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A history of the first 150 years of Cornell University Press.
Publishing industry & book trade --- Publishing & book trade
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06.26 book trade, booksellers catalogues. --- Antiquariaten.
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Book industries and trade --- -Book industries and trade --- -Book trade --- Cultural industries --- Manufacturing industries --- Book trade
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Publish or perish! Researchers are very familiar with this injunction. But what should be published, where, when, how and with whom? Some questions to which this book attempts to find answers. Filled with numerous links and videos, this electronic book will help the researcher to navigate through the complex, moving world of scientific publication.
Publishing industry & book trade --- information system --- technology --- learning
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This work provides the legal framework in which the Venetian book trade operated in the years 1527-1565. The repertoire documents the systematic use that authors and printers made of the privileges system to ensure exclusivity in the economic exploitation of a work and thus protect their work and investments. The archival and bibliographic sources collected in this volume testify to the entrepreneurial strategies implemented by authors and printers to innovate and diversify publishing production in order to create products capable of competing on foreign markets. The repertoire also traces the role of the Venetian State in promoting and protecting the local book industry in a context characterized by constant historical and political changes. Questa opera fornisce il quadro giuridico in cui operò il commercio librario veneziano negli anni 1527-1565. Il repertorio documenta il sistematico uso che autori e stampatori fecero del sistema dei privilegi per assicurarsi l’esclusività nello sfruttamento economico di un’opera e proteggere così il proprio lavoro e i propri investimenti. Le fonti archivistiche e bibliografiche raccolte in questo volume testimoniano le strategie imprenditoriali messe in atto da autori e stampatori per innovare e diversificare la produzione editoriale allo scopo di creare prodotti capaci di competere sui mercati esteri. Il repertorio traccia inoltre il ruolo dello Stato veneziano nel promuovere e proteggere l’industria libraria locale in un contesto caratterizzato da continui cambiamenti storici e politici.
Law --- Printing privilege --- Publishing innovations --- Renaissance --- Venice --- Book Trade
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Kartografiegeschichte erforscht Karten und die Akteure, welche die Karten erstellen. Die Kultur des Produzenten spielt dabei eine ebenso große Rolle, wie auch die Bedeutung des Karteninhaltes für den (vermeintlichen) Rezipienten. Dabei wurde in der Vergangenheit häufig außer Acht gelassen, dass die Kartenproduktion der Neuzeit keinesfalls eine Freizeitbeschäftigung einiger Weniger war, deren herausragende gesellschaftliche Stellung erst die Ressourcen der Erzeugung von Weltbildern auf Papier zur Verfügung stellte. Die Rolle der Kartografie als gewinnbringende Option des Buchhandels kam in der Literatur bislang zu kurz. Auf Basis dieses Befundes unterteilt sich die Arbeit in drei Analyseschritte, die die Bedeutung der Ökonomie für die Erzeugung von Kartografie im deutschsprachigen Raum sichtbar werden lassen sollen: Die Gestaltung der Karten als Handelsware, die Rolle der die Produktion und Kartenerzeugung praktizierenden Akteure dabei und der Ort des tatsächlichen Handels. Dieser Analyse ermöglicht damit am Beispiel des deutschsprachigen Kartenhandels eine neue Sichtweise auf die Kartografie des 19. Jahrhunderts und die Bedeutung von Landkarten für einen globalisierten Handel mit Druckerzeugnissen der Zeit. There has been an encouragingly large increase in the number of texts being published on topics of cartographic history in the last twenty years. This volume opens up new perspectives on questions relating to how maps are used today in the heart of Europe. This is achieved above all by analyzing maps as commodities.
