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Les professionnels de la petite enfance (auxiliaires de puériculture, assistants maternels, EJE, etc.) exercent des métiers éprouvants. Aujourd'hui encore, ils peinent à être valorisés. Ils participent pourtant à la construction des tout-petits, dans cette période cruciale – avant 3 ans – où leur cerveau se développe et où les tempêtes émotionnelles sont le lot du quotidien. Ce guide est un véritable manuel de survie pour tous les professionnels confrontés à des situations qui les dépassent parfois ou qui posent question. L'auteure s'appuie sur les neurosciences pour balayer de nombreuses idées reçues et livrer des outils précieux. Son approche empathique et bienveillante permettra au lecteur de mieux vivre cet accompagnement de tous les instants.
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Les assistantes maternelles exercent un métier mal connu et souvent dénigré : pourtant elles sont fières de leur profession, de leur savoir-faire et de leur engagement auprès des tout-petits. L'importance de la prime enfance est aujourd'hui unanimement reconnue : les assistantes maternelles, premier mode d'accueil en France, ont donc un rôle essentiel à jouer. Malgré leur mode de recrutement obsolète, leur formation initiale trop courte et les nombreuses embûches qu'elles rencontrent au quotidien, elles ont à coeur de se former et de s'informer pour proposer une qualité d'accueil individuel et familial au plus près des besoins des enfants. Au travers de nombreux témoignages, l'auteure propose de faire découvrir, de l'intérieur, ce passionnant métier aux multiples facettes.
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"This scholarly monograph is based on a doctoral dissertation, On Holding Part of a Child's Life in One's Hands. Conversations between Professionals and Children with Mentally Ill or Substance Addicted Parents: An Ethical and Narrative Perspective, the subject of which is children's participation in group therapy discussions for children whose parents are mentally ill or substance users. The book builds on experiences from participant observation in seven different groups and follow-up conversations with the participating children and the professionals who lead the groups. The objective was to investigate the possibilities children have in such groups for being independent subjects in search of and making sense. The issue is: How are a child's experiences handled in discussion groups for children of mentally ill or substance addicted parents? The book's scientific anchor is in expository hermeneutics, which underpins the emphasis on the significance of balance and reciprocity in interactions between the children and the professionals who lead the groups. In this connection, exploring in concrete situations how the group leader created space for the individual child's perspective by putting his/her own perspectives into play (or by not doing so) is central. Expository hermeneutics also makes possible identifying some of what is not put into words, barely mentioned or implied, in interactions between the professional and the child, but which nonetheless may have considerable bearing on the understanding that is formed. The experiences and observations from the discussion groups are conveyed via nine stories detailing specific conversations and activities in which the children conveyed their experiences, thoughts and feelings, without them becoming further topics in the group work. Through interpretation of these stories a perception emerges of group conversation for children with mentally ill or addicted parents as being a practice in which the child's own experience of their parent's illness or dependency is only to a limited degree made an issue. Through a theoretical discussion in which what has transpired in the group interactions is elevated to a more generally insightful level, a deeper understanding of this phenomenon is sought."
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Sylvie Favre Novel, responsable du RAM de Pfastatt, et Monique Lorber, formatrice auprès d'éducateurs de jeunes enfants, ont proposé un atelier d'écriture à des assistantes maternelles qui souhaitaient laisser des traces de leurs expériences. Angela, Bernadette, Djamila, Françoise et Matilde ont décidé de se lancer dans cette aventure ! Cet ouvrage témoigne au plus vrai de leur minutieux et précieux accompagnement de l'enfant et restitue leur savoir-faire et leur savoir-être. Vous devinerez dans ce livre, aux accents spontanés, vif de leurs émois et leurs tremblements, de leur innocence parfois ou même de leurs doutes profonds, toute l'énergie, la passion, le travail et surtout l'authenticité d'un métier en devenir, appelé aujourd'hui à se développer, mais aussi à se complexifier : assistant(e) maternel(le).
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What is the meaning of friendship? Can the meaning of life be found in football fan culture? What do pupils learn about the environment in ethics classes in schools and what does a young refugee girl think about God? This are but some of the questions raised in this anthology where scholars from a variety of fields within teacher education examine existential and moral life questions from child and youth perspectives in various cultural expressions such as TV-series, fiction literature and real life encounters. The anthology examines how curricula and textbooks relate to the challenges of diversity and the urgent call for sustainability, and raise questions concerning the implementation of overreaching principles of democracy and citizenship in school. By approaching moral and existential questions of life from a child and youth perspective, this book offers a valuable contribution to the professional discourse within teacher education.
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