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The October War
ISBN: 0813028922 9780813028927 Year: 2001 Publisher: Gainesville University Press of Florida

The watchman fell asleep
ISBN: 0791483126 1423748719 9781423748717 0791464814 9780791464816 0791464822 9780791464823 9780791483121 Year: 2005 Publisher: Albany State University of New York Press

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Based on many formerly undisclosed intelligence and military documents, the secret protocols of discussions on the eve of the war, and interviews with relevant figures, The Watchman Fell Asleep is a compelling account of Israel's intelligence failure before the 1973 Arab attack known as the Yom Kippur War. The Hebrew version of this book was awarded the Tshetshik Prize for Strategic Studies on Israel's Security in 2001, and the Israeli Political Science Association's Best Book Award in 2002. Available here in English for the first time, Uri Bar-Joseph has crafted an authoritative explanation of the most traumatic event in Israel's stormy history and one of the biggest strategic military surprises of the twentieth century.

Le Proche-Orient à la recherche de la paix 1973-1982
ISSN: 02432331 ISBN: 2130375189 9782130375180 Year: 1982 Publisher: Paris: PUF,

La guerre israelo-arabe d'octobre 1973: une nouvelle donne militaire au Proche-Orient
ISBN: 2717838139 9782717838138 Year: 1999 Volume: ; 15 Publisher: Paris: Economica,

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Le 6 octobre 1973, une nouvelle guerre israélo-arabe embrase le Proche-Orient. Les armées égyptiennes et syriennes déclenchent une offensive surprise contre les forces de défense israéliennes stationnées le long du canal de Suez et du plateau du Golan, bousculant pour la première fois une armée habituée aux succès faciles. Trois semaines plus tard, Américains et Soviétiques parviennent à imposer un cessez-le-feu. La situation géostratégique est durablement bouleversée dans cette région. Près de quarante ans plus tard, cet événement suscite encore bien des interrogations. Pourquoi cette guerre a-t-elle éclaté ? Pourquoi l armée israélienne s est-elle retrouvée initialement en situation d échec ? Quels ont été les facteurs qui lui ont permis de récupérer l initiative des opérations ? Quels rôles les deux grandes puissances ont-elles joué dans le déclenchement, le suivi et le règlement du conflit ? Quelle a été l attitude de l Europe ? Quels ont été les vecteurs de la mondialisation de cette crise régionale ? C est à toutes ces questions que répond cet ouvrage, fruit d une recherche pluridisciplinaire menée dans les centres de documentation les plus spécialisés, mais aussi sur les lieux mêmes des combats. L auteur démontre que cette guerre s est soldée par une victoire militaire pour les Israéliens, par un succès politique pour les Arabes et par une percée diplomatique pour les Américains. Il souligne en outre les enseignements militaires qu il convient de retenir de ce conflit. Cet ouvrage d une remarquable précision, abondamment illustré de cartes, diagrammes et tableaux, constitue la première synthèse publiée sur le sujet depuis la fin de la guerre froide, évitant ainsi les partis pris systématiques nés de l affrontement des blocs. Il voudrait de ce fait apporter au lecteur de nouveaux éléments de réflexion, à l heure où le conflit israélo-arabe occupe toujours le devant de la scène internationale et présente certaines similitudes avec la situation qui prévalait à la veille de la guerre d octobre.

Israël : la fin des mythes
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2226001654 9782226001658 Year: 1975 Publisher: Paris: Albin Michel,

Soldier in the Sinai
Authors: ---
ISBN: 081315331X 0813150817 9780813150819 1322059292 9781322059297 9780813150826 0813150825 9780813153315 9780813150802 0813150809 Year: 2014 Publisher: Lexington, Kentucky

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An intriguing and detailed evaluation of Israel's flawed defence, 'Soldier in the Sinai' offers a first-hand account of military strategy from a general who commanded a regular tank battalion that fought in the most desperate battles of the conflict. Based on extensive research, including interviews with the principal officers involved, this book provides a meticulous critique of the faulty assumptions and lack of planning that contributed to the disastrous early battles of the Yom Kippur War.

Israeli culture on the road to the Yom Kippur War
ISBN: 0739185950 9780739185957 1306536723 9781306536721 9780739185940 0739185942 Year: 2014 Publisher: Lanham, MD

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While many scholars have tried to explain why Israel was caught unawares despite its sophisticated military intelligence services, Dalia Gavriely-Nuri looks beyond the military, intelligence, and political explanations to a cultural explanation. Israeli Culture on the Road to the Yom Kippur War reveals that the culture that evolved in Israel between the Six Day War and the Yom Kippur War played a large role in the surprise. Gavriely-Nuri's analysis provides new and innovative insights into the relationship between culture and s

Intelligence success and failure : the human factor
Authors: ---
ISBN: 019067699X 0190677007 0199341753 Year: 2017 Publisher: New York, NY : Oxford University Press,

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'Intelligence Success and Failure' presents a new theory in the study of strategic surprise that claims the key explanation for warning failure is not unintentional action, but rather, motivated biases in key intelligence and central leaders that null any sense of doubt prior to surprise attacks.

Hero of the crossing
ISBN: 1612347975 1612347959 9781612347950 9781612347974 9781612347028 1612347029 9781612347967 1612347967 Year: 2016 Publisher: Lincoln

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"Assessment of Anwar Sadat and the 1973 War, as well as the event's global implications"-- "In eleven dramatic years, Anwar Sadat changed history--not just that of Egypt, or of the Middle East, but of the entire world. As the architect of the 1973 war against Israel, he gained the support of other Arab nations and inspired the oil embargo that transformed the global economy. Following the war, however, he forever ended Arab aspirations of unity by making peace with Israel. Early in his presidency, Sadat jettisoned Egypt's alliance with the Soviet Union and turned to the United States, thereby giving the West a crucial Cold War victory. Sadat's historic tenure still resonates in the twenty-first century as the Islamic activists--whom he originally encouraged but who opposed his conciliatory policy toward Israel and ultimately played a role in his assassination--continue to foster activism, including the Muslim Brotherhood, today.Thomas W. Lippman was stationed in the Middle East as a journalist during Sadat's presidency and lived in Egypt in the aftermath of the October War. He knew Sadat personally, but only now, after the passage of time and the long-delayed release of the U.S. State Department's diplomatic files, can Lippman assess the full consequences of Sadat's presidency. Hero of the Crossing provides an eye-opening account of the profound reverberations of one leader's political, cultural, and economic maneuverings and legacy"--

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