaná ľudská reprodukcia --- spermadonation --- fecundação artificial --- kunstig befrugtning --- doniranje embrija --- In-vitro-Fertilisierung --- umělá reprodukce u člověka --- umetna oploditev --- lapsettomuushoito --- procréation artificielle humaine --- oploditev s človeško pomočjo --- spermos bankas --- reprodução humana assistida --- semenska banka --- τεχνητή τεκνοποίηση ανθρώπων --- асистирана репродукция при човека --- embriódonor --- darování spermií --- procréation médicalement assistée --- donación de embriones --- spermabank --- assisterad befruktning --- banque de sperme --- донација на ембрион --- neauglības ārstēšana --- spermapankki --- reproduction humaine assistée --- pagalbinis žmogaus apvaisinimas --- reproducción humana asistida --- embryodonation --- donazione di embrioni --- даряване на сперма --- δωρεά εμβρύων --- medicinski potpomognuta oplodnja --- assisted human reproduction --- darovanie spermií --- alkion luovutus --- donazzjoni ta' sperma --- mākslīgās pavairošanas metodes --- dhurim i embrionit --- mākslīgā apaugļošana --- donazzjoni ta' embrijuni --- procriação medicamente assistida --- sperma adományozása --- fecondazione artificiale --- donatur tal-isperma --- procreación médicamente asistida --- doniranje sperme --- donazione di sperma --- даряване на ембриони --- don d'embryons --- augļa ieņemšana un attīstības sekmēšana ar medicīnas līdzekļu palīdzību --- ИВФ третман --- darovanje semena --- assisted fertilization --- In-vivo-Befruchtung --- banka spermií --- doação de embriões --- keinohedelmöitys --- sædbank --- Embryonenspende --- donación de esperma --- kunstmatige bevruchting --- kiaušinėlio donorystė --- fertilizzazzjoni artfiċjali --- банка за сперма --- ngjizje artificiale --- sztuczne zapłodnienie u ludzi --- riproduzzjoni umana assistita --- umělé reprodukční techniky --- bank tal-isperma --- sperman luovutus --- dzimumšūnu banka --- ВТО --- изкуствено зачеване --- tehnike umjetne oplodnje --- assistierte Reproduktion --- spermatozoīdu ievadīšana --- техники на вештачко оплодување --- dawstwo embrionów --- dhurim i spermës --- konceptim i asistuar --- procreación artificial humana --- riproduzione umana assistita --- procriação artificial humana --- donator sperme --- insemination --- banco de esperma --- медицински помогнато оплодување --- darovanje jajčec --- лечење стерилитета --- bank nasienia --- lombikbébi-program --- dawstwo nasienia --- reproducere umană asistată --- lékařsky asistovaná reprodukce --- spermapank --- лекуване на безплодие --- lisääntymishoidot --- trajtim i mungesës së pjellorisë --- embriono donorystė --- spermadoonorlus --- umelé oplodnenie --- viljatusravi --- konceptim artificial --- riprodhim i asistuar te njeriu --- донација јајне ћелије --- fecundación médicamente asistida --- artificial reproductive techniques --- cilvēku mākslīgā apaugļošana --- donation af embryoner --- léčba neplodnosti --- δωρεά σπέρματος --- procreazione artificiale umana --- toirchiú triaileadáin --- atáirgeadh saorga --- Human reproductive technology - Moral and ethical aspects --- Procréation artificielle --- Fécondation in vitro

Sex cells
ISBN: 0520270959 9780520270954 9780520270961 0520270967 9786613278463 1283278464 0520950224 9780520950221 9781283278461 6613278467 Year: 2011 Publisher: Berkeley University of California Press

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Unimaginable until the twentieth century, the clinical practice of transferring eggs and sperm from body to body is now the basis of a bustling market. In Sex Cells, Rene Almeling provides an inside look at how egg agencies and sperm banks do business. Although both men and women are usually drawn to donation for financial reasons, Almeling finds that clinics encourage sperm donors to think of the payments as remuneration for an easy "job." Women receive more money but are urged to regard egg donation in feminine terms, as the ultimate "gift" from one woman to another. Sex Cells shows how the gendered framing of paid donation, as either a job or a gift, not only influences the structure of the market, but also profoundly affects the individuals whose genetic material is being purchased.


