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Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945) --- Fiction --- General
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Since its emergence along with Western nationalism, historical fiction has been one of the key forms for constructing national histories - and it has not lost its importance even today. This volume highlights the cultural work historical fiction performed in Finland and Estonia ca. 1800-2000 in the ongoing articulation of national identities. This book comprises of a theoretical preface, a comparative survey of Finnish and Estonian historical fiction in their socio-political contexts, case studies by literary scholars and historians and a summary chapter by Ann Rigney that places Finnish and Estonian historical fiction in a broader European perspective. This volume is highly relevant to academics and students interested in cultural memory and nationalism studies at large. As one of the very few edited collections of comparative studies on Finnish and Estonian literature, it is also a must-read to those who study Finnish and Estonian subjects in particular. As the volume is situated in the cross-disciplinary field of cultural memory studies, it demonstrates that historical fiction is a simulating research subject for various disciplines, including history, ethnology, cultural studies, art history and film studies. In all of these fields, this book is also suitable for students at different levels of study and as a reference guide.
Finland --- Estonia --- Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945) --- Classic fiction (pre c 1945)
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Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945) --- Latvia --- Liverpool (England) --- History --- Fiction --- Liverpool (Angleterre, GB) --- Histoire
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El presente estudio es un análisis interdisciplinario, narratológico y hermenéutico de la representación literaria del cuerpo humano, que resulta del empleo de un aparato conceptual proveniente de la fenomenología, específicamente, del convenio terminológico alemán con que se señala al cuerpo humano desde dos perspectivas complementarias: Leib (cuerpo vivido) y Körper (cuerpo físico). La "Trilogía de la enfermedad" de la autora chilena Lina Meruane (Santiago, 1970), conformada por las novelas Fruta podrida (2007), Sangre en el ojo (2012) y Sistema nervioso (2018), sirve de lienzo para introducir esta herramienta heurística. Esta trilogía plantea un corpus textual fructífero, dado que los cuerpos de las protagonistas se inscriben en el marco de una experiencia corporal concreta, la enfermedad, que es entendida en este trabajo como evento que enuncia una irrupción repentina en el relato y, en consecuencia, marca la pauta narrativa e impacta los niveles estructural y discursivo. The book explores the representation of the human body in Chilean author Lina Meruane's "Trilogy of Sickness" (Rotten Fruit, Blood in the Eye and Nervous System). The interdisciplinary, narratological and hermeneutic analysis draws on the notions "lived body" and "physical body" to highlight how elements and forms of the human body narrative impact the narrative structure and plot development of the three novels.
LITERARY CRITICISM / Caribbean & Latin American. --- Lina Meruane. --- contemporary fiction. --- human body. --- phenomenology.
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This book analyzes how literary fiction depicts multilingual worlds by incorporating multiple languages into the text. Taking as case studies several contemporary novels as well as Leo Tolstoy's nineteenth-century classic War and Peace, it explores how reading becomes a translingual process.
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This study examines the narrative tools, techniques, and structures that Marja-Liisa Vartio, a classic of Finnish post-war modernism, used in presenting fictional minds in her narrative prose. The study contributes to the academic discussion on formal and thematic conventions of modernism by addressing the ways in which fictional minds work in interaction, and in relation to the enfolding fictional world. The epistemic problem of how accurately the world, the self, and the other can be known is approached by analyzing two co-operating ways of portraying fictional minds, both from external and internal perspectives. The external perspective relies on detachment and emotional restraint dominating in Vartio’s early novels Se on sitten kevät and Mies kuin mies, tyttö kuin tyttö. The internal perspective pertains to the mental processes of self-reflection, speculation, and excessive imagining that gain more importance in her later novels Kaikki naiset näkevät unia, Tunteet, and Hänen olivat linnut. In the theoretical chapter of this study, fictional minds are discussed in the context of the acclaimed “inward turn” of modernist fiction, by suggesting alternative methods for reading modernist minds as embodied, emotional, and social entities. In respect to fictional minds’ interaction, this study elaborates on the ideas of “mind-reading,” “intersubjectivity,” and the “social mind” established within post-classical cognitive narratology. Furthermore, it employs possible world poetics when addressing the complexity, incompleteness, and (in)accessibility of Vartio’s epistemic worlds, including the characters’ private worlds of knowledge, beliefs, emotions, hallucinations, and dreams. In regards to the emotional emplotment of fictional worlds, this study also benefits from affective narratology as well as the plot theory being influenced by possible world semantics, narrative dynamics, and cognitive narratology.As the five analysis chapters of this study show, fictional minds in Vartio’s fiction are not only introspective, solipsist, and streaming, but also embodied and social entities. In the readings of the primary texts, the concept of embodiedness is used to examine the situated presence of an experiencing mind within the time and space of the storyworld. Fictional minds’ (inter)actions are also demonstrated as evolving from local experientiality to long-term calculations that turn emotional incidents into episodes, and episodes into stories. In Vartio’s novels, the emotional story structure of certain conventional story patterns, such as the narratives of female development and the romance plot, the sentimental novel, and epistolary fiction, are modified and causally altered in the portrayal of the embodied interactions between the self, the other, and the world. The trajectories of female self-discovery in Vartio’s novels are analyzed through the emotional responses of characters: their experiences of randomness, their ways of counterfactualizing their traumatic past, their procrastinatory or akratic reactions or indecisiveness. The gradual move away from the percepts of the external world to the excessive imaginings and (mis)readings of other minds (triggered by the interaction of worlds and minds), challenges the contemporary and more recent accounts of modernism both in Finnish and international contexts.