Cartographic history. --- book trade. --- global history. --- marketing history. --- E-books
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This work provides the legal framework in which the Venetian book trade operated in the years 1527-1565. The repertoire documents the systematic use that authors and printers made of the privileges system to ensure exclusivity in the economic exploitation of a work and thus protect their work and investments. The archival and bibliographic sources collected in this volume testify to the entrepreneurial strategies implemented by authors and printers to innovate and diversify publishing production in order to create products capable of competing on foreign markets. The repertoire also traces the role of the Venetian State in promoting and protecting the local book industry in a context characterized by constant historical and political changes. Questa opera fornisce il quadro giuridico in cui operò il commercio librario veneziano negli anni 1527-1565. Il repertorio documenta il sistematico uso che autori e stampatori fecero del sistema dei privilegi per assicurarsi l’esclusività nello sfruttamento economico di un’opera e proteggere così il proprio lavoro e i propri investimenti. Le fonti archivistiche e bibliografiche raccolte in questo volume testimoniano le strategie imprenditoriali messe in atto da autori e stampatori per innovare e diversificare la produzione editoriale allo scopo di creare prodotti capaci di competere sui mercati esteri. Il repertorio traccia inoltre il ruolo dello Stato veneziano nel promuovere e proteggere l’industria libraria locale in un contesto caratterizzato da continui cambiamenti storici e politici.
Printing privilege --- Publishing innovations --- Renaissance --- Venice --- Book Trade
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This work provides the legal framework in which the Venetian book trade operated in the years 1527-1565. The repertoire documents the systematic use that authors and printers made of the privileges system to ensure exclusivity in the economic exploitation of a work and thus protect their work and investments. The archival and bibliographic sources collected in this volume testify to the entrepreneurial strategies implemented by authors and printers to innovate and diversify publishing production in order to create products capable of competing on foreign markets. The repertoire also traces the role of the Venetian State in promoting and protecting the local book industry in a context characterized by constant historical and political changes. Questa opera fornisce il quadro giuridico in cui operò il commercio librario veneziano negli anni 1527-1565. Il repertorio documenta il sistematico uso che autori e stampatori fecero del sistema dei privilegi per assicurarsi l’esclusività nello sfruttamento economico di un’opera e proteggere così il proprio lavoro e i propri investimenti. Le fonti archivistiche e bibliografiche raccolte in questo volume testimoniano le strategie imprenditoriali messe in atto da autori e stampatori per innovare e diversificare la produzione editoriale allo scopo di creare prodotti capaci di competere sui mercati esteri. Il repertorio traccia inoltre il ruolo dello Stato veneziano nel promuovere e proteggere l’industria libraria locale in un contesto caratterizzato da continui cambiamenti storici e politici.
Law --- Printing privilege --- Publishing innovations --- Renaissance --- Venice --- Book Trade
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Book history --- 655.425 <492> --- Antiquariaatsboekhandel. Boekenantiquariaat. Tweedehandsboekhandel--Nederland --- Antiquarian booksellers --- Book industries and trade --- Book trade --- Cultural industries --- Manufacturing industries --- Antiquarian book trade --- Antiquarian bookstores --- Secondhand book trade --- Secondhand booksellers --- Secondhand bookstores --- Used book trade --- Used bookstores --- Antiques --- Booksellers and bookselling --- Secondhand trade --- Book collecting --- Bookstores --- Books --- Out-of-print books --- History --- Want lists --- Gerits, Anton.
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How and Why to Read and Create Children's Digital Books outlines effective ways of using digital books in early years and primary classrooms, and specifies the educational potential of using digital books and apps in physical spaces and virtual communities. With a particular focus on apps and personalised reading, Natalia Kucirkova combines theory and practice to argue that personalised reading is only truly personalised when it is created or co-created by reading communities.Divided into two parts, Part I suggests criteria to evaluate the educational quality of digital books and practical strategies for their use in the classroom. Specific attention is paid to the ways in which digital books can support individual children’s strengths and difficulties, digital literacies, language and communication skills. Part II explores digital books created by children, their caregivers, teachers and librarians, and Kucirkova also offers insights into how smart toys, tangibles and augmented/virtual reality tools can enrich children’s reading for pleasure.
Book design --- Education --- Publishing industry & book trade --- Children's, Teenage & educational
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