Artificial insemination, Human - Economic aspects. --- Artificial insemination, Human -- Economic aspects. --- Artificial insemination, Human - Moral and ethical aspects. --- Artificial insemination, Human -- Moral and ethical aspects. --- Infertility - Treatment - Economic aspects. --- Infertility -- Treatment -- Economic aspects. --- Surrogate motherhood - Economic aspects. --- Surrogate motherhood -- Economic aspects. --- Artificial insemination, Human --- Infertility --- Surrogate motherhood --- Biological Specimen Banks --- Reproductive Techniques --- Reproductive Techniques, Assisted --- Insemination --- Persons --- Social Sciences --- Health Facilities --- Therapeutics --- Anthropology, Education, Sociology and Social Phenomena --- Named Groups --- Reproduction --- Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment --- Investigative Techniques --- Reproductive Physiological Processes --- Health Care Facilities, Manpower, and Services --- Health Care --- Reproductive Physiological Phenomena --- Reproductive and Urinary Physiological Phenomena --- Phenomena and Processes --- Sperm Banks --- Insemination, Artificial --- Tissue Donors --- Economics --- Sociology & Social History --- Family & Marriage --- Economic aspects --- Moral and ethical aspects --- Treatment --- Sperm Banks. --- Tissue Donors. --- Economic aspects. --- Moral and ethical aspects. --- economics. --- Capital --- Conditions, Economic --- Consumption --- Cost of Living --- Easterlin Hypothesis --- Economic Conditions --- Economic Factors --- Economic Policies --- Economic Policy --- Economics, Home --- Factors, Economic --- Home Economics --- Household Consumption --- Macroeconomic Factors --- Microeconomic Factors --- Policies, Economic --- Policy, Economic --- Production --- Remittances --- Utility Theory --- Consumer Price Index --- Condition, Economic --- Consumer Price Indices --- Consumption, Household --- Economic Condition --- Economic Factor --- Factor, Economic --- Factor, Macroeconomic --- Factor, Microeconomic --- Factors, Macroeconomic --- Factors, Microeconomic --- Household Consumptions --- Hypothesis, Easterlin --- Index, Consumer Price --- Indices, Consumer Price --- Living Cost --- Living Costs --- Remittance --- Theories, Utility --- Theory, Utility --- Utility Theories --- Donors --- Ovum Donors --- Semen Donors --- Transplant Donors --- Organ Donors --- Donor --- Donor, Organ --- Donor, Ovum --- Donor, Semen --- Donor, Tissue --- Donor, Transplant --- Donors, Organ --- Donors, Ovum --- Donors, Semen --- Donors, Tissue --- Donors, Transplant --- Organ Donor --- Ovum Donor --- Semen Donor --- Tissue Donor --- Transplant Donor --- Eutelegenesis --- Artificial Insemination --- Artificial Inseminations --- Eutelegeneses --- Inseminations, Artificial --- Bank, Sperm --- Banks, Sperm --- Sperm Bank --- Physiology, Reproductive and Urinary --- Reproductive and Urinary Physiological Phenomenon --- Reproductive and Urinary Physiology Concepts --- Reproductive and Urinary Physiology Phenomenon --- Reproductive and Urinary Tract Physiological Concepts --- Reproductive and Urinary Tract Physiological Phenomena --- Reproductive and Urinary Tract Physiological Phenomenon --- Reproductive and Urinary Tract Physiology --- Reproductive and Urinary Physiology --- Reproductive and Urinary Physiology Phenomena --- Reproductive Physiologic Concepts --- Reproductive Physiological Phenomenon --- Reproductive Physiological Process --- Reproductive Physiological Concepts --- Concept, Reproductive Physiologic --- Concept, Reproductive Physiological --- Concepts, Reproductive Physiologic --- Concepts, Reproductive Physiological --- Phenomena, Reproductive Physiological --- Phenomenon, Reproductive Physiological --- Physiologic Concept, Reproductive --- Physiologic Concepts, Reproductive --- Physiological Concept, Reproductive --- Physiological Process, Reproductive --- Physiological Processes, Reproductive --- Process, Reproductive Physiological --- Processes, Reproductive Physiological --- Reproductive Physiologic Concept --- Reproductive Physiological Concept --- Community-Based Distribution --- Contraceptive Distribution --- Delivery of Healthcare --- Dental Care Delivery --- Distribution, Non-Clinical --- Distribution, Nonclinical --- Distributional Activities --- Healthcare --- Healthcare Delivery --- Healthcare Systems --- Non-Clinical Distribution --- Nonclinical Distribution --- Delivery of Dental Care --- Health Care Delivery --- Health Care Systems --- Activities, Distributional --- Activity, Distributional --- Care, Health --- Community Based Distribution --- Community-Based Distributions --- Contraceptive Distributions --- Deliveries, Healthcare --- Delivery, Dental Care --- Delivery, Health Care --- Delivery, Healthcare --- Distribution, Community-Based --- Distribution, Contraceptive --- Distribution, Non Clinical --- Distributional Activity --- Distributions, Community-Based --- Distributions, Contraceptive --- Distributions, Non-Clinical --- Distributions, Nonclinical --- Health Care System --- Healthcare Deliveries --- Healthcare System --- Non Clinical Distribution --- Non-Clinical Distributions --- Nonclinical Distributions --- System, Health Care --- System, Healthcare --- Systems, Health Care --- Systems, Healthcare --- Healthcare Facilities, Manpower, and Services --- Investigative Technics --- Investigative Technic --- Investigative Technique --- Technic, Investigative --- Technics, Investigative --- Technique, Investigative --- Techniques, Investigative --- Human Reproductive Index --- Human Reproductive Indexes --- Reproductive Period --- Human Reproductive Indices --- Index, Human Reproductive --- Indexes, Human Reproductive --- Indices, Human Reproductive --- Period, Reproductive --- Periods, Reproductive --- Reproductive Index, Human --- Reproductive Indices, Human --- Reproductive Periods --- Therapy --- Therapeutic --- Therapies --- Treatments --- Disease --- Facilities, Health --- Facility, Health --- Health Facility --- Science, Social --- Sciences, Social --- Social Science --- Person --- Inseminations --- Assisted Reproductive Technics --- Assisted Reproductive Techniques --- Reproductive Technology, Assisted --- Assisted Reproductive Technic --- Assisted Reproductive Technique --- Assisted Reproductive Technologies --- Assisted Reproductive Technology --- Reproductive Technic, Assisted --- Reproductive Technics, Assisted --- Reproductive Technique, Assisted --- Reproductive Technologies, Assisted --- Technic, Assisted Reproductive --- Technics, Assisted Reproductive --- Technique, Assisted Reproductive --- Techniques, Assisted Reproductive --- Technologies, Assisted Reproductive --- Technology, Assisted Reproductive --- Reproduction Technics --- Reproduction Techniques --- Reproductive Technologies --- Technology, Reproductive --- Reproductive Technology --- Reproduction Technic --- Reproduction Technique --- Reproductive Technique --- Technic, Reproduction --- Technics, Reproduction --- Technique, Reproduction --- Technique, Reproductive --- Techniques, Reproduction --- Techniques, Reproductive --- Technologies, Reproductive --- Bank, Biological Specimen --- Bank, Biological Substance --- Banks, Biological Specimen --- Banks, Biological Substance --- Biological Specimen Bank --- Biological Substance Bank --- Specimen Bank, Biological --- Specimen Banks, Biological --- Substance Bank, Biological --- Substance Banks, Biological --- Biological Substance Banks --- Involuntary childlessness --- Sterility --- Sterility in humans --- Donor insemination, Human --- Human artificial insemination --- Human donor insemination --- therapy --- Tissue and Organ Procurement --- Transplantation --- Tissue Transplantation --- Directed Tissue Donation --- Transplant Donor Site --- Semen --- Semen Preservation --- Spermatozoa --- Selective Breeding --- Reproductive Medicine --- Reproductive Health Services --- Human reproductive technology --- Motherhood --- Childlessness --- Generative organs --- Fertility, Human --- Sterilization (Birth control) --- Diseases --- Treatment&delete& --- E-books --- Economics. --- 21st century medicine. --- anthropology and health. --- creating a family. --- economic sociology. --- egg agencies. --- egg donation. --- egg donors. --- ethics and reproductive medicine. --- gender studies. --- genetic donor. --- genetic material. --- health and ethics. --- history of medicine. --- in vitro fertilization. --- infertility. --- medical sociology. --- medicine and business. --- motherhood and fatherhood. --- parenthood. --- reproductive medicine and technology. --- reproductive strategies. --- sociology of marriage and family. --- sperm banks. --- sperm donation. --- sperm donors.