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"Has Scotland suffered from colonial oppression by England for the last 300 years? While historiography may give an answer in the negative,this study reveals that the contemporary Scottish novel ishaunted by strong feelings, marked by perceptions of abjection andinferiorisation in response to constructing the English as dominating.Drawing from an unprecedented corpus of contemporary Scottishnovels, this study explores the postcolonial in Scottish fiction inorder to investigate the underlying discursive power relations thatshape the Scottish literary imagination. The study consequentlydemonstrates that the analysis of Scottish national identity profitsfrom this new angle of interpretation of the Scottish novel as postcolonial.The analysis of discourses such as those of gender, class,space and place, and race reveals how the construction of the Scottishas marginalised permeates the width of the contemporary Scottishnovel, by referring to diverse examples, such as James Kelman’sHow late it was, how late or genre fiction such as Ian Rankin’s Set inDarkness. Thus, this study provides an insightful reading in the wakeof current political developments such as the Scottish independencereferendum."
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Last Year at Betty and Bob's: A Novelty is the first in a series of novellas emerging from a writing practice that taps the cusp of consciousness between dreaming and waking. A storyline, or genealogy, tinted a shade of RGB blue, is fashioned by thinking through the felt unthought of this between space. A fabulation, an anarchive of what passes through. Lucid dreaming of this type is rife with allusions to conceptual and material goings-on, manifesting in awkward imaginaries. The dream personas are rendered as complex character amalgams with nomadic ages, sexes, genders and phenotypes. Occurrences of lived "fact" elide with a hallucinatory real as speculation. In A Novelty, Bette B, an ageing quasi-academic artist researcher, and BOB, attuned urban rodent, are palindromic variants of a generic cast of Betty's and Bob's. The happenstance of their meeting on the super slick POMOC (PostOffice MotionCorridor) affects a trans-special contagion. These are the facts of the matter. The matters that come to concern both B's are more slippery and elusive.
Fiction --- Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945) --- Metafiction --- Novellas (Short novels) --- Novels --- Stories --- Literature --- Novelists --- Philosophy --- Fiction. --- primary colors --- transhumanism --- fiction --- consumerism --- feminism --- art collective --- artistic research
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Reimagining Urban Nature questions some of the underlying imaginaries which have for so long allowed us humans to develop technologically at great cost to the more-than-human world and ourselves. In urban places, cultural and more-than-human entities are in frequent contact; however, the non-human is often seen as expendable in these human-centric places. While much important work has been done on improving care for the more rural and wild areas of the globe, to really address environmental damage we must work towards reimagining the city. These are places where the majority of people live and work, and where the majority of decisions are made about the care and protection of many environments within and beyond the city. This book contributes to the still under-developed field of urban ecocriticism by adding a posthumanist perspective, as well as expanding current discussions within urban studies and environmental activism that seek to shift political and cultural imaginaries of urban nature. Importantly, this investigation is grounded in the Australian (and more broadly, the Australasian) context to allow for the analysis of a more diverse set of voices, texts and ecologies in an area still dominated by the northern hemisphere and the Global North.
Ecocriticism. --- Urban ecology (Sociology) --- Cities and towns --- Urban ecology --- Urban environment --- Social ecology --- Sociology, Urban --- Ecological literary criticism --- Environmental literary criticism --- Criticism --- Environmental aspects --- non-human nature --- environment --- Australian literature --- ecocriticism --- contemporary fiction
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"This is a book about the power game currently being played out between two symbiotic cultural institutions: the university and the novel. As the number of hyper-knowledgeable literary fans grows, students and researchers in English departments waver between dismissing and harnessing voices outside the academy. Meanwhile, the role that the university plays in contemporary literary fiction is becoming increasingly complex and metafictional, moving far beyond the 'campus novel' of the mid-twentieth century. Martin Paul Eve's engaging and far-reaching study explores the novel's contribution to the ongoing displacement of cultural authority away from university English. Spanning the works of Jennifer Egan, Ishmael Reed, Tom McCarthy, Sarah Waters, Percival Everett, Roberto Bolaño and many others, Literature Against Criticism forces us to re-think our previous notions about the relationship between those who write literary fiction and those who critique it."--Publisher's website.
Literature --- Fiction --- Criticism --- Popular literature --- Study and teaching (Higher) --- Authorship. --- History and criticism. --- Appraisal of books --- Books --- Evaluation of literature --- Literary style --- Fiction writing --- Writing, Fiction --- Authorship --- Appraisal --- Evaluation --- History and criticism --- Theory, etc. --- university english --- roberto bolaño --- ishmael reed --- contemporary fiction --- sarah waters --- metafiction --- jennifer egan --- tom mccarthy --- percival everett --- academia --- Literary criticism --- Postmodernism
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