De maakbare baby : een onbegrensd verlangen?
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789401443432 Year: 2017 Publisher: Gent Academia Press

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Eén op de zes koppels heeft medische hulp nodig om zwanger te raken. Gelukkig voor hen maakte de wetenschap al grote sprongen: van IVF, zaad- en eiceldonatie en draagmoederschap tot baarmoedertransplantatie. Maar daar stopt het niet. Straks kweken we misschien zaad- en eicellen uit onze eigen huid. De vruchtbaarheidsrevolutie komt eraan. De Maakbare Baby is een boek op het kruispunt tussen wetenschap, ethiek en de diepmenselijke kinderwens. De auteurs geven een overzicht van alle mogelijke behandelingen, doorspekt met verhalen van jonge (wens)ouders. Internationaal bekende wetenschappers en filosofen wakkeren mee het maatschappelijke debat aan. Want de vraag blijft: hoe ver gaan we om onze kinderwens te vervullen?


Vruchtbaarheidsproblemen. --- ethiek --- vruchtbaarheidsbehandelingen --- IVF (in vitrofertilisatie) --- draagmoederschap --- kinderrechten --- gezinssociologie --- KI (kunstmatige intelligentie) --- fertiliteit --- kinderwens --- Family law. Inheritance law --- gentherapie --- Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- Belgium --- Kinderwens --- Vruchtbaarheidsproblemen --- Medische ethiek --- BPB1711 --- 664.1 Gezin --- Droit de la famille --- Procréation artificielle --- Bioéthique --- Mère porteuse --- Droits de l'enfant --- IVF --- donatie --- vruchtbaarheid --- 614.1 --- seksualiteit --- Familierecht --- Kunstmatige voortplanting --- Bio-ethiek --- Draagmoeder --- Rechten van het kind --- Medical ethics --- Human reproductive technology --- Children's rights --- Sociologie van het gezin. Sociologie van de seksualiteit --- Familierecht. Erfrecht --- België --- PXL-Healthcare 2018 --- gynaecologie --- ethische aspecten --- Fertiliteit --- Spermatozoa --- Draagmoederschap --- Baarmoedertransplantatie --- Nieuwsamengestelde gezinnen --- Eiceldonatie --- Embryoselectie --- Genetische manipulatie --- Intra Cytoplasmatische Sperma Injectie --- Getuigenissen --- In-vitrofertilisatie --- drepturile copilului --- otrokove pravice --- Rechte des Kindes --- dječja prava --- vaikų teisės --- barns rättigheter --- права на децата --- права деце --- práva detí --- bērnu tiesības --- diritti del bambino --- cearta an linbh --- të drejtat e fëmijëve --- børns rettigheder --- gyermek jogai --- lapsen oikeudet --- rechten van het kind --- children's rights --- права на детето --- laste õigused --- δικαιώματα του παιδιού --- prawa dziecka --- drittijiet ta-tfal --- direitos da criança --- práva dítěte --- derechos del niño --- Прва детска амбасада во светот --- prava djeteta --- Конвенција за правата на детето --- derechos de la infancia --- derechos del menor --- gyermekeket megillető jogok --- zamjenska majka --- surrogatmamma --- Leihmutter --- dajkaanya --- наета майка --- máthair ionaid --- augļa iznēsātāja --- сурогат мајка --- matka nosicielka --- mãe portadora --- nënë mbajtëse --- mamă purtătoare --- surogatinė motina --- omm surrogata --- φέρουσα μητέρα --- náhradná matka --- rugemor --- surrogate mother --- draagmoeder --- sijaissynnyttäjä --- nadomestna mati --- madre portatrice --- asendusema --- madre portadora --- náhradní matka --- prêt d'utérus --- leenmoeder --- utero in affitto --- béranyaság --- išnešiojusioji motina --- surrogatmoder --- dajkaterhesség --- majka surogat --- madre sostituta --- maternidad subrogada --- madre de alquiler --- surrogatmor --- skolintoji motina --- pótanyaság --- κυοφορούσα για λογαριασμό τρίτων --- mère de substitution --- сурогат мајчинство --- mãe de aluguer --- matka nosička --- sijaisäiti --- béranya --- půjčení dělohy --- δανείζουσα μητέρα --- utero in prestito --- βιοηθική --- bijoetika --- bioética --- bioetica --- bioētika --- bio-ethics --- bioeetika --- биоетика --- bioetyka --- bioetiikka --- bio-ethiek --- bioetică --- bioetik --- Bioethik --- bioetika --- lääkärin etiikka --- κώδικας ιατρικής ηθικής --- etică medicală --- etica medica --- медицинска етика --- ética médica --- medical ethics --- bioëthiek --- arstieetika --- medizinische Ethik --- medicīniskā ētika --- orvosi etika --- éthique médicale --- medicinos etika --- etikë mjekësore --- medicinska etika --- medische ethiek --- meditsiinieetika --- medicinsk etik --- umetno razmnoževanje --- umělé oplodnění --- riproduzzjoni artifiċjali --- kunstlik viljastamine --- riprodhim artificial --- вештачка репродукција --- вештачко размножавање --- reprodução artificial --- kunstmatige voortplanting --- tehnici de reproducere artificială --- umelá reprodukcia --- kunstig forplantning --- dirbtinis apvaisinimas --- mesterséges megtermékenyítés --- sztuczna prokreacja --- mākslīgās ataudzes metodes --- künstliche Fortpflanzung --- procreazione artificiale --- umjetna oplodnja --- konstgjord befruktning --- зачеване по изкуствен път --- procreación artificial --- artificial reproduction --- τεχνητή τεκνοποίηση --- keinotekoinen lisääntyminen --- inseminnation hos människa --- darování embryí --- oploditev z biomedicinsko pomočjo --- liječenje neplodnosti --- teknika të riprodhimit artificial --- embryodonatie --- spermadonatie --- umelé počatie u ľudí --- darovanie embryí --- dhurim i vezëve --- asszisztált reprodukció --- sperm bank --- вештачко оплодување кај луѓето --- embrija transplantācija --- ιατρικά υποβοηθούμενη τεκνοποίηση --- banca dello sperma --- infertility treatment --- asistovaná reprodukce člověka --- medizinisch unterstützte Fortpflanzung --- artificial fertilisation --- вантелесна оплодња --- riprodhim artificial te njeriu --- fécondation artificielle --- petesejt adományozása --- banka sperme --- fertilizare artificială --- procreare artificială umană --- assisted fertilisation --- fecondazione medicalmente assistita --- hedelmöityshoito --- sperm donor --- spermatozoīdu donors --- tratament pentru infertilitate --- asszisztált humán reprodukció --- spermanluovuttaja --- doação de esperma --- assisterad reproduktion --- spermos donorystė --- банка сперме --- Samenspende --- lekársky asistované počatie --- υποβοηθούμενη αναπαραγωγή ανθρώπων --- донација на сперма --- донатор сперме --- prokreazzjoni artifiċjali umana --- bankë sperme --- artificial human reproduction --- sperm donation --- prokreazzjoni medika assistita --- донација сперме --- донација ембриона --- konceptim i ndihmuar --- procreazione medicalmente assistita --- prokreacja wspomagana medycznie --- embryo donation --- künstliche Befruchtung --- донирање јајце-клетки --- doniranje jajnih stanica --- dhurues i spermës --- embrüodoonorlus --- artificial fertilization --- don de sperme --- fecundación artificial --- зачеване по изкуствен път при човека --- donation af sæd --- лечење неплодност --- dirbtinis žmogaus apvaisinimas --- τράπεζα σπέρματος --- Samenbank --- nevaisingumo gydymas --- egg donation --- asistovaná ľudská reprodukcia --- spermadonation --- fecundação artificial --- kunstig befrugtning --- doniranje embrija --- In-vitro-Fertilisierung --- umělá reprodukce u člověka --- umetna oploditev --- lapsettomuushoito --- procréation artificielle humaine --- oploditev s človeško pomočjo --- spermos bankas --- reprodução humana assistida --- semenska banka --- τεχνητή τεκνοποίηση ανθρώπων --- асистирана репродукция при човека --- embriódonor --- darování spermií --- procréation médicalement assistée --- donación de embriones --- spermabank --- assisterad befruktning --- banque de sperme --- донација на ембрион --- neauglības ārstēšana --- spermapankki --- reproduction humaine assistée --- pagalbinis žmogaus apvaisinimas --- reproducción humana asistida --- embryodonation --- donazione di embrioni --- даряване на сперма --- δωρεά εμβρύων --- medicinski potpomognuta oplodnja --- assisted human reproduction --- darovanie spermií --- alkion luovutus --- donazzjoni ta' sperma --- mākslīgās pavairošanas metodes --- dhurim i embrionit --- mākslīgā apaugļošana --- donazzjoni ta' embrijuni --- procriação medicamente assistida --- sperma adományozása --- fecondazione artificiale --- donatur tal-isperma --- procreación médicamente asistida --- doniranje sperme --- donazione di sperma --- даряване на ембриони --- don d'embryons --- augļa ieņemšana un attīstības sekmēšana ar medicīnas līdzekļu palīdzību --- ИВФ третман --- darovanje semena --- assisted fertilization --- In-vivo-Befruchtung --- banka spermií --- doação de embriões --- keinohedelmöitys --- sædbank --- Embryonenspende --- donación de esperma --- kunstmatige bevruchting --- kiaušinėlio donorystė --- fertilizzazzjoni artfiċjali --- банка за сперма --- ngjizje artificiale --- sztuczne zapłodnienie u ludzi --- riproduzzjoni umana assistita --- umělé reprodukční techniky --- bank tal-isperma --- sperman luovutus --- dzimumšūnu banka --- ВТО --- изкуствено зачеване --- tehnike umjetne oplodnje --- assistierte Reproduktion --- spermatozoīdu ievadīšana --- техники на вештачко оплодување --- dawstwo embrionów --- dhurim i spermës --- konceptim i asistuar --- procreación artificial humana --- riproduzione umana assistita --- procriação artificial humana --- donator sperme --- insemination --- banco de esperma --- медицински помогнато оплодување --- darovanje jajčec --- лечење стерилитета --- bank nasienia --- lombikbébi-program --- dawstwo nasienia --- reproducere umană asistată --- lékařsky asistovaná reprodukce --- spermapank --- лекуване на безплодие --- lisääntymishoidot --- trajtim i mungesës së pjellorisë --- embriono donorystė --- spermadoonorlus --- umelé oplodnenie --- viljatusravi --- konceptim artificial --- riprodhim i asistuar te njeriu --- донација јајне ћелије --- fecundación médicamente asistida --- artificial reproductive techniques --- cilvēku mākslīgā apaugļošana --- donation af embryoner --- léčba neplodnosti --- δωρεά σπέρματος --- procreazione artificiale umana --- liġi tal-familja --- οικογενειακό δίκαιο --- obiteljsko pravo --- Derecho de familia --- perekonnaõigus --- perhelainsäädäntö --- ģimenes tiesības --- family law --- prawo rodzinne --- familjerätt --- семејно право --- družinsko pravo --- e drejta e familjes --- rodinné právo --- породично право --- familierecht --- familieret --- Familienrecht --- šeimos teisė --- семейно право --- dlí teaghlaigh --- dreptul familiei --- családjog --- diritto di famiglia --- direito da família --- Anerkennung der Mutterschaft --- zákon o rodině --- родителско право --- surogatka --- Vruchtbaarheid --- Zaadcel --- Baarmoeder --- Nieuw samengesteld gezin --- Embryo --- Intracytoplasmatische sperma-injectie --- Getuigenis --- Selectie --- bitheitic --- atáirgeadh saorga --- [618] --- Procréation artificielle --- Bioéthique --- Mère porteuse --- AI (artificiële intelligentie)

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